New York Times Leaks Questions Mueller has for President Trump

Funny how when it is pointed out the Trump team leaked the questions all the Trump zealots magically disappear from the thread

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Proof? Libs lie every day about everything. It's what they do.

Where's your proof the Mueller team did it? Just as I thought you don't have it. Your orange god is a low life scum bag that has done nothing his whole life except to fuck others.
Funny how when it is pointed out the Trump team leaked the questions all the Trump zealots magically disappear from the thread

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Proof? Libs lie every day about everything. It's what they do.

Where's your proof the Mueller team did it? Just as I thought you don't have it. Your orange god is a low life scum bag that has done nothing his whole life except to fuck others.
What was leaked had grammar errors. Surprise surprise surprise.
Funny how when it is pointed out the Trump team leaked the questions all the Trump zealots magically disappear from the thread

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Proof? Libs lie every day about everything. It's what they do.

Where's your proof the Mueller team did it? Just as I thought you don't have it. Your orange god is a low life scum bag that has done nothing his whole life except to fuck others.
What was leaked had grammar errors. Surprise surprise surprise.
Well, well, well. That's extremely telling.
My bottom line is Trumpettes pull all kinds of crap and don't give a fk None of them have a conscience
starting from the top down
the list of questions came from the W H not Mueller

I think these are notes taken by the recipients of a conversation with Mueller’s office where he outlined broad topics and these guys wrote down questions that they thought these topics may raise,” Zeldin said on CNN's "New Day."

“Because of the way these questions are written ... lawyers wouldn’t write questions this way, in my estimation. Some of the grammar is not even proper," he continued. "So, I don’t see this as a list of written questions that Mueller’s office gave to the president. I think these are more notes that the White House has taken and then they have expanded upon the conversation to write out these as questions.”
Mueller's team is continually committing crimes by leaking in its obviously partisan Witch Hunt.

LAME !!!!..............If "leaking" were a crime, how many Trump cultists in congress would be indicted?

Besides, PROVE that the leak came from Mueller's team,,,,can you do that?
(ask Hannity for
put the fat bastard under oath and sit him down for the duration just like they did Bill Clinton.

end of story
Another example of how liberal media is in the bag for trying to overturn a constitutional democratic election. Mueller investigation has become nothing but a joke.
Mueller's questions for Trump leaked to NYT, in latest unexplained disclosure from Russia probe
Democrats lost the election...get over it.

What does Crooked Donnie have to worry about?
Glancing at the questions thus far leaked by the WH, I think they should be very concerned that Mueller already has answers to the questions he's asking Trump. And the answers probably aren't the answers Trump wants to give.
Another example of how liberal media is in the bag for trying to overturn a constitutional democratic election. Mueller investigation has become nothing but a joke.
Mueller's questions for Trump leaked to NYT, in latest unexplained disclosure from Russia probe
Democrats lost the election...get over it.

Democratic election?

Can you tell me how only 12 states having the chance to make a choice, how Wyoming and other smaller states having 3 times the voting power of larger states like Texas and California, is democratic?

Did it bug you when token half negro won?
I sure don't understand why trumpanzees such as yourself get this reputation as being racist. It's so unfair.

What did I say that was racist Pete?
Another example of how liberal media is in the bag for trying to overturn a constitutional democratic election. Mueller investigation has become nothing but a joke.
Mueller's questions for Trump leaked to NYT, in latest unexplained disclosure from Russia probe
Democrats lost the election...get over it.
From my understanding, these are the questions President Trump's lawyers wrote down as questions Mueller's team would ask Trump to answer....Mueller's team more than likely in their in person conversation with T's lawyers about the general category of questions Mueller wants answers to...

These T lawyers wrote these questions themselves, out of what they could gather from the category of topics given by the Mueller team....

The T lawyers LEAKED their own questions that they derived from their meeting with prosecutors in preparation of President Trump's almost inevitable questioning....

Why would they do that...?

The only reason I could come up with... is to get a response from Trump supporters, going in to an UPROAR, telling the President NOT to testify before the Special Counsel interrogators, ...right now, he's claiming he WANTS to testify and his lawyers are begging him not to...

which I kinda find hard to believe....

but if true, the T lawyers might be throwing a Hail hopes that his supporters could convince Trump not to do it....


The likely scenario that the lawyers are sounding the Trumpet for public opinion to be swayed in the direction of the president not that when he doesn't testify, he'll have his supporters behind him....

all shouting it's a witch hunt, why should he testify? ....kind of crapola.
Another example of how liberal media is in the bag for trying to overturn a constitutional democratic election. Mueller investigation has become nothing but a joke.
Mueller's questions for Trump leaked to NYT, in latest unexplained disclosure from Russia probe
Democrats lost the election...get over it.

