Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel

RE: Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Sixties Fan, et al,

I have to question the (correct) proper interpretation of the Congresswomen's comment.

the world’s largest classic antisemitic stereotype, that Jews place their loyalty to Israel above the nation they live in.​
She didn't say that.

I know of many many Jewish Americans in government today, as well as the past, and I see no reason to question their loyalty at all, as a class of people.

And I don't think the Representative for Minnesota's 5th Congressional District ever meant to imply that.

Most Respectfully,
I know of many many Jewish Americans in government today, as well as the past, and I see no reason to question their loyalty at all, as a class of people.
She wasn't talking about the loyalty of Jews.
Of course she was.
She obsessed with Israel, courtesy of her upbringing. Even
Muslims say that she is an antesimite:

Dr. Qanta Ahmed, a member of the U.S. based Muslim Council of Foreign Relations exposed Omar’s antisemitism. She attacked her stating that Muslim nations such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar spend tens of millions of dollars more on lobbying than AIPAC does to push their agenda within the U.S. government each year. Ahmed also remarked that she is concerned that Omar is affiliated with the BDS movement which calls for the eradication of the State of Israel. She said that putting Omar in the House of Foreign Affairs Committee demonstrated poor judgment on the part of the Democrats.
And of course, like all extremist Muslims and Christians, they all attack Jews living outside of Israel alleging that Jews have double loyalty to their host country and Israel.
It has been going on for decades in order to delegitimize Jews and incite haters against them.

And YOU are telling US that Omar did not accuse American Jews of double loyalty? Jewish Lobbying as being shifty with their loyalty to the US? Of course she did.
That is Exactly what she meant to say, which is why she ran for her life when so many turned on what she wrote.

Jewish lobbying = double loyalty.

Any other lobby = ok by her

That is exactly what she meant.

Both Omar & Talib along with the above whitewashing reply sound as suicidal as those super egos of Arab "death to the infidels" terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount to conquer Israel & it's Jews at any cost to their Islam religion, even removal of the Temple Mount mosque; which is no different from a suicidal Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate super ego homicidal cop bragging about how he killed one of Eisenhower's WW II Pentagon staff sergeants that he & his partner who in all probability were those which interrupted conversation on Washington sports teams at lunch to play Klues Klucks duh Klans of baptized by urinations in D.C. before 9/11 after 9/11 at a D.C. court office.
Last edited:
RE: Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Sixties Fan, et al,

I have to question the (correct) proper interpretation of the Congresswomen's comment.

the world’s largest classic antisemitic stereotype, that Jews place their loyalty to Israel above the nation they live in.​
She didn't say that.

I know of many many Jewish Americans in government today, as well as the past, and I see no reason to question their loyalty at all, as a class of people.

And I don't think the Representative for Minnesota's 5th Congressional District ever meant to imply that.

Most Respectfully,
I know of many many Jewish Americans in government today, as well as the past, and I see no reason to question their loyalty at all, as a class of people.
She wasn't talking about the loyalty of Jews.
Of course she was.
She obsessed with Israel, courtesy of her upbringing. Even
Muslims say that she is an antesimite:

Dr. Qanta Ahmed, a member of the U.S. based Muslim Council of Foreign Relations exposed Omar’s antisemitism. She attacked her stating that Muslim nations such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar spend tens of millions of dollars more on lobbying than AIPAC does to push their agenda within the U.S. government each year. Ahmed also remarked that she is concerned that Omar is affiliated with the BDS movement which calls for the eradication of the State of Israel. She said that putting Omar in the House of Foreign Affairs Committee demonstrated poor judgment on the part of the Democrats.
And of course, like all extremist Muslims and Christians, they all attack Jews living outside of Israel alleging that Jews have double loyalty to their host country and Israel.
It has been going on for decades in order to delegitimize Jews and incite haters against them.

And YOU are telling US that Omar did not accuse American Jews of double loyalty? Jewish Lobbying as being shifty with their loyalty to the US? Of course she did.
That is Exactly what she meant to say, which is why she ran for her life when so many turned on what she wrote.

Jewish lobbying = double loyalty.

Any other lobby = ok by her

That is exactly what she meant.
RE: Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Sixties Fan, et al,

I have to question the (correct) proper interpretation of the Congresswomen's comment.

the world’s largest classic antisemitic stereotype, that Jews place their loyalty to Israel above the nation they live in.​
She didn't say that.

