New York Will Sue trump If He Sends His Troops To The City

I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

How are they gonna stop Trump?
Not a matter of stopping trump. Just put two humvees to shadow movement of all Fed unmarked rolling units of the secret police and control their activity and make sure the personnel are identified before being allowed out of the GSA parking lot with order to arrest on illegal activity if necessary. 150 secret police is no match for an infantry battalion. It is expensive, but the state has to decide whether to give up state control of troops within their borders and make no mistake the secret police is troops not law enforcement.
Illegal activity? Funny.
Activity such as seen on the news of rolling up with no identification to snatch people off the street into an unmarked car and taking of to who knows where for whatever they choose to do with them or to them. You can an should respect law enforcement. That ain't law enforcement. Makes a pretty strong case for the gun nuts that think you may need fully automatic weapons and high capacity magazines available to the people, to protect against excess of the government using federal troops. Never thought they were anything but gun nuts until now. Never though I would see secret police right here in my country.
I don't give a damn what the Feds do to the vermin.
That is pretty much what the states should be afraid of. Nothing like, Hi, were from the Federal government, we're here to help you, right?
Nope. More like picking up the trash and taking them off the street so law abiding people can go about their lives in peace and safety. Idiot.
And where does that stop, your front door? Bad precedent by a bad president.
It stops when the vermin are all picked up or they go away. You're not very bright, huh.
Bright enough, just not trusting enough.
Perhaps you're just confused. That's what it sounds like.
Nope. I just do not trust the good intentions of the Feds when trump has talked about sending to democrat controlled cities, making it sound like a political operation during an election years. Dangerous political stunt, in my opinion.
So you're okay with rioters and terrorizing citizens. Good luck.
Nope. I just do not approve of federal martial law being imposed over state control. Not a good precedent.
No one has imposed martial law federal statute the government has NO choice but to protect federal buildings and personel ...
Would have no problem if that was all they were doing, but even you know it is a lie. You also know we don't send in troops is unmarked vehicles, dressed for combat, wearing balaclava to hide their identity and thwart photo records with little or no ID visible and only attached with velcro when visible at all to snatch people off the street.
Decent people can't enjoy their city in the evening. Way past time to remove the vermin.
Not at all thrilled with the way some of these cities have handled their problems since the Floyd murder. Just don't like the precident being set for uninvited federal intervention. Hope he isn't getting us used to federal secret police on the streets in time to call off the election due to a trumped up emergency to stay in office.
It will be very interesting for a federal court to find that the federal government has no interest in protecting federal property. Specifically a federal courthouse.
With the Speaker of the House calling federal law enforcement officers nazis and the presumptive Democratic nominee calling the police the enemy and a police presence on the streets and invasion, it is clear the entire Democratic Party has fallen into the rabbit hole.
Heck, even I have likened them to the Nazis, but know they are more like trumps secret police
Only secret police we have to worry about will be the work of the democrats already calling people out to snitch on their neighbors if they just see them outside without a mask, or as Obama tried 12 years ago. The Democrats have wet dreams about their own secret police.

Democrats are at war against America.
The "snitchers" are not secret police. They do not hide behind masks or snatch up Feds to throw in unmarked cars.
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

How are they gonna stop Trump?
Not a matter of stopping trump. Just put two humvees to shadow movement of all Fed unmarked rolling units of the secret police and control their activity and make sure the personnel are identified before being allowed out of the GSA parking lot with order to arrest on illegal activity if necessary. 150 secret police is no match for an infantry battalion. It is expensive, but the state has to decide whether to give up state control of troops within their borders and make no mistake the secret police is troops not law enforcement.
Illegal activity? Funny.
Activity such as seen on the news of rolling up with no identification to snatch people off the street into an unmarked car and taking of to who knows where for whatever they choose to do with them or to them. You can an should respect law enforcement. That ain't law enforcement. Makes a pretty strong case for the gun nuts that think you may need fully automatic weapons and high capacity magazines available to the people, to protect against excess of the government using federal troops. Never thought they were anything but gun nuts until now. Never though I would see secret police right here in my country.
I don't give a damn what the Feds do to the vermin.
That is pretty much what the states should be afraid of. Nothing like, Hi, were from the Federal government, we're here to help you, right?
Nope. More like picking up the trash and taking them off the street so law abiding people can go about their lives in peace and safety. Idiot.
And where does that stop, your front door? Bad precedent by a bad president.
It stops when the vermin are all picked up or they go away. You're not very bright, huh.
Bright enough, just not trusting enough.
Perhaps you're just confused. That's what it sounds like.
Nope. I just do not trust the good intentions of the Feds when trump has talked about sending to democrat controlled cities, making it sound like a political operation during an election years. Dangerous political stunt, in my opinion.
So you're okay with rioters and terrorizing citizens. Good luck.
Nope. I just do not approve of federal martial law being imposed over state control. Not a good precedent.
No one has imposed martial law federal statute the government has NO choice but to protect federal buildings and personel ...
Would have no problem if that was all they were doing, but even you know it is a lie. You also know we don't send in troops is unmarked vehicles, dressed for combat, wearing balaclava to hide their identity and thwart photo records with little or no ID visible and only attached with velcro when visible at all to snatch people off the street.
Decent people can't enjoy their city in the evening. Way past time to remove the vermin.
Not at all thrilled with the way some of these cities have handled their problems since the Floyd murder. Just don't like the precident being set for uninvited federal intervention. Hope he isn't getting us used to federal secret police on the streets in time to call off the election due to a trumped up emergency to stay in office.
When Federal property is being damaged, this is what you get. Your concern is misplaced. Dumb
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

