New York.. Time to Move Lady Liberty..

You would think Trump will get the chair if he loses with the way his followers are melting down. Never seen a more pathetic overreaction. At worst he will be given a slap on the wrist, some sort of fine you people will gladly pay for him and not feel the least bit used.

Bragg isn't going through with this farce for a slap on the wrist.
Yup, Lady Liberty should be replaced with a Donkeys Patoot.. New York has become a national embarrassment, a farce, a pathetic example of Freedom and Liberty..
He broke the law Freaky.
WHAT law? How? What was the crime? Who was the victim?

The laws he violated are spelled out in the indictment.
What crime does the indictment name that he was covering up?

You're getting awfully bent out of shape over this bottom of the rung indictment.
Not half as much as all of the democrat pundits disappointed saying there is nothing there and not half as much as the other agencies looking to charge Trump who say that Bragg's case is so weak that it makes theirs look worse!

We haven't even gotten to the ones that can actually land his ass in prison (GA, J6, MarALago docs).
Keep thinking that. You see Jerkoff, here's the thing, the actual FACTS:
  1. If that indictment were against anyone else, it wouldn't have even been brought, and it would have been thrown out. It's not about any crime, it is about the MAN, using corrupt police force to target individuals, not with justice, certainly not blind-justice, but about the state going after people who are a threat to unseating them and their corrupt hold on power.
  2. Bragg has already broken the law twice, first in trying a federal crime in a state court, then for criminally leaking the Grand Jury decision which is secret, and finally for going BEYOND his own indictment in trying to JUSTIFY his indictment!
  3. There is no crime. The entire point of an NDA agreement is not to DISCLOSE. Bragg is claiming that Trump then broke the law because he failed to DISCLOSE the Non-Disclosure Agreement! That is absurd. It holds no legal water. It is never done that way and it is done all of the time. Half the legal community is howling, the other half are appalled, included most all the other legal experts in New York. In fact, foreign leaders from Central America ask: "What would YOU think if a foreign country arrested their #1 top political candidate running for president against the incumbent in THEIR country? And on paper-thin, specious grounds? The USA has lost ALL grounds to come to other countries now lecturing THEM on democracy."
  4. Worst of all, all of the dates in the indictment fall WELL AFTER the time of the alleged crime! The alleged crime being protected though not spelled out was to hide the allegations by Daniels so as to not impact his election for POTUS, yet all of the so called "crimes" are dated in 2017 long after he was already in office!
  5. Bragg RAN on getting Trump, before he even knew there was any crime. The media has the people of Manhattan fired up ready to hang a dead horse, and the judge's wife hates Trump and actually worked for the campaigns to election Kamala Harris and others, so Trump cannot and will not possibly get a fair trial. Bragg will prosecute the case and the all-democrat hostile jury will convict him, then Trump's attorneys will call for a mistrial and have the case retried in another venue outside of NYC, maybe upstate NY and will easily win.
  6. The Georgia case is likewise a non-starter because there is no crime there and you cannot convict a case on someone saying to try to go FIND more votes. Trump did not say to CREATE the votes, so Georgia is dead.
  7. J6 likewise, there is no crime there, you cannot convict a person because he told a group of people to go to the Capitol and march peaceably in support of Pence, etc.
  8. Mar A Lago is likewise dead. Like the others, they can try, but no cigar. Every document there was legally and lawfully assembled, boxed and transported to Mar A Lago and stored there, checked on, even locked up in full accordance with NARA. The whole point to the raid was hoping to incite Trump Supporters to go ape so they could claim them a dangerous group! The more they try to go down this dead-end road, the more they only draw Biden and his crack son into the limelight for THEIR having documents with NO authorization, egregious storage practices and getting huge sums of seed money from the Chinese government deposited into their family accounts.
  9. None of this is meant to put Trump in prison. It never will because it's all BULLSHIT to sway melonhead dickwad idiots like you. The REAL point to all of this is to sway enough uncommitted center-of-the-post people to hear about and read this claptrap in the leftist media to sway the election to their side causing Trump to lose again thus rigging another election. The other part of it is that the GOP and RNC don't even want to win! McConnell is a traitor, bought out and sold. Since last Fall, the RNC has actually FACILITATED several key losses such that the Lake loss in AZ and the Fetterman/Oz loss in PA. Now, they injected paltry funds into the Wisconsin Supreme Court garnering no TV ad time while the DNC went ape and dumped TRIPLE the maximum they ever have there before to get some dumb, flaky broad elected who is a proven liar and incompetent. Now Wisconsin is free to pass whatever laws they need to change election laws making a GOP victory there impossible. With the loss of Wisconsin, Arizona and PA, I agree, Trump is looking at a real uphill battle.
THAT is what is going to happen, THAT is what this is all really about. It is about this FUCKING DISASTER Biden running again and winning despite his massive unpopularity and horrid behavior and performance, it is about making a victory for Trump impossible NO MATTER HOW popular he really is so that the deep state can control the outcome of another election to effect their continued global agenda of deplatforming the US economy and energy structure and dollar since all their other efforts to stop Trump who is their main opponent in the effort have FAILED.

