Newt: Obama Legacy ‘Is Going to Disappear Within a Year’

Maybe someday soon these people will realize that cramming your agenda down our throats isn't the best idea..
Yeah but ..... apparently that shit is a lot of fun if it's your lemming slice of choice that's doing the cramming.Think of it as the new national past time without the hot dogs and funny hats.
Yup, we just can't help ourselves.
Uh-Huh Mac, never fear though, this time it will be different...... :rolleyes:

"The definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" -- Albert Einstein

Because Obama had this habit of going around Congress, most of his legacy can be gone in no time.

Newt: Obama Legacy ‘Is Going to Disappear Within a Year’

by Jeff Poor21 Dec 2016835


Wednesday on Fox News Channel, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich predicted once President-elect Donald Trump is sworn in as president, he will undo much of President Barack Obama’s legacy, which he attributed to Obama’s reliance on executive orders.

“What you’re watching is a man who realizes all of a sudden that like 90 percent of his legacy is going to disappear because he didn’t do the hard work of passing legislation, he didn’t reach out to the other side,” Gingrich said. “[Y]ou watch — starting the opening day when Trump starts to repeal all these executive orders, it’s going to be like one of those balloons that deflates. The Obama legacy is going to this, down to a core to 10 or 15 percent of what he originally did. The rest is all going to disappear within a year.”​

Go look at the Spanish Civil War and see what happens when both sides are basically at war..... It's not going to end well.

When did doing the right thing for the people suddenly get turned into "getting our way at any cost"?

Like the Tories in the UK did, they scrapped Labour stuff, then realized their own things were shit, then brought back the Labour things to great fanfare like "yeah, we made this" and yet spend millions on fucking it up.

Because Obama had this habit of going around Congress, most of his legacy can be gone in no time.

Newt: Obama Legacy ‘Is Going to Disappear Within a Year’

by Jeff Poor21 Dec 2016835


Wednesday on Fox News Channel, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich predicted once President-elect Donald Trump is sworn in as president, he will undo much of President Barack Obama’s legacy, which he attributed to Obama’s reliance on executive orders.

“What you’re watching is a man who realizes all of a sudden that like 90 percent of his legacy is going to disappear because he didn’t do the hard work of passing legislation, he didn’t reach out to the other side,” Gingrich said. “[Y]ou watch — starting the opening day when Trump starts to repeal all these executive orders, it’s going to be like one of those balloons that deflates. The Obama legacy is going to this, down to a core to 10 or 15 percent of what he originally did. The rest is all going to disappear within a year.”​

I would respectfully disagree. Donald Trump is Obama's legacy. He will be around for at least 4 years.

Because Obama had this habit of going around Congress, most of his legacy can be gone in no time.

Newt: Obama Legacy ‘Is Going to Disappear Within a Year’

by Jeff Poor21 Dec 2016835


Wednesday on Fox News Channel, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich predicted once President-elect Donald Trump is sworn in as president, he will undo much of President Barack Obama’s legacy, which he attributed to Obama’s reliance on executive orders.

“What you’re watching is a man who realizes all of a sudden that like 90 percent of his legacy is going to disappear because he didn’t do the hard work of passing legislation, he didn’t reach out to the other side,” Gingrich said. “[Y]ou watch — starting the opening day when Trump starts to repeal all these executive orders, it’s going to be like one of those balloons that deflates. The Obama legacy is going to this, down to a core to 10 or 15 percent of what he originally did. The rest is all going to disappear within a year.”​

Go look at the Spanish Civil War and see what happens when both sides are basically at war..... It's not going to end well.
As a liberal you sure hope so.

People like you hate it when good things happen. The only time you're happy is when someone you hate suffers. You think that is beneficial to society as a whole. Bring down one group while propping up another.

Because Obama had this habit of going around Congress, most of his legacy can be gone in no time.

Newt: Obama Legacy ‘Is Going to Disappear Within a Year’

by Jeff Poor21 Dec 2016835


Wednesday on Fox News Channel, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich predicted once President-elect Donald Trump is sworn in as president, he will undo much of President Barack Obama’s legacy, which he attributed to Obama’s reliance on executive orders.

“What you’re watching is a man who realizes all of a sudden that like 90 percent of his legacy is going to disappear because he didn’t do the hard work of passing legislation, he didn’t reach out to the other side,” Gingrich said. “[Y]ou watch — starting the opening day when Trump starts to repeal all these executive orders, it’s going to be like one of those balloons that deflates. The Obama legacy is going to this, down to a core to 10 or 15 percent of what he originally did. The rest is all going to disappear within a year.”​

I would respectfully disagree. Donald Trump is Obama's legacy. He will be around for at least 4 years.
Same thing happened in Australia. They didn't go the way of Sodom and Gomorrah when they learned to control immigration and neither will we.

Because Obama had this habit of going around Congress, most of his legacy can be gone in no time.

Newt: Obama Legacy ‘Is Going to Disappear Within a Year’

by Jeff Poor21 Dec 2016835


Wednesday on Fox News Channel, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich predicted once President-elect Donald Trump is sworn in as president, he will undo much of President Barack Obama’s legacy, which he attributed to Obama’s reliance on executive orders.

