New York.. Time to Move Lady Liberty..

You would think Trump will get the chair if he loses with the way his followers are melting down. Never seen a more pathetic overreaction. At worst he will be given a slap on the wrist, some sort of fine you people will gladly pay for him and not feel the least bit used.

Fear-pissing at its finest.

New York represents the pathetic failure of governance of the Democrat Party and morons that infect it.. All that’s melting down is the Democrat Party … maybe you should just wake up to thIs reality.
It's the only juridiction in this entire country that can sometimes successfully prosecute a billionaire for anything. It should make you sad to live in a country where the wealthy and well connected can barely be touched by the law. Instead you are counting on it. It's why Trump walks around like the King of Siam knowing he can always buy his way out of anything. It's a bonus now that he has so many saps eager to give him free money to do it.
It's your case.

It's your statement.

It's your job to prove it.

Now all I am curious about is how you will tuck tail and run without making it look like you are tucking tail and running.

Whatcha got?
Eh, I’m kinda busy at the moment and I’d rather not play your silly headed game.. ask tubby Alvin first, then get back with me..
It's the only juridiction in this entire country that can sometimes successfully prosecute a billionaire for anything. It should make you sad to live in a country where the wealthy and well connected can barely be touched by the law. Instead you are counting on it. It's why Trump walks around like the King of Siam knowing he can always buy his way out of anything. It's a bonus now that he has so many saps eager to give him free money to do it.
There are a lot of Progs who carry that mantra. Giving lip service to all that the agendists hold near and dear.
It's the only juridiction in this entire country that can sometimes successfully prosecute a billionaire for anything. It should make you sad to live in a country where the wealthy and well connected can barely be touched by the law. Instead you are counting on it. It's why Trump walks around like the King of Siam knowing he can always buy his way out of anything. It's a bonus now that he has so many saps eager to give him free money to do it.
Blah.. blah ..blah .. moving on
A clerical error.
Maybe you need to read the indictment. The whole thing is about HOW Trump recorded a payment in a book no one but his own business usually sees anyway and the alleged INTENTIONS in his mind as to whether he hoped that it would somehow benefit him, as if every other businessman and politician in Washington hasn't done the same thing a thousand times. It was as a legal expense instead of a campaign payment.

One would almost think he's trying to hide something.
Hide what? That some bimbo he may or may not have dated briefly saw an opportunity to extort him for some money because he was about to be famous?
That's a LOT of clerical errors.

No Jack. That is a lot of alleged bullshit.

Sorry Jack,
  • NO arrest,
  • NO mugshot,
  • NO orange jumpsuit.
You were deprived again.

Trump is at home resting comfortably at Mar A Lago making plans on how to destroy this latest attempt to keep him out of the WH so that dogshit like your chinese puppet Biden can be there.
Move it to the southern border where all of the immigrants come from these days anyway…

Comeuppance? For the "intent" of a ten year old clerical error? By a guy who already dots every i and crosses every t because he is audited every year?

Gee, I can't wait until we start digging into the comeuppance of Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Hillary Clinton, Barry Obumma, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell, and about thirty others!
Paying off a Hooker to keep quiet is a “clerical error”?

1). Stormy Daniels has denied in writing there was ever any affair at all.

Ummm….that is what she was paid off to say
Trump probably had someone write it for her
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Paying off a Hooker to keep quiet is a “clerical error”?

Paying a whore that now legally denies that it ever happened..

This will end up costing billions for American taxpayers and for what .. Trump will still be a multi-billionaire... :beer:
Paying a whore that now legally denies that it ever happened..

This will end up costing billions for American taxpayers and for what .. Trump will still be a multi-billionaire... :beer:
Actually, Stormy has been commenting on Trumps 3 inch penis and how he sucks in bed

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