How are they gonna stop Trump?
Not a matter of stopping trump. Just put two humvees to shadow movement of all Fed unmarked rolling units of the secret police and control their activity and make sure the personnel are identified before being allowed out of the GSA parking lot with order to arrest on illegal activity if necessary. 150 secret police is no match for an infantry battalion. It is expensive, but the state has to decide whether to give up state control of troops within their borders and make no mistake the secret police is troops not law enforcement.
Illegal activity? Funny.
Activity such as seen on the news of rolling up with no identification to snatch people off the street into an unmarked car and taking of to who knows where for whatever they choose to do with them or to them. You can an should respect law enforcement. That ain't law enforcement. Makes a pretty strong case for the gun nuts that think you may need fully automatic weapons and high capacity magazines available to the people, to protect against excess of the government using federal troops. Never thought they were anything but gun nuts until now. Never though I would see secret police right here in my country.
I don't give a damn what the Feds do to the vermin.
That is pretty much what the states should be afraid of. Nothing like, Hi, were from the Federal government, we're here to help you, right?
Nope. More like picking up the trash and taking them off the street so law abiding people can go about their lives in peace and safety. Idiot.
And where does that stop, your front door? Bad precedent by a bad president.
It stops when the vermin are all picked up or they go away. You're not very bright, huh.
Bright enough, just not trusting enough.
Perhaps you're just confused. That's what it sounds like.
Nope. I just do not trust the good intentions of the Feds when trump has talked about sending to democrat controlled cities, making it sound like a political operation during an election years. Dangerous political stunt, in my opinion.
So you're okay with rioters and terrorizing citizens. Good luck.
Nope. I just do not approve of federal martial law being imposed over state control. Not a good precedent.
No one has imposed martial law federal statute the government has NO choice but to protect federal buildings and personel ...
Would have no problem if that was all they were doing, but even you know it is a lie. You also know we don't send in troops is unmarked vehicles, dressed for combat, wearing balaclava to hide their identity and thwart photo records with little or no ID visible and only attached with velcro when visible at all to snatch people off the street.
Decent people can't enjoy their city in the evening. Way past time to remove the vermin.
Not at all thrilled with the way some of these cities have handled their problems since the Floyd murder. Just don't like the precident being set for uninvited federal intervention. Hope he isn't getting us used to federal secret police on the streets in time to call off the election due to a trumped up emergency to stay in office.
When Federal property is being damaged, this is what you get. Your concern is misplaced. Dumb
I think the Federal government has every right to protect Federal property anywhere, anytime. If that is all that they were doing I would have no problem, but they need to keep those masked cowboy protecting the coral and patrolling the streets. We don't need secret police.
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

How are they gonna stop Trump?
Not a matter of stopping trump. Just put two humvees to shadow movement of all Fed unmarked rolling units of the secret police and control their activity and make sure the personnel are identified before being allowed out of the GSA parking lot with order to arrest on illegal activity if necessary. 150 secret police is no match for an infantry battalion. It is expensive, but the state has to decide whether to give up state control of troops within their borders and make no mistake the secret police is troops not law enforcement.
Illegal activity? Funny.
Activity such as seen on the news of rolling up with no identification to snatch people off the street into an unmarked car and taking of to who knows where for whatever they choose to do with them or to them. You can an should respect law enforcement. That ain't law enforcement. Makes a pretty strong case for the gun nuts that think you may need fully automatic weapons and high capacity magazines available to the people, to protect against excess of the government using federal troops. Never thought they were anything but gun nuts until now. Never though I would see secret police right here in my country.
I don't give a damn what the Feds do to the vermin.
That is pretty much what the states should be afraid of. Nothing like, Hi, were from the Federal government, we're here to help you, right?
Nope. More like picking up the trash and taking them off the street so law abiding people can go about their lives in peace and safety. Idiot.
And where does that stop, your front door? Bad precedent by a bad president.
It stops when the vermin are all picked up or they go away. You're not very bright, huh.
Bright enough, just not trusting enough.
Perhaps you're just confused. That's what it sounds like.
Nope. I just do not trust the good intentions of the Feds when trump has talked about sending to democrat controlled cities, making it sound like a political operation during an election years. Dangerous political stunt, in my opinion.
So you're okay with rioters and terrorizing citizens. Good luck.
Nope. I just do not approve of federal martial law being imposed over state control. Not a good precedent.
No one has imposed martial law federal statute the government has NO choice but to protect federal buildings and personel ...
Would have no problem if that was all they were doing, but even you know it is a lie. You also know we don't send in troops is unmarked vehicles, dressed for combat, wearing balaclava to hide their identity and thwart photo records with little or no ID visible and only attached with velcro when visible at all to snatch people off the street.
Decent people can't enjoy their city in the evening. Way past time to remove the vermin.
Not at all thrilled with the way some of these cities have handled their problems since the Floyd murder. Just don't like the precident being set for uninvited federal intervention. Hope he isn't getting us used to federal secret police on the streets in time to call off the election due to a trumped up emergency to stay in office.
When Federal property is being damaged, this is what you get. Your concern is misplaced. Dumb
I think the Federal government has every right to protect Federal property anywhere, anytime. If that is all that they were doing I would have no problem, but they need to keep those masked cowboy protecting the coral and patrolling the streets. We don't need secret police.
You mean "corral". Coral is in the ocean.
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

