News reporter calls jews scum. HA! FINALLY

Stop..the jews killed christ because they think they are "gods chosen people"..What rubbish...Now THAT is "supremacist" thinking. LMAO..gods chosen people..above all others on earth...fuckem...go muzzies!

To jews we are "unclean" and "goyim" to muzzies we are "infidels".
Let them settle it among themselves.

You need to read the Bible, the Romans occupied Judea, Pontius Pilate was Roman, and Jews were forced to come out & condemn the ROMAN enemy. The Romans killed Christ(.)

after jews sold him out.

Paul the Apostle – also a Jew -- said, the Jews did not attain to righteousness because they “sought it not by faith,” and instead established their own righteousness and did not submit themselves to the righteousness of God, Romans 8:31-32 & 9:1-4.

Only the ELECT JEWS will obtain righteousness, Romans 11:7. The APOSTATE REPROBATE JEWS have a vail on their heart when they read the Law of Moses, 2 Corinthians 3:13-15. And they forbad the apostles to speak to the Gentiles about salvation, “to fill up their sins always: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost,” 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16.

Jesus’ ministry of three-and-a-half years was to the lost house of Israel. But they would not obey, and they crucified him. When they did so, they screamed, “His blood be on us, and on our children,” Matthew 27:25.

Jews were the slaves of the Romans, read up on it. Yes, a FEW tried to survive by obeying, Jesus stated "Forgive them, they know not what they do". I will take His word over yours.
Stop..the jews killed christ because they think they are "gods chosen people"..What rubbish...Now THAT is "supremacist" thinking. LMAO..gods chosen people..above all others on earth...fuckem...go muzzies!

To jews we are "unclean" and "goyim" to muzzies we are "infidels".
Let them settle it among themselves.

You need to read the Bible, the Romans occupied Judea, Pontius Pilate was Roman, and Jews were forced to come out & condemn the ROMAN enemy. The Romans killed Christ(.)

after jews sold him out.

Paul the Apostle – also a Jew -- said, the Jews did not attain to righteousness because they “sought it not by faith,” and instead established their own righteousness and did not submit themselves to the righteousness of God, Romans 8:31-32 & 9:1-4.

Only the ELECT JEWS will obtain righteousness, Romans 11:7. The APOSTATE REPROBATE JEWS have a vail on their heart when they read the Law of Moses, 2 Corinthians 3:13-15. And they forbad the apostles to speak to the Gentiles about salvation, “to fill up their sins always: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost,” 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16.

Jesus’ ministry of three-and-a-half years was to the lost house of Israel. But they would not obey, and they crucified him. When they did so, they screamed, “His blood be on us, and on our children,” Matthew 27:25.

You're whining about Guno's anti-Christian speech by filling the thread with Anti-Semitic speech?

Now how is that any better?
You're not helping:doubt:

Sure he is..revealing the truth about how jews view christians is very helpful in this issue.

No more american blood for more wars by proxy to protect the jews. Sink or swim...but you're on your own.

You're not helping either.

My position is clear. I'm not trying to "help".

Stand on your own or fall to the muzzies..either way it's no great loss to us "unclean" "goyim"
I didn't say anything about "Goyim" and "unclean".

Your issue with Guno is your issue with him.

And your own hatred looks bad, too.

I don't need your opinion for consensus.
To jews christians are "unclean" and "goyim" muzzies we're "infidels".
To hell with both of you. Sink or swim on your own.
It's sad when the weak of mind and thin of character see unfortunate events in the world only through the lens of their own bigotry. Some bigoted fools see this conflict as nothing more than an excuse to shriek "All them Jews are evil!" while other bigoted fools shriek "All them Muslims are evil!" Such pathetic weaklings probably have no idea, and no concern, about what is really happening and why. They almost certainly don't care about the actual human lives involved. Just mindlessly throwing stones from the sidelines.
It's sad when the weak of mind and thin of character see unfortunate events in the world only through the lens of their own bigotry. Some bigoted fools see this conflict as nothing more than an excuse to shriek "All them Jews are evil!" while other bigoted fools shriek "All them Muslims are evil!" Such pathetic weaklings probably have no idea, and no concern, about what is really happening and why. They almost certainly don't care about the actual human lives involved. Just mindlessly throwing stones from the sidelines.

One need not be a "weakling" simply because he or she sees events from a different perspective than you do.

I honestly feel that the members of this forum who routinely call others names are weak because they're not able (or willing) to use standard English to express their opinions in a clear and concise manner, but that's just my opinion.

