New York Will Sue trump If He Sends His Troops To The City

I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

NYC is a ShltHole City anyway.

Let it cleanse itself
/——/ Under Republican mayors NYC was clean, dynamic and safe, democRATs let it turn to a shythole. I saw it for myself since 1971.
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

Governors should mobilize their National Guard units in greater numbers than the Federal secret police to keep control of them within state borders, unless they are willing to give up local rule for federal troop rule. Secret police without name tags, or identification, wearing balaclava to avoid personal identification and without local authorization or control is the road to hell. This is not what the founding fathers had in mind.
/—-/ But it’s OK when democRATs do the same exact thing like in Waco.
Or Civil Rights in 1960's.
Portland, Chicago, and New York are badly in need of federal crackdowns to quell the riots, for sure.

You're really off in an alternate reality. That's because you've been hopelessly brainwashed into soiling yourself by propaganda, so that you'll beg for a fascist daddy-figure to save you. It's a classic fascist propaganda technique.

Trump cultists tend to have weak minds, which is why they're so easily terrified into bootlicking obedience.
You mimic what liberal media tells you. Who's a dupe of propaganda again? 99.99% of media is liberal controlled and a large portion of them have editorial boards that are leftist extremist.
Philadelphia's DA said he is prepared to arrest the federal agents.

that wont end well for him. Imagine they were this motivated to stop the killing in thier cities.
Civil disobedience and non-violence are the only answer to Trump's militarization. There's no way Homeland Security ventures into a place where it'd be actually dangerous form them. Chicago, LA, places in Minny. I don't like confrontations, but Trump is seeking them for photo ops, because most voters aren't interested in street theatre.

so the status quo of young black men being shot is ok with you to the point you would rather see a confrontation between the federal and state than see it stopped.

democrats have failed black people, this is one glaring example
Trump doesn't give a shit about black on black crime, and neither do you so stop the bs. Trump just wants culture wars to try and get suburban votes

Sure I do. And I do more than you.
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

Governors should mobilize their National Guard units in greater numbers than the Federal secret police to keep control of them within state borders, unless they are willing to give up local rule for federal troop rule. Secret police without name tags, or identification, wearing balaclava to avoid personal identification and without local authorization or control is the road to hell. This is not what the founding fathers had in mind.

This is one of the things the founders fought against.

It's what the British did to the colonists which is why we have a 1st, 4th and 5th amendments.

I can't believe today's conservatives still hate our constitution.

LMAO Nice to know you have no problem with rioters, arsonists and other idiots?? The Governor of New York should call out the NG. Don't hold your breath though.

Color me shocked.
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

I dont want to hear you crying that Trump should do something to stop the violence.
It's now all on you and your liberal buddies.

But thanks for the help in getting trump reelected.
This will play wonderfully during his campaign!!!
Can you see it?
Trump offered to help but was told he'd be sued if he did.
And forget about federal funds to fix the damage. are one stupid mother fucker!!!
If this happened under Obama for any reason you dumbfucks would be whining about it to this day as being an example of oppressive fascism. Because it’s Trump, you pretend it’s needed. You people are children and it’s impossible to take you seriously as adults.

No, Billy, we wouldn't. Obama would sit by and let it happen.
Obama obviously wouldn’t order such a thing.

Of course, he'd let the city burn.
It's funny how failed this human piece of garbage is.

The asshole is bringing my city back to the crime rates of the 70's and is "Fiddling" with painting BLM on 5th ave while black people are being slaughtered on the streets by other black people.
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

I dont want to hear you crying that Trump should do something to stop the violence.
It's now all on you and your liberal buddies.

But thanks for the help in getting trump reelected.
This will play wonderfully during his campaign!!!
Can you see it?
Trump offered to help but was told he'd be sued if he did.
And forget about federal funds to fix the damage. are one stupid mother fucker!!!
If this happened under Obama for any reason you dumbfucks would be whining about it to this day as being an example of oppressive fascism. Because it’s Trump, you pretend it’s needed. You people are children and it’s impossible to take you seriously as adults.

No, Billy, we wouldn't. Obama would sit by and let it happen.
Obama obviously wouldn’t order such a thing.

Of course, he'd let the city burn.