“What you’re watching is a man who realizes all of a sudden that like 90 percent of his legacy is going to disappear because he didn’t do the hard work of passing legislation, he didn’t reach out to the other side,” Gingrich said. “[Y]ou watch — starting the opening day when Trump starts to repeal all these executive orders, it’s going to be like one of those balloons that deflates. The Obama legacy is going to this, down to a core to 10 or 15 percent of what he originally did. The rest is all going to disappear within a year.”​

Go look at the Spanish Civil War and see what happens when both sides are basically at war..... It's not going to end well.
As a liberal you sure hope so.

People like you hate it when good things happen. The only time you're happy is when someone you hate suffers. You think that is beneficial to society as a whole. Bring down one group while propping up another.

Ah.... the old "you're in this box, therefore you think like this argument".

Because Obama had this habit of going around Congress, most of his legacy can be gone in no time.

Newt: Obama Legacy ‘Is Going to Disappear Within a Year’

by Jeff Poor21 Dec 2016835


Wednesday on Fox News Channel, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich predicted once President-elect Donald Trump is sworn in as president, he will undo much of President Barack Obama’s legacy, which he attributed to Obama’s reliance on executive orders.

“What you’re watching is a man who realizes all of a sudden that like 90 percent of his legacy is going to disappear because he didn’t do the hard work of passing legislation, he didn’t reach out to the other side,” Gingrich said. “[Y]ou watch — starting the opening day when Trump starts to repeal all these executive orders, it’s going to be like one of those balloons that deflates. The Obama legacy is going to this, down to a core to 10 or 15 percent of what he originally did. The rest is all going to disappear within a year.”​

Go look at the Spanish Civil War and see what happens when both sides are basically at war..... It's not going to end well.
As a liberal you sure hope so.

People like you hate it when good things happen. The only time you're happy is when someone you hate suffers. You think that is beneficial to society as a whole. Bring down one group while propping up another.

Ah.... the old "you're in this box, therefore you think like this argument".
Until you break with stereotypes and prove betcha.

Because Obama had this habit of going around Congress, most of his legacy can be gone in no time.

Newt: Obama Legacy ‘Is Going to Disappear Within a Year’

by Jeff Poor21 Dec 2016835


Wednesday on Fox News Channel, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich predicted once President-elect Donald Trump is sworn in as president, he will undo much of President Barack Obama’s legacy, which he attributed to Obama’s reliance on executive orders.

“What you’re watching is a man who realizes all of a sudden that like 90 percent of his legacy is going to disappear because he didn’t do the hard work of passing legislation, he didn’t reach out to the other side,” Gingrich said. “[Y]ou watch — starting the opening day when Trump starts to repeal all these executive orders, it’s going to be like one of those balloons that deflates. The Obama legacy is going to this, down to a core to 10 or 15 percent of what he originally did. The rest is all going to disappear within a year.”​

Go look at the Spanish Civil War and see what happens when both sides are basically at war..... It's not going to end well.
As a liberal you sure hope so.

People like you hate it when good things happen. The only time you're happy is when someone you hate suffers. You think that is beneficial to society as a whole. Bring down one group while propping up another.

Ah.... the old "you're in this box, therefore you think like this argument".
Until you break with stereotypes and prove betcha.

I'm sorry, but you're the one with the stereotypes "my argument is whatever I decide I know what you are, because I know you better than you know yourself".

Do you know how many fucking times I come across people like you on this board every day?

Because Obama had this habit of going around Congress, most of his legacy can be gone in no time.

Newt: Obama Legacy ‘Is Going to Disappear Within a Year’

by Jeff Poor21 Dec 2016835


Wednesday on Fox News Channel, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich predicted once President-elect Donald Trump is sworn in as president, he will undo much of President Barack Obama’s legacy, which he attributed to Obama’s reliance on executive orders.

“What you’re watching is a man who realizes all of a sudden that like 90 percent of his legacy is going to disappear because he didn’t do the hard work of passing legislation, he didn’t reach out to the other side,” Gingrich said. “[Y]ou watch — starting the opening day when Trump starts to repeal all these executive orders, it’s going to be like one of those balloons that deflates. The Obama legacy is going to this, down to a core to 10 or 15 percent of what he originally did. The rest is all going to disappear within a year.”​

Go look at the Spanish Civil War and see what happens when both sides are basically at war..... It's not going to end well.

When did doing the right thing for the people suddenly get turned into "getting our way at any cost"?

Like the Tories in the UK did, they scrapped Labour stuff, then realized their own things were shit, then brought back the Labour things to great fanfare like "yeah, we made this" and yet spend millions on fucking it up.

Read it, you might actually learn something.

Obama legacy disappears in one year?