I know of many many Jewish Americans in government today, as well as the past, and I see no reason to question their loyalty at all, as a class of people.

And I don't think the Representative for Minnesota's 5th Congressional District ever meant to imply that.

Most Respectfully,
I know of many many Jewish Americans in government today, as well as the past, and I see no reason to question their loyalty at all, as a class of people.
She wasn't talking about the loyalty of Jews.
Of course she was.
She obsessed with Israel, courtesy of her upbringing. Even
Muslims say that she is an antesimite:

Dr. Qanta Ahmed, a member of the U.S. based Muslim Council of Foreign Relations exposed Omar’s antisemitism. She attacked her stating that Muslim nations such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar spend tens of millions of dollars more on lobbying than AIPAC does to push their agenda within the U.S. government each year. Ahmed also remarked that she is concerned that Omar is affiliated with the BDS movement which calls for the eradication of the State of Israel. She said that putting Omar in the House of Foreign Affairs Committee demonstrated poor judgment on the part of the Democrats.
And of course, like all extremist Muslims and Christians, they all attack Jews living outside of Israel alleging that Jews have double loyalty to their host country and Israel.
It has been going on for decades in order to delegitimize Jews and incite haters against them.

And YOU are telling US that Omar did not accuse American Jews of double loyalty? Jewish Lobbying as being shifty with their loyalty to the US? Of course she did.
That is Exactly what she meant to say, which is why she ran for her life when so many turned on what she wrote.

Jewish lobbying = double loyalty.

Any other lobby = ok by her

That is exactly what she meant.
Read all the article about the things she said.
RE: Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Sixties Fan, et al,

I have to question the (correct) proper interpretation of the Congresswomen's comment.

the world’s largest classic antisemitic stereotype, that Jews place their loyalty to Israel above the nation they live in.​
She didn't say that.

I know of many many Jewish Americans in government today, as well as the past, and I see no reason to question their loyalty at all, as a class of people.

And I don't think the Representative for Minnesota's 5th Congressional District ever meant to imply that.

Most Respectfully,
I know of many many Jewish Americans in government today, as well as the past, and I see no reason to question their loyalty at all, as a class of people.
She wasn't talking about the loyalty of Jews.
Of course she was.
She obsessed with Israel, courtesy of her upbringing. Even
Muslims say that she is an antesimite:

Dr. Qanta Ahmed, a member of the U.S. based Muslim Council of Foreign Relations exposed Omar’s antisemitism. She attacked her stating that Muslim nations such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar spend tens of millions of dollars more on lobbying than AIPAC does to push their agenda within the U.S. government each year. Ahmed also remarked that she is concerned that Omar is affiliated with the BDS movement which calls for the eradication of the State of Israel. She said that putting Omar in the House of Foreign Affairs Committee demonstrated poor judgment on the part of the Democrats.
And of course, like all extremist Muslims and Christians, they all attack Jews living outside of Israel alleging that Jews have double loyalty to their host country and Israel.
It has been going on for decades in order to delegitimize Jews and incite haters against them.

And YOU are telling US that Omar did not accuse American Jews of double loyalty? Jewish Lobbying as being shifty with their loyalty to the US? Of course she did.
That is Exactly what she meant to say, which is why she ran for her life when so many turned on what she wrote.

Jewish lobbying = double loyalty.

Any other lobby = ok by her

That is exactly what she meant.
Read all the article about the things she said.
I did. Where did she mention Jews?
RE: Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Sixties Fan, et al,

I have to question the (correct) proper interpretation of the Congresswomen's comment.


I know of many many Jewish Americans in government today, as well as the past, and I see no reason to question their loyalty at all, as a class of people.

And I don't think the Representative for Minnesota's 5th Congressional District ever meant to imply that.

Most Respectfully,
I know of many many Jewish Americans in government today, as well as the past, and I see no reason to question their loyalty at all, as a class of people.
She wasn't talking about the loyalty of Jews.
Of course she was.
She obsessed with Israel, courtesy of her upbringing. Even
Muslims say that she is an antesimite:

Dr. Qanta Ahmed, a member of the U.S. based Muslim Council of Foreign Relations exposed Omar’s antisemitism. She attacked her stating that Muslim nations such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar spend tens of millions of dollars more on lobbying than AIPAC does to push their agenda within the U.S. government each year. Ahmed also remarked that she is concerned that Omar is affiliated with the BDS movement which calls for the eradication of the State of Israel. She said that putting Omar in the House of Foreign Affairs Committee demonstrated poor judgment on the part of the Democrats.
And of course, like all extremist Muslims and Christians, they all attack Jews living outside of Israel alleging that Jews have double loyalty to their host country and Israel.
It has been going on for decades in order to delegitimize Jews and incite haters against them.

