You should read the article I put up. IT WAS INTENTIONALLY NOT A TREATY. There is no sense discussing this with you any more until you are ready to drop that lie as your basic premise.
Did you read the article I posted which states the US was the only country to 'join' the Accords by Executive Order?

It seems our respective articles disagree / conflict....and you declare since I do not agree with your article, which you declare is the only correct opinion / argument, there is no further reason to discuss this with me...because I don't agree with you?!

By definition:

A treaty is an agreement under international law entered into by actors in international law, namely sovereign states and international organizations. A treaty may also be known as an (international) agreement, protocol, covenant, convention, pact, or exchange of letters, among other terms.

Is this NOT what the Paris Accords are, OL - an international agreement, covenant, convention pact. Was the Paris Accord not a pact / agreement between NATIONS? Did Obama not enter this agreement ON BEHALF OF THE ENTIRE UNITED STATES, which he did NOT have the Constitutional Authority to do?

A TREATY is an official binding pact between the United States and other nations that can only be entered into by Authorization / Ratification through the United States Government. Obama failed to follow this process and thus did not legally enter such an agreement with any other nation, just as he failed to do with his Iran Treaty.

Whatever you want to call what Obama did, it was not binding, as Obama - without Congress' Approval, does not have the authorization to enter the US as a nation into a binding resolution / agreement with other nations.
What she seems to have missed is what I outlined in red and larger font. Obama did NOT have the authority to exchange letters with the signatories of the Accord. He needed to get Senate approval FIRST. Old Lady is simply dead wrong.
Sorry, bri, but the fact is that American cannot get out of it until Nov 2020.
We were never in it, turd. Obama had no authority to sign the agreement.

Well Bri, but what I do know is--------->Trump just opened Alaska again, and I got a buck 3.80 that says according to that magnificent accord, he wasn't supposed to. But then again, it is voluntary, so nobody can bitch, correct lefties-)
Got love the anti jobs Trump crowd...

China to plow $361 billion into renewable fuel by 2020

That's 13 million jobs idiots... Marcon of France has publicly welcomed scientists in the area from US to France...

Renewable Energy creates a hell of a lot of jobs, way more than coal... The Trumpettes are completely clueless on were the future business lies and want to continue with out dated technology..

China was the big winner here, 3 billion was chicken feed and will be picked up by other nations who will also take the mantle of leading the world... Trump has put the US at the back of the bus again...
Got love the anti jobs Trump crowd...

China to plow $361 billion into renewable fuel by 2020

That's 13 million jobs idiots... Marcon of France has publicly welcomed scientists in the area from US to France...

Renewable Energy creates a hell of a lot of jobs, way more than coal... The Trumpettes are completely clueless on were the future business lies and want to continue with out dated technology..

China was the big winner here, 3 billion was chicken feed and will be picked up by other nations who will also take the mantle of leading the world... Trump has put the US at the back of the bus again...
13 million jobs that don't improve the material welfare of the Chinese people one iota. We could put 10 million Americans to work digging holes and filling them up again. The net result would be exactly the same.
Snowflakes and Liberals are losing their minds because Obama's Un-Constitutional Global Warming pact in France has been rejected...

President Obama's deal to enter the Paris Accords was just another UN-Constitutional Personal TREATY Obama entered into without ever going through Congress - just like Obama's PERSONAL DEAL with Iran. It was never ratified by Congress, which is what the Constitution calls for.

So the Liberal Extremists, Globalists, and snowflakes are all having breakdowns, becoming 'triggered', and ranting, screaming, crying, and personally attacking President Trump for declaring the United States will not JOIN the Paris Accords, after it never JOINED / AGREED TO ENTER the Paris Accords.

Newsflash: America never joined Paris Agreement - Hot Air

"The fact is the Paris Agreement is a treaty, and the U.S. was never ever a part of it. The United States was the ONLY country that joined by EXECUTIVE ORDER"
...which is is UN-CONSTITUTIONAL!

"Countries seem invariably to have accepted the agreement as a treaty that requires going through their internal treaty-ratification processes, typically submission to the legislature. Countries from the United Kingdom to China to Jamaica have ratified it through their legislatures. So has Brazil, Japan, the Philippines and Australia. In the latter, the question of whether it was a binding international accord requiring submission to Parliament received some discussion, and a parliamentary analysis concluded it was a “major treaty” that needed to be submitted."

"There are people out there saying Paris Agreement is non-binding, the language and State Department guidelines appear to suggest otherwise, and reinforce the idea it’s a treaty."

President Trump did not actually withdraw from anything by what the Fake News Liberal media called 'pulling out'' of the Paris Accord. He simply pointed out that the United States had never joined the Paris Accord, as Obama never had the Constitutional Authority he believed he did not need to enter such a Treaty.
** And this clown considered himself a 'Constitutional Scholar'. :p

So the 'asshole' in this situation is not the one who accurately pointed out the United States had never joined the Paris Accords - it is the one who violated the entering ANOTHER Un-Constitutional Treaty by Executive Order.
How does the U.S. exit the agreement?

