New York Will Sue trump If He Sends His Troops To The City

Where does the Constitution allow the government to shutdown the economy?
The part where it allows the supreme court to define what is constitutional.
Where does it do that?
Where it gives them judicial power over the law. One end result is that the supreme court ultimately defines what is constitutional and what is not.
So, fine to call them troops. Trump's private little gestapo troops.
Drama Queen.
Spare me your nonsense and melodrama.
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

I dont want to hear you crying that Trump should do something to stop the violence.
It's now all on you and your liberal buddies.

But thanks for the help in getting trump reelected.
This will play wonderfully during his campaign!!!
Can you see it?
Trump offered to help but was told he'd be sued if he did.
And forget about federal funds to fix the damage. are one stupid mother fucker!!!
If this happened under Obama for any reason you dumbfucks would be whining about it to this day as being an example of oppressive fascism. Because it’s Trump, you pretend it’s needed. You people are children and it’s impossible to take you seriously as adults.
Where does the Constitution allow the government to shutdown the economy?
The part where it allows the supreme court to define what is constitutional.
Where does it do that?
Where it gives them judicial power over the law. One end result is that the supreme court ultimately defines what is constitutional and what is not.
So, fine to call them troops. Trump's private little gestapo troops.
Drama Queen.
Spare me your nonsense and melodrama.
Says the one throwing a little hissy fit over a word... Go on, write a few more paragraphs on it...

Where does the Constitution allow the government to shutdown the economy?
The part where it allows the supreme court to define what is constitutional.
Where does it do that?
Where it gives them judicial power over the law. One end result is that the supreme court ultimately defines what is constitutional and what is not.
So, fine to call them troops. Trump's private little gestapo troops.
Drama Queen.
Spare me your nonsense and melodrama.
Says the one throwing a little hissy fit over a word...
You are the one having a fit that has lasted over 3 years.
News for you, you convince absolutely no one of anything.
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

I dont want to hear you crying that Trump should do something to stop the violence.
It's now all on you and your liberal buddies.

But thanks for the help in getting trump reelected.
This will play wonderfully during his campaign!!!
Can you see it?
Trump offered to help but was told he'd be sued if he did.
And forget about federal funds to fix the damage. are one stupid mother fucker!!!
If this happened under Obama for any reason you dumbfucks would be whining about it to this day as being an example of oppressive fascism. Because it’s Trump, you pretend it’s needed. You people are children and it’s impossible to take you seriously as adults.

Sorry,we dont riot.
Nor do we blame failure on others and scream like a petulant child when we dont get our way.
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

I dont want to hear you crying that Trump should do something to stop the violence.
It's now all on you and your liberal buddies.

But thanks for the help in getting trump reelected.
This will play wonderfully during his campaign!!!
Can you see it?
Trump offered to help but was told he'd be sued if he did.
And forget about federal funds to fix the damage. are one stupid mother fucker!!!
If this happened under Obama for any reason you dumbfucks would be whining about it to this day as being an example of oppressive fascism. Because it’s Trump, you pretend it’s needed. You people are children and it’s impossible to take you seriously as adults.

Sorry,we dont riot.
Nor do we blame failure on others and scream like a petulant child when we dont get our way.
Only your retarded ass would conflate what I am saying with condoning rioting. Obviously the point are the Gestapo tactics you conveniently now support. You’re a fucking child.
He is sending a combination of Agents from the FBI, ATF, and DEA.
In full soldier gear.

Not like they can go in cargo shorts and tank tops. Ever have CS gas on your balls? Not fun. Look, someone has to do something. If you were in that neighborhood wondering if the rioters were going to burn your shit I'm thinking you wouldn't mind the feds calming shit down. I agree, the feds should not be there. They have body cams? How many of these agents will be open to litigation after this? Do these cops have proper training? It's not an ideal solution, but someone has to do something. This can't go on. I believe you are reasonable and can at least agree what was being done wasn't working.
Nor do we blame failure on others and scream like a petulant child when we dont get our way
Of course you do. That is literally the reason your cult exists in the first place.
You forgot to quote that our cult doesn't riot.
Your cult does, which is the definition of crybabies in adult bodies. 3 months of crying and burning, looting, vandalism.
Christ, you are a dim fucker.
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

Yeah. Good luck sueinf0g a sitting oresident you stupid bunch of shuitforbrains
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

Yeah good luck suing a sitting president to that bunch of shitforbrains demodumbass halfwits.
My great great great grandfather was pissed when that asshole Lincoln sent Federals to Florida in 1864.

He didn't sue them. Instead he got with about 5,000 thousands of his buddies and kicked the ass of the Federal troops at the Battle of Olustee.