And YOU are telling US that Omar did not accuse American Jews of double loyalty? Jewish Lobbying as being shifty with their loyalty to the US? Of course she did.
That is Exactly what she meant to say, which is why she ran for her life when so many turned on what she wrote.

Jewish lobbying = double loyalty.

Any other lobby = ok by her

That is exactly what she meant.
Read all the article about the things she said.
I did. Where did she mention Jews?

This national religion jihad whitewashing Omar's faults as one of the Congress of one nation under God is about as much of a higher than one nation under God standing as that Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate cop bragging about killing one of Ike's WW II Pentagon staff sergeants at the US District Court Office for D.C. after 9/11 with little regard to how many US citizens were killed from threatening to do just that prior to 9/11 while trying to eat lunch & discuss Washington sports teams; for not talking about Arab "death to the infidels" terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount receiving a higher than one nation under God standing with a Rehnquist immaculate drug conception in D.C. just as for all those thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists for the Bicentennial is obviously no longer relevant to these suicidal homicidal sociopsychopathilogical human farming political religious economics specialists.
She wasn't talking about the loyalty of Jews.
Of course she was.
She obsessed with Israel, courtesy of her upbringing. Even
Muslims say that she is an antesimite:

Dr. Qanta Ahmed, a member of the U.S. based Muslim Council of Foreign Relations exposed Omar’s antisemitism. She attacked her stating that Muslim nations such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar spend tens of millions of dollars more on lobbying than AIPAC does to push their agenda within the U.S. government each year. Ahmed also remarked that she is concerned that Omar is affiliated with the BDS movement which calls for the eradication of the State of Israel. She said that putting Omar in the House of Foreign Affairs Committee demonstrated poor judgment on the part of the Democrats.
And of course, like all extremist Muslims and Christians, they all attack Jews living outside of Israel alleging that Jews have double loyalty to their host country and Israel.
It has been going on for decades in order to delegitimize Jews and incite haters against them.

And YOU are telling US that Omar did not accuse American Jews of double loyalty? Jewish Lobbying as being shifty with their loyalty to the US? Of course she did.
That is Exactly what she meant to say, which is why she ran for her life when so many turned on what she wrote.

Jewish lobbying = double loyalty.

Any other lobby = ok by her

That is exactly what she meant.
Read all the article about the things she said.
I did. Where did she mention Jews?

This national religion jihad whitewashing Omar's faults as one of the Congress of one nation under God is about as much of a higher than one nation under God standing as that Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate cop bragging about killing one of Ike's WW II Pentagon staff sergeants at the US District Court Office for D.C. after 9/11 with little regard to how many US citizens were killed from threatening to do just that prior to 9/11 while trying to eat lunch & discuss Washington sports teams; for not talking about Arab "death to the infidels" terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount receiving a higher than one nation under God standing with a Rehnquist immaculate drug conception in D.C. just as for all those thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists for the Bicentennial is obviously no longer relevant to these suicidal homicidal sociopsychopathilogical human farming political religious economics specialists.
Holy deflection, Batman!
RE: Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Sixties Fan, et al,

I have to question the (correct) proper interpretation of the Congresswomen's comment.


I know of many many Jewish Americans in government today, as well as the past, and I see no reason to question their loyalty at all, as a class of people.

And I don't think the Representative for Minnesota's 5th Congressional District ever meant to imply that.

Most Respectfully,
I know of many many Jewish Americans in government today, as well as the past, and I see no reason to question their loyalty at all, as a class of people.
She wasn't talking about the loyalty of Jews.
Of course she was.
She obsessed with Israel, courtesy of her upbringing. Even
Muslims say that she is an antesimite:

Dr. Qanta Ahmed, a member of the U.S. based Muslim Council of Foreign Relations exposed Omar’s antisemitism. She attacked her stating that Muslim nations such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar spend tens of millions of dollars more on lobbying than AIPAC does to push their agenda within the U.S. government each year. Ahmed also remarked that she is concerned that Omar is affiliated with the BDS movement which calls for the eradication of the State of Israel. She said that putting Omar in the House of Foreign Affairs Committee demonstrated poor judgment on the part of the Democrats.
And of course, like all extremist Muslims and Christians, they all attack Jews living outside of Israel alleging that Jews have double loyalty to their host country and Israel.
It has been going on for decades in order to delegitimize Jews and incite haters against them.