How are they gonna stop Trump?
Not a matter of stopping trump. Just put two humvees to shadow movement of all Fed unmarked rolling units of the secret police and control their activity and make sure the personnel are identified before being allowed out of the GSA parking lot with order to arrest on illegal activity if necessary. 150 secret police is no match for an infantry battalion. It is expensive, but the state has to decide whether to give up state control of troops within their borders and make no mistake the secret police is troops not law enforcement.
Illegal activity? Funny.
Activity such as seen on the news of rolling up with no identification to snatch people off the street into an unmarked car and taking of to who knows where for whatever they choose to do with them or to them. You can an should respect law enforcement. That ain't law enforcement. Makes a pretty strong case for the gun nuts that think you may need fully automatic weapons and high capacity magazines available to the people, to protect against excess of the government using federal troops. Never thought they were anything but gun nuts until now. Never though I would see secret police right here in my country.
I don't give a damn what the Feds do to the vermin.
That is pretty much what the states should be afraid of. Nothing like, Hi, were from the Federal government, we're here to help you, right?
Nope. More like picking up the trash and taking them off the street so law abiding people can go about their lives in peace and safety. Idiot.
And where does that stop, your front door? Bad precedent by a bad president.
It stops when the vermin are all picked up or they go away. You're not very bright, huh.
Bright enough, just not trusting enough.
Perhaps you're just confused. That's what it sounds like.
Nope. I just do not trust the good intentions of the Feds when trump has talked about sending to democrat controlled cities, making it sound like a political operation during an election years. Dangerous political stunt, in my opinion.
So you're okay with rioters and terrorizing citizens. Good luck.
Nope. I just do not approve of federal martial law being imposed over state control. Not a good precedent.
No one has imposed martial law federal statute the government has NO choice but to protect federal buildings and personel ...
Would have no problem if that was all they were doing, but even you know it is a lie. You also know we don't send in troops is unmarked vehicles, dressed for combat, wearing balaclava to hide their identity and thwart photo records with little or no ID visible and only attached with velcro when visible at all to snatch people off the street.
Decent people can't enjoy their city in the evening. Way past time to remove the vermin.
Not at all thrilled with the way some of these cities have handled their problems since the Floyd murder. Just don't like the precident being set for uninvited federal intervention. Hope he isn't getting us used to federal secret police on the streets in time to call off the election due to a trumped up emergency to stay in office.
When Federal property is being damaged, this is what you get. Your concern is misplaced. Dumb
I think the Federal government has every right to protect Federal property anywhere, anytime. If that is all that they were doing I would have no problem, but they need to keep those masked cowboy protecting the coral and patrolling the streets. We don't need secret police.
Obviously Portland was incapable of maintaining law and order on its own streets, so federal action was necessary. If you understood what the term secret police actually meant, you would feel very stupid for calling federal law enforcement officers secret police when everything they are doing in a matter of public record.
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

How are they gonna stop Trump?
Not a matter of stopping trump. Just put two humvees to shadow movement of all Fed unmarked rolling units of the secret police and control their activity and make sure the personnel are identified before being allowed out of the GSA parking lot with order to arrest on illegal activity if necessary. 150 secret police is no match for an infantry battalion. It is expensive, but the state has to decide whether to give up state control of troops within their borders and make no mistake the secret police is troops not law enforcement.
Illegal activity? Funny.
Activity such as seen on the news of rolling up with no identification to snatch people off the street into an unmarked car and taking of to who knows where for whatever they choose to do with them or to them. You can an should respect law enforcement. That ain't law enforcement. Makes a pretty strong case for the gun nuts that think you may need fully automatic weapons and high capacity magazines available to the people, to protect against excess of the government using federal troops. Never thought they were anything but gun nuts until now. Never though I would see secret police right here in my country.
I don't give a damn what the Feds do to the vermin.
That is pretty much what the states should be afraid of. Nothing like, Hi, were from the Federal government, we're here to help you, right?
Nope. More like picking up the trash and taking them off the street so law abiding people can go about their lives in peace and safety. Idiot.
And where does that stop, your front door? Bad precedent by a bad president.
It stops when the vermin are all picked up or they go away. You're not very bright, huh.
Bright enough, just not trusting enough.
Perhaps you're just confused. That's what it sounds like.
Nope. I just do not trust the good intentions of the Feds when trump has talked about sending to democrat controlled cities, making it sound like a political operation during an election years. Dangerous political stunt, in my opinion.
So you're okay with rioters and terrorizing citizens. Good luck.
Nope. I just do not approve of federal martial law being imposed over state control. Not a good precedent.
No one has imposed martial law federal statute the government has NO choice but to protect federal buildings and personel ...
Would have no problem if that was all they were doing, but even you know it is a lie. You also know we don't send in troops is unmarked vehicles, dressed for combat, wearing balaclava to hide their identity and thwart photo records with little or no ID visible and only attached with velcro when visible at all to snatch people off the street.
Decent people can't enjoy their city in the evening. Way past time to remove the vermin.
Not at all thrilled with the way some of these cities have handled their problems since the Floyd murder. Just don't like the precident being set for uninvited federal intervention. Hope he isn't getting us used to federal secret police on the streets in time to call off the election due to a trumped up emergency to stay in office.
When Federal property is being damaged, this is what you get. Your concern is misplaced. Dumb
Stephen I. Vladeck, a law professor at the University of Texas at Austin, said it was not clear how federal agents could occupy the streets of a city that is 99 percent not federal property. “It’s of course the prerogative of the federal government to enforce federal law and protect federal property,” Mr. Vladeck said. “It is not the job of the federal government to be a general police force for all crimes.”
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