Incorrect, he IS letting the city burn.
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

Governors should mobilize their National Guard units in greater numbers than the Federal secret police to keep control of them within state borders, unless they are willing to give up local rule for federal troop rule. Secret police without name tags, or identification, wearing balaclava to avoid personal identification and without local authorization or control is the road to hell. This is not what the founding fathers had in mind.

This is one of the things the founders fought against.

It's what the British did to the colonists which is why we have a 1st, 4th and 5th amendments.

I can't believe today's conservatives still hate our constitution.

For decades progressives have been calling for more and more federal control and reach, and now all of a sudden do a 180 because they think bitching about it will hurt Trump.

You are nothing more than opportunist hypocrites.
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

Governors should mobilize their National Guard units in greater numbers than the Federal secret police to keep control of them within state borders, unless they are willing to give up local rule for federal troop rule. Secret police without name tags, or identification, wearing balaclava to avoid personal identification and without local authorization or control is the road to hell. This is not what the founding fathers had in mind.

This is one of the things the founders fought against.

It's what the British did to the colonists which is why we have a 1st, 4th and 5th amendments.

I can't believe today's conservatives still hate our constitution.

For decades progressives have been calling for more and more federal control and reach, and now all of a sudden do a 180 because they think bitching about it will hurt Trump.

You are nothing more than opportunist hypocrites.

bet they still want a national popular vote. hahahahaha
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

Governors should mobilize their National Guard units in greater numbers than the Federal secret police to keep control of them within state borders, unless they are willing to give up local rule for federal troop rule. Secret police without name tags, or identification, wearing balaclava to avoid personal identification and without local authorization or control is the road to hell. This is not what the founding fathers had in mind.

This is one of the things the founders fought against.

It's what the British did to the colonists which is why we have a 1st, 4th and 5th amendments.

I can't believe today's conservatives still hate our constitution.
What you are missing is misidentifying them as conservative. They are not conservative. Conservatives support the constitution. They react and govern conservatively making small course corrections to avoid radical results and avoid the slippery slopes for momentary gain. These are the right wing trump supporters, basically radical as no longer believing the constitution can meet the challenge of the modern world and will opt for strongman leadership constitutional or not, to meet their goals.

How does that explain all the republicans and conservatives in our congress/government who follow trump blindly?

Even conservatives who first were against him as president such as lindsey graham, ted. cruz and susan collins.

All of the republicans in our congress today swear they are conservatives yet they don't seem to have a problem with what trump has been and is doing.

Unfortunately it's only democrats who are standing up to him and trying to stop him.

What conservative is joining with the democrats or filing their own court cases to stop trump?
Is blind following a mark of conservative thought? The Tea-Party people came up with Republicans in name only. Modern republicans in office are largely conservative in name only. Normal rule of thumb is when viewing an action or listening to speaker would be, would be to ask yourself would a normal conservative thinking person do that or make that statement or is it just to incite the masses or opposition? Big difference between being right wing and active in a conservative manor. Sounds good to project you are a conservative instead of radical right. Most of them in both houses of congress are either radical right or just in the office to be on the dole and with the perks and access to information and money, they know what side their bread is buttered on, not exactly public minded citizens, more personal advantage elite. Not conservative.

Wow that's a lot of liars.

What about the ones who weren't part of the tea bagger bunch? They aren't conservatives either?

Is there any politician who is conservative?

From what I've observed in my life, this is what conservatives are. I haven't seen them behave much different only more extreme and radical as time goes on.
If you were not acceptable to the tea party, you went underground hoping for better days. Not impressive courage standing tall for their beliefs, but not surprising in the modern "I/Me" 21st century.
Ronald Reagan they ain't and William F Buckley got to be rolling over in his grave. Surprised there is no uptick in seismic activity near Stanford, Connecticut.
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

Governors should mobilize their National Guard units in greater numbers than the Federal secret police to keep control of them within state borders, unless they are willing to give up local rule for federal troop rule. Secret police without name tags, or identification, wearing balaclava to avoid personal identification and without local authorization or control is the road to hell. This is not what the founding fathers had in mind.

This is one of the things the founders fought against.

