Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel

RE: Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel
⁜→ ILOVEISRAEL, et al,

Many of the Historical Religious Sites I have mentioned only pertain to Judaism. I am not suggesting that Christians be barred from any Religious Sites
Doesn’t it strike you as ironic that while Tinmore preaches Freedom, Justice and Democracy for the Palestinians he sees nothing wrong with Jews being denied access to their Holy Sites?
Am I the only one who sees the irony and hypocrisy in that?

I don't think that you are the only one that sees the "irony" in that apparent quandary.

I just think that when people like our friend "P F Tinmore" mentions Muslims • Islamic Resistance opposition to access, many people turn off.

The outside observers know that Arab Palestinians • Muslims • Islamic Resistance opposition are not demonstrating the true concepts of the Arabramic religions (Torah, Bible, Koran). So obvious is the violence associated with the Arab Palestinians • Muslims • Islamic Resistance opposition, that part of the outcome is an ever-growing "Spiritual and Religious Apathy" towards the entire issue.

The general impression is that the "Arab Palestinians • Muslims • Islamic Resistance opposition" stand for something other than accepting that they will obey all the commitments of Islam.

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Most Respectfully,
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RE: Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel
⁜→ rylan, et al,

Most of the time, "Prosopagnosia" implies a total f "face blindness." But actually, like color blindness and hearing loss, and allergies, → prosopagnosia comes in degrees. It is either acquired from birth or, by the lack of exposure. → It is like the difference between American families, who are a culture of mostly a single language nation (largely), and the other 25% of America that has a second language. And another 13% basic knowledge of a second language at the tourist level. My family, which on my Grandmother's side, could speak five languages (besides English) that it seemed fluent, to my family → two generations later, my family spoke no foreign languages.

Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib told Detroit’s chief of police that he should hire only black people as analysts to run their facial recognition software because she claimed, non-black people think they all look alike.

Could she be more banally racist?[/QUOTE]

I think that to some degree, the Honorable Member has a pronounced lack of social awareness in her speech, lacking critical political communication skills, feelings, and a total misunderstanding about what causes political anxiety.

When I was an active Counterintelligence Agent, I surprised at how many of my colleagues could not tell the difference between:

(L → R) Chinese, Korean, and Japanese women..png
Do you know…How to distinguish Japanese from Korean and Chinese?
From left to right, it is → Chinese, Korean, and Japanese women. I had an opportunity to serve in Vietnam and Korea. And when on many a vacation visited to Japan, and Hong Kong. Back when we would go to the modern-day equivalent of a singles bar, I was surprised when my wing-man misidentified the Filipino Band for Chinese. Of course, I was not perfect. I misidentified a Philippine Civic Action Group-Vietnam for a Civilian Irregular Defense Group (CIDG). I was teased about that for months.

If you subtract the all previous bad press about the Honorable Member and just interpret her meaning; I think you will come to understand a very difficult subject matter.

••• Also see: Link •••

For a better distinction, larger pictures. I don't particularly care for the Member's position, but that does not mean she is wrong at every turn. And if my example insults anyone, I apologize now.

Just my thought.

•  Smaller then Smallest.png
Most Respectfully,
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RE: Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel
⁜→ rylan, et al,

Most of the time, "Prosopagnosia" implies a total f "face blindness." But actually, like color blindness and hearing loss, and allergies, → prosopagnosia comes in degrees. It is either acquired from birth or, by the lack of exposure. → It is like the difference between American families, who are a culture of mostly a single language nation (largely), and the other 25% of America that has a second language. And another 13% basic knowledge of a second language at the tourist level. My family, which on my Grandmother's side, could speak five languages (besides English) that it seemed fluent, to my family → two generations later, my family spoke no foreign languages.

Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib told Detroit’s chief of police that he should hire only black people as analysts to run their facial recognition software because she claimed, non-black people think they all look alike.

Could she be more banally racist?

I think that to some degree, the Honorable Member has a pronounced lack of social awareness in her speech, lacking critical political communication skills, feelings, and a total misunderstanding about what causes political anxiety.

When I was an active Counterintelligence Agent, I surprised at how many of my colleagues could not tell the difference between:
Do you know…How to distinguish Japanese from Korean and Chinese?
From left to right, it is → Chinese, Korean, and Japanese women. I had an opportunity to serve in Vietnam and Korea. And when on many a vacation visited to Japan, and Hong Kong. Back when we would go to the modern-day equivalent of a singles bar, I was surprised when my wing-man misidentified the Filipino Band for Chinese. Of course, I was not perfect. I misidentified a Philippine Civic Action Group-Vietnam for a Civilian Irregular Defense Group (CIDG). I was teased about that for months.

