New York Will Sue trump If He Sends His Troops To The City

I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

Not sure if I seen a more racist post
Really? Don’t you Trumptards have your own tree clubhouse?
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

Not sure if I seen a more racist post
Really? Don’t you Trumptards have your own tree clubhouse?
How many blacks are you Democrats gonna shot and killed in your neighborhood?
ong. It gives them power to settle all suits of more than a certain amount.
Hmm, no, better check that. The supreme court, indeed, defines what is constitutional and what is not. That is the final and only ultimate authority. You are not going to put words in just the right order and make this suddenly not true.
I asked you to show me where the constitution says that.
Nor do we blame failure on others and scream like a petulant child when we dont get our way
Of course you do. That is literally the reason your cult exists in the first place.
were you a high priestess for the cult church of obamatard?
Why you leftists try to project yourself on to others is pretty stupid and retarded
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

Sounds good.

States and local jurisdictions need to stand up to Trump’s neo-fascism.

This alone is a compelling reason to vote Trump out of office.
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

Governors should mobilize their National Guard units in greater numbers than the Federal secret police to keep control of them within state borders, unless they are willing to give up local rule for federal troop rule. Secret police without name tags, or identification, wearing balaclava to avoid personal identification and without local authorization or control is the road to hell. This is not what the founding fathers had in mind.

Not even close....You clearly are a product of public indoctrination....

This is one of the things the founders fought against.

It's what the British did to the colonists which is why we have a 1st, 4th and 5th amendments.

I can't believe today's conservatives still hate our constitution.
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

Governors should mobilize their National Guard units in greater numbers than the Federal secret police to keep control of them within state borders, unless they are willing to give up local rule for federal troop rule. Secret police without name tags, or identification, wearing balaclava to avoid personal identification and without local authorization or control is the road to hell. This is not what the founding fathers had in mind.

This is one of the things the founders fought against.

It's what the British did to the colonists which is why we have a 1st, 4th and 5th amendments.

I can't believe today's conservatives still hate our constitution.

Colonial America didn't have looters and rioters marching through the streets of its Tremendous Cities, so it really isn't a valid comparison.

If they had, they would have actually expected George III to send men in to restore order.
Ah, the voice of another that does not think our constitution is up to the modern world challenges?
Please show me where in our constitution it provides for rioting, looting, murder, and insurrection....I’ll wait.
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

How are they gonna stop Trump?
Not a matter of stopping trump. Just put two humvees to shadow movement of all Fed unmarked rolling units of the secret police and control their activity and make sure the personnel are identified before being allowed out of the GSA parking lot with order to arrest on illegal activity if necessary. 150 secret police is no match for an infantry battalion. It is expensive, but the state has to decide whether to give up state control of troops within their borders and make no mistake the secret police is troops not law enforcement.
Illegal activity? Funny.
Activity such as seen on the news of rolling up with no identification to snatch people off the street into an unmarked car and taking of to who knows where for whatever they choose to do with them or to them. You can an should respect law enforcement. That ain't law enforcement. Makes a pretty strong case for the gun nuts that think you may need fully automatic weapons and high capacity magazines available to the people, to protect against excess of the government using federal troops. Never thought they were anything but gun nuts until now. Never though I would see secret police right here in my country.
I don't give a damn what the Feds do to the vermin.
That is pretty much what the states should be afraid of. Nothing like, Hi, were from the Federal government, we're here to help you, right?
Nope. More like picking up the trash and taking them off the street so law abiding people can go about their lives in peace and safety. Idiot.
And where does that stop, your front door? Bad precedent by a bad president.
It stops when the vermin are all picked up or they go away. You're not very bright, huh.
Bright enough, just not trusting enough.
Perhaps you're just confused. That's what it sounds like.
Nope. I just do not trust the good intentions of the Feds when trump has talked about sending to democrat controlled cities, making it sound like a political operation during an election years. Dangerous political stunt, in my opinion.
So you're okay with rioters and terrorizing citizens. Good luck.
Nope. I just do not approve of federal martial law being imposed over state control. Not a good precedent.
No one has imposed martial law federal statute the government has NO choice but to protect federal buildings and personel ...
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

How are they gonna stop Trump?
Not a matter of stopping trump. Just put two humvees to shadow movement of all Fed unmarked rolling units of the secret police and control their activity and make sure the personnel are identified before being allowed out of the GSA parking lot with order to arrest on illegal activity if necessary. 150 secret police is no match for an infantry battalion. It is expensive, but the state has to decide whether to give up state control of troops within their borders and make no mistake the secret police is troops not law enforcement.
Illegal activity? Funny.
Activity such as seen on the news of rolling up with no identification to snatch people off the street into an unmarked car and taking of to who knows where for whatever they choose to do with them or to them. You can an should respect law enforcement. That ain't law enforcement. Makes a pretty strong case for the gun nuts that think you may need fully automatic weapons and high capacity magazines available to the people, to protect against excess of the government using federal troops. Never thought they were anything but gun nuts until now. Never though I would see secret police right here in my country.


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Sorry, you fraud. The DHS director already came out and said that he told them to be unidentified for the safety of their families

how dare he look out for the safety of innocent people....
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

Let them sue...let the troops restore law and order while the appeals process takes place. Federal law enforcement will protect federal property. Called the "Supremacy Clause."
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

Governors should mobilize their National Guard units in greater numbers than the Federal secret police to keep control of them within state borders, unless they are willing to give up local rule for federal troop rule. Secret police without name tags, or identification, wearing balaclava to avoid personal identification and without local authorization or control is the road to hell. This is not what the founding fathers had in mind.

