
Isn't that a picture of the pool in Al Gore's mansion's back yard? :p
Acting US ambassador to China quit over Trump climate decision
Source: CNN

Washington (CNN)Acting US ambassador to China David Rank resigned from his post in Beijing over President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement, several sources familiar with the decision told CNN.

A career foreign service officer since 1990, Rank assumed the position of deputy chief of mission at the US embassy in Beijing in January 2016 and had been serving until the arrival of Trump's pick for the job, former Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad, who was confirmed by Congress late last month.

Rank has served in several senior positions within the US State Department including time as the director of the office of Afghanistan affairs and as a senior adviser to the special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan.

"Mr. Rank made a personal decision," a senior State Department official told CNN, stopping short of citing the climate deal developments as the reason. "We appreciate his years of dedicated service to the State Department."

Read more: Acting US ambassador to China resigns -

I honestly believe Trump is retarded. He is beyond dumb.

Trump needs to do his job by naming ambassador nominees, a Democratic Senate aide responds.

Trump Blames Democrats For Blocking Nominees He Hasn't Even Picked Yet
he out smarted hitlery. and 18 other GOPers. wow,
Hmmm, looks like someone took their 'condescending ass' pills this morning...
Let 'em stay stupid
No are you going to stomp bunny rabbit slippers and say there is no natural variations!

And fork over money?

Like I told Iceberg long ago in this thread, it might have made more sense to contribute equipment and technology rather than cash to countries needing help, but yes, I would have wanted to stay in the agreement and help. We are the #2 emitter of C02. It is well established that greater amounts of C02 leads to global warming and climate change. So as the second largest "problem" on the planet, I see only good intentions behind trying to turn this puppy around.
Don't matter anymore, though. Trump was elected and he decided different. I don't understand why there needs to be such a lot of thunderous bullshit put up by his supporters to justify it.
The accord does nothing for this country, in fact it's harmful to the small businesses. And on top of that we can't afford it. And by the way polar bears are not drowning…
Save a polar bear today, Rustic.
funny, where do you supposed the camera was at?
Many would say the same thing about you. Perhaps you would be prudent to be more compassionate and merciful with how you judge others.
As Trump is, avatar?

How can we have a better leader than trump if we aren't better people than he is?
That is the point. We as a people are not the equal of our grand parents or great grand parents. We are no longer exceptional, and that shows in who we elect as leaders.

We can change that
Probably not until a great series of trials come upon us, much like the GD and WWII. That's a sorry training cycle, that one generation can't learn from the previous ones.
you should be talking to ISIS then. why aren't you?
Snowflakes and Liberals are losing their minds because Obama's Un-Constitutional Global Warming pact in France has been rejected...

President Obama's deal to enter the Paris Accords was just another UN-Constitutional Personal TREATY Obama entered into without ever going through Congress - just like Obama's PERSONAL DEAL with Iran. It was never ratified by Congress, which is what the Constitution calls for.

So the Liberal Extremists, Globalists, and snowflakes are all having breakdowns, becoming 'triggered', and ranting, screaming, crying, and personally attacking President Trump for declaring the United States will not JOIN the Paris Accords, after it never JOINED / AGREED TO ENTER the Paris Accords.

Newsflash: America never joined Paris Agreement - Hot Air

"The fact is the Paris Agreement is a treaty, and the U.S. was never ever a part of it. The United States was the ONLY country that joined by EXECUTIVE ORDER"
...which is is UN-CONSTITUTIONAL!

"Countries seem invariably to have accepted the agreement as a treaty that requires going through their internal treaty-ratification processes, typically submission to the legislature. Countries from the United Kingdom to China to Jamaica have ratified it through their legislatures. So has Brazil, Japan, the Philippines and Australia. In the latter, the question of whether it was a binding international accord requiring submission to Parliament received some discussion, and a parliamentary analysis concluded it was a “major treaty” that needed to be submitted."

"There are people out there saying Paris Agreement is non-binding, the language and State Department guidelines appear to suggest otherwise, and reinforce the idea it’s a treaty."

President Trump did not actually withdraw from anything by what the Fake News Liberal media called 'pulling out'' of the Paris Accord. He simply pointed out that the United States had never joined the Paris Accord, as Obama never had the Constitutional Authority he believed he did not need to enter such a Treaty.
** And this clown considered himself a 'Constitutional Scholar'. :p

So the 'asshole' in this situation is not the one who accurately pointed out the United States had never joined the Paris Accords - it is the one who violated the entering ANOTHER Un-Constitutional Treaty by Executive Order.

Muslim Obama will do anything to leave a legacy. Unfortunately, Real President Trump will drain the swamp and his legacy will go down the tubes.