And YOU are telling US that Omar did not accuse American Jews of double loyalty? Jewish Lobbying as being shifty with their loyalty to the US? Of course she did.
That is Exactly what she meant to say, which is why she ran for her life when so many turned on what she wrote.

Jewish lobbying = double loyalty.

Any other lobby = ok by her

That is exactly what she meant.
Read all the article about the things she said.
I did. Where did she mention Jews?

Statements like AIPAC pays Politicians for support
Of course she was.
She obsessed with Israel, courtesy of her upbringing. Even
Muslims say that she is an antesimite:

Dr. Qanta Ahmed, a member of the U.S. based Muslim Council of Foreign Relations exposed Omar’s antisemitism. She attacked her stating that Muslim nations such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar spend tens of millions of dollars more on lobbying than AIPAC does to push their agenda within the U.S. government each year. Ahmed also remarked that she is concerned that Omar is affiliated with the BDS movement which calls for the eradication of the State of Israel. She said that putting Omar in the House of Foreign Affairs Committee demonstrated poor judgment on the part of the Democrats.
And of course, like all extremist Muslims and Christians, they all attack Jews living outside of Israel alleging that Jews have double loyalty to their host country and Israel.
It has been going on for decades in order to delegitimize Jews and incite haters against them.

And YOU are telling US that Omar did not accuse American Jews of double loyalty? Jewish Lobbying as being shifty with their loyalty to the US? Of course she did.
That is Exactly what she meant to say, which is why she ran for her life when so many turned on what she wrote.

Jewish lobbying = double loyalty.

Any other lobby = ok by her

That is exactly what she meant.
Read all the article about the things she said.
I did. Where did she mention Jews?

This national religion jihad whitewashing Omar's faults as one of the Congress of one nation under God is about as much of a higher than one nation under God standing as that Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate cop bragging about killing one of Ike's WW II Pentagon staff sergeants at the US District Court Office for D.C. after 9/11 with little regard to how many US citizens were killed from threatening to do just that prior to 9/11 while trying to eat lunch & discuss Washington sports teams; for not talking about Arab "death to the infidels" terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount receiving a higher than one nation under God standing with a Rehnquist immaculate drug conception in D.C. just as for all those thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists for the Bicentennial is obviously no longer relevant to these suicidal homicidal sociopsychopathilogical human farming political religious economics specialists.
Holy deflection, Batman!

Another stupid remark. Her statements like AIPAC pays Politicians to support Israel or questioning those who support Israel about their Loyalty towards this Country isn’t espousing Hatred? Not to a Pro Palestinian
She wasn't talking about the loyalty of Jews.
Of course she was.
She obsessed with Israel, courtesy of her upbringing. Even
Muslims say that she is an antesimite:

Dr. Qanta Ahmed, a member of the U.S. based Muslim Council of Foreign Relations exposed Omar’s antisemitism. She attacked her stating that Muslim nations such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar spend tens of millions of dollars more on lobbying than AIPAC does to push their agenda within the U.S. government each year. Ahmed also remarked that she is concerned that Omar is affiliated with the BDS movement which calls for the eradication of the State of Israel. She said that putting Omar in the House of Foreign Affairs Committee demonstrated poor judgment on the part of the Democrats.
And of course, like all extremist Muslims and Christians, they all attack Jews living outside of Israel alleging that Jews have double loyalty to their host country and Israel.
It has been going on for decades in order to delegitimize Jews and incite haters against them.

And YOU are telling US that Omar did not accuse American Jews of double loyalty? Jewish Lobbying as being shifty with their loyalty to the US? Of course she did.
That is Exactly what she meant to say, which is why she ran for her life when so many turned on what she wrote.

Jewish lobbying = double loyalty.

Any other lobby = ok by her

That is exactly what she meant.
Read all the article about the things she said.
I did. Where did she mention Jews?

Statements like AIPAC pays Politicians for support
Read all the article about the things she said.
I did. Where did she mention Jews?

