Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel

[ It would be nice if the Democratic party would start understanding what the issue is. Later.....maybe. So far...... ]

Why Is a Jewish Democrat Defending Ilhan Omar?

Even nicer if more Jewish people would start to recognize that the Democratic Party now kowtows to Islamic and black antisemites.

The party to which I was a member for many decades has devolved to the point there is no actual political philosophy these days, much less a liberal one. It is now simply whorring for votes based upon identity.
White Supremacy is not much different from Leftist Identity politics.
Both frame everything in terms of race and skin color like a badge of honor.
One blames anyone who's not white, the other blames all ills of the world on the white man.

Both hate each other, though one thing in common - obsession about powerful Jews and Israel.


Thank God America has AIPAC to help keep our country safe from her kind.

Far as I know she hasn’t gone out and shot up synagogues, mosques or churches nor have I heard anyone say she has inspired anyone to go and do so.

She's goosestepping that American tradition white supremacist "man is God" one nation under God with equal justice under law diatribe economics of thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament - churchstate of hate 9/11 patriot act of "death to the infidels" arsonists crusades inspiring lynching enforcement of "serve the Pope or die" against Islam & it's NYC Twin Towers innocents holy costs toll, as the federal lynching churchstate of hate super egos are as absurd as SCOTUS Rehnquist's immaculate drug conceptions.
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No, the noise isn't about her views of foreign policy, which are pretty much identical to all progressives. The noise is about her latent antisemitic attitudes. But Omar wants to misdirect away from that.

Since I began my first term in Congress, I have sought to speak openly and honestly about the scale of the issues our country faces — whether it is ending the crippling burden of student debt, tackling the existential threat of climate change or making sure no one in one of the richest countries in the world dies from lack of health care. When she accused Jews of dual loyalty and the Jewish lobby of controlling Congress with its "Benjamins," she was speaking openly and honestly - about her own antisemitic feelings, feelings that are so deep that she does not even recognize them. Her view of US foreign policy is one that is secretly controlled by nefarious Jewish money and influence, that Jews speak with essentially one voice on Israel.

The article pretends to insist on using a single standard based on human rights for all nations, but the logic falls apart when you look past the platitudes:
Our criticisms of oppression and regional instability caused by Iran are not legitimate if we do not hold Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain to the same standards.I was unaware that Egypt, the UAE and Bahrain are controlling and funding terror groups worldwide like Iran is. But let's treat them all the same, based on internal human rights only, and ignore fomenting terror that violates the human rights of people she really doesn't think deserve the same human rights as everyone else!

Even though this op-ed was carefully written to make it appear that Omar is not obsessed with "Palestine," she has to address it and gives it five paragraphs - and her bias shines through even the layers of consultants and ghostwriters that she hired to spin this op-ed to be as liberal and fair as possible:

(full article online)

.@Ilhan Omar's @WashingtonPost op-ed - misdirection, projection and dishonesty ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Stop pretending anti Islamic bigotry doesn’t exist or is somehow peculiarly justified when it comes to Muslims. Hatred like that leads to violence, discrimination and even murder. Maybe it is time to stop making excuses for it and condemn it for what it is. Am I defending Ms. Sarsour’s statements, why no, I am not.

Try another tactic.

So I still don't get it, was Sarsour's response bigotry?

I don’t think her response to Ali in and of itself was bigotry, what group was the bigotry targeting? As to her white man comment, it could be but I would like to see the actual quote. I don’t follow her or pay much attention to her.

Wait what, it took You an hour to come up with that weasel?

I really don't see how my opposition to the caliphate, sharia and dhimittude, or elimination of Israel,
have anything to do with what You actually said.

Let me see. You ask me whether I think a quote is bigotry, fail to provide any of the quotes and when asked for it accuse the response of being a weasel. I had no idea it was that difficult for you to support your statements.

I have no idea why you are incapable of condemning acts of hate against Muslims, but then again....I don’t much care, it is what it is.