1. Stopped a depression....Nope
2. Killed bin Laden....Nope
3. Passed Obamacare....Republicans do not have the 60 Senate votes to repeal
4. Saved the auto companies....Do Republicans plan to bankrupt GM and Chrysler
5. More than doubled the stock market.....Republicans will do their best to throw us into another recession
6. Added over $50 trillion to nations wealth.......See Republican recession
7. $20 trillion in debt.....Republicans have no plans that will reduce debt
8. 4.6% unemployment rate.....Republicans will blow that
Obama legacy disappears in one year?

1. Stopped a depression....Nope
2. Killed bin Laden....Nope
3. Passed Obamacare....Republicans do not have the 60 Senate votes to repeal
4. Saved the auto companies....Do Republicans plan to bankrupt GM and Chrysler
5. More than doubled the stock market.....Republicans will do their best to throw us into another recession
6. Added over $50 trillion to nations wealth.......See Republican recession
7. $20 trillion in debt.....Republicans have no plans that will reduce debt
8. 4.6% unemployment rate.....Republicans will blow that

Ahh...more fake news.
does it bother any of you trump bots that obama signed less executive orders than almost any president including Clinton and both Bushes?


Then you guys have nothing to worry about in terms of anything meaningful being reversed.
Then you guys have nothing to be happy about in terms of anything meaningful being reversed

Ok, you roll with that. Lol.
Can you even name a single executive order you dont like? (without googling)

Sure, his actions protecting illegal immigrants.
Who remembers those photos of the inauguration in 2009? I was unreal. But dang.......what a difference 8 years makes. You now realize that was a one-off event.......never gonna see it again ever. A relic of a former era. My how the worm has turned s0ns, huh??!!!:deal:

>>requesting a bumpy cucumber pic in here for somebody who can find one<<

Because Obama had this habit of going around Congress, most of his legacy can be gone in no time.

Newt: Obama Legacy ‘Is Going to Disappear Within a Year’

by Jeff Poor21 Dec 2016835


Wednesday on Fox News Channel, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich predicted once President-elect Donald Trump is sworn in as president, he will undo much of President Barack Obama’s legacy, which he attributed to Obama’s reliance on executive orders.

“What you’re watching is a man who realizes all of a sudden that like 90 percent of his legacy is going to disappear because he didn’t do the hard work of passing legislation, he didn’t reach out to the other side,” Gingrich said. “[Y]ou watch — starting the opening day when Trump starts to repeal all these executive orders, it’s going to be like one of those balloons that deflates. The Obama legacy is going to this, down to a core to 10 or 15 percent of what he originally did. The rest is all going to disappear within a year.”​

Really? Gays are going to be kicked out of the military?

Because Obama had this habit of going around Congress, most of his legacy can be gone in no time.

Newt: Obama Legacy ‘Is Going to Disappear Within a Year’

by Jeff Poor21 Dec 2016835


Wednesday on Fox News Channel, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich predicted once President-elect Donald Trump is sworn in as president, he will undo much of President Barack Obama’s legacy, which he attributed to Obama’s reliance on executive orders.

“What you’re watching is a man who realizes all of a sudden that like 90 percent of his legacy is going to disappear because he didn’t do the hard work of passing legislation, he didn’t reach out to the other side,” Gingrich said. “[Y]ou watch — starting the opening day when Trump starts to repeal all these executive orders, it’s going to be like one of those balloons that deflates. The Obama legacy is going to this, down to a core to 10 or 15 percent of what he originally did. The rest is all going to disappear within a year.”​

Really? Gays are going to be kicked out of the military?

Is Trump going to rescind same sex marriages and go back to kicking "fags" out of the military?
Just remember the lame duck is on his way out... over the next several years his socialism will be dismantled and discarded.:dance:
His legacy will be the damage he did to the American people by exacerbating racial and net worth division, behaving like royalty, blaming the USA for everything wrong in the world, remarkably poor work ethic and an utter lack of genuine concern for our country and people as shown by such gems as Fast and Furious and abetting illegal criminals like the one who killed Kate Steinle. His legacy will be many dead or driven from their homes all over the world thanks to his bungled handling of foreign affairs. Islamo wackos ought to send him a Thank You card.
But his influence in Washington will be almost completely erased.
Yes. Silver linings are nice.

Because Obama had this habit of going around Congress, most of his legacy can be gone in no time.

Newt: Obama Legacy ‘Is Going to Disappear Within a Year’

by Jeff Poor21 Dec 2016835


Wednesday on Fox News Channel, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich predicted once President-elect Donald Trump is sworn in as president, he will undo much of President Barack Obama’s legacy, which he attributed to Obama’s reliance on executive orders.

“What you’re watching is a man who realizes all of a sudden that like 90 percent of his legacy is going to disappear because he didn’t do the hard work of passing legislation, he didn’t reach out to the other side,” Gingrich said. “[Y]ou watch — starting the opening day when Trump starts to repeal all these executive orders, it’s going to be like one of those balloons that deflates. The Obama legacy is going to this, down to a core to 10 or 15 percent of what he originally did. The rest is all going to disappear within a year.”​

I would respectfully disagree. Donald Trump is Obama's legacy. He will be around for at least 4 years.
8 even....:lol:

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