Newt Gingrich voicing concerns over the dangers of atheism!!

Resigned from the House because he did not pull punches even for his own party.

he resigned because he was a disgrace according to that liberal firebrand, mitt romney,

Did Gingrich leave speakership

didn't pull punches

He didn't. He was ran off by Republican's themselves because they did not like his curtailing of their spending and cronyism.

He was literally outed by the party you hate and you now use that to suit your own purposes.

Face it del, you criticize what you do not know or understand for only one reason, it confirms your bias.
del practices critical theory which is the Cultural Marxist theory to criticize what he does not believe to arrive at what he does believe without ever having to examine what he believes. He confuses critical theory for critical thinking. Critical thinking is the practice of challenging what one does believe to test its validity. Something he never does.
So your argument is that because he is not perfect or has not done perfect things, he can't be possibly correct that atheism is a threat to Christianity?
Tell me, if Christianity is threatened is YWHW threatened?
I don't see how. He uses all things for the good of men of good will.
He didn't. He [Gingrich] was ran off by Republican's themselves because they did not like his curtailing of their spending and cronyism.
Did you get that from, the Book of Revisions?

The government closed most non-essential offices during the shutdown, which was the longest in U.S. history. The shutdown ended when Clinton agreed to submit a CBO-approved balanced budget plan.[63]

During the crisis, Gingrich's public image suffered from the perception that the Republicans' hardline budget stance was owed partly to an alleged snub of Gingrich by Clinton during a flight on Air Force One to and from Yitzhak Rabin's funeral in Israel.[64] That perception developed after the trip when Gingrich, while being questioned by Lars-Erik Nelson at a Christian Science Monitor breakfast, said that he was dissatisfied that Clinton had not invited him to discuss the budget during the flight.[65] He complained that he and Dole were instructed to use the plane's rear exit to deplane, saying the snub was "part of why you ended up with us sending down a tougher continuing resolution".[66] In response to Gingrich's complaint that they were "forced to use the rear door," NBC news released their videotape footage showing both Gingrich and Dole disembarking at Tel Aviv just behind Clinton via the front stairway.[67]

Gingrich was widely lampooned for implying that the government shutdown was a result of his personal grievances, including a widely shared editorial cartoon depicting him as a baby throwing a tantrum.[68] Democratic leaders, including Chuck Schumer, took the opportunity to attack Gingrich's motives for the budget standoff.[69][70] In 1998, Gingrich said that these comments were his "single most avoidable mistake" as Speaker.[71] [...]

In 1998, Republicans lost five seats in the House—the worst midterm performance in 64 years by a party not holding the presidency. Gingrich, who won his reelection, was held largely responsible for Republican losses in the House. His private polls had given his fellow Republican Congress the impression that pushing the Lewinsky scandal would damage Clinton's popularity and result in the party winning a net total of six to thirty seats in the US House of Representatives in this election.[84] The day after the election, a Republican caucus ready to rebel against him prompted his resignation of the speakership.
Newt Gingrich - Wikipedia
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I don't see how. He uses all things for the good of men of good will.
Then why should Gingrich be perturbed that Christianity may be threatened? Should he not be counselled for lack of faith?
Resigned from the House because he did not pull punches even for his own party.

he resigned because he was a disgrace according to that liberal firebrand, mitt romney,

Did Gingrich leave speakership

didn't pull punches

He didn't. He was ran off by Republican's themselves because they did not like his curtailing of their spending and cronyism.

He was literally outed by the party you hate and you now use that to suit your own purposes.

Face it del, you criticize what you do not know or understand for only one reason, it confirms your bias.
I heard Del uses the party to mow his lawn...and dishes...
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He didn't. He [Gingrich] was ran off by Republican's themselves because they did not like his curtailing of their spending and cronyism.
From the Book of Revisions?

The government closed most non-essential offices during the shutdown, which was the longest in U.S. history. The shutdown ended when Clinton agreed to submit a CBO-approved balanced budget plan.[63]

During the crisis, Gingrich's public image suffered from the perception that the Republicans' hardline budget stance was owed partly to an alleged snub of Gingrich by Clinton during a flight on Air Force One to and from Yitzhak Rabin's funeral in Israel.[64] That perception developed after the trip when Gingrich, while being questioned by Lars-Erik Nelson at a Christian Science Monitor breakfast, said that he was dissatisfied that Clinton had not invited him to discuss the budget during the flight.[65] He complained that he and Dole were instructed to use the plane's rear exit to deplane, saying the snub was "part of why you ended up with us sending down a tougher continuing resolution".[66] In response to Gingrich's complaint that they were "forced to use the rear door," NBC news released their videotape footage showing both Gingrich and Dole disembarking at Tel Aviv just behind Clinton via the front stairway.[67]

