Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel

No, the noise isn't about her views of foreign policy, which are pretty much identical to all progressives. The noise is about her latent antisemitic attitudes. But Omar wants to misdirect away from that.

Since I began my first term in Congress, I have sought to speak openly and honestly about the scale of the issues our country faces — whether it is ending the crippling burden of student debt, tackling the existential threat of climate change or making sure no one in one of the richest countries in the world dies from lack of health care. When she accused Jews of dual loyalty and the Jewish lobby of controlling Congress with its "Benjamins," she was speaking openly and honestly - about her own antisemitic feelings, feelings that are so deep that she does not even recognize them. Her view of US foreign policy is one that is secretly controlled by nefarious Jewish money and influence, that Jews speak with essentially one voice on Israel.

The article pretends to insist on using a single standard based on human rights for all nations, but the logic falls apart when you look past the platitudes:
Our criticisms of oppression and regional instability caused by Iran are not legitimate if we do not hold Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain to the same standards.I was unaware that Egypt, the UAE and Bahrain are controlling and funding terror groups worldwide like Iran is. But let's treat them all the same, based on internal human rights only, and ignore fomenting terror that violates the human rights of people she really doesn't think deserve the same human rights as everyone else!

Even though this op-ed was carefully written to make it appear that Omar is not obsessed with "Palestine," she has to address it and gives it five paragraphs - and her bias shines through even the layers of consultants and ghostwriters that she hired to spin this op-ed to be as liberal and fair as possible:

(full article online)

.@Ilhan Omar's @WashingtonPost op-ed - misdirection, projection and dishonesty ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The critisims of Ilan Omar are based on false information.

Is that the best You can do?
I expected a better duck dance.

That’s what he does best
No, the noise isn't about her views of foreign policy, which are pretty much identical to all progressives. The noise is about her latent antisemitic attitudes. But Omar wants to misdirect away from that.

Since I began my first term in Congress, I have sought to speak openly and honestly about the scale of the issues our country faces — whether it is ending the crippling burden of student debt, tackling the existential threat of climate change or making sure no one in one of the richest countries in the world dies from lack of health care. When she accused Jews of dual loyalty and the Jewish lobby of controlling Congress with its "Benjamins," she was speaking openly and honestly - about her own antisemitic feelings, feelings that are so deep that she does not even recognize them. Her view of US foreign policy is one that is secretly controlled by nefarious Jewish money and influence, that Jews speak with essentially one voice on Israel.

The article pretends to insist on using a single standard based on human rights for all nations, but the logic falls apart when you look past the platitudes:
Our criticisms of oppression and regional instability caused by Iran are not legitimate if we do not hold Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain to the same standards.I was unaware that Egypt, the UAE and Bahrain are controlling and funding terror groups worldwide like Iran is. But let's treat them all the same, based on internal human rights only, and ignore fomenting terror that violates the human rights of people she really doesn't think deserve the same human rights as everyone else!

Even though this op-ed was carefully written to make it appear that Omar is not obsessed with "Palestine," she has to address it and gives it five paragraphs - and her bias shines through even the layers of consultants and ghostwriters that she hired to spin this op-ed to be as liberal and fair as possible:

(full article online)

.@Ilhan Omar's @WashingtonPost op-ed - misdirection, projection and dishonesty ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The critisims of Ilan Omar are based on false information.

Need more like her. How else will Trump or some other republican be guaranteed to win our next election?
So I still don't get it, was Sarsour's response bigotry?

I don’t think her response to Ali in and of itself was bigotry, what group was the bigotry targeting? As to her white man comment, it could be but I would like to see the actual quote. I don’t follow her or pay much attention to her.

Wait what, it took You an hour to come up with that weasel?

I really don't see how my opposition to the caliphate, sharia and dhimittude, or elimination of Israel,
have anything to do with what You actually said.

Let me see. You ask me whether I think a quote is bigotry, fail to provide any of the quotes and when asked for it accuse the response of being a weasel. I had no idea it was that difficult for you to support your statements.

I have no idea why you are incapable of condemning acts of hate against Muslims, but then again....I don’t much care, it is what it is.

Ho did this thread turn into another "condemning acts of hate against Muslims'
when the theme is a Muslim Congress representative supporting Israel's elimination?
Maybe because she is being uniquelly singled out while you give other antisemites a pass ? Novel thought that, but ehen you falsely claim she calls the elimination of Israel one has to wonder

Sounds exactly like those Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate cops with their baptize thine eyes by urinations & Rehnquist's immaculate drug conceptions along with lynching enforcements for Arab "death to the infidels" terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount before 9/11 as the whole world knows what Islamidiotocracy of Christiananality pedophilia business has grown from that as if calls for the elimination of Israel are about does God exist......