This national religion jihad whitewashing Omar's faults as one of the Congress of one nation under God is about as much of a higher than one nation under God standing as that Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate cop bragging about killing one of Ike's WW II Pentagon staff sergeants at the US District Court Office for D.C. after 9/11 with little regard to how many US citizens were killed from threatening to do just that prior to 9/11 while trying to eat lunch & discuss Washington sports teams; for not talking about Arab "death to the infidels" terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount receiving a higher than one nation under God standing with a Rehnquist immaculate drug conception in D.C. just as for all those thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists for the Bicentennial is obviously no longer relevant to these suicidal homicidal sociopsychopathilogical human farming political religious economics specialists.
Holy deflection, Batman!

Another stupid remark. Her statements like AIPAC pays Politicians to support Israel or questioning those who support Israel about their Loyalty towards this Country isn’t espousing Hatred? Not to a Pro Palestinian
Statements like AIPAC pays Politicians for support
We all know that is true. What else you got?
PFT name one mostly Islamic country that is safer for women than Israel. Thank you.
Of course she was.
She obsessed with Israel, courtesy of her upbringing. Even
Muslims say that she is an antesimite:

Dr. Qanta Ahmed, a member of the U.S. based Muslim Council of Foreign Relations exposed Omar’s antisemitism. She attacked her stating that Muslim nations such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar spend tens of millions of dollars more on lobbying than AIPAC does to push their agenda within the U.S. government each year. Ahmed also remarked that she is concerned that Omar is affiliated with the BDS movement which calls for the eradication of the State of Israel. She said that putting Omar in the House of Foreign Affairs Committee demonstrated poor judgment on the part of the Democrats.
And of course, like all extremist Muslims and Christians, they all attack Jews living outside of Israel alleging that Jews have double loyalty to their host country and Israel.
It has been going on for decades in order to delegitimize Jews and incite haters against them.

And YOU are telling US that Omar did not accuse American Jews of double loyalty? Jewish Lobbying as being shifty with their loyalty to the US? Of course she did.
That is Exactly what she meant to say, which is why she ran for her life when so many turned on what she wrote.

Jewish lobbying = double loyalty.

Any other lobby = ok by her

That is exactly what she meant.
Read all the article about the things she said.
I did. Where did she mention Jews?

Statements like AIPAC pays Politicians for support
Read all the article about the things she said.
I did. Where did she mention Jews?

This national religion jihad whitewashing Omar's faults as one of the Congress of one nation under God is about as much of a higher than one nation under God standing as that Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate cop bragging about killing one of Ike's WW II Pentagon staff sergeants at the US District Court Office for D.C. after 9/11 with little regard to how many US citizens were killed from threatening to do just that prior to 9/11 while trying to eat lunch & discuss Washington sports teams; for not talking about Arab "death to the infidels" terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount receiving a higher than one nation under God standing with a Rehnquist immaculate drug conception in D.C. just as for all those thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists for the Bicentennial is obviously no longer relevant to these suicidal homicidal sociopsychopathilogical human farming political religious economics specialists.
Holy deflection, Batman!

Another stupid remark. Her statements like AIPAC pays Politicians to support Israel or questioning those who support Israel about their Loyalty towards this Country isn’t espousing Hatred? Not to a Pro Palestinian
Statements like AIPAC pays Politicians for support
We all know that is true. What else you got?

:linky: There will not be one, there never is. What else you got?
While you are trying to find that link , locate the other one which provides facts that Jews who support Israel are traitors to the U. S. Keep posting!
Of course she was.
She obsessed with Israel, courtesy of her upbringing. Even
Muslims say that she is an antesimite:

Dr. Qanta Ahmed, a member of the U.S. based Muslim Council of Foreign Relations exposed Omar’s antisemitism. She attacked her stating that Muslim nations such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar spend tens of millions of dollars more on lobbying than AIPAC does to push their agenda within the U.S. government each year. Ahmed also remarked that she is concerned that Omar is affiliated with the BDS movement which calls for the eradication of the State of Israel. She said that putting Omar in the House of Foreign Affairs Committee demonstrated poor judgment on the part of the Democrats.
And of course, like all extremist Muslims and Christians, they all attack Jews living outside of Israel alleging that Jews have double loyalty to their host country and Israel.
It has been going on for decades in order to delegitimize Jews and incite haters against them.