Gingrich was widely lampooned for implying that the government shutdown was a result of his personal grievances, including a widely shared editorial cartoon depicting him as a baby throwing a tantrum.[68] Democratic leaders, including Chuck Schumer, took the opportunity to attack Gingrich's motives for the budget standoff.[69][70] In 1998, Gingrich said that these comments were his "single most avoidable mistake" as Speaker.[71] [...]
In 1998, Republicans lost five seats in the House—the worst midterm performance in 64 years by a party not holding the presidency. Gingrich, who won his reelection, was held largely responsible for Republican losses in the House. His private polls had given his fellow Republican Congress the impression that pushing the Lewinsky scandal would damage Clinton's popularity and result in the party winning a net total of six to thirty seats in the US House of Representatives in this election.[84] The day after the election, a Republican caucus ready to rebel against him prompted his resignation of the speakership.
He was the last one to balance the budget.

That doesn't go over well with cronyism politics.
I don't see how. He uses all things for the good of men of good will.
Then why should Gingrich be perturbed that Christianity may be threatened? Should he not be counselled for lack of faith?
Does one have to be perturbed to state a fact?

Just because a law of compensation exists does not mean we should be silent about what we observe.

Only a moron would ignore the reality of militant atheism and their intentions.
How could anyone believe that the religious, or none-religious thoughts of another could be a threat? It's an idea that is too stupid to even entertain. I wish people like Gingrich would grow up. He continues to be a vociferous promoter of ridiculous ideologies. So many people in the U.S. who consider themselves to be Christians are completely loony. Newt is one of them. I hope that the Pope likes his current wife. He might show up with another one later.

We've got plenty of churches, synagogues, mosques, temples, and we are all free to go anywhere we want. Why is this awesome freedom not good enough for some?
An imperfect man mustn't opine on the importance of Christianity. Right, Penelope?

Imperfect? He is a downright disgusting individual and should not be talking about anyone else morals. Most atheist have lived more honorable lives than he has.
Yes. Your favorite topic is judging others, especially Christians. You've made that clear over and over and over again.
When you discuss "Christians," will you please specify their denomination and avoid confusion?
Militant atheism is a religion. The religious nature of militant atheism explains their hostility towards traditional religions which is that of one rival religion over another.
I don't see how. He uses all things for the good of men of good will.
Then why should Gingrich be perturbed that Christianity may be threatened? Should he not be counselled for lack of faith?
Does one have to be perturbed to state a fact?

Just because a law of compensation exists does not mean we should be silent about what we observe.

Only a moron would ignore the reality of militant atheism and their intentions.

only a moron would believe in militant atheism.

happy holidays!

I don't see how. He uses all things for the good of men of good will.
Then why should Gingrich be perturbed that Christianity may be threatened? Should he not be counselled for lack of faith?
Does one have to be perturbed to state a fact?

Just because a law of compensation exists does not mean we should be silent about what we observe.

Only a moron would ignore the reality of militant atheism and their intentions.

only a moron would believe in militant atheism.

happy holidays!

Only a moron would be a militant atheist.
Gingrich is just another hateful rightwing bigot, and another rightwing liar: there is no "secular, atheist philosophy."
Are you saying that secularists and atheists have no philosophy of life?
Their philosophy of life is materialism.

Militant atheists have a vague, rosy notion of something good, noble and just: the advent of these things will bring instant euphoria and a social order beyond reproach if people will only abandon faith and religion.

Militant atheism has an extraordinary ability to incite and inflame its adherents and inspire social movements. They dismiss their defeats and ignore their incongruities. They desire big government and use big government to implement their morally relativistic social policies.

Militant atheism is a religion. The religious nature of militant atheism explains their hostility towards traditional religions which is that of one rival religion over another.

Their dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man. They see no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural Marxism and normalization of deviance. They worship science but are the first to reject it when it suits their purposes. They can be identified by an external locus of control. Their religious doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and equality via uniformity and communal ownership. They practice critical theory which is the Cultural Marxist theory to criticize what they do not believe to arrive at what they do believe without ever having to examine what they believe. They confuse critical theory for critical thinking. Critical thinking is the practice of challenging what one does believe to test its validity. Something they never do.
So when you said that there was no secular atheist philosophy you were lying, not Gingrich.
I don't see how. He uses all things for the good of men of good will.
Then why should Gingrich be perturbed that Christianity may be threatened? Should he not be counselled for lack of faith?
Does one have to be perturbed to state a fact?

Just because a law of compensation exists does not mean we should be silent about what we observe.

Only a moron would ignore the reality of militant atheism and their intentions.

only a moron would believe in militant atheism.

happy holidays!

Only a moron would be a militant atheist.

so to boil it down, you're afraid of morons

how often do they outsmart you?

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