If it comes with Muslim Sharia, no thank You.
Living 'under protection' of Muslim rule, to say gently, is not in the best interests of minorities,
who eventually forced to pay double and triple tax for merely belonging to a minority.
Neither Omar or Sarsour would dare talk about that.

Ask the Jews of Jerusalrm, Safed, Hebron and Tiberia.
Therefore Israel.
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If it comes with Muslim Sharia, no thank You.
Living 'under protection' of Muslim rule, to say gently, is not in the best interests of minorities,
who eventually forced to pay double and triple tax for merely belonging to a minority.

Therefore Israel.
Sarsour just can't wait until all you Jewish fellows jizyah all over her.
She essentially is the mirror image of someone who Worships both Baal and Gaia.

Global Warming and Abortion is a Religious Sacrament to these people and so is The Destruction of America and Israel.

I don’t think her response to Ali in and of itself was bigotry, what group was the bigotry targeting? As to her white man comment, it could be but I would like to see the actual quote. I don’t follow her or pay much attention to her.

Wait what, it took You an hour to come up with that weasel?

I really don't see how my opposition to the caliphate, sharia and dhimittude, or elimination of Israel,
have anything to do with what You actually said.

Let me see. You ask me whether I think a quote is bigotry, fail to provide any of the quotes and when asked for it accuse the response of being a weasel. I had no idea it was that difficult for you to support your statements.

I have no idea why you are incapable of condemning acts of hate against Muslims, but then again....I don’t much care, it is what it is.

Ho did this thread turn into another "condemning acts of hate against Muslims'
when the theme is a Muslim Congress representative supporting Israel's elimination?
Maybe because she is being uniquelly singled out while you give other antisemites a pass ? Novel thought that, but ehen you falsely claim she calls the elimination of Israel one has to wonder

Sounds exactly like those Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate cops with their baptize thine eyes by urinations & Rehnquist's immaculate drug conceptions along with lynching enforcements for Arab "death to the infidels" terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount before 9/11 as the whole world knows what Islamidiotocracy of Christiananality pedophilia business has grown from that as if calls for the elimination of Israel are about does God exist......

If it comes with Muslim Sharia, no thank You.
Living 'under protection' of Muslim rule, to say gently, is not in the best interests of minorities,
who eventually forced to pay double and triple tax for merely belonging to a minority.

Therefore Israel.
Sarsour just can't wait until all you Jewish fellows jizyah all over her.

Starts with us, never ends with us...
There was a saying in Russia, something about Armenians begging people stop beating Jews, because they are always next.
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Not surprisingly, Linda Sarsour has no objective experience living in a sharia hell-hole as she has made the choice to live in the Great Satan where she is protected from both sharia and Moslems.

If she is such a fan of sharia, I’d suggest she spend time in Yemen or Iran or any other Islamic backwater where she would be bagged in an Islamic Shame Sack and able to discover the wondrous 7th century social order that she has made a conscious decision to avoid.
She essentially is the mirror image of someone who Worships both Baal and Gaia.

Global Warming and Abortion is a Religious Sacrament to these people and so is The Destruction of America and Israel.

Wait what, it took You an hour to come up with that weasel?

I really don't see how my opposition to the caliphate, sharia and dhimittude, or elimination of Israel,
have anything to do with what You actually said.

Let me see. You ask me whether I think a quote is bigotry, fail to provide any of the quotes and when asked for it accuse the response of being a weasel. I had no idea it was that difficult for you to support your statements.

I have no idea why you are incapable of condemning acts of hate against Muslims, but then again....I don’t much care, it is what it is.

Ho did this thread turn into another "condemning acts of hate against Muslims'
when the theme is a Muslim Congress representative supporting Israel's elimination?
Maybe because she is being uniquelly singled out while you give other antisemites a pass ? Novel thought that, but ehen you falsely claim she calls the elimination of Israel one has to wonder

Sounds exactly like those Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate cops with their baptize thine eyes by urinations & Rehnquist's immaculate drug conceptions along with lynching enforcements for Arab "death to the infidels" terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount before 9/11 as the whole world knows what Islamidiotocracy of Christiananality pedophilia business has grown from that as if calls for the elimination of Israel are about does God exist......