Leaving the Paris Agreement itself is an easy, but lengthy, task.

The deal was specifically designed so that the U.S. could join without the need for congressional approval. On Aug. 29, 2016, President Barack Obama wrote a short letter, which was deposited at the United Nations, signaling that the United States would join the agreement.

A short letter from President Trump will suffice to reverse this action. According to the Paris Agreement, nations that want to withdraw only have to leave a written notice in a U.N. depository.

But Trump won’t be able to write this letter until three years after the Paris Agreement came into force — that is to say, not until Nov. 4, 2019 — thanks to a clause in the deal itself.

It then takes another year before the U.S. can leave the agreement — bringing it to Nov. 4, 2020
— which is also the day after the next presidential election.

With these rules in place, Trump will only see the fulfillment of his campaign promise to leave the Paris agreement either after he’s won a second term as president or been voted out of office.
Top questions and answers now that the U.S. has decided to leave the Paris climate accord

No treaty can be designed to avoid the constitutional requirements. The founders specifically designed our republic so the president could not take unilateral action on international agreements

If it's non-binding, then it's meaningless, but then why are all you snowflakes having such a hissyfit about what Trump did?

Because their globalist Masters just lost a shitpot full of money.
No money for the green energy thieves to pass on to the next election under the table.
The president cannot pledge any money to anyone for anything, It has to be approved by congress, and this "agreement" was not approved by the senate, and the money was not budgeted. The shit in a suit just went in and said ahma gonna gib youze sum mohney hoeney, elec me ad da sec genreaul.
ima, darkwind, billy, and bripat need SCOTUS email because they seem to think the Accord was unconstitutional!


Contact Public Information Office

It doesn't even rise to that level. It was a pipe-dream of Barack Obama. Without worth.
Keep telling yourself to the brutal end.


It's over.
Yup, for you alt righties. Does not matter what you think, only what is.
Got love the anti jobs Trump crowd...

China to plow $361 billion into renewable fuel by 2020

That's 13 million jobs idiots... Marcon of France has publicly welcomed scientists in the area from US to France...

Renewable Energy creates a hell of a lot of jobs, way more than coal... The Trumpettes are completely clueless on were the future business lies and want to continue with out dated technology..

China was the big winner here, 3 billion was chicken feed and will be picked up by other nations who will also take the mantle of leading the world... Trump has put the US at the back of the bus again...
13 million jobs that don't improve the material welfare of the Chinese people one iota. We could put 10 million Americans to work digging holes and filling them up again. The net result would be exactly the same.

Lets do comparisions

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, there are 374,000 American jobs in solar energy, 102,000 in wind energy and more than 2.2 million related to energy efficiency. For comparison, 160,000 Americans work in coal, 360,000 in natural gas and 515,000 in oil.

And Coal is continiously falling:
In 2015, U.S. coal production, consumption, and employment fell by more than 10% - Today in Energy - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

And you are backing the bad horse... There is a future in Fracking as a technology, Oil will start to go as well as Electric Car Technology increases... Oils and Gas want the Paris Deal it is only Coal that is against it...

Why are you backing a soon to be dead technology?
52,000 coal miners. 52,000. Down from 250,000 at the beginning of Reagan's administration.

bripat is an anarchist, so anything that hurts the USA makes him smile.
Got love the anti jobs Trump crowd...

China to plow $361 billion into renewable fuel by 2020

That's 13 million jobs idiots... Marcon of France has publicly welcomed scientists in the area from US to France...

Renewable Energy creates a hell of a lot of jobs, way more than coal... The Trumpettes are completely clueless on were the future business lies and want to continue with out dated technology..

China was the big winner here, 3 billion was chicken feed and will be picked up by other nations who will also take the mantle of leading the world... Trump has put the US at the back of the bus again...
13 million jobs that don't improve the material welfare of the Chinese people one iota. We could put 10 million Americans to work digging holes and filling them up again. The net result would be exactly the same.

Lets do comparisions

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, there are 374,000 American jobs in solar energy, 102,000 in wind energy and more than 2.2 million related to energy efficiency. For comparison, 160,000 Americans work in coal, 360,000 in natural gas and 515,000 in oil.

And Coal is continiously falling:
In 2015, U.S. coal production, consumption, and employment fell by more than 10% - Today in Energy - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

And you are backing the bad horse... There is a future in Fracking as a technology, Oil will start to go as well as Electric Car Technology increases... Oils and Gas want the Paris Deal it is only Coal that is against it...

