News reporter calls jews scum. HA! FINALLY

What would be the US's response to Mexico or Cuba, if they were indiscriminatingly launching missiles into the US? What if the Mexicans kidnapped three of US children and murdered them, what would be our response? With this President who in the hell knows. I am thinking his first reaction would be to blame those who expect the US to protect its border. Then he would make the pronouncement that the perpetrations will be hunted down. In effect we would do nothing under this President.

BTW, why have we heard almost nothing from the Benghazi terrorist that was caught?

Great job. You have found a way to trash our president for the conflict in Gaza. You had to come up with an imaginary scenario and a completely ludicrous imagined response to it.....but you got your shot in. And.....Benghaziiiiiiiiiiiiii!

You are one sad excuse.
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CNN Reporter Calls Israelis Scum | The Last Resistance

Thursday night CNN’s International correspondent Diana Magnay stepped into a hornet’s nest when she decided to call a group of Israeli’s scum. Yep. She called them scum.

It happened after she appeared with Wolf Blitzer to discuss the conflict in Israel, where she told Blitzer that “It is an astonishing, macabre and awful thing to watch this display of fire in the air.”

Read more at CNN Reporter Calls Israelis Scum | The Last Resistance

Since you are obviously a rightwing christer goyim thus having a lower IQ as a result, Israel and Jews are two different things

Wow! You don't even know your own nation, religion, or race of people, do you? I am so sorry for you, let me play you a tune. :eusa_boohoo:
Another example of a dumb goy

That's why so many people hate Jews, silly bastards like you.
Quite why the American goy support you, I have no idea.

Exactly. Why on earth would I support a nation of "gunos?" If his countrymen are as hate-filled as he is then it comes as no surprise that they're massacring thousands of unarmed civilians in street clothes or sitting at their dinner table.
Absolute agreement. I'm not a fan of either side. Unfortunately, the bigger threat to America may very well be Israel considering the fact that they have a good chunk of our Congress; news media; entertainment networks; and financial institutions bought and paid for.

Precisely. They have infiltrated and warped our government..along with too many other "special interest" groups...Time to re set and start over.

Nothing you see on television/advertising is by "accident".
They have an anti white/anti christian agenda to push. It's the whole point of "marketing" (propaganda)...manipulation of the masses.

"They" exist in the warped minds of the casualties in our society. The need for "an enemy" is prevalent among those who have failed in life.

Costs & Casualties in an Acquisitive Society. Henry Charles Bredemeier

Everything I just said is true...Not a theory from some "book".

Manipulating people is the whole point of media, marketing and propaganda...jews predominantly run the media in this country and also hold a disproportionate (according to demographics) number of seats in the house and senate.
Let's refine that: human beings and your are two different things.

Another example of a dumb goy

There are many very good reasons the jews have historically been despised.

Your jewish supremacist attitude and name calling is an example of one of them.

To jews christians are "unclean" and "goyim". the muzzies we are "infidels"...

To hell with both of them. Let them settle their differences without our interference. Let them sink or swim on their own.

Whatever happens, lots on both sides would be killed...and that's a "win-win" for the u.s.

:cuckoo:That bullshit ,and that person is an atheist, he makes Jews look bad. I'm thinking that's his purpose here
Another example of a dumb goy

That's why so many people hate Jews, silly bastards like you.
Quite why the American goy support you, I have no idea.

Exactly. Why on earth would I support a nation of "gunos?" If his countrymen are as hate-filled as he is then it comes as no surprise that they're massacring thousands of unarmed civilians in street clothes or sitting at their dinner table.

There is no such nation. the guy is a fraud and you people suck it up
There are many very good reasons the jews have historically been despised.

Your jewish supremacist attitude and name calling is an example of one of them.

To jews christians are "unclean" and "goyim" the muzzies we are "infidels"...

To hell with both of them. Let them settle their differences without our interference. Let them sink or swim on their own.

Whatever happens, lots on both sides would be killed...and that's a "win-win" for the u.s.

Horse hockey! See history; the Crusades, pogroms, eet. al. Christians are no more, or less, likely to be ignorant peckerwoods. Nor do "they" have an attitude of superiority, one individual may, that does not categorize a group.

Stop..the jews killed christ because they think they are "gods chosen people"..What rubbish...Now THAT is "supremacist" thinking. LMAO..gods chosen people..above all others on earth...fuckem...go muzzies!

To jews we are "unclean" and "goyim" to muzzies we are "infidels".
Let them settle it among themselves.

You need to read the Bible, the Romans occupied Judea, Pontius Pilate was Roman, and Jews were forced to come out & condemn the ROMAN enemy. The Romans killed Christ(.)
Horse hockey! See history; the Crusades, pogroms, eet. al. Christians are no more, or less, likely to be ignorant peckerwoods. Nor do "they" have an attitude of superiority, one individual may, that does not categorize a group.

Stop..the jews killed christ because they think they are "gods chosen people"..What rubbish...Now THAT is "supremacist" thinking. LMAO..gods chosen people..above all others on earth...fuckem...go muzzies!

To jews we are "unclean" and "goyim" to muzzies we are "infidels".
Let them settle it among themselves.

