News reporter calls jews scum. HA! FINALLY

after jews sold him out.

Paul the Apostle – also a Jew -- said, the Jews did not attain to righteousness because they “sought it not by faith,” and instead established their own righteousness and did not submit themselves to the righteousness of God, Romans 8:31-32 & 9:1-4.

Only the ELECT JEWS will obtain righteousness, Romans 11:7. The APOSTATE REPROBATE JEWS have a vail on their heart when they read the Law of Moses, 2 Corinthians 3:13-15. And they forbad the apostles to speak to the Gentiles about salvation, “to fill up their sins always: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost,” 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16.

Jesus’ ministry of three-and-a-half years was to the lost house of Israel. But they would not obey, and they crucified him. When they did so, they screamed, “His blood be on us, and on our children,” Matthew 27:25.

You're whining about Guno's anti-Christian speech by filling the thread with Anti-Semitic speech?

Now how is that any better?

Exactly. This thread is just a back and forth name calling and hate fest. Anti-Christian, Anti-Semitic. Each as bad as the other, but not representing all people who identify as Christian or all people who idenitify as Jewish.

There are peace groups, anti-war groups in Israel. Not all Israelis support what their government does anymore than all Americans support what their government does. And even more to the point: Israel does not equal Jew. Plenty of Jews around the world do not unconditionally support Israel. Being a Jew does not mean you think like, agree with, or are responsbile for what the Israeli government does.

And, obviously the same goes for Christians: not all Christians think alike and should not be put in some collective group as being anti-semitic, etc.

This thread is ironic because throughout each faction displays what they accuse the other faction of being. :cuckoo:

And Druze are welcomed in Israel. Israel has never been anti-Christian, I am now starting to want Israel to back off, too many killed in Gaza, two hour cease fires are not enough, Hamas wants more deaths, to use against Israel.

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