I honestly believe that if we had ALL of the facts concerning the Middle Eastern situation that many eyes would be opened and some jaws would drop. One thing we can all agree on is this: we can rest completely assured that we will NEVER get all of the facts from the mainstream media. If you only knew who owned almost every mainstream news network you would see why some folks are ALWAYS the good guys while others are ALWAYS the bad guys. Until we all get all of the facts we will always be like mushrooms: kept in the dark and fed a pile of bullshit.
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It's sad when the weak of mind and thin of character see unfortunate events in the world only through the lens of their own bigotry. Some bigoted fools see this conflict as nothing more than an excuse to shriek "All them Jews are evil!" while other bigoted fools shriek "All them Muslims are evil!" Such pathetic weaklings probably have no idea, and no concern, about what is really happening and why. They almost certainly don't care about the actual human lives involved. Just mindlessly throwing stones from the sidelines.

One need not be a "weakling" simply because he or she sees events from a different perspective than you do.

Those whose minds are ruled by irrational fear, as racists and bigots invariably are, cannot be called anything other than weaklings; feeble of mind and character.
Another example of a dumb goy

That's why so many people hate Jews, silly bastards like you.
Quite why the American goy support you, I have no idea.

Exactly. Why on earth would I support a nation of "gunos?" If his countrymen are as hate-filled as he is then it comes as no surprise that they're massacring thousands of unarmed civilians in street clothes or sitting at their dinner table.

The IDF and their political masters are clearly a bunch of bastards, but I can't hate all Jews for the crimes of a few.
I refuse to get into that stupidity.
Previously, there was a distinction between those against Israel and those who are just pure rabid, lunatic, psychopathic, idiotic antisemites who hate jews!

It doesn't take a genius to work out that this current "scum" attack is antisemitism pure and simple.
Previously, there was a distinction between those against Israel and those who are just pure rabid, lunatic, psychopathic, idiotic antisemites who hate jews!

It doesn't take a genius to work out that this current "scum" attack is antisemitism pure and simple.

Yes, another hard core bigot joined the board, not the comic relief needed.
Previously, there was a distinction between those against Israel and those who are just pure rabid, lunatic, psychopathic, idiotic antisemites who hate jews!

It doesn't take a genius to work out that this current "scum" attack is antisemitism pure and simple.

Directed at a few people, not the whole.
CNN's coverage of this has been noticeably biased and negative from the start. That someone finally said what they've clearly been thinking is refreshing. Now they'll suffer for it as Hellen "fat bitch with the melted face" did.
cnn reporter calls israelis scum | the last resistance

thursday night cnn’s international correspondent diana magnay stepped into a hornet’s nest when she decided to call a group of israeli’s scum. Yep. She called them scum.

It happened after she appeared with wolf blitzer to discuss the conflict in israel, where she told blitzer that “it is an astonishing, macabre and awful thing to watch this display of fire in the air.”

read more at cnn reporter calls israelis scum | the last resistance

go back to your racist circle jerck - bigot scumbag.
You need to read the Bible, the Romans occupied Judea, Pontius Pilate was Roman, and Jews were forced to come out & condemn the ROMAN enemy. The Romans killed Christ(.)

after jews sold him out.

Paul the Apostle – also a Jew -- said, the Jews did not attain to righteousness because they “sought it not by faith,” and instead established their own righteousness and did not submit themselves to the righteousness of God, Romans 8:31-32 & 9:1-4.

Only the ELECT JEWS will obtain righteousness, Romans 11:7. The APOSTATE REPROBATE JEWS have a vail on their heart when they read the Law of Moses, 2 Corinthians 3:13-15. And they forbad the apostles to speak to the Gentiles about salvation, “to fill up their sins always: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost,” 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16.

Jesus’ ministry of three-and-a-half years was to the lost house of Israel. But they would not obey, and they crucified him. When they did so, they screamed, “His blood be on us, and on our children,” Matthew 27:25.

You're whining about Guno's anti-Christian speech by filling the thread with Anti-Semitic speech?

Now how is that any better?

Exactly. This thread is just a back and forth name calling and hate fest. Anti-Christian, Anti-Semitic. Each as bad as the other, but not representing all people who identify as Christian or all people who idenitify as Jewish.

There are peace groups, anti-war groups in Israel. Not all Israelis support what their government does anymore than all Americans support what their government does. And even more to the point: Israel does not equal Jew. Plenty of Jews around the world do not unconditionally support Israel. Being a Jew does not mean you think like, agree with, or are responsbile for what the Israeli government does.

And, obviously the same goes for Christians: not all Christians think alike and should not be put in some collective group as being anti-semitic, etc.

This thread is ironic because throughout each faction displays what they accuse the other faction of being. :cuckoo:
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