How are they gonna stop Trump?
Not a matter of stopping trump. Just put two humvees to shadow movement of all Fed unmarked rolling units of the secret police and control their activity and make sure the personnel are identified before being allowed out of the GSA parking lot with order to arrest on illegal activity if necessary. 150 secret police is no match for an infantry battalion. It is expensive, but the state has to decide whether to give up state control of troops within their borders and make no mistake the secret police is troops not law enforcement.
Illegal activity? Funny.
Activity such as seen on the news of rolling up with no identification to snatch people off the street into an unmarked car and taking of to who knows where for whatever they choose to do with them or to them. You can an should respect law enforcement. That ain't law enforcement. Makes a pretty strong case for the gun nuts that think you may need fully automatic weapons and high capacity magazines available to the people, to protect against excess of the government using federal troops. Never thought they were anything but gun nuts until now. Never though I would see secret police right here in my country.
I don't give a damn what the Feds do to the vermin.
That is pretty much what the states should be afraid of. Nothing like, Hi, were from the Federal government, we're here to help you, right?
Nope. More like picking up the trash and taking them off the street so law abiding people can go about their lives in peace and safety. Idiot.
And where does that stop, your front door? Bad precedent by a bad president.
It stops when the vermin are all picked up or they go away. You're not very bright, huh.
Bright enough, just not trusting enough.
Perhaps you're just confused. That's what it sounds like.
Nope. I just do not trust the good intentions of the Feds when trump has talked about sending to democrat controlled cities, making it sound like a political operation during an election years. Dangerous political stunt, in my opinion.
So you're okay with rioters and terrorizing citizens. Good luck.
Nope. I just do not approve of federal martial law being imposed over state control. Not a good precedent.
No one has imposed martial law federal statute the government has NO choice but to protect federal buildings and personel ...
Would have no problem if that was all they were doing, but even you know it is a lie. You also know we don't send in troops is unmarked vehicles, dressed for combat, wearing balaclava to hide their identity and thwart photo records with little or no ID visible and only attached with velcro when visible at all to snatch people off the street.
Decent people can't enjoy their city in the evening. Way past time to remove the vermin.
Not at all thrilled with the way some of these cities have handled their problems since the Floyd murder. Just don't like the precident being set for uninvited federal intervention. Hope he isn't getting us used to federal secret police on the streets in time to call off the election due to a trumped up emergency to stay in office.
When Federal property is being damaged, this is what you get. Your concern is misplaced. Dumb
Stephen I. Vladeck, a law professor at the University of Texas at Austin, said it was not clear how federal agents could occupy the streets of a city that is 99 percent not federal property. “It’s of course the prerogative of the federal government to enforce federal law and protect federal property,” Mr. Vladeck said. “It is not the job of the federal government to be a general police force for all crimes.”
A stupid thing to say since there is no evidence federal officers are acting like "general police force for all crimes.”
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

How are they gonna stop Trump?
Not a matter of stopping trump. Just put two humvees to shadow movement of all Fed unmarked rolling units of the secret police and control their activity and make sure the personnel are identified before being allowed out of the GSA parking lot with order to arrest on illegal activity if necessary. 150 secret police is no match for an infantry battalion. It is expensive, but the state has to decide whether to give up state control of troops within their borders and make no mistake the secret police is troops not law enforcement.
Illegal activity? Funny.
Activity such as seen on the news of rolling up with no identification to snatch people off the street into an unmarked car and taking of to who knows where for whatever they choose to do with them or to them. You can an should respect law enforcement. That ain't law enforcement. Makes a pretty strong case for the gun nuts that think you may need fully automatic weapons and high capacity magazines available to the people, to protect against excess of the government using federal troops. Never thought they were anything but gun nuts until now. Never though I would see secret police right here in my country.
I don't give a damn what the Feds do to the vermin.
That is pretty much what the states should be afraid of. Nothing like, Hi, were from the Federal government, we're here to help you, right?
Nope. More like picking up the trash and taking them off the street so law abiding people can go about their lives in peace and safety. Idiot.
And where does that stop, your front door? Bad precedent by a bad president.
It stops when the vermin are all picked up or they go away. You're not very bright, huh.
Bright enough, just not trusting enough.
Perhaps you're just confused. That's what it sounds like.
Nope. I just do not trust the good intentions of the Feds when trump has talked about sending to democrat controlled cities, making it sound like a political operation during an election years. Dangerous political stunt, in my opinion.
So you're okay with rioters and terrorizing citizens. Good luck.
Nope. I just do not approve of federal martial law being imposed over state control. Not a good precedent.
No one has imposed martial law federal statute the government has NO choice but to protect federal buildings and personel ...
Would have no problem if that was all they were doing, but even you know it is a lie. You also know we don't send in troops is unmarked vehicles, dressed for combat, wearing balaclava to hide their identity and thwart photo records with little or no ID visible and only attached with velcro when visible at all to snatch people off the street.
Decent people can't enjoy their city in the evening. Way past time to remove the vermin.
Not at all thrilled with the way some of these cities have handled their problems since the Floyd murder. Just don't like the precident being set for uninvited federal intervention. Hope he isn't getting us used to federal secret police on the streets in time to call off the election due to a trumped up emergency to stay in office.
When Federal property is being damaged, this is what you get. Your concern is misplaced. Dumb
Stephen I. Vladeck, a law professor at the University of Texas at Austin, said it was not clear how federal agents could occupy the streets of a city that is 99 percent not federal property. “It’s of course the prerogative of the federal government to enforce federal law and protect federal property,” Mr. Vladeck said. “It is not the job of the federal government to be a general police force for all crimes.”
Agree. So? Let us know when that happens.
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

How are they gonna stop Trump?
Not a matter of stopping trump. Just put two humvees to shadow movement of all Fed unmarked rolling units of the secret police and control their activity and make sure the personnel are identified before being allowed out of the GSA parking lot with order to arrest on illegal activity if necessary. 150 secret police is no match for an infantry battalion. It is expensive, but the state has to decide whether to give up state control of troops within their borders and make no mistake the secret police is troops not law enforcement.
Illegal activity? Funny.
Activity such as seen on the news of rolling up with no identification to snatch people off the street into an unmarked car and taking of to who knows where for whatever they choose to do with them or to them. You can an should respect law enforcement. That ain't law enforcement. Makes a pretty strong case for the gun nuts that think you may need fully automatic weapons and high capacity magazines available to the people, to protect against excess of the government using federal troops. Never thought they were anything but gun nuts until now. Never though I would see secret police right here in my country.
I don't give a damn what the Feds do to the vermin.
That is pretty much what the states should be afraid of. Nothing like, Hi, were from the Federal government, we're here to help you, right?
Nope. More like picking up the trash and taking them off the street so law abiding people can go about their lives in peace and safety. Idiot.
And where does that stop, your front door? Bad precedent by a bad president.
It stops when the vermin are all picked up or they go away. You're not very bright, huh.
Bright enough, just not trusting enough.
Perhaps you're just confused. That's what it sounds like.
Nope. I just do not trust the good intentions of the Feds when trump has talked about sending to democrat controlled cities, making it sound like a political operation during an election years. Dangerous political stunt, in my opinion.
So you're okay with rioters and terrorizing citizens. Good luck.
Nope. I just do not approve of federal martial law being imposed over state control. Not a good precedent.
No one has imposed martial law federal statute the government has NO choice but to protect federal buildings and personel ...
Would have no problem if that was all they were doing, but even you know it is a lie. You also know we don't send in troops is unmarked vehicles, dressed for combat, wearing balaclava to hide their identity and thwart photo records with little or no ID visible and only attached with velcro when visible at all to snatch people off the street.
Decent people can't enjoy their city in the evening. Way past time to remove the vermin.
Not at all thrilled with the way some of these cities have handled their problems since the Floyd murder. Just don't like the precident being set for uninvited federal intervention. Hope he isn't getting us used to federal secret police on the streets in time to call off the election due to a trumped up emergency to stay in office.
When Federal property is being damaged, this is what you get. Your concern is misplaced. Dumb
I think the Federal government has every right to protect Federal property anywhere, anytime. If that is all that they were doing I would have no problem, but they need to keep those masked cowboy protecting the coral and patrolling the streets. We don't need secret police.
You mean "corral". Coral is in the ocean.
Oops. Thanks. Spelling has gone to crap, since last college degree where I started depending on spell check. I don't actually drool while I type at the keyboard.., er, uh, at least not yet.
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