DemNazis, Same as Them Nazis


So what other demagoguery is new from those 1970's Bicentennial West Nazi Germany Virginia thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists that wanted to kill all the Jews in NYC & Israel for the turn of the century with supreme swastika up Uranus court immaculate drug conception standing as if they never said such like Omar & her cronies amongst the crooks on Capitol Hill that never did produce evidence & in all probability never will for that 9/11 patriot act from any D.C. court if it "insults" Islam, Muslim & or Christian.
The doubling of Muslims elected to Congress, especially through the wins of two women, is perhaps the starkest example of the situation Muslims have found themselves in since the election of President Donald Trump. The president immediately turned his Islam-bashing into policy with the travel ban, anti-Muslim groups now hold sway with the White House, and hate crimes targeting Muslims have risen in recent years. Yet in the same period, a record number of Muslims ran for office, donations have poured in to Muslim advocacy groups, and Muslims are showing unprecedented civic engagement, forming strategic alliances with other groups in the Trump administration’s crosshairs.
Both of these women need to carefully read what people are claiming they wrote.
FACT CHECK: Did Rashida Tlaib Tweet About America 'Raping and Pillaging' Her People?

Islamophobia. The only form of bigotry that is still socially acceptable and politically endorsed.

So this not so new SCOTUS & lynching enforcement immaculate drug conception sanctioned national religion of Islamophobia from inactions with Arab terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount prior to 9/11 in order to make Islam higher than one nation under God, no matter how many threats they place upon humanity as God is as absurd as this Christian Nation Christiananality pedophilia business mentality "man is God" inaction on thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists in the nuclear age; based on SCOTUS pathetic Rosenberg decision for a Catholic Church Knights of Columbus one nation under God making Christianity attacks on the US & Israel with Nazi economics & sociopsychopathilogical warfare just as legal as walking on water, flying carpets & Nazi war crimes in human farming techniques of religious politic as in they invented it & now should profit from it .

After close to 20 years after 9/11 of the Federal Lynching churchstate of hate dual allegiance to "serve the Pope or die" & "death to the infidels" master plan for the US supreme swastika up Uranus court of immaculate drug conceptions to be higher than one nation under God giving license to kill Jews by stealing & burning US Constitutions - old glorys - old testaments based on the Rosenberg decision & now 9/11 patriot act lynching enforcement Islam dhimmitude servitude with Nazi economics for suicidal homicidal sociopsychopathilogical human farming utilizing mass neurosis of fascism; Omar & her cronies allegiance to a mass psychosis of fascism whitewashing to be all too dang lily brilliant white is a comical schizoid master race.
the world’s largest classic antisemitic stereotype, that Jews place their loyalty to Israel above the nation they live in.​
She didn't say that.

US Jews loyalty was to one nation under God until it's dual allegiance national religion pedophilia business of Christ existed before God & now Allah existed before God in dhimmitude servitude to Arab terrorists "death to the infidels" attempt to nuke Temple Mount for 9/11 which seems to have given Islam license to terrorize as the Christian Nation Catholic Church killing JFK inquisition.
RE: Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Sixties Fan, et al,

I have to question the (correct) proper interpretation of the Congresswomen's comment.

the world’s largest classic antisemitic stereotype, that Jews place their loyalty to Israel above the nation they live in.​
She didn't say that.

I know of many many Jewish Americans in government today, as well as the past, and I see no reason to question their loyalty at all, as a class of people.

And I don't think the Representative for Minnesota's 5th Congressional District ever meant to imply that.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Sixties Fan, et al,

I have to question the (correct) proper interpretation of the Congresswomen's comment.

the world’s largest classic antisemitic stereotype, that Jews place their loyalty to Israel above the nation they live in.​
She didn't say that.

I know of many many Jewish Americans in government today, as well as the past, and I see no reason to question their loyalty at all, as a class of people.

And I don't think the Representative for Minnesota's 5th Congressional District ever meant to imply that.

Most Respectfully,
This were her words:

“I should not be expected to have allegiance/pledge support to a foreign country in order to serve my country in Congress or serve on committee,” Omar

Lowey had been calling the congresswoman out for comments she reportedly made during a bookstore event last week — suggesting that pro-Israel groups were pushing lawmakers to “pledge allegiance to a foreign country.”

“Lawmakers must be able to debate w/o prejudice or bigotry,” Lowey tweeted on Saturday. “I am saddened that Rep. Omar continues to mischaracterize support for Israel. I urge her to retract this statement and engage in further dialogue with the Jewish community on why these comments are so hurtful.”

On Sunday afternoon, Omar fired back: “Our democracy is built on debate, Congresswoman! I should not be expected to have allegiance/pledge support to a foreign country in order to serve my country in Congress or serve on committee. The people of the 5th elected me to serve their interest. I am sure we agree on that!”