THAT is what this is all about, Jerky, and if you can celebrate that, you are severely fucked in the head for you are not supporting "democracy" but third-world communism. Just remember, what comes around goes around, and if they can do it to Trump, then they can do it to ANYONE including the DNC or even YOU.
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WHAT law? How? What was the crime? Who was the victim?

What crime does the indictment name that he was covering up?

Not half as much as all of the democrat pundits disappointed saying there is nothing there and not half as much as the other agencies looking to charge Trump who say that Bragg's case is so weak that it makes theirs look worse!

Keep thinking that. You see Jerkoff, here's the thing, the actual FACTS:
  1. If that indictment were against anyone else, it wouldn't have even been brought, and it would have been thrown out. It's not about any crime, it is about the MAN, using corrupt police force to target individuals, not with justice, certainly not blind-justice, but about the state going after people who are a threat to unseating them and their corrupt hold on power.
  2. Bragg has already broken the law twice, first in trying a federal crime in a state court, then for criminally leaking the Grand Jury decision which is secret, and finally for going BEYOND his own indictment in trying to JUSTIFY his indictment!
  3. There is no crime. The entire point of an NDA agreement is not to DISCLOSE. Bragg is claiming that Trump then broke the law because he failed to DISCLOSE the Non-Disclosure Agreement! That is absurd. It holds no legal water. It is never done that way and it is done all of the time. Half the legal community is howling, the other half are appalled, included most all the other legal experts in New York. In fact, foreign leaders from Central America ask: "What would YOU think if a foreign country arrested their #1 top political candidate running for president against the incumbent in THEIR country? And on paper-thin, specious grounds? The USA has lost ALL grounds to come to other countries now lecturing THEM on democracy."
  4. Worst of all, all of the dates in the indictment fall WELL AFTER the time of the alleged crime! The alleged crime being protected though not spelled out was to hide the allegations by Daniels so as to not impact his election for POTUS, yet all of the so called "crimes" are dated in 2017 long after he was already in office!
  5. Bragg RAN on getting Trump, before he even knew there was any crime. The media has the people of Manhattan fired up ready to hang a dead horse, and the judge's wife hates Trump and actually worked for the campaigns to election Kamala Harris and others, so Trump cannot and will not possibly get a fair trial. Bragg will prosecute the case and the all-democrat hostile jury will convict him, then Trump's attorneys will call for a mistrial and have the case retried in another venue outside of NYC, maybe upstate NY and will easily win.
  6. The Georgia case is likewise a non-starter because there is no crime there and you cannot convict a case on someone saying to try to go FIND more votes. Trump did not say to CREATE the votes, so Georgia is dead.
  7. J6 likewise, there is no crime there, you cannot convict a person because he told a group of people to go to the Capitol and march peaceably in support of Pence, etc.
  8. Mar A Lago is likewise dead. Like the others, they can try, but no cigar. Every document there was legally and lawfully assembled, boxed and transported to Mar A Lago and stored there, checked on, even locked up in full accordance with NARA. The whole point to the raid was hoping to incite Trump Supporters to go ape so they could claim them a dangerous group! The more they try to go down this dead-end road, the more they only draw Biden and his crack son into the limelight for THEIR having documents with NO authorization, egregious storage practices and getting huge sums of seed money from the Chinese government deposited into their family accounts.
  9. None of this is meant to put Trump in prison. It never will because it's all BULLSHIT to sway melonhead dickwad idiots like you. The REAL point to all of this is to sway enough uncommitted center-of-the-post people to hear about and read this claptrap in the leftist media to sway the election to their side causing Trump to lose again thus rigging another election. The other part of it is that the GOP and RNC don't even want to win! McConnell is a traitor, bought out and sold. Since last Fall, the RNC has actually FACILITATED several key losses such that the Lake loss in AZ and the Fetterman/Oz loss in PA. Now, they injected pawtry funds into the Wiscobncin Supreme Court garnering no TV add time while the DNC went ape and dumped TRIPLE the maximum they ever have there before to get some dumb, fraky broad elected who is a proven liar and incompetent. Now Wisconsin is free to pass whatever laws they need to change election laws making a GOP victory there impossible. With the loss of Wisconsin, Arizona and PA, I agree, Trump is looking at a real uphill battle.
THAT is what is going to happen, THAT is what this is all really about. It is about this FUCKING DISASTER Biden running again and winning despite his massive unpopularity and horrid behavior and performance, it is about making a victory for Trump impossible NO MATTER HOW popular he really is so that the deep state can control the outcome of another election to effect their continued global agenda of deplatforming the US economy and energy structure and dollar since all their other efforts to stop Trump who is their main opponent in the effort have FAILED.