How are they gonna stop Trump?
Not a matter of stopping trump. Just put two humvees to shadow movement of all Fed unmarked rolling units of the secret police and control their activity and make sure the personnel are identified before being allowed out of the GSA parking lot with order to arrest on illegal activity if necessary. 150 secret police is no match for an infantry battalion. It is expensive, but the state has to decide whether to give up state control of troops within their borders and make no mistake the secret police is troops not law enforcement.
Illegal activity? Funny.
Activity such as seen on the news of rolling up with no identification to snatch people off the street into an unmarked car and taking of to who knows where for whatever they choose to do with them or to them. You can an should respect law enforcement. That ain't law enforcement. Makes a pretty strong case for the gun nuts that think you may need fully automatic weapons and high capacity magazines available to the people, to protect against excess of the government using federal troops. Never thought they were anything but gun nuts until now. Never though I would see secret police right here in my country.
I don't give a damn what the Feds do to the vermin.
That is pretty much what the states should be afraid of. Nothing like, Hi, were from the Federal government, we're here to help you, right?
Nope. More like picking up the trash and taking them off the street so law abiding people can go about their lives in peace and safety. Idiot.
And where does that stop, your front door? Bad precedent by a bad president.
It stops when the vermin are all picked up or they go away. You're not very bright, huh.
Bright enough, just not trusting enough.
Perhaps you're just confused. That's what it sounds like.
Nope. I just do not trust the good intentions of the Feds when trump has talked about sending to democrat controlled cities, making it sound like a political operation during an election years. Dangerous political stunt, in my opinion.
So you're okay with rioters and terrorizing citizens. Good luck.
Nope. I just do not approve of federal martial law being imposed over state control. Not a good precedent.
No one has imposed martial law federal statute the government has NO choice but to protect federal buildings and personel ...
Would have no problem if that was all they were doing, but even you know it is a lie. You also know we don't send in troops is unmarked vehicles, dressed for combat, wearing balaclava to hide their identity and thwart photo records with little or no ID visible and only attached with velcro when visible at all to snatch people off the street.
Decent people can't enjoy their city in the evening. Way past time to remove the vermin.
Not at all thrilled with the way some of these cities have handled their problems since the Floyd murder. Just don't like the precident being set for uninvited federal intervention. Hope he isn't getting us used to federal secret police on the streets in time to call off the election due to a trumped up emergency to stay in office.
When Federal property is being damaged, this is what you get. Your concern is misplaced. Dumb
Stephen I. Vladeck, a law professor at the University of Texas at Austin, said it was not clear how federal agents could occupy the streets of a city that is 99 percent not federal property. “It’s of course the prerogative of the federal government to enforce federal law and protect federal property,” Mr. Vladeck said. “It is not the job of the federal government to be a general police force for all crimes.”
A stupid thing to say since there is no evidence federal officers are acting like "general police force for all crimes.”
Since they gassed the mayor, and are all around the city.
And gassed a 17 year old girl working for press.
Last edited:
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

How are they gonna stop Trump?
Not a matter of stopping trump. Just put two humvees to shadow movement of all Fed unmarked rolling units of the secret police and control their activity and make sure the personnel are identified before being allowed out of the GSA parking lot with order to arrest on illegal activity if necessary. 150 secret police is no match for an infantry battalion. It is expensive, but the state has to decide whether to give up state control of troops within their borders and make no mistake the secret police is troops not law enforcement.
Illegal activity? Funny.
Activity such as seen on the news of rolling up with no identification to snatch people off the street into an unmarked car and taking of to who knows where for whatever they choose to do with them or to them. You can an should respect law enforcement. That ain't law enforcement. Makes a pretty strong case for the gun nuts that think you may need fully automatic weapons and high capacity magazines available to the people, to protect against excess of the government using federal troops. Never thought they were anything but gun nuts until now. Never though I would see secret police right here in my country.
I don't give a damn what the Feds do to the vermin.
That is pretty much what the states should be afraid of. Nothing like, Hi, were from the Federal government, we're here to help you, right?
Nope. More like picking up the trash and taking them off the street so law abiding people can go about their lives in peace and safety. Idiot.
And where does that stop, your front door? Bad precedent by a bad president.
It stops when the vermin are all picked up or they go away. You're not very bright, huh.
Bright enough, just not trusting enough.
Perhaps you're just confused. That's what it sounds like.
Nope. I just do not trust the good intentions of the Feds when trump has talked about sending to democrat controlled cities, making it sound like a political operation during an election years. Dangerous political stunt, in my opinion.
So you're okay with rioters and terrorizing citizens. Good luck.
Nope. I just do not approve of federal martial law being imposed over state control. Not a good precedent.
No one has imposed martial law federal statute the government has NO choice but to protect federal buildings and personel ...
Would have no problem if that was all they were doing, but even you know it is a lie. You also know we don't send in troops is unmarked vehicles, dressed for combat, wearing balaclava to hide their identity and thwart photo records with little or no ID visible and only attached with velcro when visible at all to snatch people off the street.
Decent people can't enjoy their city in the evening. Way past time to remove the vermin.
Not at all thrilled with the way some of these cities have handled their problems since the Floyd murder. Just don't like the precident being set for uninvited federal intervention. Hope he isn't getting us used to federal secret police on the streets in time to call off the election due to a trumped up emergency to stay in office.
When Federal property is being damaged, this is what you get. Your concern is misplaced. Dumb
Stephen I. Vladeck, a law professor at the University of Texas at Austin, said it was not clear how federal agents could occupy the streets of a city that is 99 percent not federal property. “It’s of course the prerogative of the federal government to enforce federal law and protect federal property,” Mr. Vladeck said. “It is not the job of the federal government to be a general police force for all crimes.”
A stupid thing to say since there is no evidence federal officers are acting like "general police force for all crimes.”
Since they gassed the mayor, and are all around the city.
That hardly means they are acting like "general police force for all crimes". They are simply enforcing federal law in Portland just as they have always done. Their actions stand out because of the near total breakdown of law enforcement in Portland. They are not arresting people for breaking state or local laws but only for breaking federal laws, just as they have always done.
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