Ho did this thread turn into another "condemning acts of hate against Muslims'
when the theme is a Muslim Congress representative supporting Israel's elimination?
Maybe because she is being uniquelly singled out while you give other antisemites a pass ? Novel thought that, but ehen you falsely claim she calls the elimination of Israel one has to wonder
So I still don't get it, was Sarsour's response bigotry?

I don’t think her response to Ali in and of itself was bigotry, what group was the bigotry targeting? As to her white man comment, it could be but I would like to see the actual quote. I don’t follow her or pay much attention to her.

Wait what, it took You an hour to come up with that weasel?

I really don't see how my opposition to the caliphate, sharia and dhimittude, or elimination of Israel,
have anything to do with what You actually said.

Let me see. You ask me whether I think a quote is bigotry, fail to provide any of the quotes and when asked for it accuse the response of being a weasel. I had no idea it was that difficult for you to support your statements.

I have no idea why you are incapable of condemning acts of hate against Muslims, but then again....I don’t much care, it is what it is.

Ho did this thread turn into another "condemning acts of hate against Muslims'
when the theme is a Muslim Congress representative supporting Israel's elimination?
Maybe because she is being uniquelly singled out while you give other antisemites a pass ? Novel thought that, but ehen you falsely claim she calls the elimination of Israel one has to wonder
She calls, like many other Muslim leaders, for a two State solution.

In Muslim vernacular, it means forcing the right of return of Arabs of 1948, turning Israel into a Jewish minority and turning it eventually into another Arab Muslim State.

That the meaning of "Israel's elimination".
So I still don't get it, was Sarsour's response bigotry?

I don’t think her response to Ali in and of itself was bigotry, what group was the bigotry targeting? As to her white man comment, it could be but I would like to see the actual quote. I don’t follow her or pay much attention to her.

Wait what, it took You an hour to come up with that weasel?

I really don't see how my opposition to the caliphate, sharia and dhimittude, or elimination of Israel,
have anything to do with what You actually said.

Let me see. You ask me whether I think a quote is bigotry, fail to provide any of the quotes and when asked for it accuse the response of being a weasel. I had no idea it was that difficult for you to support your statements.

I have no idea why you are incapable of condemning acts of hate against Muslims, but then again....I don’t much care, it is what it is.

Ho did this thread turn into another "condemning acts of hate against Muslims'
when the theme is a Muslim Congress representative supporting Israel's elimination?
Maybe because she is being uniquelly singled out while you give other antisemites a pass ? Novel thought that, but ehen you falsely claim she calls the elimination of Israel one has to wonder

Those crooks on Capitol Hill & SCOTUS in all probability will invent an immaculate drug conception with lynching enforcement to protect & serve Omar & her cronies in the manner Arab terrorists that threatened POTUS with "death to the infidels" to nuke Temple Mount 9/11 arsonists as Congress, SCOTUS & the Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate as they can't correlate to thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists.
I don’t think her response to Ali in and of itself was bigotry, what group was the bigotry targeting? As to her white man comment, it could be but I would like to see the actual quote. I don’t follow her or pay much attention to her.

Wait what, it took You an hour to come up with that weasel?

I really don't see how my opposition to the caliphate, sharia and dhimittude, or elimination of Israel,
have anything to do with what You actually said.

Let me see. You ask me whether I think a quote is bigotry, fail to provide any of the quotes and when asked for it accuse the response of being a weasel. I had no idea it was that difficult for you to support your statements.

I have no idea why you are incapable of condemning acts of hate against Muslims, but then again....I don’t much care, it is what it is.

Ho did this thread turn into another "condemning acts of hate against Muslims'
when the theme is a Muslim Congress representative supporting Israel's elimination?
Maybe because she is being uniquelly singled out while you give other antisemites a pass ? Novel thought that, but ehen you falsely claim she calls the elimination of Israel one has to wonder
She calls, like many other Muslim leaders, for a two State solution.

In Muslim vernacular, it means forcing the right of return of Arabs of 1948, turning Israel into a Jewish minority and turning it eventually into another Arab Muslim State.

That the meaning of "Israel's elimination".
I have seen some thoughtful propositions for one state. Claiming she calls for the elimination of Israel is deliberately misrepresenting what she said and demonizing. Let me point out...Israeli some Israeli politicians have suggested one state.
Wait what, it took You an hour to come up with that weasel?