It's what the British did to the colonists which is why we have a 1st, 4th and 5th amendments.

I can't believe today's conservatives still hate our constitution.
What you are missing is misidentifying them as conservative. They are not conservative. Conservatives support the constitution. They react and govern conservatively making small course corrections to avoid radical results and avoid the slippery slopes for momentary gain. These are the right wing trump supporters, basically radical as no longer believing the constitution can meet the challenge of the modern world and will opt for strongman leadership constitutional or not, to meet their goals.

How does that explain all the republicans and conservatives in our congress/government who follow trump blindly?

Even conservatives who first were against him as president such as lindsey graham, ted. cruz and susan collins.

All of the republicans in our congress today swear they are conservatives yet they don't seem to have a problem with what trump has been and is doing.

Unfortunately it's only democrats who are standing up to him and trying to stop him.

What conservative is joining with the democrats or filing their own court cases to stop trump?
Is blind following a mark of conservative thought? The Tea-Party people came up with Republicans in name only. Modern republicans in office are largely conservative in name only. Normal rule of thumb is when viewing an action or listening to speaker would be, would be to ask yourself would a normal conservative thinking person do that or make that statement or is it just to incite the masses or opposition? Big difference between being right wing and active in a conservative manor. Sounds good to project you are a conservative instead of radical right. Most of them in both houses of congress are either radical right or just in the office to be on the dole and with the perks and access to information and money, they know what side their bread is buttered on, not exactly public minded citizens, more personal advantage elite. Not conservative.

Wow that's a lot of liars.

What about the ones who weren't part of the tea bagger bunch? They aren't conservatives either?

Is there any politician who is conservative?

From what I've observed in my life, this is what conservatives are. I haven't seen them behave much different only more extreme and radical as time goes on.
If you were not acceptable to the tea party, you went underground hoping for better days. Not impressive courage standing tall for their beliefs, but not surprising in the modern "I/Me" 21st century.
Ronald Reagan they ain't and William F Buckley got to be rolling over in his grave. Surprised there is no uptick in seismic activity near Stanford, Connecticut.


What politicians went underground?

Yes I agree that's not impressive. I would say cowardly. Why not stand up for their beliefs? Didn't they see that allowing those crazy people to take over their party will destroy it?

They were warned. Many conservatives warned them but those same conservatives didn't do much of anything about it. Not even speak out against the crazy people. They just seemed to go with the flow. Just as long as republican/conservative politicians get elected. No matter if they're bat crap crazy.

Which politicians are real conservatives and which ones went underground?
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

I dont want to hear you crying that Trump should do something to stop the violence.
It's now all on you and your liberal buddies.

But thanks for the help in getting trump reelected.
This will play wonderfully during his campaign!!!
Can you see it?
Trump offered to help but was told he'd be sued if he did.
And forget about federal funds to fix the damage. are one stupid mother fucker!!!
If this happened under Obama for any reason you dumbfucks would be whining about it to this day as being an example of oppressive fascism. Because it’s Trump, you pretend it’s needed. You people are children and it’s impossible to take you seriously as adults.

Sorry,we dont riot.
Nor do we blame failure on others and scream like a petulant child when we dont get our way.
Only your retarded ass would conflate what I am saying with condoning rioting. Obviously the point are the Gestapo tactics you conveniently now support. You’re a fucking child.

So bringing peace back to our cities is a gestapo tactic?
How about the mayors of these cities get off their ass and do their job so the feds dont have to come in and do it for them?
You people disgust me!! You let your cities be destroyed and then have the gall to ask for federal funds to repair the damage YOU allowed to happen for political expediency!!!
Go fuck yourself.
Nor do we blame failure on others and scream like a petulant child when we dont get our way
Of course you do. That is literally the reason your cult exists in the first place.
You forgot to quote that our cult doesn't riot.
Your cult does, which is the definition of crybabies in adult bodies. 3 months of crying and burning, looting, vandalism.
Christ, you are a dim fucker.

