New York Times Leaks Questions Mueller has for President Trump

Another example of how liberal media is in the bag for trying to overturn a constitutional democratic election. Mueller investigation has become nothing but a joke.
Mueller's questions for Trump leaked to NYT, in latest unexplained disclosure from Russia probe
Democrats lost the election...get over it.

The questions were written down by Trump’s lawyers...only they could have leaked them

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Muller and his band of hacks leak crap every week.
They do? Such as?
They were sued over the leaks. Pay attention.

How would a former assistant know? You dupes are so gullible

This leak was perfectly is the feeble attempt to claim it actually came from the Trump side. This second part is necessary to deflect from the obvious---Mueller's team is continually committing crimes by leaking in its obviously partisan Witch Hunt.

Send a former secretary of Mueller out make ridiculous claims about things she/he knows nothing about; to talk about typos in the questions--give the New York Media a narrative to run with, and suddenly you have killed two birds with one stone---made Mueller's sprawling interminable political farce relevant again---and blamed it on Trump. CNN is so transparent and so foolish. But, they work with what they have---which is not much, except Air Time to push Trump Hate.

The leak was predictable. My wife said over the weekend that some kind of Horse Shit would be coming from Mueller because Trump had a good week, and Bolsheviks embarrassed themselves at that Correspondence Dinner.

The Week ended with talk of Trump winning a Nobel Prize. Can you imagine how Bat Shit Crazy that makes those already afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome? It has to be intolerable. That alone cried out for a diversion. And the noose is tightening on members of the Clinton Crime Family--like James McCabe, and on the Obama Cabal Seditionists---like Clapper and Brennan.

The Narrative had to change---it simply had to---and that, in the past, is when Mueller has pulled some Horse Shit to make himself relevant again. He has shown a pattern in this regard that was obvious to a house wife in the Heartland over this last week end. And she was right.

Mueller's Investigation is nothing but a continuation of the Democratic Hit Job started by the Much Depraved Hillary Clinton with that Dossier...The Investigation needs to be investigated. But---let them continue for now---they are making Fools of themselves.

Trump’s team leaked them.
Candyass is making shit up again. Lies are all you have.

They had the questions for weeks. Only after sharing with Trump’s lawyers did they get leaked to the Press. Classic move. So now your messiah runs out and claims the Prosecutor is doing the leaking and getting sympathy from his shit-for-brains supporters for something his team engineered.

Most people are too smart to fall for it so it’s no surprise that you were not.
Another example of how liberal media is in the bag for trying to overturn a constitutional democratic election.
That's some funny shit right there. You and Trump and all the rest of the pseudocons were quite pleased when an enemy state interfered in our constitutional democratic election with leaks.

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Trump loves leaks.

No, wait.

Trump hates leaks.

Positively schizophrenic.

It's a lot of fun watching the hypocrites get bitch slapped by their own benchmarks.
Funny how when it is pointed out the Trump team leaked the questions all the Trump zealots magically disappear from the thread

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Proof? Libs lie every day about everything. It's what they do.
Why did the questions only get leaked after the trump lawyers got them?
Why did Mueller leak all the other info? It is what he does. He is incompetent.
And what is "all the other info" that Mueller has leaked?
Think for a minute. To set it up to look like they leaked them.
Funny how when it is pointed out the Trump team leaked the questions all the Trump zealots magically disappear from the thread

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Proof? Libs lie every day about everything. It's what they do.
Why did the questions only get leaked after the trump lawyers got them?
And you know this for a
Actually, who gives a fuck how they got the questions They are all relevant and good questions to ask the President. The real question is will our lying President testify under oath, or is is too afraid of Mueller and his questions?
After all the scandals, the democrats still don't seem to possess a functional server.

And you want these guys to run the country? Good lord...

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