And the Union Reginebt that took the worst beating was the Famed 54th Mass. Confederates routed their asses.
They also whipped the 2nd Colored Infantry and the 99th Colored Infantry at Natural Bridge.

Tallahassee was the only Southern Capitol not to fall the Union, during the War.

Cadets from nearby (Fla Military Coll) Florida State Univ fought for the South at Natural Bridge. To this day the FSU ROTC
detachment has a Battle Streamer on their flag. One of only 4 schools with that honor. (The other 3 being Ole Miss,
The Citadel and VMI.
De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

TOO FUNNY. By the time DeBlazio knew the feds were there, the problem would be solved and they would be gone. Do you have any idea how long it takes to "sue" someone? And just how does DeBlazio intend to remove them?

But IT IS NICE TO KNOW that DeBlazio would rather have crime than law and order and takes having federal help there to get his dirtball shithole scummy city in order a more serious, bigger problem, than thugs and criminals rioting, looting and robbing the city.

I guess DeBlazio knows where his next federal help will be next time he asks for it, too. :auiqs.jpg:
TOO FUNNY. By the time DeBlazio knew the feds were there, the problem would be solved and they would be gone. Do you have any idea how long it takes to "sue" someone? And just how does DeBlazio intend to remove them?
BINGO. Give the man a cigar. If you think police response is slow, just look at the courts.

Weird. The AG of Oregon filed their lawsuit last Friday.

Today they are in court getting a restraining order to stop trump and get his goons out of Oregon.

The judge is going to issue a written ruling soon.

I guess a few days is a long time.

It will be very interesting for a federal court to find that the federal government has no interest in protecting federal property. Specifically a federal courthouse.
With the Speaker of the House calling federal law enforcement officers nazis and the presumptive Democratic nominee calling the police the enemy and a police presence on the streets and invasion, it is clear the entire Democratic Party has fallen into the rabbit hole.
Heck, even I have likened them to the Nazis, but know they are more like trumps secret police and that the original secret police were only a tool of the Nazis. Always easy to find people willing to be in secretive government enforcement, no matter the country or century. Did not see where a Democratic nominee called the police the enemy. Is it in the same document where trump failed find Biden wanting to defund police because it wasn't there? If you got something, I'll read your link. I just don't want to follow trump down the rabbit hole that leads to strongman autocratic government instead of constitutional representative republic as laid out in the constitution by the founding fathers, who were afraid the federal government might have too much control in time of emergency.
You are seriously demented. These are federal officers, marshalls, ICE, ATF, FBI, etc. They are not doing anything illegal. They are enforcing federal laws over which local police have no authority. You are such a lemming; Pelosi makes some insane remarks and now you feel obligated to become insane yourself.
De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

TOO FUNNY. By the time DeBlazio knew the feds were there, the problem would be solved and they would be gone. Do you have any idea how long it takes to "sue" someone? And just how does DeBlazio intend to remove them?

But IT IS NICE TO KNOW that DeBlazio would rather have crime than law and order and takes having federal help there to get his dirtball shithole scummy city in order a more serious, bigger problem, than thugs and criminals rioting, looting and robbing the city.

I guess DeBlazio knows where his next federal help will be next time he asks for it, too. :auiqs.jpg:
TOO FUNNY. By the time DeBlazio knew the feds were there, the problem would be solved and they would be gone. Do you have any idea how long it takes to "sue" someone? And just how does DeBlazio intend to remove them?
BINGO. Give the man a cigar. If you think police response is slow, just look at the courts.

Weird. The AG of Oregon filed their lawsuit last Friday.

Today they are in court getting a restraining order to stop trump and get his goons out of Oregon.

The judge is going to issue a written ruling soon.

I guess a few days is a long time.

It will be very interesting for a federal court to find that the federal government has no interest in protecting federal property. Specifically a federal courthouse.
With the Speaker of the House calling federal law enforcement officers nazis and the presumptive Democratic nominee calling the police the enemy and a police presence on the streets and invasion, it is clear the entire Democratic Party has fallen into the rabbit hole.
Heck, even I have likened them to the Nazis, but know they are more like trumps secret police and that the original secret police were only a tool of the Nazis. Always easy to find people willing to be in secretive government enforcement, no matter the country or century. Did not see where a Democratic nominee called the police the enemy. Is it in the same document where trump failed find Biden wanting to defund police because it wasn't there? If you got something, I'll read your link. I just don't want to follow trump down the rabbit hole that leads to strongman autocratic government instead of constitutional representative republic as laid out in the constitution by the founding fathers, who were afraid the federal government might have too much control in time of emergency.
You are seriously demented. These are federal officers, marshalls, ICE, ATF, FBI, etc. They are not doing anything illegal. They are enforcing federal laws over which local police have no authority. You are such a lemming; Pelosi makes some insane remarks and now you feel obligated to become insane yourself.
Federal laws over which local police have no authority. Where did you read that?
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

Not sure if I seen a more racist post
De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

TOO FUNNY. By the time DeBlazio knew the feds were there, the problem would be solved and they would be gone. Do you have any idea how long it takes to "sue" someone? And just how does DeBlazio intend to remove them?

