New Yorkers Shocked To Find Food Prices Rising After Minimum Wage Hike

And the government forcing businesses to raise wages isn't capitalism
Government is socialism. Capitalism works within the "goalposts" fixed as a Standard by Congress, assembled.

No government is not socialism

Socialism is a form of governemnt where the state owns all means of production distribution and exchange.

Words mean things and it is best you know those meanings before you use the words
Government is socialism established by the public sector means of production of our Republican form of Government.

No it is not

Look up the definition of socialism
Government Is the Public Sector means of production for delivering public goods and public services.

Again look up the definition.

If our government does not own all means of production, distribution and exchange then it is not a socialist government.

The government produces no goods
Because labor costs are not the only thing that determines prices
the right wing prefers to Only blame Labor.

WHat I said has nothing to do with right or left.
yes, it does. ask them.

And just who is "them"?
any right winger who has already argued this point with me.

And again who?
Because labor costs are not the only thing that determines prices
the right wing prefers to Only blame Labor.
/—-/ We blame liberals who let organized labor rip us off.
You only complain about the Poor, not the Rich.
/—-/ I want the poor to move up to the middle class. I want the rich to stay rich. You want everyone equally poor.
in right wing fantasy, you are Always right.

raising the minimum wage must grow the size of our economy.
/----/ "raising the minimum wage must grow the size of our economy."
Assuming no one loses their job because companies cut back on employees.
Minimum-wage hikes do close restaurants. Just not the ones you care about.
The restaurants will have to automate.
Henry Ford did; coincidence or conspiracy?

unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed is equal protection of the law.
/----/ The rest of the Ford $5 a day raise story:
The $5-a-day rate was about half pay and half bonus. The bonus came with character requirements and was enforced by the Socialization Organization. This was a committee that would visit the employees' homes to ensure that they were doing things the "American way." They were supposed to avoid social ills such as gambling and drinking. They were to learn English, and many (primarily the recent immigrants) had to attend classes to become "Americanized." Women were not eligible for the bonus unless they were single and supporting the family. Also, men were not eligible if their wives worked outside the home.
The restaurants will have to automate.
Henry Ford did; coincidence or conspiracy?

unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed is equal protection of the law.
He did it on his own not because the government forced him to.

The raises he gave his employees weren't mandated for every worker in every job at the time therefore the raises he gave only affected his business
One capitalist could, nine hundred ninety-nine can't?
It depends on the business and the financial landscape of the times. Ford had very little if any competition at the time

There is never ever a one size fits all solution
/----/ I've read extensively about the early auto industry and Ford had plenty of competition - all cutthroat too:
Early American Autombiles 1915-1920
Government is socialism. Capitalism works within the "goalposts" fixed as a Standard by Congress, assembled.

No government is not socialism

Socialism is a form of governemnt where the state owns all means of production distribution and exchange.

Words mean things and it is best you know those meanings before you use the words
Government is socialism established by the public sector means of production of our Republican form of Government.

No it is not

Look up the definition of socialism
Government Is the Public Sector means of production for delivering public goods and public services.

Again look up the definition.

If our government does not own all means of production, distribution and exchange then it is not a socialist government.

The government produces no goods
our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are pure socialism on a national basis.
the right wing prefers to Only blame Labor.
/—-/ We blame liberals who let organized labor rip us off.
You only complain about the Poor, not the Rich.
/—-/ I want the poor to move up to the middle class. I want the rich to stay rich. You want everyone equally poor.
in right wing fantasy, you are Always right.

raising the minimum wage must grow the size of our economy.
/----/ "raising the minimum wage must grow the size of our economy."
Assuming no one loses their job because companies cut back on employees.
Minimum-wage hikes do close restaurants. Just not the ones you care about.
the left has some understanding of economics; unlike the "chicken little's on the right wing".

we understand what the short term equilibrium should be.

we also understand that in the long run equilibrium, higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.
The restaurants will have to automate.
Henry Ford did; coincidence or conspiracy?

unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed is equal protection of the law.
/----/ The rest of the Ford $5 a day raise story:
The $5-a-day rate was about half pay and half bonus. The bonus came with character requirements and was enforced by the Socialization Organization. This was a committee that would visit the employees' homes to ensure that they were doing things the "American way." They were supposed to avoid social ills such as gambling and drinking. They were to learn English, and many (primarily the recent immigrants) had to attend classes to become "Americanized." Women were not eligible for the bonus unless they were single and supporting the family. Also, men were not eligible if their wives worked outside the home.
thank Goodness we are more liberal now and don't insist on silly right wing social requirements.
The restaurants will have to automate.
Henry Ford did; coincidence or conspiracy?

unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed is equal protection of the law.
/----/ The rest of the Ford $5 a day raise story:
The $5-a-day rate was about half pay and half bonus. The bonus came with character requirements and was enforced by the Socialization Organization. This was a committee that would visit the employees' homes to ensure that they were doing things the "American way." They were supposed to avoid social ills such as gambling and drinking. They were to learn English, and many (primarily the recent immigrants) had to attend classes to become "Americanized." Women were not eligible for the bonus unless they were single and supporting the family. Also, men were not eligible if their wives worked outside the home.
thank Goodness we are more liberal now and don't insist on silly right wing social requirements.
/——/ It wasn’t a Gubmint program and it eventually fell by the way side.
The restaurants will have to automate.
Henry Ford did; coincidence or conspiracy?

unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed is equal protection of the law.
/----/ The rest of the Ford $5 a day raise story:
The $5-a-day rate was about half pay and half bonus. The bonus came with character requirements and was enforced by the Socialization Organization. This was a committee that would visit the employees' homes to ensure that they were doing things the "American way." They were supposed to avoid social ills such as gambling and drinking. They were to learn English, and many (primarily the recent immigrants) had to attend classes to become "Americanized." Women were not eligible for the bonus unless they were single and supporting the family. Also, men were not eligible if their wives worked outside the home.
thank Goodness we are more liberal now and don't insist on silly right wing social requirements.
/——/ It wasn’t a Gubmint program and it eventually fell by the way side.
raising the minimum wage to appropriate levels can boost our economy.
The restaurants will have to automate.
Henry Ford did; coincidence or conspiracy?

unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed is equal protection of the law.
/----/ The rest of the Ford $5 a day raise story:
The $5-a-day rate was about half pay and half bonus. The bonus came with character requirements and was enforced by the Socialization Organization. This was a committee that would visit the employees' homes to ensure that they were doing things the "American way." They were supposed to avoid social ills such as gambling and drinking. They were to learn English, and many (primarily the recent immigrants) had to attend classes to become "Americanized." Women were not eligible for the bonus unless they were single and supporting the family. Also, men were not eligible if their wives worked outside the home.
thank Goodness we are more liberal now and don't insist on silly right wing social requirements.
/——/ It wasn’t a Gubmint program and it eventually fell by the way side.
raising the minimum wage to appropriate levels can boost our economy.

One simple question for you, Daniel! How do you raise minimum wage without a corresponding increase in ALL wages?
The restaurants will have to automate.
Henry Ford did; coincidence or conspiracy?

unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed is equal protection of the law.
/----/ The rest of the Ford $5 a day raise story:
The $5-a-day rate was about half pay and half bonus. The bonus came with character requirements and was enforced by the Socialization Organization. This was a committee that would visit the employees' homes to ensure that they were doing things the "American way." They were supposed to avoid social ills such as gambling and drinking. They were to learn English, and many (primarily the recent immigrants) had to attend classes to become "Americanized." Women were not eligible for the bonus unless they were single and supporting the family. Also, men were not eligible if their wives worked outside the home.
thank Goodness we are more liberal now and don't insist on silly right wing social requirements.
/——/ It wasn’t a Gubmint program and it eventually fell by the way side.
raising the minimum wage to appropriate levels can boost our economy.
/——/ Union contracts are tied to the minimum wage. That’s why Dems support it.
No government is not socialism

Socialism is a form of governemnt where the state owns all means of production distribution and exchange.

Words mean things and it is best you know those meanings before you use the words
Government is socialism established by the public sector means of production of our Republican form of Government.

No it is not

Look up the definition of socialism
Government Is the Public Sector means of production for delivering public goods and public services.

Again look up the definition.

If our government does not own all means of production, distribution and exchange then it is not a socialist government.

The government produces no goods
our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are pure socialism on a national basis.
By definition they are not
Henry Ford did; coincidence or conspiracy?

unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed is equal protection of the law.
/----/ The rest of the Ford $5 a day raise story:
The $5-a-day rate was about half pay and half bonus. The bonus came with character requirements and was enforced by the Socialization Organization. This was a committee that would visit the employees' homes to ensure that they were doing things the "American way." They were supposed to avoid social ills such as gambling and drinking. They were to learn English, and many (primarily the recent immigrants) had to attend classes to become "Americanized." Women were not eligible for the bonus unless they were single and supporting the family. Also, men were not eligible if their wives worked outside the home.
thank Goodness we are more liberal now and don't insist on silly right wing social requirements.
/——/ It wasn’t a Gubmint program and it eventually fell by the way side.
raising the minimum wage to appropriate levels can boost our economy.