How are they gonna stop Trump?
Not a matter of stopping trump. Just put two humvees to shadow movement of all Fed unmarked rolling units of the secret police and control their activity and make sure the personnel are identified before being allowed out of the GSA parking lot with order to arrest on illegal activity if necessary. 150 secret police is no match for an infantry battalion. It is expensive, but the state has to decide whether to give up state control of troops within their borders and make no mistake the secret police is troops not law enforcement.
Illegal activity? Funny.
Activity such as seen on the news of rolling up with no identification to snatch people off the street into an unmarked car and taking of to who knows where for whatever they choose to do with them or to them. You can an should respect law enforcement. That ain't law enforcement. Makes a pretty strong case for the gun nuts that think you may need fully automatic weapons and high capacity magazines available to the people, to protect against excess of the government using federal troops. Never thought they were anything but gun nuts until now. Never though I would see secret police right here in my country.
I don't give a damn what the Feds do to the vermin.
That is pretty much what the states should be afraid of. Nothing like, Hi, were from the Federal government, we're here to help you, right?
Nope. More like picking up the trash and taking them off the street so law abiding people can go about their lives in peace and safety. Idiot.
And where does that stop, your front door? Bad precedent by a bad president.
It stops when the vermin are all picked up or they go away. You're not very bright, huh.
Bright enough, just not trusting enough.
Perhaps you're just confused. That's what it sounds like.
Nope. I just do not trust the good intentions of the Feds when trump has talked about sending to democrat controlled cities, making it sound like a political operation during an election years. Dangerous political stunt, in my opinion.
So you're okay with rioters and terrorizing citizens. Good luck.
Nope. I just do not approve of federal martial law being imposed over state control. Not a good precedent.
No one has imposed martial law federal statute the government has NO choice but to protect federal buildings and personel ...
Would have no problem if that was all they were doing, but even you know it is a lie. You also know we don't send in troops is unmarked vehicles, dressed for combat, wearing balaclava to hide their identity and thwart photo records with little or no ID visible and only attached with velcro when visible at all to snatch people off the street.
Decent people can't enjoy their city in the evening. Way past time to remove the vermin.
Not at all thrilled with the way some of these cities have handled their problems since the Floyd murder. Just don't like the precident being set for uninvited federal intervention. Hope he isn't getting us used to federal secret police on the streets in time to call off the election due to a trumped up emergency to stay in office.
When Federal property is being damaged, this is what you get. Your concern is misplaced. Dumb
Stephen I. Vladeck, a law professor at the University of Texas at Austin, said it was not clear how federal agents could occupy the streets of a city that is 99 percent not federal property. “It’s of course the prerogative of the federal government to enforce federal law and protect federal property,” Mr. Vladeck said. “It is not the job of the federal government to be a general police force for all crimes.”
A stupid thing to say since there is no evidence federal officers are acting like "general police force for all crimes.”
Since they gassed the mayor, and are all around the city.
And gassed a 17 year old girl working for press.
What did the peaceful protesters do to the Mayor?
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

Crime and murder is spiraling out of control in places like New York and Chicago. Citizens (mainly blacks) are being slaughtered. Why are democratic mayors allowing this and stopping Trump from helping?
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

Crime and murder is spiraling out of control in places like New York and Chicago. Citizens (mainly blacks) are being slaughtered. Why are democratic mayors allowing this and stopping Trump from helping?
So they can blame Trump for being a racist.
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

Crime and murder is spiraling out of control in places like New York and Chicago. Citizens (mainly blacks) are being slaughtered. Why are democratic mayors allowing this and stopping Trump from helping?
So they can blame Trump for being a racist.