If you aren't going to add serious discussion don't bother

All of this is serious. Real President Trump just said no to paying Muslim Obama's "illegal" debt obligation. The following should explain to the ones with internet brains.

Snowflakes and Liberals are losing their minds because Obama's Un-Constitutional Global Warming pact in France has been rejected...

President Obama's deal to enter the Paris Accords was just another UN-Constitutional Personal TREATY Obama entered into without ever going through Congress - just like Obama's PERSONAL DEAL with Iran. It was never ratified by Congress, which is what the Constitution calls for.

So the Liberal Extremists, Globalists, and snowflakes are all having breakdowns, becoming 'triggered', and ranting, screaming, crying, and personally attacking President Trump for declaring the United States will not JOIN the Paris Accords, after it never JOINED / AGREED TO ENTER the Paris Accords.

Newsflash: America never joined Paris Agreement - Hot Air

"The fact is the Paris Agreement is a treaty, and the U.S. was never ever a part of it. The United States was the ONLY country that joined by EXECUTIVE ORDER"
...which is is UN-CONSTITUTIONAL!

"Countries seem invariably to have accepted the agreement as a treaty that requires going through their internal treaty-ratification processes, typically submission to the legislature. Countries from the United Kingdom to China to Jamaica have ratified it through their legislatures. So has Brazil, Japan, the Philippines and Australia. In the latter, the question of whether it was a binding international accord requiring submission to Parliament received some discussion, and a parliamentary analysis concluded it was a “major treaty” that needed to be submitted."

"There are people out there saying Paris Agreement is non-binding, the language and State Department guidelines appear to suggest otherwise, and reinforce the idea it’s a treaty."

President Trump did not actually withdraw from anything by what the Fake News Liberal media called 'pulling out'' of the Paris Accord. He simply pointed out that the United States had never joined the Paris Accord, as Obama never had the Constitutional Authority he believed he did not need to enter such a Treaty.
** And this clown considered himself a 'Constitutional Scholar'. :p

So the 'asshole' in this situation is not the one who accurately pointed out the United States had never joined the Paris Accords - it is the one who violated the entering ANOTHER Un-Constitutional Treaty by Executive Order.

Muslim Obama will do anything to leave a legacy. Unfortunately, Real President Trump will drain the swamp and his legacy will go down the tubes.

If you aren't going to add serious discussion don't bother

All of this is serious. Real President Trump just said no to paying Muslim Obama's "illegal" debt obligation. The following should explain to the ones with internet brains.


Shhhh grown ups talking
Snowflakes and Liberals are losing their minds because Obama's Un-Constitutional Global Warming pact in France has been rejected...

President Obama's deal to enter the Paris Accords was just another UN-Constitutional Personal TREATY Obama entered into without ever going through Congress - just like Obama's PERSONAL DEAL with Iran. It was never ratified by Congress, which is what the Constitution calls for.

So the Liberal Extremists, Globalists, and snowflakes are all having breakdowns, becoming 'triggered', and ranting, screaming, crying, and personally attacking President Trump for declaring the United States will not JOIN the Paris Accords, after it never JOINED / AGREED TO ENTER the Paris Accords.

Newsflash: America never joined Paris Agreement - Hot Air

"The fact is the Paris Agreement is a treaty, and the U.S. was never ever a part of it. The United States was the ONLY country that joined by EXECUTIVE ORDER"
...which is is UN-CONSTITUTIONAL!

"Countries seem invariably to have accepted the agreement as a treaty that requires going through their internal treaty-ratification processes, typically submission to the legislature. Countries from the United Kingdom to China to Jamaica have ratified it through their legislatures. So has Brazil, Japan, the Philippines and Australia. In the latter, the question of whether it was a binding international accord requiring submission to Parliament received some discussion, and a parliamentary analysis concluded it was a “major treaty” that needed to be submitted."

"There are people out there saying Paris Agreement is non-binding, the language and State Department guidelines appear to suggest otherwise, and reinforce the idea it’s a treaty."

President Trump did not actually withdraw from anything by what the Fake News Liberal media called 'pulling out'' of the Paris Accord. He simply pointed out that the United States had never joined the Paris Accord, as Obama never had the Constitutional Authority he believed he did not need to enter such a Treaty.
** And this clown considered himself a 'Constitutional Scholar'. :p

So the 'asshole' in this situation is not the one who accurately pointed out the United States had never joined the Paris Accords - it is the one who violated the entering ANOTHER Un-Constitutional Treaty by Executive Order.

Muslim Obama will do anything to leave a legacy. Unfortunately, Real President Trump will drain the swamp and his legacy will go down the tubes.

If you aren't going to add serious discussion don't bother

All of this is serious. Real President Trump just said no to paying Muslim Obama's "illegal" debt obligation. The following should explain to the ones with internet brains.


