Newt admits to meeting to obstruct everything to bring down Obama

Pure Pubcrappe, dupe. Right off the wall....

Link to ANYTHING/ One example? Nuts!!
Pubs have f***cked Cal. too. Refuse to pass good work/SS ID, HowardJarvis was a Pub, started gov't by referendum. Pure democracy is a bad idea.

Government by royal decree just works so much better.

There you go again. REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY- what the GOP are missing these days is intelligence and a spirit of compromise...

Compromise does not mean you get everything you want. The GOP is just as crappy as the Democrats, but they have finally figured out that they are not in DC to go along with everything that the government wants to do.
Pubs have f***cked Cal. too. Refuse to pass good work/SS ID, HowardJarvis was a Pub, started gov't by referendum. Pure democracy is a bad idea.

Government by royal decree just works so much better.

There you go again. REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY- what the GOP are missing these days is intelligence and a spirit of compromise...


Franco says he is wrong, who am I to argue with him?
Pure Pubcrappe, dupe. Right off the wall....

Link to ANYTHING/ One example? Nuts!!

You realize that nothing in the rambling of your post consists of a rational thought, right? No one can possibly understand what you are trying to say.
Government by royal decree just works so much better.

There you go again. REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY- what the GOP are missing these days is intelligence and a spirit of compromise...

Compromise does not mean you get everything you want. The GOP is just as crappy as the Democrats, but they have finally figured out that they are not in DC to go along with everything that the government wants to do.

BS Total noncooperation, no matter what. Ideological insanity from the dupes, no understanding of history, a tax cut cult.:cuckoo::eusa_liar::( a brainwashed, braindead Rushbo disgrace.
After the election there were challenges faces the country. That should have been the concern of both parties. party was concerned about regaining power..which they believe is god given. And that party is populated with conservatives....
Oh yeah..they were racist..

Sallow, the GOP is SUPPOSED to oppose the Democrats unless the Dems meet them halfway and compromise, giving the GOP a little and getting some in return like bipartisan cooperation.

The Dems would have none of that and for TWO FULL STRAIGHT YEARS they STEAMROLLED the GOP. I am not even a Republican and it pissed me off. That is not how our government is supposed to work.

And then the lame duck session of Congress that repealed DADT was pure partisan bullshit too since they knew they could never pass it once the new Congress arrived.

Now Dems want to cry that the GOP was opposing them and didnt play nice?

ROFLMAO, you have got to be kidding me.

Dude, you are looking so partisan when you state things like that, and then calling Newts statement about Kenyan anti-collonialism as being racist is just mind-numbing bullshit. Obamas father was Kenyan and it no doubt had some influence and his time in Indonesia did as well and that is a very anti-colonialism kind of culture at the time also with Sukharto and those guys running things.

Shit, just listen to yourself sometime.

Fucking incredible!
"Seeds of 2012" - Newt Admits to GOP Conspiracy to Block President Obama's Policies - YouTube

Al Sharpton really tears him a new one. Newt smirks and thinks he has all the answers, but Al busts his bubbles one at a time.

The National Memo » POLL: Plurality Believes That Republicans Are Sabotaging Economy

Wait you mean the Republicans had a meeting on how to Stop Obama's Agenda? No Way? Really? Holly shit.

Wow you are a jack ass. As if Key Democrats did not meet to plan to Obstruct A Republican President ever eh? Your Assumption is If Only Obama had got his way the Economy would be Hunky Dory, therefore the Republicans were planning to Sabotage the Economy. Fact is Most of Obama's Policies are FUCKING BAD for this country in the long term, I Consider them hero's For Obstructing most of them. Toss the rest up to the Fact that the Democrats would always attach the Sane shit, to some Fucking CRAZY spending Idea making the Republicans have to Either accept it or Vote against it all.

Some people just live with Blinders on. Most of those People are Either Republican or Democrat, I took mine off and Became and Independent. So much easy to see now.

You my friend are the Poster Child of Half of what is wrong with this Country. The Far Left. The Other half of course, u Guessed it the Far right.

I will probably Vote For Mitt, Simply because I think a Moderate Republican will be slightly Less than the Freaking Left wing Ideologue We have right now.

I am Hoping with all my Heart the Moderate America Is Awake and ready to Tell you fuckers on Both sides to Go fuck yourselves with your Extreme all or Nothing Positions on everything.


My sentiments exactly.

All the idiots seem to forget that it took both parties spending like drunken sailors, approving wars and in general using our tax money like it grows on a tree.

It took both of em to get us where we are today.