If you subtract the all previous bad press about the Honorable Member and just interpret her meaning; I think you will come to understand a very difficult subject matter.

••• Also see: Link •••

For a better distinction, larger pictures. I don't particularly care for the Member's position, but that does not mean she is wrong at every turn. And if my example insults anyone, I apologize now.

Just my thought.

View attachment 282603
Most Respectfully,

Thank You for the insightful story, such wealth of personal experience is a priceless asset for the forum, and I appreciate You sharing it with us.

Though I've read about the recent study regarding the face recognition software to which the article refereed, and its current disadvantages, I don't see Tlaib even slightly implying on the matter of the subject, rather straightforward going into the opposite extreme of racial profiling, and evading to respond when asked directly about the logic consequences of her statements, from point of view of morality of such practice.

This consistent fashion of her behavior, disregard for any accountability while mainly politicizing on race/skin color, don't seem like coming from mere innocent "lack of awareness", but rather a carefully thought through agenda to appeal to the lowest feelings of the public. Which has a great potential of widening the gap between the different sectors, and thus causing more divide and confrontation within the diverse fabric of the society.

From what I observe, there's nothing naive about it, it's banal bigotry.
Aiming in the long term to weaken the society, without even the minimal effort to conceal her anger and hate.

However it's Your country, and I'm naturally interested more in the specific subject of the I/P forum, rather than overall criticism of the US domestic policy outside of this scope. That said, compared to the diverse fabric of the Israeli society, given the context and proximity of regional conflicts, seeing how much race and skin color are framing the daily mainstream political discourse in the US, causes much unease.
Such a lexicon, though naturally in use in all human society, is absent from political discourse, and considered to a great degree to be taboo in my country. We talk openly about the different parts of the society along the lines of the various diasporas that gathered in the country, but not politicizing on race and skin color.
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RE: Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel
⁜→ rylan, et al,

I don't see Tlaib even slightly implying on the matter of the subject, rather straightforward going into the opposite extreme of racial profiling, and evading to respond when asked directly about the logic consequences of her statements, from point of view of morality of such practice.

Yes, her commentary and solution are a bit strange. But I consider her commentary a product of her unfamiliarity with the technology and the vast number of issues associated with it. I also am wondering what level of presentations. Someone, like myself, would not openly acknowledge the weaknesses of the system, program, and logic. The overall Operations Security must be such as the opens source briefing must not detail such information that would permit exploitation by an adversary.

So, anything she says, pertaining to the overall project must be taken with a grain of salt.

This consistent fashion of her behavior, disregard for any accountability while mainly politicizing on race/skin color, doesn't seem like coming from mere innocent "lack of awareness", but rather a carefully thought through agenda to appeal to the lowest feelings of the public. Which has a great potential of widening the gap between the different sectors, and thus causing more divide and confrontation within the diverse fabric of the society.

From my vantage point, it is hard for me to see what value her comment might contribute. For me, what she has done, is rather hilarious.

From what I observe, there's nothing naive about it, it's banal bigotry.
Aiming in the long term to weaken the society, without even the minimal effort to conceal her anger and hate.

She is but one small voice in a crowd of 435 Congressional Representatives.

Trust in Government.png
Trust in Government Gallup Poll
(Click on Chart to Expand)

But more importantly is the perception of confidence in Congress:
While Americans are highly confident in the military, polls show that they have little confidence in Congress. The poll reveled that just 8 percent of people have confidence in Congress. In addition, two-thirds of Republicans disapprove of Congress, despite their party having majority control of the institution.

Neither of the two major political parties are popular with Americans, with 29 percent of Americans having confidence in the Republican Party, and 36 percent having confidence in the Democratic Party. The media is also somewhat out of favor with citizens, with 68 percent of Americans disapproving of the press.
SOURCE: 2018 Poll used by American Military News
The problem with Congress is that they see themselves as a critical cogs in the mechanism that is oftentimes dysfunctional. And when individual members look into a mirror, they see the illusion of self-importance.
However it's Your country, and I'm naturally interested more in the specific subject of the I/P forum, rather than overall criticism of the US domestic policy outside of this scope. That said, compared to the diverse fabric of the Israeli society, given the context and proximity of regional conflicts, seeing how much race and skin color are framing the daily mainstream political discourse in the US, causes much unease.