You need to read the Bible, the Romans occupied Judea, Pontius Pilate was Roman, and Jews were forced to come out & condemn the ROMAN enemy. The Romans killed Christ(.)

after jews sold him out.

Paul the Apostle – also a Jew -- said, the Jews did not attain to righteousness because they “sought it not by faith,” and instead established their own righteousness and did not submit themselves to the righteousness of God, Romans 8:31-32 & 9:1-4.

Only the ELECT JEWS will obtain righteousness, Romans 11:7. The APOSTATE REPROBATE JEWS have a vail on their heart when they read the Law of Moses, 2 Corinthians 3:13-15. And they forbad the apostles to speak to the Gentiles about salvation, “to fill up their sins always: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost,” 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16.

Jesus’ ministry of three-and-a-half years was to the lost house of Israel. But they would not obey, and they crucified him. When they did so, they screamed, “His blood be on us, and on our children,” Matthew 27:25.
Another example of a dumb goy

There are many very good reasons the jews have historically been despised.

Your jewish supremacist attitude and name calling is an example of one of them.

To jews christians are "unclean" and "goyim". the muzzies we are "infidels"...

To hell with both of them. Let them settle their differences without our interference. Let them sink or swim on their own.

Whatever happens, lots on both sides would be killed...and that's a "win-win" for the u.s.

:cuckoo:That bullshit ,and that person is an atheist, he makes Jews look bad. I'm thinking that's his purpose here

I agree with that! He might be a liberal, trying to be seen as a conservative, while inflaming conservatives, by acting like a liberal. Yeah, I'm confoosed too.

He spouts off about racism a lot, but has no problems calling other people names, names that other people consider racist, I am not sure what he is, other than a troll. :lol:
There are many very good reasons the jews have historically been despised.

Your jewish supremacist attitude and name calling is an example of one of them.

To jews christians are "unclean" and "goyim" the muzzies we are "infidels"...

To hell with both of them. Let them settle their differences without our interference. Let them sink or swim on their own.

Whatever happens, lots on both sides would be killed...and that's a "win-win" for the u.s.

Absolute agreement. I'm not a fan of either side. Unfortunately, the bigger threat to America may very well be Israel considering the fact that they have a good chunk of our Congress; news media; entertainment networks; and financial institutions bought and paid for.

Precisely. They have infiltrated and warped our government..along with too many other "special interest" groups...Time to re set and start over.

Nothing you see on television/advertising is by "accident".
They have an anti white/anti christian agenda to push. It's the whole point of "marketing" (propaganda)...manipulation of the masses.

Ah, so you hate Jewish people as well as black people? :rolleyes: Is there any 'them' you're not afraid of, you pathetic pussy?
Horse hockey! See history; the Crusades, pogroms, eet. al. Christians are no more, or less, likely to be ignorant peckerwoods. Nor do "they" have an attitude of superiority, one individual may, that does not categorize a group.

Stop..the jews killed christ because they think they are "gods chosen people"..What rubbish...Now THAT is "supremacist" thinking. LMAO..gods chosen people..above all others on earth...fuckem...go muzzies!

To jews we are "unclean" and "goyim" to muzzies we are "infidels".
Let them settle it among themselves.

You need to read the Bible, the Romans occupied Judea, Pontius Pilate was Roman, and Jews were forced to come out & condemn the ROMAN enemy. The Romans killed Christ(.)

Peach, I believe you to be a Christian, but I may be wrong, anyway, no one killed Jesus! Jesus DIED for us, He hung there and had the power to end it at any time, as I say, no one on this earth was ever able to kill Jesus, He just loved us far more than anyone on this earth can comprehend.

Now back to your regularly scheduled argument! :lol:
You're not helping:doubt:

Sure he is..revealing the truth about how jews view christians is very helpful in this issue.

No more american blood for more wars by proxy to protect the jews. Sink or swim...but you're on your own.

What American blood has be shed for Israel?

Every soldier killed in our policy of continuously destabilizing the ME. The more we interfere and take the heat off israel, the more they like it.
Let them fight their own battles. Sink or swim.
Absolute agreement. I'm not a fan of either side. Unfortunately, the bigger threat to America may very well be Israel considering the fact that they have a good chunk of our Congress; news media; entertainment networks; and financial institutions bought and paid for.

Precisely. They have infiltrated and warped our government..along with too many other "special interest" groups...Time to re set and start over.

Nothing you see on television/advertising is by "accident".
They have an anti white/anti christian agenda to push. It's the whole point of "marketing" (propaganda)...manipulation of the masses.

Ah, so you hate Jewish people as well as black people? :rolleyes: Is there any 'them' you're not afraid of, you pathetic pussy?

Projecting your inadequacies and insecurities onto me may make you feel better, but no one takes you seriously...Now call me some more names, scooter... :lol:
Precisely. They have infiltrated and warped our government..along with too many other "special interest" groups...Time to re set and start over.

Nothing you see on television/advertising is by "accident".
They have an anti white/anti christian agenda to push. It's the whole point of "marketing" (propaganda)...manipulation of the masses.

Ah, so you hate Jewish people as well as black people? :rolleyes: Is there any 'them' you're not afraid of, you pathetic pussy?

Projecting your inadequacies and insecurities onto me ...

Your posts speak for themselves. Now answer the question, coward.

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