They know they're wrong,they just wont admit it.
the president has the authority to use all necessary force
nothing false about it

10 U.S. Code § 12406 - National Guard in Federal service: call
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the United States, or any of the Commonwealths or possessions, is invaded or is in danger of invasion by a foreign nation;
there is a rebellion or danger of a rebellion against the authority of the Government of the United States; or
the President is unable with the regular forces to execute the laws of the United States;
the President may call into Federal service members and units of the National Guard of any State in such numbers as he considers necessary to repel the invasion, suppress the rebellion, or execute those laws. Orders for these purposes shall be issued through the governors of the States or, in the case of the District of Columbia, through the commanding general of the National Guard of the District of Columbia.
(Added Pub. L. 103–337, div. A, title XVI, § 1662(f)(1), Oct. 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 2994; amended Pub. L. 109–163, div. A, title X, § 1057(a)(5), Jan. 6, 2006, 119 Stat. 3440.)
Exactly. Thank you, as always, for being my faithful assistant. Will you be assisting me in proving you wrong all night?
Wrong law. Under this law orders come through the governors.

Try 10 U.S. Code section 252. The Insurrection Act of 1807
That is the law the governors could use to call to action all of the fat soldier cosplay hillbillies to push out the criminal federal troops. But those morons are even less trustworthy, so not happening.
you fucking hillbilly you don't have a clue wishful thinking isn't your best choice
Oh look, tantrum time again.

And we haven't even gotten to the fact that the racists were immoral pukes to try to enforce segregation, itself immoral. Which is a big reason. Kennedy "got away" with it, but your cult leader will not.
Your being wrong does not mean you should lie and dodge hillbilly you're clueless
Oh, i am right. You even proved me right. I am an the right side of facts, of morality, and of history.

And you, being a sheep in the cult, are supporting something you would not normally support, all to be a human shield for your cult leader.

Only if it was a democratic president doing it to republicans.

So if Obama had created his own secret military police then unleashed them on all those tea baggers who held those rallies with all those semi automatic weapons, the probable russian troll would have screamed bloody murder.

However it's a republican/conservative doing it so it's ok with that probable russian troll.
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

Governors should mobilize their National Guard units in greater numbers than the Federal secret police to keep control of them within state borders, unless they are willing to give up local rule for federal troop rule. Secret police without name tags, or identification, wearing balaclava to avoid personal identification and without local authorization or control is the road to hell. This is not what the founding fathers had in mind.
Blue state governors think it helps them politically with their tard base to allow lawlessness
Not many blue states having Gubernatorial election this year. Sounds weak.

My blue state is and our democratic governor will be reelected. We all just got our mail in ballots for the state primary. The 2 who gets the most votes will be in the general election in November.

Our governor has done a very good job. I voted for him in the primary and will very happily vote for him in the general election.

We haven't had a republican governor here since the 1980s.
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

I dont want to hear you crying that Trump should do something to stop the violence.
It's now all on you and your liberal buddies.

But thanks for the help in getting trump reelected.
This will play wonderfully during his campaign!!!
Can you see it?
Trump offered to help but was told he'd be sued if he did.
And forget about federal funds to fix the damage. are one stupid mother fucker!!!
If this happened under Obama for any reason you dumbfucks would be whining about it to this day as being an example of oppressive fascism. Because it’s Trump, you pretend it’s needed. You people are children and it’s impossible to take you seriously as adults.

No, Billy, we wouldn't. Obama would sit by and let it happen.

Thats just it...
It wouldnt happen under obama since he's on the same side as the globalist.
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

I dont want to hear you crying that Trump should do something to stop the violence.
It's now all on you and your liberal buddies.

But thanks for the help in getting trump reelected.
This will play wonderfully during his campaign!!!
Can you see it?
Trump offered to help but was told he'd be sued if he did.
And forget about federal funds to fix the damage. are one stupid mother fucker!!!
If this happened under Obama for any reason you dumbfucks would be whining about it to this day as being an example of oppressive fascism. Because it’s Trump, you pretend it’s needed. You people are children and it’s impossible to take you seriously as adults.

No, Billy, we wouldn't. Obama would sit by and let it happen.
Obama obviously wouldn’t order such a thing.

No need to.
We wouldnt be rioting.
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

Sounds good.

States and local jurisdictions need to stand up to Trump’s neo-fascism.

This alone is a compelling reason to vote Trump out of office.
Can you give an example of his neofascism?

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