I hope Trump pounds this point home in the debates. Democratic mayors do nothing while blacks are being murdered in record numbers in our inner cities. They totally reject Trump's offer to help.
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

How are they gonna stop Trump?
Not a matter of stopping trump. Just put two humvees to shadow movement of all Fed unmarked rolling units of the secret police and control their activity and make sure the personnel are identified before being allowed out of the GSA parking lot with order to arrest on illegal activity if necessary. 150 secret police is no match for an infantry battalion. It is expensive, but the state has to decide whether to give up state control of troops within their borders and make no mistake the secret police is troops not law enforcement.
Illegal activity? Funny.
Activity such as seen on the news of rolling up with no identification to snatch people off the street into an unmarked car and taking of to who knows where for whatever they choose to do with them or to them. You can an should respect law enforcement. That ain't law enforcement. Makes a pretty strong case for the gun nuts that think you may need fully automatic weapons and high capacity magazines available to the people, to protect against excess of the government using federal troops. Never thought they were anything but gun nuts until now. Never though I would see secret police right here in my country.
I don't give a damn what the Feds do to the vermin.
That is pretty much what the states should be afraid of. Nothing like, Hi, were from the Federal government, we're here to help you, right?
Nope. More like picking up the trash and taking them off the street so law abiding people can go about their lives in peace and safety. Idiot.
And where does that stop, your front door? Bad precedent by a bad president.
It stops when the vermin are all picked up or they go away. You're not very bright, huh.
Bright enough, just not trusting enough.
Perhaps you're just confused. That's what it sounds like.
Nope. I just do not trust the good intentions of the Feds when trump has talked about sending to democrat controlled cities, making it sound like a political operation during an election years. Dangerous political stunt, in my opinion.
So you're okay with rioters and terrorizing citizens. Good luck.
Nope. I just do not approve of federal martial law being imposed over state control. Not a good precedent.
No one has imposed martial law federal statute the government has NO choice but to protect federal buildings and personel ...
Would have no problem if that was all they were doing, but even you know it is a lie. You also know we don't send in troops is unmarked vehicles, dressed for combat, wearing balaclava to hide their identity and thwart photo records with little or no ID visible and only attached with velcro when visible at all to snatch people off the street.
Decent people can't enjoy their city in the evening. Way past time to remove the vermin.
Not at all thrilled with the way some of these cities have handled their problems since the Floyd murder. Just don't like the precident being set for uninvited federal intervention. Hope he isn't getting us used to federal secret police on the streets in time to call off the election due to a trumped up emergency to stay in office.
When Federal property is being damaged, this is what you get. Your concern is misplaced. Dumb
Stephen I. Vladeck, a law professor at the University of Texas at Austin, said it was not clear how federal agents could occupy the streets of a city that is 99 percent not federal property. “It’s of course the prerogative of the federal government to enforce federal law and protect federal property,” Mr. Vladeck said. “It is not the job of the federal government to be a general police force for all crimes.”
A stupid thing to say since there is no evidence federal officers are acting like "general police force for all crimes.”
Since they gassed the mayor, and are all around the city.
That hardly means they are acting like "general police force for all crimes". They are simply enforcing federal law in Portland just as they have always done. Their actions stand out because of the near total breakdown of law enforcement in Portland. They are not arresting people for breaking state or local laws but only for breaking federal laws, just as they have always done.
The video was disturbing. They rolled up to an intersection without a federal building and less than a dozen citizens around in an unmarked suv, jumping out in full battle gear, face masked to hide identity with the only ID that could be see attached with velcro. Moved in to pick up a guy down the block while their driver waited with the engine running. The one filming yell "Who are you?" no answer. Yelled "What are you doing?" no answer. Asked "what did he do?" no answer. Where are you taking him? No answer. Finally they called to the man being abducted asking his name, so somebody would know who had been abducted and thrown in the unmarked car by the unmarked secret police. Upon the guy yelling his name back over his shoulder, they yelled the initials of some legal services would get him out. It was quick, efficient effective, and not how these things go down in a free society and looked like a secret police operation on the streets of a communist country. Innocent? Maybe. Justifiable? Who knows. Are they accountable to anyone? Nope, not without knowing who they are or the scope of their operations, but it is far more than protecting Federal buildings and were appearently not invited by the governor of Oregon or that idiot Portland mayor. Looked like something out of an old movie.., a bad old movie. Hope they don't come to my town. Probably won't. I live in a "red" state. with few protests and mostly just good old fashion black on black crime, the kind BLM ignores, mostly not on my side of town.
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

How are they gonna stop Trump?
Not a matter of stopping trump. Just put two humvees to shadow movement of all Fed unmarked rolling units of the secret police and control their activity and make sure the personnel are identified before being allowed out of the GSA parking lot with order to arrest on illegal activity if necessary. 150 secret police is no match for an infantry battalion. It is expensive, but the state has to decide whether to give up state control of troops within their borders and make no mistake the secret police is troops not law enforcement.
Illegal activity? Funny.
Activity such as seen on the news of rolling up with no identification to snatch people off the street into an unmarked car and taking of to who knows where for whatever they choose to do with them or to them. You can an should respect law enforcement. That ain't law enforcement. Makes a pretty strong case for the gun nuts that think you may need fully automatic weapons and high capacity magazines available to the people, to protect against excess of the government using federal troops. Never thought they were anything but gun nuts until now. Never though I would see secret police right here in my country.
I don't give a damn what the Feds do to the vermin.
That is pretty much what the states should be afraid of. Nothing like, Hi, were from the Federal government, we're here to help you, right?
Nope. More like picking up the trash and taking them off the street so law abiding people can go about their lives in peace and safety. Idiot.
And where does that stop, your front door? Bad precedent by a bad president.
It stops when the vermin are all picked up or they go away. You're not very bright, huh.
Bright enough, just not trusting enough.
Perhaps you're just confused. That's what it sounds like.
Nope. I just do not trust the good intentions of the Feds when trump has talked about sending to democrat controlled cities, making it sound like a political operation during an election years. Dangerous political stunt, in my opinion.
So you're okay with rioters and terrorizing citizens. Good luck.
Nope. I just do not approve of federal martial law being imposed over state control. Not a good precedent.
No one has imposed martial law federal statute the government has NO choice but to protect federal buildings and personel ...
Would have no problem if that was all they were doing, but even you know it is a lie. You also know we don't send in troops is unmarked vehicles, dressed for combat, wearing balaclava to hide their identity and thwart photo records with little or no ID visible and only attached with velcro when visible at all to snatch people off the street.
Decent people can't enjoy their city in the evening. Way past time to remove the vermin.
Not at all thrilled with the way some of these cities have handled their problems since the Floyd murder. Just don't like the precident being set for uninvited federal intervention. Hope he isn't getting us used to federal secret police on the streets in time to call off the election due to a trumped up emergency to stay in office.
When Federal property is being damaged, this is what you get. Your concern is misplaced. Dumb
Stephen I. Vladeck, a law professor at the University of Texas at Austin, said it was not clear how federal agents could occupy the streets of a city that is 99 percent not federal property. “It’s of course the prerogative of the federal government to enforce federal law and protect federal property,” Mr. Vladeck said. “It is not the job of the federal government to be a general police force for all crimes.”
A stupid thing to say since there is no evidence federal officers are acting like "general police force for all crimes.”
Since they gassed the mayor, and are all around the city.
That hardly means they are acting like "general police force for all crimes". They are simply enforcing federal law in Portland just as they have always done. Their actions stand out because of the near total breakdown of law enforcement in Portland. They are not arresting people for breaking state or local laws but only for breaking federal laws, just as they have always done.
Blah, blah, and blah. Portland authorities have had two months to put down the riots. Blah, blah and blah isn't working. This guy is just another leftist propaganda parrot.
I'm glad to see real Americans standing up for the constitution, the law and our people.