Shhhh grown ups talking

That's why you need to butt out me bucko ha ha.
Got love the anti jobs Trump crowd...

China to plow $361 billion into renewable fuel by 2020

That's 13 million jobs idiots... Marcon of France has publicly welcomed scientists in the area from US to France...

Renewable Energy creates a hell of a lot of jobs, way more than coal... The Trumpettes are completely clueless on were the future business lies and want to continue with out dated technology..

China was the big winner here, 3 billion was chicken feed and will be picked up by other nations who will also take the mantle of leading the world... Trump has put the US at the back of the bus again...
13 million jobs that don't improve the material welfare of the Chinese people one iota. We could put 10 million Americans to work digging holes and filling them up again. The net result would be exactly the same.

Lets do comparisions

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, there are 374,000 American jobs in solar energy, 102,000 in wind energy and more than 2.2 million related to energy efficiency. For comparison, 160,000 Americans work in coal, 360,000 in natural gas and 515,000 in oil.

And Coal is continiously falling:
In 2015, U.S. coal production, consumption, and employment fell by more than 10% - Today in Energy - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

And you are backing the bad horse... There is a future in Fracking as a technology, Oil will start to go as well as Electric Car Technology increases... Oils and Gas want the Paris Deal it is only Coal that is against it...

Why are you backing a soon to be dead technology?

Why are you backing wind Mills ? A 500 year old technology?
It's more like a 3000 year old technology.
Got love the anti jobs Trump crowd...

China to plow $361 billion into renewable fuel by 2020

That's 13 million jobs idiots... Marcon of France has publicly welcomed scientists in the area from US to France...

Renewable Energy creates a hell of a lot of jobs, way more than coal... The Trumpettes are completely clueless on were the future business lies and want to continue with out dated technology..

China was the big winner here, 3 billion was chicken feed and will be picked up by other nations who will also take the mantle of leading the world... Trump has put the US at the back of the bus again...
13 million jobs that don't improve the material welfare of the Chinese people one iota. We could put 10 million Americans to work digging holes and filling them up again. The net result would be exactly the same.

Lets do comparisions

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, there are 374,000 American jobs in solar energy, 102,000 in wind energy and more than 2.2 million related to energy efficiency. For comparison, 160,000 Americans work in coal, 360,000 in natural gas and 515,000 in oil.

And Coal is continiously falling:
In 2015, U.S. coal production, consumption, and employment fell by more than 10% - Today in Energy - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

And you are backing the bad horse... There is a future in Fracking as a technology, Oil will start to go as well as Electric Car Technology increases... Oils and Gas want the Paris Deal it is only Coal that is against it...

Why are you backing a soon to be dead technology?
Shit for brains, why not an all of the above strategy? Reliable affordable and renewable energy is decades away still.
We have not even touched what is available in shale oil. Fossil fuels are here to stay... lol
"Reliable, affordable and renewable energy" is an oxymoron.
The 'POS' who continually violated the Constitution to carry out his own personal agenda is the one deserving of condemnation, not the one who points it out and refuses to go along with it.
What exactly do you think Trump has been doing?

One executive order and action after another, and certainly has broken the presidential record at this point....

With NOT a single action done by our Congress, who represent us.....

The difference is that Trump's executive orders don't violate the Constitution as Obama's clearly did.

You lying douche bags always forget to mention that crucial fact.
That's all well and good if the US had entered into an agreement. It did not. Obama violated the Constitution by entering into a TREATY.
-- The US was the only one to enter into the treaty by Executive Order'...which, again, is Un-Constitutional.

Again, IMO, Trump did not 'exit' anything as we were never legally, Constitutionally entered in the Accords.
-- If you never entered into a treaty legally, you were never in it.
Well, why don't you trot straight to the U.N. and straighten that out with them? I'm sure they'd be very grateful for your expertise on the subject. Save everyone a lot of time and headaches.
Hmmm, looks like someone took their 'condescending ass' pills this morning...
Let 'em stay stupid
No are you going to stomp bunny rabbit slippers and say there is no natural variations!

And fork over money?

Like I told Iceberg long ago in this thread, it might have made more sense to contribute equipment and technology rather than cash to countries needing help, but yes, I would have wanted to stay in the agreement and help. We are the #2 emitter of C02. It is well established that greater amounts of C02 leads to global warming and climate change. So as the second largest "problem" on the planet, I see only good intentions behind trying to turn this puppy around.
Don't matter anymore, though. Trump was elected and he decided different. I don't understand why there needs to be such a lot of thunderous bullshit put up by his supporters to justify it.

Each American's share for the agreement was $7000;

We're waiting for your check.

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