Congress today is a Stage Coach Transport in a Commerical Jet World. They are more worried about trying to impeach the President, instead of closing the book and getting to work on the business of government. Is it my country? No, not really. It is in the hands of an Autistic Washington Leadership.

Such a lexicon, though naturally in use in all human society, is absent from political discourse, and considered to a great degree to be taboo in my country. We talk openly about the different parts of the society along the lines of the various diasporas that gathered in the country, but not politicizing on race and skin color.

America is organized such that, we as individuals have a hard time seeing the bigger issues of the nation. And (all types of) cultural diversity (race only being one aspect) are missed because we simply don't see it.

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Most Respectfully,
The terror watchlist was challenged by the Council on American-Islamic Relations, whose director said Israel should be terminated.

(full article online)

Omar and Tlaib applaud court decision banning terrorist watchlist

“This is tremendous. Congratulations to everyone who worked so hard to make sure Constitutional rights are extended to all regardless of religion, race or ethnicity!” Omar tweeted on Thursday.​

Glad to see that someone is looking out for our constitutional rights.
RE: Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) interest in this has nothing to do with "Constitutional Rights" relative to freedom of Religion.

This is simply an unienlightenedpoint of view:

The Honorable Ilhan Omar (D-MN) said:
“This is tremendous. Congratulations to everyone who worked so hard to make sure Constitutional rights are extended to all regardless of religion, race or ethnicity!” Omar tweeted on Thursday.

The terror watchlist was challenged by the Council on American-Islamic Relations, whose director said Israel should be terminated.

(full article online)

Omar and Tlaib applaud court decision banning terrorist watchlist

“This is tremendous. Congratulations to everyone who worked so hard to make sure Constitutional rights are extended to all regardless of religion, race or ethnicity!” Omar tweeted on Thursday.​

Glad to see that someone is looking out for our constitutional rights.

The Terrorist Watch List is one of several measures providing an appropriate Tool to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism. It has nothing to do with "religion." It has to do with applying criminal investigative analysis techniques to help hamper terrorist operations and prevent future successful terrorist attacks.

CAIR is an isolated front organization used to independently pursue legal actions that improve the American environment for terrorist operatives. One such improvement is to neutralize the terrorist watchlist so that it is more difficult for criminal investigative analysis techniques to discover connections with known terrorists or their parent organizations. Incerting the question of religion, is merely a legal subterfuge to help neutralize the very tool which CAIR is afraid.

........•  Smaller then Smallest.png
Most Respectfully,
The terror watchlist was challenged by the Council on American-Islamic Relations, whose director said Israel should be terminated.

(full article online)

Omar and Tlaib applaud court decision banning terrorist watchlist

“This is tremendous. Congratulations to everyone who worked so hard to make sure Constitutional rights are extended to all regardless of religion, race or ethnicity!” Omar tweeted on Thursday.​

Glad to see that someone is looking out for our constitutional rights.

The alternate reality you dwell in is a very dark place.
RE: Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) interest in this has nothing to do with "Constitutional Rights" relative to freedom of Religion.

This is simply an unienlightenedpoint of view:

The Honorable Ilhan Omar (D-MN) said:
“This is tremendous. Congratulations to everyone who worked so hard to make sure Constitutional rights are extended to all regardless of religion, race or ethnicity!” Omar tweeted on Thursday.

The terror watchlist was challenged by the Council on American-Islamic Relations, whose director said Israel should be terminated.

(full article online)

Omar and Tlaib applaud court decision banning terrorist watchlist

“This is tremendous. Congratulations to everyone who worked so hard to make sure Constitutional rights are extended to all regardless of religion, race or ethnicity!” Omar tweeted on Thursday.​

Glad to see that someone is looking out for our constitutional rights.

The Terrorist Watch List is one of several measures providing an appropriate Tool to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism. It has nothing to do with "religion." It has to do with applying criminal investigative analysis techniques to help hamper terrorist operations and prevent future successful terrorist attacks.

CAIR is an isolated front organization used to independently pursue legal actions that improve the American environment for terrorist operatives. One such improvement is to neutralize the terrorist watchlist so that it is more difficult for criminal investigative analysis techniques to discover connections with known terrorists or their parent organizations. Incerting the question of religion, is merely a legal subterfuge to help neutralize the very tool which CAIR is afraid.