De Blasio and other mayors have said they will take legal steps to stop trump.

I don't see how any court in this nation won't stop trump from doing this.

How are they gonna stop Trump?
Not a matter of stopping trump. Just put two humvees to shadow movement of all Fed unmarked rolling units of the secret police and control their activity and make sure the personnel are identified before being allowed out of the GSA parking lot with order to arrest on illegal activity if necessary. 150 secret police is no match for an infantry battalion. It is expensive, but the state has to decide whether to give up state control of troops within their borders and make no mistake the secret police is troops not law enforcement.
Illegal activity? Funny.
Activity such as seen on the news of rolling up with no identification to snatch people off the street into an unmarked car and taking of to who knows where for whatever they choose to do with them or to them. You can an should respect law enforcement. That ain't law enforcement. Makes a pretty strong case for the gun nuts that think you may need fully automatic weapons and high capacity magazines available to the people, to protect against excess of the government using federal troops. Never thought they were anything but gun nuts until now. Never though I would see secret police right here in my country.
I don't give a damn what the Feds do to the vermin.
That is pretty much what the states should be afraid of. Nothing like, Hi, were from the Federal government, we're here to help you, right?
Nope. More like picking up the trash and taking them off the street so law abiding people can go about their lives in peace and safety. Idiot.
And where does that stop, your front door? Bad precedent by a bad president.
It stops when the vermin are all picked up or they go away. You're not very bright, huh.
Bright enough, just not trusting enough.
Perhaps you're just confused. That's what it sounds like.
Nope. I just do not trust the good intentions of the Feds when trump has talked about sending to democrat controlled cities, making it sound like a political operation during an election years. Dangerous political stunt, in my opinion.
So you're okay with rioters and terrorizing citizens. Good luck.
Nope. I just do not approve of federal martial law being imposed over state control. Not a good precedent.
No one has imposed martial law federal statute the government has NO choice but to protect federal buildings and personel ...
Would have no problem if that was all they were doing, but even you know it is a lie. You also know we don't send in troops is unmarked vehicles, dressed for combat, wearing balaclava to hide their identity and thwart photo records with little or no ID visible and only attached with velcro when visible at all to snatch people off the street.
Decent people can't enjoy their city in the evening. Way past time to remove the vermin.
Not at all thrilled with the way some of these cities have handled their problems since the Floyd murder. Just don't like the precident being set for uninvited federal intervention. Hope he isn't getting us used to federal secret police on the streets in time to call off the election due to a trumped up emergency to stay in office.
When Federal property is being damaged, this is what you get. Your concern is misplaced. Dumb
Stephen I. Vladeck, a law professor at the University of Texas at Austin, said it was not clear how federal agents could occupy the streets of a city that is 99 percent not federal property. “It’s of course the prerogative of the federal government to enforce federal law and protect federal property,” Mr. Vladeck said. “It is not the job of the federal government to be a general police force for all crimes.”
A stupid thing to say since there is no evidence federal officers are acting like "general police force for all crimes.”
Since they gassed the mayor, and are all around the city.
That hardly means they are acting like "general police force for all crimes". They are simply enforcing federal law in Portland just as they have always done. Their actions stand out because of the near total breakdown of law enforcement in Portland. They are not arresting people for breaking state or local laws but only for breaking federal laws, just as they have always done.
The video was disturbing. They rolled up to an intersection without a federal building and less than a dozen citizens around in an unmarked suv, jumping out in full battle gear, face masked to hide identity with the only ID that could be see attached with velcro. Moved in to pick up a guy down the block while their driver waited with the engine running. The one filming yell "Who are you?" no answer. Yelled "What are you doing?" no answer. Asked "what did he do?" no answer. Where are you taking him? No answer. Finally they called to the man being abducted asking his name, so somebody would know who had been abducted and thrown in the unmarked car by the unmarked secret police. Upon the guy yelling his name back over his shoulder, they yelled the initials of some legal services would get him out. It was quick, efficient effective, and not how these things go down in a free society and looked like a secret police operation on the streets of a communist country. Innocent? Maybe. Justifiable? Who knows. Are they accountable to anyone? Nope, not without knowing who they are or the scope of their operations, but it is far more than protecting Federal buildings and were appearently not invited by the governor of Oregon or that idiot Portland mayor. Looked like something out of an old movie.., a bad old movie. Hope they don't come to my town. Probably won't. I live in a "red" state. with few protests and mostly just good old fashion black on black crime, the kind BLM ignores, mostly not on my side of town.
The video is not disturbing to sane people. Federal officers enforcing federal law picked up someone they had reasonable suspicion of having broken federal law and took him to the federal courthouse for questioning. If Portland or Oregon object to the jurisdiction of federal officers enforcing federal law, perhaps they should notify Congress they wish to secede from the Union.

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