Newt and the supposed "Party of Family Values"

Call us the party of family values all you want, you can even sneer about it. but it's for damn sure you're the party of NO family values,, it's just screw and make 15 babies and demand others feed and care for them.. I'd rather be the former. At least Gingrich had the where with all to marry the woman and then divorce her,

At least your consistent Willow.

I have said all along, unlike the Reps, that "personal morals" has no place in Presidential politics. So I'll just point out the hypocrisy.

That's fine.. I like pointing out hypocrisy myself. The problem with you people is you have no family and no values. you just screw, make children and walk away.
Call us the party of family values all you want, you can even sneer about it. but it's for damn sure you're the party of NO family values,, it's just screw and make 15 babies and demand others feed and care for them.. I'd rather be the former. At least Gingrich had the where with all to marry the woman and then divorce her,

At least your consistent Willow.

I have said all along, unlike the Reps, that "personal morals" has no place in Presidential politics. So I'll just point out the hypocrisy.

That's fine.. I like pointing out hypocrisy myself. The problem with you people is you have no family and no values. you just screw, make children and walk away.

sounds like a pro- lifer to me :eusa_whistle:
I never have cared much about the personal life of the POTUS. Personally I don't care if a BJ was given in the Oval Office ir not. In fact, if Bush would have been HALF the POTUS that Clinton was I would have ordered up a dozen blowjobs for Bush.

But the GOP doesn't see it that way. They place a great deal of weight on moral character. With Newt polling so well lately I'm convinced that the GOP is full of hypocrites. They only care about "family values" when it's a Democrat caught with his pants down.

Take Bill Clinton (probably the best POTUS in most of our lifetimes). Oh they try and say it was about lies, but then all they talk about are cigars and blue dresses.

Now they are ready to support a man who chased (or maybe still chases) after anything in a skirt. The man obviously has the morals of an alley cat. Yet all I hear is that they forgive his past transgressions.

Some of the true social conservatives are still not sure about him though......

But as Gingrich has gained strong momentum ahead of early-state voting next month--he's surged to an impressive 21-point lead over longtime frontrunner Mitt Romney in the latest national Rasmussen poll--it's still unclear whether social conservatives are ready to forgive and forget his past marital woes.

But then hypocrisy rears it's ugly head.....

In "any other election year," Land says social conservatives might not be willing to give a pass to Gingrich. But amid voter concerns about the economy and the desire among Republican voters to defeat President Obama, he says values voters could be willing to overlook Gingrich's past if the former speaker "makes it crystal clear he's learned his lesson" and vows there will be "no moral scandal" in his administration.

Can social conservatives forgive Gingrich

So what say you? Are you willing to hypocritically support this man in his quest for the GOP nomination?

I'm not a conservatives, so the question likely isn't directed at me.

I just find Gingrich to be amoral. It's not just his personal life. Newt will say absolutely anything to further his quest for power. I understand that all politicians bend the truth and even lie on occasion. I understand that most politicians shift their positions as the popular winds change. I also understand that politicians engage in false outrage from time to time. It's practically a qualification to survive serving as a member of a political party for any length of time.

But Newt is in a class all his own. When he stands there, and with a straight face, tries to convince people that he made millions of dollars from Freddie Mac (as well as others) after resigning his speakership, but he wasn't engaged in lobbying, you just have to ask yourself if you can ever believe anything he says. I say no. I don't think he has any core values. Mitt Romney may be a flip-flopper, but I don't believe he's an amoral or immoral man like Newt's life reveals him to be.

How ironic it would be if conservatives, in their hunt for a conservative 'notRomney,' end up nominating a man who has far fewer redeeming qualities and personal and professional morals than the one they reject as lacking sufficient conservative bona fides.

We have a lot bigger fish to fry--than worrying about how many times someone has been married--especially with the divorce rate in this country close to 50%.

I know a lot of very good people--that have been married more than once. To throw the best candidate- to the curb over YOUR personal opinion of how he should have lived his personal life--would be a national disgrace.

And if you can vote for someone who sat in Rev. Wrights racist--separatist--church while screaming G.D. America for 20 years--you can certainly see past a couple of indiscretions in Newt Gingrich. But you're right--you wouldn't vote for any GOP candidate anyway--so why should anyone consider what you have to say about one.

Go NEWT--2012.
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I never have cared much about the personal life of the POTUS. Personally I don't care if a BJ was given in the Oval Office ir not. In fact, if Bush would have been HALF the POTUS that Clinton was I would have ordered up a dozen blowjobs for Bush.

But the GOP doesn't see it that way. They place a great deal of weight on moral character. With Newt polling so well lately I'm convinced that the GOP is full of hypocrites. They only care about "family values" when it's a Democrat caught with his pants down.

Take Bill Clinton (probably the best POTUS in most of our lifetimes). Oh they try and say it was about lies, but then all they talk about are cigars and blue dresses.

Now they are ready to support a man who chased (or maybe still chases) after anything in a skirt. The man obviously has the morals of an alley cat. Yet all I hear is that they forgive his past transgressions.

Some of the true social conservatives are still not sure about him though......

But then hypocrisy rears it's ugly head.....

Can social conservatives forgive Gingrich

So what say you? Are you willing to hypocritically support this man in his quest for the GOP nomination?

I'm not a conservatives, so the question likely isn't directed at me.