I really don't see how my opposition to the caliphate, sharia and dhimittude, or elimination of Israel,
have anything to do with what You actually said.

Let me see. You ask me whether I think a quote is bigotry, fail to provide any of the quotes and when asked for it accuse the response of being a weasel. I had no idea it was that difficult for you to support your statements.

I have no idea why you are incapable of condemning acts of hate against Muslims, but then again....I don’t much care, it is what it is.

Ho did this thread turn into another "condemning acts of hate against Muslims'
when the theme is a Muslim Congress representative supporting Israel's elimination?
Maybe because she is being uniquelly singled out while you give other antisemites a pass ? Novel thought that, but ehen you falsely claim she calls the elimination of Israel one has to wonder
She calls, like many other Muslim leaders, for a two State solution.

In Muslim vernacular, it means forcing the right of return of Arabs of 1948, turning Israel into a Jewish minority and turning it eventually into another Arab Muslim State.

That the meaning of "Israel's elimination".
I have seen some thoughtful propositions for one state. Claiming she calls for the elimination of Israel is deliberately misrepresenting what she said and demonizing. Let me point out...Israeli some Israeli politicians have suggested one state.
Which Israeli politicians? When?
What would be the reason they would even suggest One State?
No, the noise isn't about her views of foreign policy, which are pretty much identical to all progressives. The noise is about her latent antisemitic attitudes. But Omar wants to misdirect away from that.

Since I began my first term in Congress, I have sought to speak openly and honestly about the scale of the issues our country faces — whether it is ending the crippling burden of student debt, tackling the existential threat of climate change or making sure no one in one of the richest countries in the world dies from lack of health care. When she accused Jews of dual loyalty and the Jewish lobby of controlling Congress with its "Benjamins," she was speaking openly and honestly - about her own antisemitic feelings, feelings that are so deep that she does not even recognize them. Her view of US foreign policy is one that is secretly controlled by nefarious Jewish money and influence, that Jews speak with essentially one voice on Israel.

The article pretends to insist on using a single standard based on human rights for all nations, but the logic falls apart when you look past the platitudes:
Our criticisms of oppression and regional instability caused by Iran are not legitimate if we do not hold Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain to the same standards.I was unaware that Egypt, the UAE and Bahrain are controlling and funding terror groups worldwide like Iran is. But let's treat them all the same, based on internal human rights only, and ignore fomenting terror that violates the human rights of people she really doesn't think deserve the same human rights as everyone else!

Even though this op-ed was carefully written to make it appear that Omar is not obsessed with "Palestine," she has to address it and gives it five paragraphs - and her bias shines through even the layers of consultants and ghostwriters that she hired to spin this op-ed to be as liberal and fair as possible:

(full article online)

.@Ilhan Omar's @WashingtonPost op-ed - misdirection, projection and dishonesty ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Yep. I don't believe her for a second. She writes:

Working toward peace in the region also means holding everyone involved accountable for actions that undermine the path to peace — because without justice, there can never be a lasting peace. When I criticize certain Israeli government actions in Gaza or settlements in the West Bank, it is because I believe these actions not only threaten the possibility of peace in the region — they also threaten the United States’ own national security interests.

In other words, she wants to hold everyone accountable for actions that undermine the path to peace, but really she thinks only Israel's actions undermine the path to peace and all other actions are justified.
Maybe because she is being uniquelly singled out while you give other antisemites a pass ? Novel thought that, but ehen you falsely claim she calls the elimination of Israel one has to wonder

I don't know about that. Team Israel is a pretty tough crowd. Which other antisemites are you saying we are giving a pass to?
So I still don't get it, was Sarsour's response bigotry?

I don’t think her response to Ali in and of itself was bigotry, what group was the bigotry targeting? As to her white man comment, it could be but I would like to see the actual quote. I don’t follow her or pay much attention to her.

Wait what, it took You an hour to come up with that weasel?

I really don't see how my opposition to the caliphate, sharia and dhimittude, or elimination of Israel,
have anything to do with what You actually said.