THAT is what this is all about, Jerky, and if you can celebrate that, you are severely fucked in the head for you are not supporting "democracy" but third-world communism. Just remember, what comes around goes around, and if they can do it to Trump, then they can do it to ANYONE including the DNC or even YOU.
^ Triggered ^
WHAT law? How? What was the crime? Who was the victim?

What crime does the indictment name that he was covering up?

Not half as much as all of the democrat pundits disappointed saying there is nothing there and not half as much as the other agencies looking to charge Trump who say that Bragg's case is so weak that it makes theirs look worse!

Keep thinking that. You see Jerkoff, here's the thing, the actual FACTS:
  1. If that indictment were against anyone else, it wouldn't have even been brought, and it would have been thrown out. It's not about any crime, it is about the MAN, using corrupt police force to target individuals, not with justice, certainly not blind-justice, but about the state going after people who are a threat to unseating them and their corrupt hold on power.
  2. Bragg has already broken the law twice, first in trying a federal crime in a state court, then for criminally leaking the Grand Jury decision which is secret, and finally for going BEYOND his own indictment in trying to JUSTIFY his indictment!
  3. There is no crime. The entire point of an NDA agreement is not to DISCLOSE. Bragg is claiming that Trump then broke the law because he failed to DISCLOSE the Non-Disclosure Agreement! That is absurd. It holds no legal water. It is never done that way and it is done all of the time. Half the legal community is howling, the other half are appalled, included most all the other legal experts in New York. In fact, foreign leaders from Central America ask: "What would YOU think if a foreign country arrested their #1 top political candidate running for president against the incumbent in THEIR country? And on paper-thin, specious grounds? The USA has lost ALL grounds to come to other countries now lecturing THEM on democracy."
  4. Worst of all, all of the dates in the indictment fall WELL AFTER the time of the alleged crime! The alleged crime being protected though not spelled out was to hide the allegations by Daniels so as to not impact his election for POTUS, yet all of the so called "crimes" are dated in 2017 long after he was already in office!
  5. Bragg RAN on getting Trump, before he even knew there was any crime. The media has the people of Manhattan fired up ready to hang a dead horse, and the judge's wife hastes Trump and actually worked for the campaigns to election Kamala Harris and others, so Trump cannot and will not possibly get a fair trial. Bragg will prosecute the case and the all-democrat will convict him, then Trump's attorneys will call for a mistrial and have the case retried in another venue outside of NYC, maybe upstate NY and will easily win.
  6. The Georgia case is likewise a non-starter because there is no crime there and you cannot convict a case on someone saying to try to go FIND more votes. Trump did not say to CREATE the votes, so Georgia is dead.
  7. J6 likewise, there is no crime there, you cannot convict a person because he told a group of people to go to the Capitol and march peaceably in support of Pence, etc.
  8. Mar A Lago is likewise dead. Like the others, they can try, but no cigar. Every document there was legally and lawfully assembled, boxed and transported to Mar A Lago and stored there, checked on, even locked up in full accordance with NARA. The whole point to the raid was hoping to incite Trump Supporters to go ape so they could claim them a dangerous group! The more they try to go down this dead-end road, the more they only draw Biden and his crack son into the limelight for THEIR having documents with NO authorization, egregious storage practices and getting huge sums of seed money from the Chinese government deposited into their family accounts.
  9. None of this is meant to put Trump in prison. It never will because it's all BULLSHIT to sway melonhead dickwad idiots like you. The REAL point to all of this is to sway enough uncommitted center-of-the-post people to hear about and read this claptrap in the leftist media to sway the election to their side causing Trump to lose again thus rigging another election. The other part of it is that the GOP and RNC don't even want to win! McConnell is a traitor, bought out and sold. Since last Fall, the RNC has actually FACILITATED several key losses such that the Lake loss in AZ and the Fetterman/Oz loss in PA. Now, they injected pawtry funds into the Wiscobncin Supreme Court garnering no TV add time while the DNC went ape and dumped TRIPLE the maximum they ever have there before to get some dumb, fraky broad elected who is a proven liar and incompetent. Now Wisconsin is free to pass whatever laws they need to change election laws making a GOP victory there impossible. With the loss of Wisconsin, Arizona and PA, I agree, Trump is looking at a real uphill battle.
THAT is what is going to happen, THAT is what this is all really about. It is about this FUCKING DISASTER Biden running again and winning despite his massive unpopularity and horrid behavior and performance, it is about making a victory for Trump impossible NO MATTER HOW popular he really is so that the deep state can control the outcome of another election to effect their continued global agenda of deplatforming the US economy and energy structure and dollar since all their other efforts to stop Trump who is their main opponent in the effort have FAILED.