Barry's policies suck and thank god the Reps were blocking some of the bullshit he was proposing. Can you imagine what would have happened had cap and trade passed??

I can only hope that HC clusterfuck gets kicked to the curb by the SC as well.

I'm voting for Romney as well and I'm sure hoping he has way better ideas than Barry has.
"Seeds of 2012" - Newt Admits to GOP Conspiracy to Block President Obama's Policies - YouTube

Al Sharpton really tears him a new one. Newt smirks and thinks he has all the answers, but Al busts his bubbles one at a time.

The National Memo » POLL: Plurality Believes That Republicans Are Sabotaging Economy

Al tears through every and any one that attempts to come at him with any BS.

Al Sharpton's show is arguably THE best political show on TV :clap2:

I don't care who you are, that's just funny!
Pubs have f***cked Cal. too. Refuse to pass good work/SS ID, HowardJarvis was a Pub, started gov't by referendum. Pure democracy is a bad idea.
Frankie.....who helped pass prop 13? was voted in by 65% of the was approved by the mostly Democratic Legislator and signed by a Democratic Governor.....why wont you admit that Frankie?.....what exactly are you afraid of saying?......
Produce a single clip of Al Sharpton getting bested by anyone in the public sphere.

I can produce 10 clips of Al besting the best of them easily.

so thats your opinion....some other person watching those clips might disagree with ya......

I'll make it easy for ya...

Just produce ONE clip of Al Sharpton getting pwn3d by someone...anyone. I'll even give you a whole week. That's 7 whole days. I'll add 3 more days and make it 10 to give you a fighting chance.

C'mon...are you chickenshutyourmouth!


Marc do you understand what i told ya? i show you a clip that i feel Al is getting kicked and you dont agree.....we can show 50 fucking wont agree with none of them....because to you Al is some great Black me the guy is a jerk who only does what he does for publicity and money and does not have much character and dignity....he proved that with the Brawly incident....
Al is a new man, dupes. Lost weight, Obama's point man for blacks. Brawley was 30 years ago fcs. Thickest skulls in world, Pub dupes.

oh so if you lose weight you become a good guy.....and i have seen and heard many a black person say Al does not speak for them....
After the election there were challenges faces the country. That should have been the concern of both parties. party was concerned about regaining power..which they believe is god given. And that party is populated with conservatives....
Oh yeah..they were racist..

Sallow, the GOP is SUPPOSED to oppose the Democrats unless the Dems meet them halfway and compromise, giving the GOP a little and getting some in return like bipartisan cooperation.

The Dems would have none of that and for TWO FULL STRAIGHT YEARS they STEAMROLLED the GOP. I am not even a Republican and it pissed me off. That is not how our government is supposed to work.

And then the lame duck session of Congress that repealed DADT was pure partisan bullshit too since they knew they could never pass it once the new Congress arrived.

Now Dems want to cry that the GOP was opposing them and didnt play nice?

ROFLMAO, you have got to be kidding me.

Dude, you are looking so partisan when you state things like that, and then calling Newts statement about Kenyan anti-collonialism as being racist is just mind-numbing bullshit. Obamas father was Kenyan and it no doubt had some influence and his time in Indonesia did as well and that is a very anti-colonialism kind of culture at the time also with Sukharto and those guys running things.

Shit, just listen to yourself sometime.

Fucking incredible!

They aren't looking for cooperation. They are looking to dominate.

They want all democrats out of the government. And they want a government ruled by the very rich..and clerics.

Like Saudi Arabia.
tawana brawley

case closed, fuck al sharpton up his doughy old ass

you lose

Al tears through every and any one that attempts to come at him with any BS.

Al Sharpton's show is arguably THE best political show on TV :clap2:

You have incredibly low standards.
Produce a single clip of Al Sharpton getting bested by anyone in the public sphere.

I can produce 10 clips of Al besting the best of them easily.
I don't hate anyone. But Republican policies are terrifying and destructive. I suspect even you will admit that.

You don't hate anyone? Even me?

Nope - see sig, last line. Hate is a RW thing- see bigots, racist, angry white men, ugly 'Mericans, Archie Bunker, etc etc:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

You do know that putting some crap in your sig does not change that crap into fact, right? :lmao: You're fucking nutz. It's no wonder even the liberals on this board don't support your crap.
Newt admits to meeting to obstruct everything to bring down Obama

There’s really nothing to ‘admit’ to, this has been common knowledge for years.

Agreed. No big secret being revealed. The GOP stated their number one goal is taking down President Obama.

Not jobs, not the economy, not civil liberties, not what is best for the country...just taking down the President.

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