New York Times Leaks Questions Mueller has for President Trump

Another example of how liberal media is in the bag for trying to overturn a constitutional democratic election.

Leaked to the NY Times. Not by the Times, retard.
I have the strangest feeling that if I lead you to a fact and rubbed your nose in it like I would a puppy who piddled on the floor you and most of the other tRumpkin's would still say "you got nothing" and that you will all still be saying that as tRump and co. are led off in cuffs.

How would a former assistant know? You dupes are so gullible

This leak was perfectly is the feeble attempt to claim it actually came from the Trump side. This second part is necessary to deflect from the obvious---Mueller's team is continually committing crimes by leaking in its obviously partisan Witch Hunt.

Send a former secretary of Mueller out make ridiculous claims about things she/he knows nothing about; to talk about typos in the questions--give the New York Media a narrative to run with, and suddenly you have killed two birds with one stone---made Mueller's sprawling interminable political farce relevant again---and blamed it on Trump. CNN is so transparent and so foolish. But, they work with what they have---which is not much, except Air Time to push Trump Hate.

The leak was predictable. My wife said over the weekend that some kind of Horse Shit would be coming from Mueller because Trump had a good week, and Bolsheviks embarrassed themselves at that Correspondence Dinner.

The Week ended with talk of Trump winning a Nobel Prize. Can you imagine how Bat Shit Crazy that makes those already afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome? It has to be intolerable. That alone cried out for a diversion. And the noose is tightening on members of the Clinton Crime Family--like James McCabe, and on the Obama Cabal Seditionists---like Clapper and Brennan.

The Narrative had to change---it simply had to---and that, in the past, is when Mueller has pulled some Horse Shit to make himself relevant again. He has shown a pattern in this regard that was obvious to a house wife in the Heartland over this last week end. And she was right.

Mueller's Investigation is nothing but a continuation of the Democratic Hit Job started by the Much Depraved Hillary Clinton with that Dossier...The Investigation needs to be investigated. But---let them continue for now---they are making Fools of themselves.

Wow dude, you should write spy novels.
Another example of how liberal media is in the bag for trying to overturn a constitutional democratic election. Mueller investigation has become nothing but a joke.
Mueller's questions for Trump leaked to NYT, in latest unexplained disclosure from Russia probe
Democrats lost the election...get over it.

Where you think Anthrax man is going with these questions?

It's the old ploy of entrapment so they can level a charge of lying to a government agent.
you can't be entrapped if you simply tell the truth... investigators are truth seekers, not entrapment artists, for goodness sake!

and THAT is the problem....T- Lawyers do not believe President Trump CAN tell the truth....even if his life, depended on it!
Another example of how liberal media is in the bag for trying to overturn a constitutional democratic election. Mueller investigation has become nothing but a joke.
Mueller's questions for Trump leaked to NYT, in latest unexplained disclosure from Russia probe
Democrats lost the election...get over it.

Where you think Anthrax man is going with these questions?

It's the old ploy of entrapment so they can level a charge of lying to a government agent.
you can't be entrapped if you simply tell the truth... investigators are truth seekers, not entrapment artists, for goodness sake!

and THAT is the problem....T- Lawyers do not believe President Trump CAN tell the truth....even if his life, depended on it!

Do you have proof of that or is it just in your imagination?
Another example of how liberal media is in the bag for trying to overturn a constitutional democratic election. Mueller investigation has become nothing but a joke.
Mueller's questions for Trump leaked to NYT, in latest unexplained disclosure from Russia probe
Democrats lost the election...get over it.

Where you think Anthrax man is going with these questions?

It's the old ploy of entrapment so they can level a charge of lying to a government agent.
you can't be entrapped if you simply tell the truth... investigators are truth seekers, not entrapment artists, for goodness sake!

and THAT is the problem....T- Lawyers do not believe President Trump CAN tell the truth....even if his life, depended on it!

Dum. As it sits now, Muller has zip. His only hope is to get Trump on a pervert charge like Comey and McCabe will get. No impeachment will happen and Trump will go on to fill out a second term. The sooner you guys come to grips with that, the better y’all will feel about life in general.
Wait until the Left finds out that Trump prefers the toilet paper to be placed with the loose sheet to the top instead of the bottom. God, I shudder to think of Mueller finding that out.
you can't be entrapped if you simply tell the truth... investigators are truth seekers, not entrapment artists, for goodness sake! !

If you're not a vampire you shouldn't be afraid of garlic or sunlight.

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