This is one of the things the founders fought against.

It's what the British did to the colonists which is why we have a 1st, 4th and 5th amendments.

I can't believe today's conservatives still hate our constitution.
What you are missing is misidentifying them as conservative. They are not conservative. Conservatives support the constitution. They react and govern conservatively making small course corrections to avoid radical results and avoid the slippery slopes for momentary gain. These are the right wing trump supporters, basically radical as no longer believing the constitution can meet the challenge of the modern world and will opt for strongman leadership constitutional or not, to meet their goals.

How does that explain all the republicans and conservatives in our congress/government who follow trump blindly?

Even conservatives who first were against him as president such as lindsey graham, ted. cruz and susan collins.

All of the republicans in our congress today swear they are conservatives yet they don't seem to have a problem with what trump has been and is doing.

Unfortunately it's only democrats who are standing up to him and trying to stop him.

What conservative is joining with the democrats or filing their own court cases to stop trump?
Is blind following a mark of conservative thought? The Tea-Party people came up with Republicans in name only. Modern republicans in office are largely conservative in name only. Normal rule of thumb is when viewing an action or listening to speaker would be, would be to ask yourself would a normal conservative thinking person do that or make that statement or is it just to incite the masses or opposition? Big difference between being right wing and active in a conservative manor. Sounds good to project you are a conservative instead of radical right. Most of them in both houses of congress are either radical right or just in the office to be on the dole and with the perks and access to information and money, they know what side their bread is buttered on, not exactly public minded citizens, more personal advantage elite. Not conservative.

Wow that's a lot of liars.

What about the ones who weren't part of the tea bagger bunch? They aren't conservatives either?

Is there any politician who is conservative?

From what I've observed in my life, this is what conservatives are. I haven't seen them behave much different only more extreme and radical as time goes on.
If you were not acceptable to the tea party, you went underground hoping for better days. Not impressive courage standing tall for their beliefs, but not surprising in the modern "I/Me" 21st century.
Ronald Reagan they ain't and William F Buckley got to be rolling over in his grave. Surprised there is no uptick in seismic activity near Stanford, Connecticut.
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

Governors should mobilize their National Guard units in greater numbers than the Federal secret police to keep control of them within state borders, unless they are willing to give up local rule for federal troop rule. Secret police without name tags, or identification, wearing balaclava to avoid personal identification and without local authorization or control is the road to hell. This is not what the founding fathers had in mind.

This is one of the things the founders fought against.

It's what the British did to the colonists which is why we have a 1st, 4th and 5th amendments.

I can't believe today's conservatives still hate our constitution.
What you are missing is misidentifying them as conservative. They are not conservative. Conservatives support the constitution. They react and govern conservatively making small course corrections to avoid radical results and avoid the slippery slopes for momentary gain. These are the right wing trump supporters, basically radical as no longer believing the constitution can meet the challenge of the modern world and will opt for strongman leadership constitutional or not, to meet their goals.

How does that explain all the republicans and conservatives in our congress/government who follow trump blindly?

Even conservatives who first were against him as president such as lindsey graham, ted. cruz and susan collins.

All of the republicans in our congress today swear they are conservatives yet they don't seem to have a problem with what trump has been and is doing.

Unfortunately it's only democrats who are standing up to him and trying to stop him.

What conservative is joining with the democrats or filing their own court cases to stop trump?
Is blind following a mark of conservative thought? The Tea-Party people came up with Republicans in name only. Modern republicans in office are largely conservative in name only. Normal rule of thumb is when viewing an action or listening to speaker would be, would be to ask yourself would a normal conservative thinking person do that or make that statement or is it just to incite the masses or opposition? Big difference between being right wing and active in a conservative manor. Sounds good to project you are a conservative instead of radical right. Most of them in both houses of congress are either radical right or just in the office to be on the dole and with the perks and access to information and money, they know what side their bread is buttered on, not exactly public minded citizens, more personal advantage elite. Not conservative.

Wow that's a lot of liars.

What about the ones who weren't part of the tea bagger bunch? They aren't conservatives either?

Is there any politician who is conservative?

From what I've observed in my life, this is what conservatives are. I haven't seen them behave much different only more extreme and radical as time goes on.
If you were not acceptable to the tea party, you went underground hoping for better days. Not impressive courage standing tall for their beliefs, but not surprising in the modern "I/Me" 21st century.
Ronald Reagan they ain't and William F Buckley got to be rolling over in his grave. Surprised there is no uptick in seismic activity near Stanford, Connecticut.

Ronald Reagan? You are aware that Reagan dispatched State and local police forces with the order to take whatever action necessary to put down the same shit at Berkeley in 1960 as governor?...They used buckshot...

You’re no conservative, just another ignorant dumbass.
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

Sounds good.

States and local jurisdictions need to stand up to Trump’s neo-fascism.

This alone is a compelling reason to vote Trump out of office.
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

/—-/ How dare mean old Trump stand up for law and order. Rioters need to riot.
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

Governors should mobilize their National Guard units in greater numbers than the Federal secret police to keep control of them within state borders, unless they are willing to give up local rule for federal troop rule. Secret police without name tags, or identification, wearing balaclava to avoid personal identification and without local authorization or control is the road to hell. This is not what the founding fathers had in mind.
/—-/ But it’s OK when democRATs do the same exact thing like in Waco.

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