........View attachment 282790
Most Respectfully,
CAIR-NY Rep on Al Jazeera to Discuss Ruling That No-Fly List is Unconstitutional
•Jun 25, 2014

RE: Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) interest in this has nothing to do with "Constitutional Rights" relative to freedom of Religion.

This is simply an unienlightenedpoint of view:

The Honorable Ilhan Omar (D-MN) said:
“This is tremendous. Congratulations to everyone who worked so hard to make sure Constitutional rights are extended to all regardless of religion, race or ethnicity!” Omar tweeted on Thursday.

The terror watchlist was challenged by the Council on American-Islamic Relations, whose director said Israel should be terminated.

(full article online)

Omar and Tlaib applaud court decision banning terrorist watchlist

“This is tremendous. Congratulations to everyone who worked so hard to make sure Constitutional rights are extended to all regardless of religion, race or ethnicity!” Omar tweeted on Thursday.​

Glad to see that someone is looking out for our constitutional rights.

The Terrorist Watch List is one of several measures providing an appropriate Tool to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism. It has nothing to do with "religion." It has to do with applying criminal investigative analysis techniques to help hamper terrorist operations and prevent future successful terrorist attacks.

CAIR is an isolated front organization used to independently pursue legal actions that improve the American environment for terrorist operatives. One such improvement is to neutralize the terrorist watchlist so that it is more difficult for criminal investigative analysis techniques to discover connections with known terrorists or their parent organizations. Incerting the question of religion, is merely a legal subterfuge to help neutralize the very tool which CAIR is afraid.

........View attachment 282790
Most Respectfully,
CAIR-NY Rep on Al Jazeera to Discuss Ruling That No-Fly List is Unconstitutional
•Jun 25, 2014

So how do you expect us to keep all you brown bombers out of our airspace?
The terror watchlist was challenged by the Council on American-Islamic Relations, whose director said Israel should be terminated.

(full article online)

Omar and Tlaib applaud court decision banning terrorist watchlist

“This is tremendous. Congratulations to everyone who worked so hard to make sure Constitutional rights are extended to all regardless of religion, race or ethnicity!” Omar tweeted on Thursday.​

Glad to see that someone is looking out for our constitutional rights.

Q. When was Sharia signed into the US constitution?
RE: Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) interest in this has nothing to do with "Constitutional Rights" relative to freedom of Religion.

This is simply an unienlightenedpoint of view:

The Honorable Ilhan Omar (D-MN) said:
“This is tremendous. Congratulations to everyone who worked so hard to make sure Constitutional rights are extended to all regardless of religion, race or ethnicity!” Omar tweeted on Thursday.

The terror watchlist was challenged by the Council on American-Islamic Relations, whose director said Israel should be terminated.

(full article online)

Omar and Tlaib applaud court decision banning terrorist watchlist

“This is tremendous. Congratulations to everyone who worked so hard to make sure Constitutional rights are extended to all regardless of religion, race or ethnicity!” Omar tweeted on Thursday.​

Glad to see that someone is looking out for our constitutional rights.

The Terrorist Watch List is one of several measures providing an appropriate Tool to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism. It has nothing to do with "religion." It has to do with applying criminal investigative analysis techniques to help hamper terrorist operations and prevent future successful terrorist attacks.

CAIR is an isolated front organization used to independently pursue legal actions that improve the American environment for terrorist operatives. One such improvement is to neutralize the terrorist watchlist so that it is more difficult for criminal investigative analysis techniques to discover connections with known terrorists or their parent organizations. Incerting the question of religion, is merely a legal subterfuge to help neutralize the very tool which CAIR is afraid.

........View attachment 282790
Most Respectfully,
CAIR-NY Rep on Al Jazeera to Discuss Ruling That No-Fly List is Unconstitutional
•Jun 25, 2014

I wouldn't expect anything less from someone who despises his own nation,
as much as to support the murderers of the US president.

Nothing like a Hamas spokesperson posing as the "defender of the US Constitution",
to actually prove the crucial need for such lists...

CLOSER LOOK: Who is Rep. Ilhan Omar?

Glenn takes a closer look at Representative Ilhan Omar, accusations made against her, and the relationship between CAIR and Hamas.


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