And YOU are telling US that Omar did not accuse American Jews of double loyalty? Jewish Lobbying as being shifty with their loyalty to the US? Of course she did.
That is Exactly what she meant to say, which is why she ran for her life when so many turned on what she wrote.

Jewish lobbying = double loyalty.

Any other lobby = ok by her

That is exactly what she meant.
Read all the article about the things she said.
I did. Where did she mention Jews?

This national religion jihad whitewashing Omar's faults as one of the Congress of one nation under God is about as much of a higher than one nation under God standing as that Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate cop bragging about killing one of Ike's WW II Pentagon staff sergeants at the US District Court Office for D.C. after 9/11 with little regard to how many US citizens were killed from threatening to do just that prior to 9/11 while trying to eat lunch & discuss Washington sports teams; for not talking about Arab "death to the infidels" terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount receiving a higher than one nation under God standing with a Rehnquist immaculate drug conception in D.C. just as for all those thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists for the Bicentennial is obviously no longer relevant to these suicidal homicidal sociopsychopathilogical human farming political religious economics specialists.
Holy deflection, Batman!

As if those comical Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate Star Bellied Sneeches don't come up with enough immaculate drug conceptions for all too dang lily brilliant whitewashing when it comes to their 9/11 holy costs second coming death tolls as supporters of Omar & her cronies attempts at making Islam the US national religion of "death to the infidels" threats & actions reruns.
It really is outrageous that we have two Islamic misfits elected to office for no obvious reason other than they fill a “diversity” slot. There is nothing to suggest that either of them has any qualifications that one would think should be a prerequisite for office. Their first week as “elected officials” indicates that their only agenda is to press their Jew-hating proclivities.

Well look at what the other side is doing

Faith Vander Voort, the newly promoted top spokeswoman at the Interior Department, voiced support for more surveillance of Muslim communities and argued that attacks by radical self-proclaimed Muslim groups pose a far bigger threat to society than climate change during a 2017 interview full of Islamophobic and anti-immigrant rhetoric.

The comments were made during a June 8, 2017, episode of “The Word,” a podcast of the now-defunct right-wing news outlet The Daily Nerv. Vander Voort co-founded The Daily Nerv in early 2017, about a year before she joined the Trump administration, and briefly co-produced and co-hosted the podcast, according to her resume on Interior’s website.

During the episode in question, Vander Voort says she does not believe it is a violation of individual civil liberties for intelligence agencies to monitor phones and internet activities ― at least when it comes to surveillance of Muslim communities.

Wow! So Muslim Americans can be treated differently than other Americans? So the Trump administration can decide which Americans have rights and which ones don't based on their religion or lack of? Next it'll be ok to monitor liberal phones and internet activity.

This is some crazy shit. And I don't think conservative jews care. Just like BIBI is corrupt as hell they still are loyal to him.
Read all the article about the things she said.
I did. Where did she mention Jews?

Statements like AIPAC pays Politicians for support
I did. Where did she mention Jews?

This national religion jihad whitewashing Omar's faults as one of the Congress of one nation under God is about as much of a higher than one nation under God standing as that Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate cop bragging about killing one of Ike's WW II Pentagon staff sergeants at the US District Court Office for D.C. after 9/11 with little regard to how many US citizens were killed from threatening to do just that prior to 9/11 while trying to eat lunch & discuss Washington sports teams; for not talking about Arab "death to the infidels" terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount receiving a higher than one nation under God standing with a Rehnquist immaculate drug conception in D.C. just as for all those thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists for the Bicentennial is obviously no longer relevant to these suicidal homicidal sociopsychopathilogical human farming political religious economics specialists.
Holy deflection, Batman!

Another stupid remark. Her statements like AIPAC pays Politicians to support Israel or questioning those who support Israel about their Loyalty towards this Country isn’t espousing Hatred? Not to a Pro Palestinian
Statements like AIPAC pays Politicians for support
We all know that is true. What else you got?

:linky: There will not be one, there never is. What else you got?
While you are trying to find that link , locate the other one which provides facts that Jews who support Israel are traitors to the U. S. Keep posting!
Who said they were?
Read all the article about the things she said.
I did. Where did she mention Jews?

Statements like AIPAC pays Politicians for support
I did. Where did she mention Jews?

