Newt Gingrich voicing concerns over the dangers of atheism!!

Gingrich is just another insignificant turd on the lawn...
Who happens to be one of the smartest guys in any rooms he walks into.
Yet is insignificant to party politics since he's a has been from twenty years ago...If the fucker was so smart he'd been president... Naw it's easier to stand on the side and claim to know what is and needs to be done...Like most insignificant turds..
Gingrich is just another hateful rightwing bigot, and another rightwing liar: there is no "secular, atheist philosophy."
Are you saying that secularists and atheists have no philosophy of life?
Their philosophy of life is materialism.

Militant atheists have a vague, rosy notion of something good, noble and just: the advent of these things will bring instant euphoria and a social order beyond reproach if people will only abandon faith and religion.

Militant atheism has an extraordinary ability to incite and inflame its adherents and inspire social movements. They dismiss their defeats and ignore their incongruities. They desire big government and use big government to implement their morally relativistic social policies.

Militant atheism is a religion. The religious nature of militant atheism explains their hostility towards traditional religions which is that of one rival religion over another.

Their dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man. They see no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural Marxism and normalization of deviance. They worship science but are the first to reject it when it suits their purposes. They can be identified by an external locus of control. Their religious doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and equality via uniformity and communal ownership. They practice critical theory which is the Cultural Marxist theory to criticize what they do not believe to arrive at what they do believe without ever having to examine what they believe. They confuse critical theory for critical thinking. Critical thinking is the practice of challenging what one does believe to test its validity. Something they never do.
Who happens to be one of the smartest guys in any rooms he walks into.

you are 100% correct, assuming the room is a bathroom or a phone booth.

he's a third rate intellect who should have peaked teaching world history 101 at bumfuck community college

compared to the rest of the cons, he's a genius

see: midget, world's tallest
Gingrich is just another insignificant turd on the lawn...
Who happens to be one of the smartest guys in any rooms he walks into.
Yet is insignificant to party politics since he's a has been from twenty years ago...If the fucker was so smart he'd been president... Naw it's easier to stand on the side and claim to know what is and needs to be done...Like most insignificant turds..
In a logical world, yes, he would have been president, but I'm not sure we live in a logical world. After all your logic that he can't be so smart because he wasn't elected president is massively flawed.
Who happens to be one of the smartest guys in any rooms he walks into.

you are 100% correct, assuming the room is a bathroom or a phone booth.

he's a third rate intellect who should have peaked teaching world history 101 at bumfuck community college

compared to the rest of the cons, he's a genius

see: midget, world's tallest
Do you have anything besides rhetoric?
Who happens to be one of the smartest guys in any rooms he walks into.

you are 100% correct, assuming the room is a bathroom or a phone booth.

he's a third rate intellect who should have peaked teaching world history 101 at bumfuck community college

compared to the rest of the cons, he's a genius

see: midget, world's tallest
Do you have anything besides rhetoric?

do you have anything besides being a newt fanboi?
Who happens to be one of the smartest guys in any rooms he walks into.

you are 100% correct, assuming the room is a bathroom or a phone booth.

he's a third rate intellect who should have peaked teaching world history 101 at bumfuck community college

compared to the rest of the cons, he's a genius

see: midget, world's tallest
Do you have anything besides rhetoric?

do you have anything besides being a newt fanboi?
How about his accomplishments?

What have you accomplished that makes you believe you are better than him?
Who happens to be one of the smartest guys in any rooms he walks into.

you are 100% correct, assuming the room is a bathroom or a phone booth.

he's a third rate intellect who should have peaked teaching world history 101 at bumfuck community college

compared to the rest of the cons, he's a genius

see: midget, world's tallest
Do you have anything besides rhetoric?

do you have anything besides being a newt fanboi?
How about his accomplishments?

What have you accomplished that makes you believe you are better than him?
List them.
Who happens to be one of the smartest guys in any rooms he walks into.

you are 100% correct, assuming the room is a bathroom or a phone booth.

he's a third rate intellect who should have peaked teaching world history 101 at bumfuck community college

compared to the rest of the cons, he's a genius

see: midget, world's tallest
Do you have anything besides rhetoric?

do you have anything besides being a newt fanboi?
How about his accomplishments?

What have you accomplished that makes you believe you are better than him?
List them.
American politician and author
Served as the 50th Speaker of the United States House of Representatives from 1995 to 1999.
Represented Georgia's 6th congressional district as a Republican from 1979 until his resignation in 1999.
Candidate for the Republican Party presidential nomination.
A teacher of history and geography at the University of West Georgia.
Won the election to the United States House of Representatives in November 1978
The first Republican in the history of Georgia's 6th congressional district.
Served as House Minority Whip from 1989–95
Speaker of the House from 1995–99.
Co-author and architect of the "Contract with America"
Major leader in the Republican victory in the 1994 congressional election
In 1995, Time named him "Man of the Year"
Oversaw passage of welfare reform and a capital gains tax cut in 1997.
Resigned from the House because he did not pull punches even for his own party.
Active in public policy debates.
Political consultant.
Founded and chaired several policy think tanks
Has written or co-authored 27 books.

What have you done?
I will take the moral values of an atheist over that of Newt Gingrich any day

Stalin? Mao? I mean, we're comparing national leaders after all.

And Hitler was a Christian

For political purposes only. He had Julius Streicher working on replacing Jesus with himself within the church.

Much like Gingrich's "faith" is for convenience to appeal to his political base

Same for Trump
So your argument is that because he is not perfect or has not done perfect things, he can't be possibly correct that atheism is a threat to Christianity?
Tell me, if Christianity is threatened is YWHW threatened?

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