THAT is what this is all about, Jerky, and if you can celebrate that, you are severely fucked in the head for you are not supporting "democracy" but third-world communism. Just remember, what comes around goes around, and if they can do it to Trump, then they can do it to ANYONE including the DNC or even YOU.
Wow. You put a lot of time and effort into a whole lot of nothing. You must be a bit worried. Well, I wouldn't get worried. The Manhattan DA is the least of his worries. They are going to indict him in GA, for J6th, and for his keeping docs at Mar-A-Lago.
What are you, on his defense team??? He's down to retaining you? :auiqs.jpg:

1) Of course it would have been brought against someone else. And that someone else wouldn't have gotten the consideration Trump did. We'd already be on our way to trial.
2) No evidence of this. Just like no evidence of massive fraud in the 2020 election.
3) According to the indictment...there was. And he was charged accordingly.
4) That's for a jury to decide. He was indicted. He either pleads, or goes to trial.
5) Bragg is doing his job. Just like the FBI did with the FISA warrants against Trump and his team in 2015 and 2016.
6) The GA case will result in an indictment for election tampering.
7) The J6 Special Counsel will also indict him for inciting insurrection. Maybe even for sedition.
8) LOL. They got him cold on this one. If he had just given ALL the docs back when he was asked for them, then there wouldn't have been an issue.
9) Who fucking cares? None of your spewed horseshit has anything to do with the fact that your savior stood in a courtroom yesterday and FINALLY had to answer for his bullshit with no one there to "fix" it for him. :)

As far as disasters go? Depends on how you look at it. For Republicans, yes, yesterday was a complete disaster. Donald Trump sucked ALL the oxygen out of the 2024 Republican primary. There is no one who can beat him. He is the 2024 Republican nominee.
But for Democrats, it was a win. Because now, it is almost certain that Trump loses the 2024 general election. :auiqs.jpg:
Wow. Must be the lamest COP OUT I've ever seen because you obviously did npt even read my post much less be able to dispute a single word I said. So noted.
For someone who was telling us how Trump being indicted means he will win re-election in a landslide and this is the end of the Democrat party -- instead of typing all of those emo-graphs, why don't you just type "Yay" with a smiley face?
Wow. You put a lot of time and effort into a whole lot of nothing.

FACTS. Facts are nothing? Only in your world of communism, Jack. I dare you to point out that a single thing I stated above doesn't now and into the future play out just as I said! It is all 100% FACTS.

Am I worried? Only an insane man would not be worried about watching the greatest country in the world falling to blind fascism and a police state, where all the honest people are locked up while the criminals run free and their country is sold out right from under their feet to support a global agenda, followed soon after by a collapse of our banks, a collapse of the US Dollar and even possibly leading to a third world war. Those are the designs of a madman.

Since you have stated that none of that worries YOU, then you are at best psychotic and deranged, to being an avid part of the coup being assaulted upon my country and so, an enemy to the United States and all its people. But I'll get the last laugh Jack, because in the end, do you know what communists do to all of their useful idiots? They always get a bullet in the head.
FACTS. Facts are nothing? Only in your world of communism, Jack. I dare you to point out that a single thing I stated above doesn't now and into the future play out just as I said! It is all 100% FACTS.

Am I worried? Only an insane man would not be worried about watching the greatest country in the world falling to blind fascism and a police state, where all the honest people are locked up while the criminals run free and their country to sold out right from under their feet to support a global agenda, followed soon after by a collapse of our banks, a collapse of the US Dollar and even possibly leading to a third world war. Those are the designs of a madman.

