Newsom…..reparations in CA? Paid out to those who have benefitted the most from slavery? Does that really make sense?

Yes. And its mostly brutha-on-brutha.
You savages can't help but kill each other.
If your Uruk-asses committed murder at the same rate as civilized folk, the US murder rate would drop 60%
And then you'd be getting replaced even faster. 🤣🤣🤣
And replace the lot of you. 😄
Without white people to control you savages, you'll kill each other off.
You know, like you are now, just in wholesale numbers.
Your planned cultural genocide will be halted by your cultural suicide.
Without white people to control you savages, you'll kill each other off.
You know, like you are now, just in wholesale numbers.
Your planned cultural genocide will be halted by your cultural suicide.
That's as much cosplay and fantasy as HeyNorm thinking he's going to stem the white demographic decline with his rifle. 😄 You clowns really do think your fanfiction arguments are as impressive as the reality of your demographic demise, don't you? You folks really are that stupid and stunted. 😄

Does that really make sense?​

It is California. Making sense is not a requirement for public policy, there. It is getting so, it is not a requirement in many far left and far right legislatures and city counsels across this country, when it make some group "feel good".
Yes, I believe that it does make sense. Most of all because it's an apology for the extraordinarily cruel treatment of black people. And it's a token of good will to repair the wrongs. Imagine that some blacks will change their attitudes toward white people and feel that they are being considered to be more like equals.

But it's only the first step and the money will run out. It can at least be seen as token affirmative action until it's followed up with changed attitudes.

You can take everything I said as it I was talking about Canada's aboriginal people. And you can understand that our government's efforts are paying off.
That's as much cosplay and fantasy as HeyNorm thinking he's going to stem the white demographic decline with his rifle. 😄 You clowns really do think your fanfiction arguments are as impressive as the reality of your demographic demise, don't you? You folks really are that stupid and stunted. 😄

^^^^^ cuck gonna say what cuck gonna say. 🤦‍♂️
My ancestors weren't paid either.

Pay me first, before you pay the looters.

I actually work for a living.
I've had over 20 replies that are basically the same as yours. See my reply to White6 as my reply to all.
Whatever you say, Angry Racist Brother.
Figure out who your father is yet?

Black fathers are the most involved in their children's lives. You cuck whites have abandoned objective science and reality for this fantasy where you remain kings of your trailerparks. 😄
The various colonists, and the later, the US and UK, fought a 300 year war against the Indians, which eventually resulted in the US/UK taking their lands. As a result, these people are all US and Canadian citizens, with all the rights and protections thereof.
It was their country.
It's their country now.
They were sent to reservations.
And demographic numbers are a real thing. You cucks go ahead and continue to keep your eyes closed out of fear. 😄
Nope. Most other “demographic” groups aren’t nearly as racist as black folks. They get tired of your constant whining as well.

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