But IT IS NICE TO KNOW that DeBlazio would rather have crime than law and order and takes having federal help there to get his dirtball shithole scummy city in order a more serious, bigger problem, than thugs and criminals rioting, looting and robbing the city.

I guess DeBlazio knows where his next federal help will be next time he asks for it, too. :auiqs.jpg:
TOO FUNNY. By the time DeBlazio knew the feds were there, the problem would be solved and they would be gone. Do you have any idea how long it takes to "sue" someone? And just how does DeBlazio intend to remove them?
BINGO. Give the man a cigar. If you think police response is slow, just look at the courts.

Weird. The AG of Oregon filed their lawsuit last Friday.

Today they are in court getting a restraining order to stop trump and get his goons out of Oregon.

The judge is going to issue a written ruling soon.

I guess a few days is a long time.

It will be very interesting for a federal court to find that the federal government has no interest in protecting federal property. Specifically a federal courthouse.
With the Speaker of the House calling federal law enforcement officers nazis and the presumptive Democratic nominee calling the police the enemy and a police presence on the streets and invasion, it is clear the entire Democratic Party has fallen into the rabbit hole.
Heck, even I have likened them to the Nazis, but know they are more like trumps secret police and that the original secret police were only a tool of the Nazis. Always easy to find people willing to be in secretive government enforcement, no matter the country or century. Did not see where a Democratic nominee called the police the enemy. Is it in the same document where trump failed find Biden wanting to defund police because it wasn't there? If you got something, I'll read your link. I just don't want to follow trump down the rabbit hole that leads to strongman autocratic government instead of constitutional representative republic as laid out in the constitution by the founding fathers, who were afraid the federal government might have too much control in time of emergency.
You are seriously demented. These are federal officers, marshalls, ICE, ATF, FBI, etc. They are not doing anything illegal. They are enforcing federal laws over which local police have no authority. You are such a lemming; Pelosi makes some insane remarks and now you feel obligated to become insane yourself.
Federal laws over which local police have no authority. Where did you read that?
"Connecticut law authorizes state and local police to arrest people for violations of federal criminal law. But, whether they can legally make an arrest for a specific federal crime depends on whether federal law explicitly or implicitly allows them to make an arrest for that crime. Congress' power to prohibit a state from enforcing a federal law rests with the Supremacy Clause of the federal constitution, which provides that the “laws of the United States. . .shall be the supreme law of the land. . .any thing in the Constitution of laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding” (U.S. Constitution Art. VI, cl. 2). "


So the federal government can authorize local police to make arrests on behalf of the federal government, but without such authorization, local police have no right to make such arrests. In a city like Portland which has been debauched by both the rioters and the local and state governments, obviously the local police cannot be trusted to do their duty. Stop being such a lemming.
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

I dont want to hear you crying that Trump should do something to stop the violence.
It's now all on you and your liberal buddies.

But thanks for the help in getting trump reelected.
This will play wonderfully during his campaign!!!
Can you see it?
Trump offered to help but was told he'd be sued if he did.
And forget about federal funds to fix the damage. are one stupid mother fucker!!!
If this happened under Obama for any reason you dumbfucks would be whining about it to this day as being an example of oppressive fascism. Because it’s Trump, you pretend it’s needed. You people are children and it’s impossible to take you seriously as adults.

No, Billy, we wouldn't. Obama would sit by and let it happen.
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

I dont want to hear you crying that Trump should do something to stop the violence.
It's now all on you and your liberal buddies.

But thanks for the help in getting trump reelected.
This will play wonderfully during his campaign!!!
Can you see it?
Trump offered to help but was told he'd be sued if he did.
And forget about federal funds to fix the damage. are one stupid mother fucker!!!
If this happened under Obama for any reason you dumbfucks would be whining about it to this day as being an example of oppressive fascism. Because it’s Trump, you pretend it’s needed. You people are children and it’s impossible to take you seriously as adults.

No, Billy, we wouldn't. Obama would sit by and let it happen.
Obama obviously wouldn’t order such a thing.

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