New York Times Leaks Questions Mueller has for President Trump

Dum. As it sits now, Muller has zip. His only hope is to get Trump on a pervert charge like Comey and McCabe will get. No impeachment will happen and Trump will go on to fill out a second term. The sooner you guys come to grips with that, the better y’all will feel about life in general.

Tell us that after Trump testifies under oath.

Why do you think Trump said looking into his finances was a "red line" Why Trump won't release his taxes, and why Don Jr. said releasing his taxes would have cost Trump the election.
Wait until the Left finds out that Trump prefers the toilet paper to be placed with the loose sheet to the top instead of the bottom. God, I shudder to think of Mueller finding that out.
That would be the one thing I strongly agree with President Trump on!!!! :D
Another example of how liberal media is in the bag for trying to overturn a constitutional democratic election. Mueller investigation has become nothing but a joke.
Mueller's questions for Trump leaked to NYT, in latest unexplained disclosure from Russia probe
Democrats lost the election...get over it.

Where you think Anthrax man is going with these questions?

It's the old ploy of entrapment so they can level a charge of lying to a government agent.
you can't be entrapped if you simply tell the truth... investigators are truth seekers, not entrapment artists, for goodness sake!

and THAT is the problem....T- Lawyers do not believe President Trump CAN tell the truth....even if his life, depended on it!

Do you have proof of that or is it just in your imagination?

Proof of what???

I'm simply 'engaging debate'! :D
The questions freeze, polarize, and isolate Trump in the eyes of the public.

That's the Saul Alinsky way. However since so many of the questions are "What did you think?" They are invalid. What someone thinks is not evidence of anything.
Another example of how liberal media is in the bag for trying to overturn a constitutional democratic election. Mueller investigation has become nothing but a joke.
Mueller's questions for Trump leaked to NYT, in latest unexplained disclosure from Russia probe
Democrats lost the election...get over it.

Where you think Anthrax man is going with these questions?

It's the old ploy of entrapment so they can level a charge of lying to a government agent.
you can't be entrapped if you simply tell the truth... investigators are truth seekers, not entrapment artists, for goodness sake!

and THAT is the problem....T- Lawyers do not believe President Trump CAN tell the truth....even if his life, depended on it!

Dum. As it sits now, Muller has zip. His only hope is to get Trump on a pervert charge like Comey and McCabe will get. No impeachment will happen and Trump will go on to fill out a second term. The sooner you guys come to grips with that, the better y’all will feel about life in general.
Mueller can not impeach anyone, he only reports what the investigation discovers and determines in things such as Obstruction of an Official investigation, but I do not think a president can be charged by him...

And impeachment is done, only by the House Members.... at most, it could start the House Judiciary Committee investigating the possibility. ... 6 months later a recommendation to bring it to the floor of the House to consider, then eventually a vote to impeach or not....Then on to a Senate trial, then a vote on the impeachment charges.... I'd guess it would be at least a year process from the start....

IF there even was a START..... :dunno:
Dear Dipshit: With all The Hatred The Leftist Media has for Donald Trump, if anyone from The Trump Campaign, or associated with Trump in anyway leaked this, they'd be all over that like flies on shit and be shouting it from The Mountain Tops.

The fact that all these leaks always come from "Anonymous Sources" means they come from Mueller and his team of hacks.

Trump’s team leaked them.
Candyass is making shit up again. Lies are all you have.

They had the questions for weeks. Only after sharing with Trump’s lawyers did they get leaked to the Press. Classic move. So now your messiah runs out and claims the Prosecutor is doing the leaking and getting sympathy from his shit-for-brains supporters for something his team engineered.

Most people are too smart to fall for it so it’s no surprise that you were not.
Dear Dipshit: With all The Hatred The Leftist Media has for Donald Trump, if anyone from The Trump Campaign, or associated with Trump in anyway leaked this, they'd be all over that like flies on shit and be shouting it from The Mountain Tops.

The fact that all these leaks always come from "Anonymous Sources" means they come from Mueller and his team of hacks.

Trump’s team leaked them.
Candyass is making shit up again. Lies are all you have.

They had the questions for weeks. Only after sharing with Trump’s lawyers did they get leaked to the Press. Classic move. So now your messiah runs out and claims the Prosecutor is doing the leaking and getting sympathy from his shit-for-brains supporters for something his team engineered.

Most people are too smart to fall for it so it’s no surprise that you were not.

You wish. The only hacks are Trump and pea brain supporters like yourself.
Another example of how liberal media is in the bag for trying to overturn a constitutional democratic election. Mueller investigation has become nothing but a joke.
Mueller's questions for Trump leaked to NYT, in latest unexplained disclosure from Russia probe
Democrats lost the election...get over it.

Democratic election?

Can you tell me how only 12 states having the chance to make a choice, how Wyoming and other smaller states having 3 times the voting power of larger states like Texas and California, is democratic?

It is not democratic because we do not live in a democracy. We have never lived in a democracy, and have no desire to live in a democracy. California and Texas determine their choice for president and vote that choice relative to their legal populations. That was how it was designed to work, and that is how it does work. Your problem is that you didn't like the results.
Trump’s team leaked them.
Candyass is making shit up again. Lies are all you have.

They had the questions for weeks. Only after sharing with Trump’s lawyers did they get leaked to the Press. Classic move. So now your messiah runs out and claims the Prosecutor is doing the leaking and getting sympathy from his shit-for-brains supporters for something his team engineered.

Most people are too smart to fall for it so it’s no surprise that you were not.

How in the hell would you know how long they had the questions? And, it would have been kind on stupid for them to leak the questions before they had the ability to blame Trump for the leak.

You are so damn smart that you accept whatever is convenient for your idiotology at the moment. None of us know who the leaker is, but I see no benefit to the Trump people by the leak. I do see benefit to the criminal conspiracy, AKA, the Democrat party, in this leak.
Actually, who gives a fuck how they got the questions They are all relevant and good questions to ask the President. The real question is will our lying President testify under oath, or is is too afraid of Mueller and his questions?

If Trump testifies, either under oath or not, he is a fool. He should use the Clinton tested "I do not recall" technique of getting past tough questions.
Another example of how liberal media is in the bag for trying to overturn a constitutional democratic election. Mueller investigation has become nothing but a joke.
Mueller's questions for Trump leaked to NYT, in latest unexplained disclosure from Russia probe
Democrats lost the election...get over it.

Democratic election?

Can you tell me how only 12 states having the chance to make a choice, how Wyoming and other smaller states having 3 times the voting power of larger states like Texas and California, is democratic?
why didn't it bother you before?
Mueller leaks again. Is there anything this piece of shit has NOT LEAKED?

Bull shit man. It was an Obama Deep State Operations that secured the questions. You see Herr Trumph was reviewing them when he had to re-heat his double meat quarter pounder with cheese in the microwave, and that activated the obamacam in the room. After reviewing the HD film they were able to glean the questions, open the hot line to the NYT and whalla.......

Mueller. Stupid plant.

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