In response, Lowey insisted that “no member of Congress is asked to swear allegiance to another country.”

“Throughout history, Jews have been accused of dual loyalty, leading to discrimination and violence,” Lowey added. “Which is why these accusations are so hurtful.”


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RE: Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Sixties Fan, et al,

I have to question the (correct) proper interpretation of the Congresswomen's comment.

the world’s largest classic antisemitic stereotype, that Jews place their loyalty to Israel above the nation they live in.​
She didn't say that.

I know of many many Jewish Americans in government today, as well as the past, and I see no reason to question their loyalty at all, as a class of people.

And I don't think the Representative for Minnesota's 5th Congressional District ever meant to imply that.

Most Respectfully,
This were her words:

“I should not be expected to have allegiance/pledge support to a foreign country in order to serve my country in Congress or serve on committee,” Omar

Lowey had been calling the congresswoman out for comments she reportedly made during a bookstore event last week — suggesting that pro-Israel groups were pushing lawmakers to “pledge allegiance to a foreign country.”

“Lawmakers must be able to debate w/o prejudice or bigotry,” Lowey tweeted on Saturday. “I am saddened that Rep. Omar continues to mischaracterize support for Israel. I urge her to retract this statement and engage in further dialogue with the Jewish community on why these comments are so hurtful.”

On Sunday afternoon, Omar fired back: “Our democracy is built on debate, Congresswoman! I should not be expected to have allegiance/pledge support to a foreign country in order to serve my country in Congress or serve on committee. The people of the 5th elected me to serve their interest. I am sure we agree on that!”

In response, Lowey insisted that “no member of Congress is asked to swear allegiance to another country.”

“Throughout history, Jews have been accused of dual loyalty, leading to discrimination and violence,” Lowey added. “Which is why these accusations are so hurtful.”

She being an anti-Semitic anti-American blaming Somalis Muslims conditions on Jews, as those Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate cops weren't swearing allegiance to another country but to Islam; another religion with all intents & purposes to eliminate, eradicate & exterminate Israel as those 9/11 "death to the infidels" Arab terrorists with no concerns of US fatalities whatsoever except that they too can profit with a patriot act making money as SCOTUS, POTUS & lynching enforcement dual loyalties.
RE: Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Sixties Fan, et al,

I have to question the (correct) proper interpretation of the Congresswomen's comment.

the world’s largest classic antisemitic stereotype, that Jews place their loyalty to Israel above the nation they live in.​
She didn't say that.

I know of many many Jewish Americans in government today, as well as the past, and I see no reason to question their loyalty at all, as a class of people.

And I don't think the Representative for Minnesota's 5th Congressional District ever meant to imply that.

Most Respectfully,
I know of many many Jewish Americans in government today, as well as the past, and I see no reason to question their loyalty at all, as a class of people.
She wasn't talking about the loyalty of Jews.
RE: Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Sixties Fan, et al,

I have to question the (correct) proper interpretation of the Congresswomen's comment.

the world’s largest classic antisemitic stereotype, that Jews place their loyalty to Israel above the nation they live in.​
She didn't say that.

I know of many many Jewish Americans in government today, as well as the past, and I see no reason to question their loyalty at all, as a class of people.

And I don't think the Representative for Minnesota's 5th Congressional District ever meant to imply that.

Most Respectfully,
I know of many many Jewish Americans in government today, as well as the past, and I see no reason to question their loyalty at all, as a class of people.
She wasn't talking about the loyalty of Jews.
Of course she was.
She obsessed with Israel, courtesy of her upbringing. Even
Muslims say that she is an antesimite:

Dr. Qanta Ahmed, a member of the U.S. based Muslim Council of Foreign Relations exposed Omar’s antisemitism. She attacked her stating that Muslim nations such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar spend tens of millions of dollars more on lobbying than AIPAC does to push their agenda within the U.S. government each year. Ahmed also remarked that she is concerned that Omar is affiliated with the BDS movement which calls for the eradication of the State of Israel. She said that putting Omar in the House of Foreign Affairs Committee demonstrated poor judgment on the part of the Democrats.
And of course, like all extremist Muslims and Christians, they all attack Jews living outside of Israel alleging that Jews have double loyalty to their host country and Israel.
It has been going on for decades in order to delegitimize Jews and incite haters against them.

And YOU are telling US that Omar did not accuse American Jews of double loyalty? Jewish Lobbying as being shifty with their loyalty to the US? Of course she did.
That is Exactly what she meant to say, which is why she ran for her life when so many turned on what she wrote.

Jewish lobbying = double loyalty.

Any other lobby = ok by her

That is exactly what she meant.

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