New York Times uses misleading data to make case that America isn't great

Let’s see here, Donald Trump fucks his daughte
You have any proof of that ever happened? Or are you like AOC - making shit up as you go along?
He did say he would if she wasn't his daughter.
Peeking in teens dressing rooms?
Dragging his wife by the hair before raping her.
There is proof of these
Terrific role model
Remember the video?

You're full of hyoerbolic shit
Tried the Canadian anti trump cartoonist who got fired?
So, one Canadian anti trump cartoonist getting fired was your answer compared to the numerous "lies" the NYT "writes" on a daily basis? Seriously?
I just thought it was amusing.
The con golfing past the dead kid and dad.
"I'm playing through"
Have you got a list of the nyti lies?
Same as the cons website devoted to his 10000 lies?
Nyti has > 10000?
If we define greatness as living up to our standards and holding our founding principles sacred. We are not great. If we aim to honor those who fought for our independence then we certainly are not great.

We are doing pretty much everything the British did that we claimed antagonized us and was the cause for the revolution. We cannot stop finding excuses for ignoring the Constitution. We won’t mind our own business and let people live free. Even within our borders. Each side wants to enforce their own ideals and beliefs on the other with the force of law.

If might makes right is your definition of great, then even there we fall far short of great.

I don’t think we are great. I don’t even think we are OK. I think we are a disgrace.
Let’s see here, Donald Trump fucks his daughte
You have any proof of that ever happened? Or are you like AOC - making shit up as you go along?

You missed the point because you are stuck in “cult mode”. I don’t care if it’s true. The thing is, I can say all that and not be shot in the face for it. This is what makes America great.
Just like the rest of MSM, the NYT has been losing readers (paper and online) since Obama left office. And the continue to lose readership into 2020 and beyond.
People (intelligent people) have had enough of the pure BS they write on a daily basis.
I used to read the comic section of the NYT. Now, I don't even bother reading anything from the NYT.
yep, the Gateway Pundit and Infowars has taken their spot by most right wingers... :rolleyes: that outta do you well....
The NYT is the most respected news source in the world
If you disagree, name one that has more respect

Mad Magazine
About your speed SmellyIrishAss

It's obvious you read the Slimes religiously, shitstain. You're as stupid as a fcking stump.

No better newspaper
You must read Breitbart religiously Smelly

You reading that fag rag speaks volumes about your drivel

You're out of your league, troll. Run along before I embarrass you more than you are now. Amatuer

Fag Rag?
That is the best filth you can spout?

You can do better than that Smelly

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