Newly-passed Senate budget increases spending by 4.6%... AFTER sequestration cuts


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
On March 22, 2013, the U.S. Senate passed a budget, for the first time in four years. It is a $3.7 trillion budget, which is a 4.6% increase over last year's $3.538 trillion in spending.

Senate Passes $3.7 Trillion Budget, Its First in 4 Years
2012 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Of course, this Senate budget isn't law yet. It must be reconciled with the House budget, and then signed by the President. But it's a major step in that direction - more than we've seen from the Senate in a long time.

And this is AFTER taking the 2% "cuts" of sequestration into account. So in reality, the Senate passed a 6.6% increase, and then trimmed it by the 2% required by sequestration, to wind up with a 4.6% increase in spending.

So, for those of you who thought sequestration would cut our spending, welcome to Washington. It didn't cut anything. We still wound up with an increase in spending. Just less of an increase than the big-govt advocates were hoping for.

So, I'd like to know: If we are actually increasing spending by 4.6% over last year....

....why are we closing airport control towers that were able to stay open last year?

....why are we kicking cancer patients out of hospitals, that could have treated them last year?

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