Newt invented "trickle down" and led the fight against Communism, ask him.



“I helped Ronald Reagan and Jack Kemp develop supply side economics. I helped lead the effort to defeat communism in the Congress.”

Gingrich: I Helped LEAD the effort to defeat Communism

Wow, he did so much. He "helped" Reagan and Kemp. I'm sure they need it. A lot.

AND, he was "one of the leaders" that defeated communism. Who were the other ones?

I didn't realize he did so much.

AND, he did all that between ethics violations and affairs. AND even made a hundred million dollars. What a guy!
For inventing Trickle Down he should be tarred and feathered. The best policy the 'haves' have ever devised to keep more for themselves while screwing everyone else blue.

I wonder if he collaborated with Al Gore on developing the internet, or if he thinks it's a series of tubes like the late Ted Stevens (R) Alaska.
Go NEWT GINGRICH!!! FUCK YOU COMMIES!!! GO NEWT, GO NEWT, GO NEWT!!! I hope he governs far to the right of George w Bush ever imagined of governing!!!
“I helped Ronald Reagan and Jack Kemp develop supply side economics. I helped lead the effort to defeat communism in the Congress.”

Gingrich: I Helped LEAD the effort to defeat Communism

Wow, he did so much. He "helped" Reagan and Kemp. I'm sure they need it. A lot.

AND, he was "one of the leaders" that defeated communism. Who were the other ones?

I didn't realize he did so much.

AND, he did all that between ethics violations and affairs. AND even made a hundred million dollars. What a guy!
:lol:....i agree with ya Dean....that fat fucker should get together with Al Gore and have a talk show....the stories about the stuff they have done would be great Radio....
Funny to brag about being part of starting our nose dive into debt but I'm sure he'll come up with another excuse for that.

If you watch newt, that's the one thing he is really good at. He flip-flops almost daily but he always has a really good excuse.

Newt demonstrates just how low the pub/bags will go. Mitt's a cypher. There's nothing but a fraud under that hair. But Newt is just plain crooked.
“I helped Ronald Reagan and Jack Kemp develop supply side economics. I helped lead the effort to defeat communism in the Congress.”

Gingrich: I Helped LEAD the effort to defeat Communism

Wow, he did so much. He "helped" Reagan and Kemp. I'm sure they need it. A lot.

AND, he was "one of the leaders" that defeated communism. Who were the other ones?

I didn't realize he did so much.

AND, he did all that between ethics violations and affairs. AND even made a hundred million dollars. What a guy!
:lol:....i agree with ya Dean....that fat fucker should get together with Al Gore and have a talk show....the stories about the stuff they have done would be great Radio....

They'd make better history... :dunno: When can we move forward?

Taxes that are fair because they're simple, a budget that's balanced by law, and then build an economy your kids can drive to the stars.

:smoke: It ain't rocket science, y'all.
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“I helped Ronald Reagan and Jack Kemp develop supply side economics. I helped lead the effort to defeat communism in the Congress.”

Gingrich: I Helped LEAD the effort to defeat Communism

Wow, he did so much. He "helped" Reagan and Kemp. I'm sure they need it. A lot.

AND, he was "one of the leaders" that defeated communism. Who were the other ones?

I didn't realize he did so much.

AND, he did all that between ethics violations and affairs. AND even made a hundred million dollars. What a guy!

He was there. You trying to Re-Write History again?

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