Newest Feminist Rallying Cry: “Farting” is Part of the Patriarchy

Keep screaming morons...I won't stop and will just do it to piss you off for fun. ;)
What else can you are a gimp! Play on your computer and make racist threads all night...have fun....I can walk, run, jump and fuck...what about you?

Oh, you are nothing more than a leech on society.

It's always amusing when racist trolls like you pretending to be black on the internet call other people racist. You're a POS who has nothing intelligent to offer on this or any thread.
Gimp lover!

Sure I am. Only the Nazis hated disabled people and wanted to exterminate them. More proof that you're really a white Nazi.
Keep screaming morons...I won't stop and will just do it to piss you off for fun. ;)
What else can you are a gimp! Play on your computer and make racist threads all night...have fun....I can walk, run, jump and fuck...what about you?

Oh, you are nothing more than a leech on society.

It's always amusing when racist trolls like you pretending to be black on the internet call other people racist. You're a POS who has nothing intelligent to offer on this or any thread.
Gimp lover!

Sure I am. Only the Nazis hated disabled people and wanted to exterminate them. More proof that you're really a white Nazi.
Now where did I say I wanted to exterminate the gimps?
Did you notice...gimp boy shut the fuck up. He must be trying to jump to prove me wrong.

You can do it can do it.
Remember your manners boys and always offer to bring it up again so the other person can make gravy when you belch. Try a little refinement and manners for a change and walk a way when cutting an sbd.
Some things never change. No matter how radical they become, women are still complaining about men farting:
Newest Feminist Rallying Cry 8220 Farting 8221 is Part of the Patriarchy PUNDIT PRESS

In an article published in the New Statesman, the self-described feminist writer who only goes by the name “Glosswitch,” explained that passing gas is now a feminist issue.

The piece, called “Why farting is a feminist issue,” explained that men are allowed “piss against a wall” and “spit in the street,” while women are not even allowed to fart.

Glosswitch explains that women aren’t allowed to exhibit behaviors that come naturally to their bodies, while men can. “It’s understood that male bodies are a part of what men are,” she explains. “Female bodies don’t have the same status.”

Women are pushed through a patriarchal society that demands they act a certain way, according to Glosswitch: “These days the phrase “real woman” is associated with Dove adverts, not with women who fart and burp and might occasionally want to cough up some phlegm while out on a jog.”

She wonders aloud if the perception that women cannot fart is harmful to women: “I’m not saying these are pleasant things to do – nor am I proposing we organize a feminist fart-in (unless it’s held at Claridge’s) – but I do think we need to ask ourselves whether the perceived “maleness” of bodily functions is harmful to women.”

How many women even admit that they fart? I have friends who don't fart in front of other people and they turn red if one accidentally slips out. Even other women are likely to tease or act like it's a big deal.

Personally, I think it's just polite to leave the room and not share your fart with everyone like you're proud of it. Who wants to be around anyone when they fart? How many gentlemen fart in front of other people? Anyone think that the president lets one rip whenever he wants? Come on, who are the men who casually fart when they have company and who are the women who want to join them in that disgusting habit?

Maybe it's just that women tend to be more polite and many men are that way, too.

Men probably wouldn't see it as a big deal if their wives farted in front of them, but some women apparently find it embarrassing so they don't do it.

Does the feminist who wrote that the type who likes other peoples' farts and just isn't getting enough of them? Saying that not feeling comfortable offending peoples' noses with your gas is somehow harmful is just ridiculous.

I also heard recently that feminists are complaining about 'manspreading' where men sit with their legs spread. They claim it's a sign of dominance. I guess they don't appreciate that men are probably trying to protect their family jewels from being crushed. Personally, I think a guy sitting like that makes him vulnerable.

Feminazis have a problem with men existing and being themselves. Women in this country can do whatever they want and most don't hold back. If you want to fart, then fart. If people act shocked, so what? No one stops people from doing things. Individuals stop themselves.

Of course, there are those who are constantly up in arms over something. If a problem doesn't present itself, they find something to bitch about. They do get creative with finding ways to both bash men and make themselves feel relevant at the same time.
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When my wife leans forward in her chair like she's taking an interest in what I have to say, it's because she's taking an interest in what I have to say. When I lean forward in my chair while she talks, it's because I'm really just farting.

Differences between men and women are subtle sometimes.

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