This national religion jihad whitewashing Omar's faults as one of the Congress of one nation under God is about as much of a higher than one nation under God standing as that Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate cop bragging about killing one of Ike's WW II Pentagon staff sergeants at the US District Court Office for D.C. after 9/11 with little regard to how many US citizens were killed from threatening to do just that prior to 9/11 while trying to eat lunch & discuss Washington sports teams; for not talking about Arab "death to the infidels" terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount receiving a higher than one nation under God standing with a Rehnquist immaculate drug conception in D.C. just as for all those thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists for the Bicentennial is obviously no longer relevant to these suicidal homicidal sociopsychopathilogical human farming political religious economics specialists.
Holy deflection, Batman!

Another stupid remark. Her statements like AIPAC pays Politicians to support Israel or questioning those who support Israel about their Loyalty towards this Country isn’t espousing Hatred? Not to a Pro Palestinian
Statements like AIPAC pays Politicians for support
We all know that is true. What else you got?

:linky: There will not be one, there never is. What else you got?
While you are trying to find that link , locate the other one which provides facts that Jews who support Israel are traitors to the U. S. Keep posting!
Read all the article about the things she said.
I did. Where did she mention Jews?

Statements like AIPAC pays Politicians for support
This national religion jihad whitewashing Omar's faults as one of the Congress of one nation under God is about as much of a higher than one nation under God standing as that Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate cop bragging about killing one of Ike's WW II Pentagon staff sergeants at the US District Court Office for D.C. after 9/11 with little regard to how many US citizens were killed from threatening to do just that prior to 9/11 while trying to eat lunch & discuss Washington sports teams; for not talking about Arab "death to the infidels" terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount receiving a higher than one nation under God standing with a Rehnquist immaculate drug conception in D.C. just as for all those thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists for the Bicentennial is obviously no longer relevant to these suicidal homicidal sociopsychopathilogical human farming political religious economics specialists.
Holy deflection, Batman!

Another stupid remark. Her statements like AIPAC pays Politicians to support Israel or questioning those who support Israel about their Loyalty towards this Country isn’t espousing Hatred? Not to a Pro Palestinian
Statements like AIPAC pays Politicians for support
We all know that is true. What else you got?

:linky: There will not be one, there never is. What else you got?
While you are trying to find that link , locate the other one which provides facts that Jews who support Israel are traitors to the U. S. Keep posting!

Yawn.. Still haven’t explained how AIPAC “ funnels money their way”. Senator Byrd and others are/were hardly Pro Israel. Keep posting!!
I did. Where did she mention Jews?

Statements like AIPAC pays Politicians for support
Holy deflection, Batman!

Another stupid remark. Her statements like AIPAC pays Politicians to support Israel or questioning those who support Israel about their Loyalty towards this Country isn’t espousing Hatred? Not to a Pro Palestinian
Statements like AIPAC pays Politicians for support
We all know that is true. What else you got?

:linky: There will not be one, there never is. What else you got?
While you are trying to find that link , locate the other one which provides facts that Jews who support Israel are traitors to the U. S. Keep posting!

Yawn.. Still haven’t explained how AIPAC “ funnels money their way”. Senator Byrd and others are/were hardly Pro Israel. Keep posting!!

Byrd's KKK churchstate fiefdom of thieving Israeli flag arsonists ran the appropriations committee for that good ole boy network funneling far more Grovers as those Arab States funneling 10 times the AIPAC budget in order to make Islam the national religion since a Christiananality pedophilia business is as close to Sharia totalitarianism as it gets to the real thing.
I did. Where did she mention Jews?

Statements like AIPAC pays Politicians for support
Holy deflection, Batman!

Another stupid remark. Her statements like AIPAC pays Politicians to support Israel or questioning those who support Israel about their Loyalty towards this Country isn’t espousing Hatred? Not to a Pro Palestinian
Statements like AIPAC pays Politicians for support
We all know that is true. What else you got?

:linky: There will not be one, there never is. What else you got?
While you are trying to find that link , locate the other one which provides facts that Jews who support Israel are traitors to the U. S. Keep posting!

Yawn.. Still haven’t explained how AIPAC “ funnels money their way”. Senator Byrd and others are/were hardly Pro Israel. Keep posting!!