I just find Gingrich to be amoral. It's not just his personal life. Newt will say absolutely anything to further his quest for power. I understand that all politicians bend the truth and even lie on occasion. I understand that most politicians shift their positions as the popular winds change. I also understand that politicians engage in false outrage from time to time. It's practically a qualification to survive serving as a member of a political party for any length of time.

But Newt is in a class all his own. When he stands there, and with a straight face, tries to convince people that he made millions of dollars from Freddie Mac (as well as others) after resigning his speakership, but he wasn't engaged in lobbying, you just have to ask yourself if you can ever believe anything he says. I say no. I don't think he has any core values. Mitt Romney may be a flip-flopper, but I don't believe he's an amoral or immoral man like Newt's life reveals him to be.

How ironic it would be if conservatives, in their hunt for a conservative 'notRomney,' end up nominating a man who has far fewer redeeming qualities and personal and professional morals than the one they reject as lacking sufficient conservative bona fides.

We have a lot bigger fish to fry--than worrying about how many times someone has been married--especially with the divorce rate in this country close to 50%.

I know a lot of very good people--that have been married more than once. To throw the best candidate- to the curb over YOUR personal opinion of how he should have lived his personal life--would be a national disgrace.

And if you can vote for someone who sat in Rev. Wrights racist--separatist--church while screaming G.D. America for 20 years--you can certainly see past a couple of indiscretions in Newt Gingrich. But you're right--you wouldn't vote for any GOP candidate anyway--so why should anyone consider what you have to say about one.

Go NEWT--2012.

We had a lot bigger fish to fry than Clinton getting a blowjob too but that didn't stop Newt from pursuing the issue.

Anyone who supports Newt yet calls themself a social conservative is a hypocrite. There really is no way around that.
If the GOP is the "party of family values" what does that make the democrat party? The party of anti-family values? Personally I'm getting tired of the double standard and I laugh at the defense of Bubba Bill Clinton. Not only was he a pervert but he was one of the biggest crooks to inhabit the White House. ENRON flurished under Clinton. The "dot-com" stocks were a disaster waiting to happen. Clinton pardoned the most notorious corporate pirate in history (at that time) while he was a fugitive from justice in exchange for a couple of bucks donated to his "library". He pardoned the FALN bomber terrorists who were doing time in NY Prison so his wife could get the radical hispanic vote for the Senate.The first attack on the WTC happened under Clinton's watch and he dismissed it. American planes were bombing Yugoslavia while the 9-11 terrorists were going to flight school in the US and Clinton's A.G. made sure the CIA couldn't share information with the FBI or risk jail time. Clinton set the stage for the 9-11 tragedy.
If the GOP is the "party of family values" what does that make the democrat party? The party of anti-family values? Personally I'm getting tired of the double standard and I laugh at the defense of Bubba Bill Clinton. Not only was he a pervert but he was one of the biggest crooks to inhabit the White House. ENRON flurished under Clinton. The "dot-com" stocks were a disaster waiting to happen. Clinton pardoned the most notorious corporate pirate in history (at that time) while he was a fugitive from justice in exchange for a couple of bucks donated to his "library". He pardoned the FALN bomber terrorists who were doing time in NY Prison so his wife could get the radical hispanic vote for the Senate.The first attack on the WTC happened under Clinton's watch and he dismissed it. American planes were bombing Yugoslavia while the 9-11 terrorists were going to flight school in the US and Clinton's A.G. made sure the CIA couldn't share information with the FBI or risk jail time. Clinton set the stage for the 9-11 tragedy.

wha wha.
If the GOP is the "party of family values" what does that make the democrat party? The party of anti-family values? Personally I'm getting tired of the double standard and I laugh at the defense of Bubba Bill Clinton. Not only was he a pervert but he was one of the biggest crooks to inhabit the White House. ENRON flurished under Clinton. The "dot-com" stocks were a disaster waiting to happen. Clinton pardoned the most notorious corporate pirate in history (at that time) while he was a fugitive from justice in exchange for a couple of bucks donated to his "library". He pardoned the FALN bomber terrorists who were doing time in NY Prison so his wife could get the radical hispanic vote for the Senate.The first attack on the WTC happened under Clinton's watch and he dismissed it. American planes were bombing Yugoslavia while the 9-11 terrorists were going to flight school in the US and Clinton's A.G. made sure the CIA couldn't share information with the FBI or risk jail time. Clinton set the stage for the 9-11 tragedy.

wha wha.

Wha..wha..wha..t does the democrat party stand for? Anti-family values?
If the GOP is the "party of family values" what does that make the democrat party? The party of anti-family values? Personally I'm getting tired of the double standard and I laugh at the defense of Bubba Bill Clinton. Not only was he a pervert but he was one of the biggest crooks to inhabit the White House. ENRON flurished under Clinton. The "dot-com" stocks were a disaster waiting to happen. Clinton pardoned the most notorious corporate pirate in history (at that time) while he was a fugitive from justice in exchange for a couple of bucks donated to his "library". He pardoned the FALN bomber terrorists who were doing time in NY Prison so his wife could get the radical hispanic vote for the Senate.The first attack on the WTC happened under Clinton's watch and he dismissed it. American planes were bombing Yugoslavia while the 9-11 terrorists were going to flight school in the US and Clinton's A.G. made sure the CIA couldn't share information with the FBI or risk jail time. Clinton set the stage for the 9-11 tragedy.

wha wha.

Wha..wha..wha..t does the democrat party stand for? Anti-family values?

the demoncrat party stands for killing the unborn, accepting bribes, and being really mean doodyheads. i heard that is the official platform.

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