Let me see. You ask me whether I think a quote is bigotry, fail to provide any of the quotes and when asked for it accuse the response of being a weasel. I had no idea it was that difficult for you to support your statements.

I have no idea why you are incapable of condemning acts of hate against Muslims, but then again....I don’t much care, it is what it is.

Ho did this thread turn into another "condemning acts of hate against Muslims'
when the theme is a Muslim Congress representative supporting Israel's elimination?
Maybe because she is being uniquelly singled out while you give other antisemites a pass ? Novel thought that, but ehen you falsely claim she calls the elimination of Israel one has to wonder

In what way is she singled out uniquely from the rest of those who want to eliminate Israel?
In what way is she singled out uniquely from the other antisemites?

Last edited:
Wait what, it took You an hour to come up with that weasel?

I really don't see how my opposition to the caliphate, sharia and dhimittude, or elimination of Israel,
have anything to do with what You actually said.

Let me see. You ask me whether I think a quote is bigotry, fail to provide any of the quotes and when asked for it accuse the response of being a weasel. I had no idea it was that difficult for you to support your statements.

I have no idea why you are incapable of condemning acts of hate against Muslims, but then again....I don’t much care, it is what it is.

Ho did this thread turn into another "condemning acts of hate against Muslims'
when the theme is a Muslim Congress representative supporting Israel's elimination?
Maybe because she is being uniquelly singled out while you give other antisemites a pass ? Novel thought that, but ehen you falsely claim she calls the elimination of Israel one has to wonder
She calls, like many other Muslim leaders, for a two State solution.

In Muslim vernacular, it means forcing the right of return of Arabs of 1948, turning Israel into a Jewish minority and turning it eventually into another Arab Muslim State.

That the meaning of "Israel's elimination".
I have seen some thoughtful propositions for one state. Claiming she calls for the elimination of Israel is deliberately misrepresenting what she said and demonizing. Let me point out...Israeli some Israeli politicians have suggested one state.

One state, two states.
Omar Barghouti, the chief BDS-hole already said not a single one of them can be Jewish.

In Israel we call it "meriha", like spreading jam, taking pleasure in insulting Your intelligence with silly lies while smiling to Your face. Don't believe for a second antisemites don't know how ridiculous their responses sound.
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I don’t think her response to Ali in and of itself was bigotry, what group was the bigotry targeting? As to her white man comment, it could be but I would like to see the actual quote. I don’t follow her or pay much attention to her.

Wait what, it took You an hour to come up with that weasel?

I really don't see how my opposition to the caliphate, sharia and dhimittude, or elimination of Israel,
have anything to do with what You actually said.

Let me see. You ask me whether I think a quote is bigotry, fail to provide any of the quotes and when asked for it accuse the response of being a weasel. I had no idea it was that difficult for you to support your statements.

I have no idea why you are incapable of condemning acts of hate against Muslims, but then again....I don’t much care, it is what it is.

Ho did this thread turn into another "condemning acts of hate against Muslims'
when the theme is a Muslim Congress representative supporting Israel's elimination?
Maybe because she is being uniquelly singled out while you give other antisemites a pass ? Novel thought that, but ehen you falsely claim she calls the elimination of Israel one has to wonder
She calls, like many other Muslim leaders, for a two State solution.

In Muslim vernacular, it means forcing the right of return of Arabs of 1948, turning Israel into a Jewish minority and turning it eventually into another Arab Muslim State.

That the meaning of "Israel's elimination".
All one has to do is reference the once Christian state of Lebanon to see what will happen.

Of course, one needs to look at history HONESTLY to recognize the truth .
Wait what, it took You an hour to come up with that weasel?

I really don't see how my opposition to the caliphate, sharia and dhimittude, or elimination of Israel,
have anything to do with what You actually said.

Let me see. You ask me whether I think a quote is bigotry, fail to provide any of the quotes and when asked for it accuse the response of being a weasel. I had no idea it was that difficult for you to support your statements.

I have no idea why you are incapable of condemning acts of hate against Muslims, but then again....I don’t much care, it is what it is.