Byrd's Klues Klucks duh Klans churchstate fiefdom appropriations of 24 old glorys presented for business excellence by President Eisenhower to Holocaust survivors in addition to little Israel flags certainly shows thieving arsonists federal sin are just appropriations loyalty to be reimbursed as Islam reimburses infidels just as SCOTUS & it's immaculate drug conceptions lynching enforcement. Omar & her cronies in all probability building a jihad pyramid scheme for eliminating Israel as West Nazi Germany Virginia eliminated US Constitutions & old testaments for funneling their second coming thru 9/11.
1.“The founding of Israel 70 years ago was built on the Jewish people’s connection to their historical homeland, as well as the urgency of establishing a nation in the wake of the horror of the Holocaust and the centuries of anti-Semitic oppression leading up to it.”

The founding of Israel pre-dated the Holocaust – back to the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in World War One. Palestine – within boundaries to be determined – which had formed part of the territory of the Ottoman Empire for the previous 400 years -was designated by the Principal Allied Powers at the San Remo Conference held in April 1920 as the location for the“establishment of a national home for the Jewish people.”

This decision was unanimously endorsed by the League of Nations when granting Great Britain the Mandate for Palestine in 1922. The Mandate’s boundaries comprised what is today called Israel, Jordan, Judea and Samaria (West Bank) and Gaza. However the establishment of the Jewish National Home in Transjordan – 78% of Mandatory Palestine – was postponed or withheld under article 25 of the Mandate.2.“We must acknowledge that this is also the historical homeland of Palestinians.” The “Palestinians” were not recognised as an identifiable people in 1917. The Mandate for Palestine regarded the Arab residents of Palestine as forming part of the “existing non-Jewish communities” in Palestine – whose civil and religious rights were not to be prejudiced. The “Palestinians” were only defined for the first time in the 1964 PLO Charter – article 6.

3.“And without a state, the Palestinian people live in a state of permanent refugeehood and displacement.” The Palestinian Arabs acquired their own state and independence in 1946 in Jordan – 78% of Palestine. Hamas exercises full administrative control over the Arab residents of Gaza. The PLO exercises full administrative control over 95% of the Arab population of Judea and Samaria (West Bank).4.“This, too, is a refugee crisis, and they, too, deserve freedom and dignity.” A refugee crisis exists in Lebanon and Syria because the Palestinian Arabs living there have been denied citizenship for 70 years.5.“I support a two-state solution, with internationally recognized borders, which allows for both Israelis and Palestinians to have their own sanctuaries and self-determination.'' There are already two such states in 95% of former Palestine – one (78%) for the Arabs called Jordan – one (17%) for the Jews, called Israel.6.“This has been official bipartisan U.S. policy across two decades and has been supported by each of the most recent Israeli and Palestinian leaders, as well as the consensus of the Israeli security establishment.” New solutions are required after negotiations spanning 25 years have failed to create a second Arab state in former Palestine between Israel and Jordan. Redrawing the international bordersbetween Jordan Israel and Egypt could be game changers. Hopefully Congresswoman Omar will rethink her flawed position and continue this dialogue.

(full article online)

Daphne Anson: David Singer: Ilhan Omar Needs to Rethink her Flawed Position on Palestine
1.“The founding of Israel 70 years ago was built on the Jewish people’s connection to their historical homeland, as well as the urgency of establishing a nation in the wake of the horror of the Holocaust and the centuries of anti-Semitic oppression leading up to it.”

The founding of Israel pre-dated the Holocaust – back to the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in World War One. Palestine – within boundaries to be determined – which had formed part of the territory of the Ottoman Empire for the previous 400 years -was designated by the Principal Allied Powers at the San Remo Conference held in April 1920 as the location for the“establishment of a national home for the Jewish people.”

This decision was unanimously endorsed by the League of Nations when granting Great Britain the Mandate for Palestine in 1922. The Mandate’s boundaries comprised what is today called Israel, Jordan, Judea and Samaria (West Bank) and Gaza. However the establishment of the Jewish National Home in Transjordan – 78% of Mandatory Palestine – was postponed or withheld under article 25 of the Mandate.
Hopefully Congresswoman Omar will rethink her flawed position and continue this dialogue.

(full article online)

Daphne Anson: David Singer: Ilhan Omar Needs to Rethink her Flawed Position on Palestine

Odds of Omar rethinking her position are probably as avoidance-acceptance as SCOTUS & Byrd's KKK churchtstate fiefdom compulsive-obsessive interpretation of one nation under God where thieving Eisenhower old glory presented for business excellence to Holocaust survivors arsonists flawed position is it's only federal sin as also were those thieving US Constitution - old testament - Israeli flag - arsonists national religion.

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