Since you have stated that none of that worries YOU, then you are at best psychotic and deranged, to being an avid part of the coup being assaulted upon my country and so, an enemy to the United States and all its people. But I'll get the last laugh Jack, because in the end, do you know what communists do to all of their useful idiots? They always get a bullet in the head.
I stated for you point by point why I thought your points won't play out. You're a bit hysterical in getting wound up over the lowest of the indictments against Trump. There's bigger and better coming. Ones with more teeth. And I think the fact that this time, they may really have him bothers you greatly.

A man who should have had his reckoning long ago....finally gets it. That's all. Nothing more spectacular than that.
I stated for you point by point why I thought your points won't play out.
Save your breath. What you think doesn't matter. I'm telling you the FACTS. Do you think I just pulled this out of my ass?

You're a bit hysterical in getting wound up over the lowest of the indictments against Trump. There's bigger and better coming. Ones with more teeth.
Teeth but no bite. I already told you where this is all headed. Trump will not spend one day in jail. It is all meant to keep him out of office by throwing another election the deep state's way. Gee, even leaders of hostile foreign countries can see it! You people are the DIAMETRIC OPPOSITE of everything democrats USED to say they represented! The D party is now the FASCIST party, the COMMUNIST party, the Marxist Totalitarian Party. Their new idea of "democracy" is a joke and so are you for not seeing it.

A man who should have had his reckoning long ago....finally gets it.
Trump is getting NOTHING, Jack. Gee, you really are as dense as concrete. You deserve what is coming, too bad for the rest of us.
The only people complaining are the same people who are also claiming its great and will guarantee Trump wins..

Are you folks just bipolar little bitches lost in your feels?
Even if this helps Trump, that doesnt mean that its right. What a stupid... STUPID argument. :cuckoo:
Even if this helps Trump, that doesnt mean that its right. What a stupid... STUPID argument. :cuckoo: doesn't help Trump -- except for in the minds of the most sycophantic of Trump cult

Guess what else it doesn't do?

It doesn't result in the collapse of America, blood in the streets, destruction and all of the other goofy hyperbolic bullshit yall have claimed...

We don't have Kings in this country -- no matter how much you want to be ruled by one....

And for all of that talk about "Well, they will be coming for Democrat presidents next"


_00-rea-008 (7).jpg doesn't help Trump -- except for in the minds of the most sycophantic of Trump cult

Guess what else it doesn't do?

It doesn't result in the collapse of America, blood in the streets, destruction and all of the other goofy hyperbolic bullshit yall have claimed...

We don't have Kings in this country -- no matter how much you want to be ruled by one....

And for all of that talk about "Well, they will be coming for Democrat presidents next"


View attachment 773506
God youre dumb. First off, Trump made tens of MILLIONS of dollars for his campaign in 1 day.

Secondly, are you so fucking stupid that you dont see where this leads? We will CRUCIFY your presidents as soon as they leave office now, and you will continue to do the same to us.
God youre dumb. First off, Trump made tens of MILLIONS of dollars for his campaign in 1 day.

Secondly, are you so fucking stupid that you dont see where this leads? We will CRUCIFY your presidents as soon as they leave office now, and you will continue to do the same to us.
Yes, we already know Trumpers will donate money to Trump regardless if he was indicted or not? Or do you think he wasn't already raising money off this before he was indicted?

And this will lead to you dic suckers finding someone else to worship after Trump no longer has the power you worshiped him for in the first place...

And if it leads to Democrats getting indicted for the fuck what? You morons are the ones who worship politicians, not the rest of us....we not losing sleep over the prospects of Hunter's laptop serving prison time...yall are clowns...
Cry more. No one is above the law.
Bullshit.. Hillary & Bill Clinton proved that several times . 😄

… and there’s a ponderous list of many others as well. Oddly they’re usually rich..
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You say this on a post about moving the statue of liberty just because your cult leader got arrested....
Actually, I could come up with a lot of reasons why New York doesn’t represent fly over America involving faith, patriotism, freedom, morality, criminality .. etc. but I’d rather not .
Save your breath. What you think doesn't matter. I'm telling you the FACTS. Do you think I just pulled this out of my ass?

Teeth but no bite. I already told you where this is all headed. Trump will not spend one day in jail. It is all meant to keep him out of office by throwing another election the deep state's way. Gee, even leaders of hostile foreign countries can see it! You people are the DIAMETRIC OPPOSITE of everything democrats USED to say they represented! The D party is now the FASCIST party, the COMMUNIST party, the Marxist Totalitarian Party. Their new idea of "democracy" is a joke and so are you for not seeing it.

Trump is getting NOTHING, Jack. Gee, you really are as dense as concrete. You deserve what is coming, too bad for the rest of us.
You pulled it from an alt-right website

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