Ho did this thread turn into another "condemning acts of hate against Muslims'
when the theme is a Muslim Congress representative supporting Israel's elimination?
Maybe because she is being uniquelly singled out while you give other antisemites a pass ? Novel thought that, but ehen you falsely claim she calls the elimination of Israel one has to wonder
She calls, like many other Muslim leaders, for a two State solution.

In Muslim vernacular, it means forcing the right of return of Arabs of 1948, turning Israel into a Jewish minority and turning it eventually into another Arab Muslim State.

That the meaning of "Israel's elimination".
All one has to do is reference the once Christian state of Lebanon to see what will happen.

Of course, one needs to look at history HONESTLY to recognize the truth .


King of Jordan assassinated in front of the eyes of his grandson,
on the Temple Mount....
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No, the noise isn't about her views of foreign policy, which are pretty much identical to all progressives. The noise is about her latent antisemitic attitudes. But Omar wants to misdirect away from that.

Since I began my first term in Congress, I have sought to speak openly and honestly about the scale of the issues our country faces — whether it is ending the crippling burden of student debt, tackling the existential threat of climate change or making sure no one in one of the richest countries in the world dies from lack of health care. When she accused Jews of dual loyalty and the Jewish lobby of controlling Congress with its "Benjamins," she was speaking openly and honestly - about her own antisemitic feelings, feelings that are so deep that she does not even recognize them. Her view of US foreign policy is one that is secretly controlled by nefarious Jewish money and influence, that Jews speak with essentially one voice on Israel.

The article pretends to insist on using a single standard based on human rights for all nations, but the logic falls apart when you look past the platitudes:
Our criticisms of oppression and regional instability caused by Iran are not legitimate if we do not hold Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain to the same standards.I was unaware that Egypt, the UAE and Bahrain are controlling and funding terror groups worldwide like Iran is. But let's treat them all the same, based on internal human rights only, and ignore fomenting terror that violates the human rights of people she really doesn't think deserve the same human rights as everyone else!

Even though this op-ed was carefully written to make it appear that Omar is not obsessed with "Palestine," she has to address it and gives it five paragraphs - and her bias shines through even the layers of consultants and ghostwriters that she hired to spin this op-ed to be as liberal and fair as possible:

(full article online)

.@Ilhan Omar's @WashingtonPost op-ed - misdirection, projection and dishonesty ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The critisims of Ilan Omar are based on false information.
No, the noise isn't about her views of foreign policy, which are pretty much identical to all progressives. The noise is about her latent antisemitic attitudes. But Omar wants to misdirect away from that.

Since I began my first term in Congress, I have sought to speak openly and honestly about the scale of the issues our country faces — whether it is ending the crippling burden of student debt, tackling the existential threat of climate change or making sure no one in one of the richest countries in the world dies from lack of health care. When she accused Jews of dual loyalty and the Jewish lobby of controlling Congress with its "Benjamins," she was speaking openly and honestly - about her own antisemitic feelings, feelings that are so deep that she does not even recognize them. Her view of US foreign policy is one that is secretly controlled by nefarious Jewish money and influence, that Jews speak with essentially one voice on Israel.

The article pretends to insist on using a single standard based on human rights for all nations, but the logic falls apart when you look past the platitudes:
Our criticisms of oppression and regional instability caused by Iran are not legitimate if we do not hold Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain to the same standards.I was unaware that Egypt, the UAE and Bahrain are controlling and funding terror groups worldwide like Iran is. But let's treat them all the same, based on internal human rights only, and ignore fomenting terror that violates the human rights of people she really doesn't think deserve the same human rights as everyone else!

Even though this op-ed was carefully written to make it appear that Omar is not obsessed with "Palestine," she has to address it and gives it five paragraphs - and her bias shines through even the layers of consultants and ghostwriters that she hired to spin this op-ed to be as liberal and fair as possible:

(full article online)

.@Ilhan Omar's @WashingtonPost op-ed - misdirection, projection and dishonesty ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The critisims of Ilan Omar are based on false information.

Is that the best You can do?
I expected a better duck dance.

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