One simple question for you, Daniel! How do you raise minimum wage without a corresponding increase in ALL wages?
Your Point?
Government is socialism established by the public sector means of production of our Republican form of Government.

No it is not

Look up the definition of socialism
Government Is the Public Sector means of production for delivering public goods and public services.

Again look up the definition.

If our government does not own all means of production, distribution and exchange then it is not a socialist government.

The government produces no goods
our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are pure socialism on a national basis.
By definition they are not
neither is providing for the general welfare, in that case.
/----/ The rest of the Ford $5 a day raise story:
The $5-a-day rate was about half pay and half bonus. The bonus came with character requirements and was enforced by the Socialization Organization. This was a committee that would visit the employees' homes to ensure that they were doing things the "American way." They were supposed to avoid social ills such as gambling and drinking. They were to learn English, and many (primarily the recent immigrants) had to attend classes to become "Americanized." Women were not eligible for the bonus unless they were single and supporting the family. Also, men were not eligible if their wives worked outside the home.
thank Goodness we are more liberal now and don't insist on silly right wing social requirements.
/——/ It wasn’t a Gubmint program and it eventually fell by the way side.
raising the minimum wage to appropriate levels can boost our economy.

One simple question for you, Daniel! How do you raise minimum wage without a corresponding increase in ALL wages?
Your Point?

What's yours?

That other peoples' money belongs to you?
No it is not

Look up the definition of socialism
Government Is the Public Sector means of production for delivering public goods and public services.

Again look up the definition.

If our government does not own all means of production, distribution and exchange then it is not a socialist government.

The government produces no goods
our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are pure socialism on a national basis.
By definition they are not
neither is providing for the general welfare, in that case.

It isn't

Socialism has a definition look it up.

Welfare isn't socialism.
New Yorkers Shocked To Find Food Prices Rising After Minimum Wage Hike

New Yorkers shocked to find food prices rising after minimum wage hike
The result of the Fight for 15 movement in New York City has finally gone into effect. The minimum wage jumped by 15% in many cases, to $15 per hour this month. This mostly affects employers of lower skill level workers, particularly in the food service and beverage industries. And now that labor costs have risen, restaurants from fast food joints to upper-end fine dining establishments have raised their prices. As a result, some people have had to make adjustments in their budgets and lifestyles, going out to eat less often and bringing their own lunches to work.
As you might imagine, that’s not only been annoying for the customers. It’s impacting the restaurant business as well. (NY Post)
New York City’s hotly contested minimum wage increase to $15 — up from $13 or $13.50, depending on employer size — rolled out citywide at the start of the year. And although that’s good news for NYC restaurant servers, patrons are grumbling about its impact on menu prices at their favorite eateries.
Ahead of the wage hike, the NYC Hospitality Alliance conducted a survey of 574 local food establishments in late 2018. They found that 87 percent of respondents planned to increase menu prices this year to offset the minimum wage bump. True to their promise, the cost of food has risen at various spots around the city.​
Holy cow. Who could have seen that coming? Well… pretty much everybody. And that includes the Democrats who passed the $15 per hour minimum wage bill. How did they plan on offsetting the significant bump in dinner bills? By eliminating tipping for the wait staff. That idea went over like a lead balloon and was quickly abandoned by a number of eateries that tried it.

Really!! Is anyone surprised? This happens EVERY TIME you hike the minimum wage for your socialist schemes. But supposedly THIS time would be different because the right people were in charge, RIGHT?!
Indeed, those Progressive Democrats either did not take any or slept through basic economics classes in school. If raising the minimum wage for service industry workers won't impact those businesses, then NOT raising it will have no impact on the workers, right?
Progressive Democrats majority in Congress is the next step to Venezuela's economy.
even the dollar menu didn't double. and, Labor can buy more burgers at the higher wage. Henry Ford would be proud.

Henry Ford wanted to make cars affordable to his employees by utilizing a more efficient manufacturing process, namely the assembly line. Not by raising the wages he paid his employees, so no, I doubt he would be proud.
thank Goodness we are more liberal now and don't insist on silly right wing social requirements.
/——/ It wasn’t a Gubmint program and it eventually fell by the way side.
raising the minimum wage to appropriate levels can boost our economy.

One simple question for you, Daniel! How do you raise minimum wage without a corresponding increase in ALL wages?
Your Point?

What's yours?

That other peoples' money belongs to you?

Congress is delegated the Power not the Right to Tax, for a Reason.

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