Newt Gingrich: If Hillary Runs In 2016, GOP "Incapable Of Competing"

Newt Gingrich: If Hillary Runs In 2016, GOP "Incapable Of Competing"
If republicans continue to live in denial as to why they were so comprehensively rejected by the voters last month then yes, the GOP will indeed be incapable of competing.
After we go over the fiscal cliff and our economy completely implodes, odumbo the marxist will probably be impeached, and no one in their right mind will want a fucking democrap anywhere near the controls of our economy. Like has already been said, they'll be begging republicans to get us back to what America is supposed to be. Hitlery won't be anything but a nasty memory.
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Didn't she have the nomination locked up in 2008? Personally, I don't think she's going to run.

yes, she was a 'shoe-in'.

i disagree with gingrich, btw... the GOP will, if they are smart, have their A-team out in 2016... it won't be second string nutterville like it was in 2012.
After we go over the fiscal cliff and our economy completely implodes, odumbo the marxist will probably be impeached, and no one in their right mind will want a fucking democrap anywhere near the controls of our economy. Like has already been said, they'll be begging republicans to get us back to what America is supposed to be. Hitlery won't be anything but a nasty memory.

Creating massive deficits, fighting two illegal, pointless wars, expanding the size of government, and placing the economy in recession is not where America is supposed to be, we got all that and worse during the last republican administration.
By Roque Planas

Republicans looking to reach out to Latinos may want to avoid the advice of Ann Coulter.

The conservative pundit penned a column Wednesday in which she lashed out at the “deluge of unskilled immigrants pouring into the country” and portrayed Latinos as a lazy “underclass” looking for a government handout. Coulter titles the piece “America Nears El Tipping Pointo,” presumably to make a virtue of her ignorance of the Spanish language.

In fact, Latinos use less than their fair share of government benefits. According to a study released this year by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities:

It gets even worse: Ann Coulter Attacks Latinos In Column, As Conservatives Seek To Reach Out To Hispanic Voters
After we go over the fiscal cliff and our economy completely implodes, odumbo the marxist will probably be impeached, and no one in their right mind will want a fucking democrap anywhere near the controls of our economy. Like has already been said, they'll be begging republicans to get us back to what America is supposed to be. Hitlery won't be anything but a nasty memory.

Creating massive deficits, fighting two illegal, pointless wars, expanding the size of government, and placing the economy in recession is not where America is supposed to be, we got all that and worse during the last republican administration.

I thought you were an obama defender why have you stopped now?
With a campaign video like this, Hillary will win the presidency in 2016.

[ame=]Hillary Clinton's First 2016 Campaign Ad? (Nov. 30, 2012 - CSPAN) - YouTube[/ame]
Didn't she have the nomination locked up in 2008? Personally, I don't think she's going to run.

I think she will, if polling numbers are in her favor. That means that unemployment is down, and the economy is running at a decent clip. Under those circumstances, she becomes almost impossible to beat and runs knowing she won't have to work all that hard at getting elected. If she sees a dogfight ahead, then I think she'll take a pass.
2016 will be very hard for the dems to win, and they won't win it by running last primaries loser.

She's not just last primary's loser, she's the most popular (active) political figure in the United States. She had as much support among Dems last go-around as Obama did--actually, more if you go by raw vote totals in the 2008 primaries.

More importantly, Obama doesn't have much of a clear heir apparent. Biden isn't going to get traction in the primaries. Clinton is probably the most visible face in this administration after O himself, so it would fall to her. That means if Obama leaves on a reasonably high note, she's the one who can cash in on that. She ran on experience and insider credentials last time but lost to the outsider promising change. It's unlikely someone is going to emerge in the Democratic party to run an Obama-esque campaign in 2016--it's very odd to run a change campaign at the end of two terms of your own party controlling the White House.

Meaning if the Dems keep the White House in 2016 it's very likely to be because people more or less approve of Obama's stewardship--exactly the situation that gives a leg up to the experienced heir apparent. If Dems have to start the 2016 campaign by distancing themselves from Obama, they're starting at a disadvantage and probably would lose anyway. That wouldn't be a Hillary year and it wouldn't probably be any Democrat's year. If they're going to win, my guess is that it's under conditions that would be extremely favorable to Hillary.

That pretty much sums it up. If things are running smooth, she'll run and win easily. If things are looking bleak and Obama's numbers are in the 40's, she'll take a pass knowing that she has little chance of winning, or that it would take one hell of a fight to win.
After we go over the fiscal cliff and our economy completely implodes, odumbo the marxist will probably be impeached, and no one in their right mind will want a fucking democrap anywhere near the controls of our economy. Like has already been said, they'll be begging republicans to get us back to what America is supposed to be. Hitlery won't be anything but a nasty memory.

Creating massive deficits, fighting two illegal, pointless wars, expanding the size of government, and placing the economy in recession is not where America is supposed to be, we got all that and worse during the last republican administration.

Obama was President from 08-12, you knew that, right?
That old bitch (Hillary) will be OLDER than John McCain was when he ran for President.
And you pole-smoking "Caring for the Elderly" Libberhoids were holding McCain's age against him, calling him too old for the job. Whip out a fucking calculator and look it up yourselves, asswipes.

At least McCain served his country honorably for 20+ years in uniform, and later as a U.S. Senator.

What's Hillary done? Well, most recently, let four Americans pleading for help die.
That old bitch (Hillary) will be OLDER than John McCain was when he ran for President.
And you pole-smoking "Caring for the Elderly" Libberhoids were holding McCain's age against him, calling him too old for the job. Whip out a fucking calculator and look it up yourselves, asswipes.

At least McCain served his country honorably for 20+ years in uniform, and later as a U.S. Senator.

What's Hillary done? Well, most recently, let four Americans pleading for help die.

No she wont she'll be 69, he was 72. #fail, "whip out a calculator" indeed.
That old bitch (Hillary) will be OLDER than John McCain was when he ran for President.
And you pole-smoking "Caring for the Elderly" Libberhoids were holding McCain's age against him, calling him too old for the job. Whip out a fucking calculator and look it up yourselves, asswipes.

At least McCain served his country honorably for 20+ years in uniform, and later as a U.S. Senator.

What's Hillary done? Well, most recently, let four Americans pleading for help die.

In 2016, Hillary will still be younger than McCain was in 2008. Maybe you are the one who needs a calculator.

Personally, I doubt she will run. But if she does, I predict a totally different campaign than 2008.

IMO, the presidency is hers - if she wants it.

if she wants it she will get Obamas and bill to campaign for her.

who will the right have to help canpaign for their chosen white man?

Bush and chenney

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