Why are you backing a soon to be dead technology?
Shit for brains, why not an all of the above strategy? Reliable affordable and renewable energy is decades away still.
We have not even touched what is available in shale oil. Fossil fuels are here to stay... lol
Snowflakes and Liberals are losing their minds because Obama's Un-Constitutional Global Warming pact in France has been rejected...

President Obama's deal to enter the Paris Accords was just another UN-Constitutional Personal TREATY Obama entered into without ever going through Congress - just like Obama's PERSONAL DEAL with Iran. It was never ratified by Congress, which is what the Constitution calls for.

So the Liberal Extremists, Globalists, and snowflakes are all having breakdowns, becoming 'triggered', and ranting, screaming, crying, and personally attacking President Trump for declaring the United States will not JOIN the Paris Accords, after it never JOINED / AGREED TO ENTER the Paris Accords.

Newsflash: America never joined Paris Agreement - Hot Air

"The fact is the Paris Agreement is a treaty, and the U.S. was never ever a part of it. The United States was the ONLY country that joined by EXECUTIVE ORDER"
...which is is UN-CONSTITUTIONAL!

"Countries seem invariably to have accepted the agreement as a treaty that requires going through their internal treaty-ratification processes, typically submission to the legislature. Countries from the United Kingdom to China to Jamaica have ratified it through their legislatures. So has Brazil, Japan, the Philippines and Australia. In the latter, the question of whether it was a binding international accord requiring submission to Parliament received some discussion, and a parliamentary analysis concluded it was a “major treaty” that needed to be submitted."

"There are people out there saying Paris Agreement is non-binding, the language and State Department guidelines appear to suggest otherwise, and reinforce the idea it’s a treaty."

President Trump did not actually withdraw from anything by what the Fake News Liberal media called 'pulling out'' of the Paris Accord. He simply pointed out that the United States had never joined the Paris Accord, as Obama never had the Constitutional Authority he believed he did not need to enter such a Treaty.
** And this clown considered himself a 'Constitutional Scholar'. :p

So the 'asshole' in this situation is not the one who accurately pointed out the United States had never joined the Paris Accords - it is the one who violated the entering ANOTHER Un-Constitutional Treaty by Executive Order.
How does the U.S. exit the agreement?

Leaving the Paris Agreement itself is an easy, but lengthy, task.

The deal was specifically designed so that the U.S. could join without the need for congressional approval. On Aug. 29, 2016, President Barack Obama wrote a short letter, which was deposited at the United Nations, signaling that the United States would join the agreement.

A short letter from President Trump will suffice to reverse this action. According to the Paris Agreement, nations that want to withdraw only have to leave a written notice in a U.N. depository.

But Trump won’t be able to write this letter until three years after the Paris Agreement came into force — that is to say, not until Nov. 4, 2019 — thanks to a clause in the deal itself.

It then takes another year before the U.S. can leave the agreement — bringing it to Nov. 4, 2020
— which is also the day after the next presidential election.

With these rules in place, Trump will only see the fulfillment of his campaign promise to leave the Paris agreement either after he’s won a second term as president or been voted out of office.
Top questions and answers now that the U.S. has decided to leave the Paris climate accord
That's all well and good if the US had entered into an agreement. It did not. Obama violated the Constitution by entering into a TREATY.
-- The US was the only one to enter into the treaty by Executive Order'...which, again, is Un-Constitutional.

Again, IMO, Trump did not 'exit' anything as we were never legally, Constitutionally entered in the Accords.
-- If you never entered into a treaty legally, you were never in it.
Well, why don't you trot straight to the U.N. and straighten that out with them? I'm sure they'd be very grateful for your expertise on the subject. Save everyone a lot of time and headaches.
Got love the anti jobs Trump crowd...

China to plow $361 billion into renewable fuel by 2020

That's 13 million jobs idiots... Marcon of France has publicly welcomed scientists in the area from US to France...

Renewable Energy creates a hell of a lot of jobs, way more than coal... The Trumpettes are completely clueless on were the future business lies and want to continue with out dated technology..

China was the big winner here, 3 billion was chicken feed and will be picked up by other nations who will also take the mantle of leading the world... Trump has put the US at the back of the bus again...
13 million jobs that don't improve the material welfare of the Chinese people one iota. We could put 10 million Americans to work digging holes and filling them up again. The net result would be exactly the same.

Lets do comparisions

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, there are 374,000 American jobs in solar energy, 102,000 in wind energy and more than 2.2 million related to energy efficiency. For comparison, 160,000 Americans work in coal, 360,000 in natural gas and 515,000 in oil.

And Coal is continiously falling:
In 2015, U.S. coal production, consumption, and employment fell by more than 10% - Today in Energy - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

And you are backing the bad horse... There is a future in Fracking as a technology, Oil will start to go as well as Electric Car Technology increases... Oils and Gas want the Paris Deal it is only Coal that is against it...

Why are you backing a soon to be dead technology?

Why are you backing wind Mills ? A 500 year old technology?

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