Newt: Obama Legacy ‘Is Going to Disappear Within a Year’


Because Obama had this habit of going around Congress, most of his legacy can be gone in no time.

Newt: Obama Legacy ‘Is Going to Disappear Within a Year’

by Jeff Poor21 Dec 2016835


Wednesday on Fox News Channel, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich predicted once President-elect Donald Trump is sworn in as president, he will undo much of President Barack Obama’s legacy, which he attributed to Obama’s reliance on executive orders.

“What you’re watching is a man who realizes all of a sudden that like 90 percent of his legacy is going to disappear because he didn’t do the hard work of passing legislation, he didn’t reach out to the other side,” Gingrich said. “[Y]ou watch — starting the opening day when Trump starts to repeal all these executive orders, it’s going to be like one of those balloons that deflates. The Obama legacy is going to this, down to a core to 10 or 15 percent of what he originally did. The rest is all going to disappear within a year.”​

Go look at the Spanish Civil War and see what happens when both sides are basically at war..... It's not going to end well.
As a liberal you sure hope so.

People like you hate it when good things happen. The only time you're happy is when someone you hate suffers. You think that is beneficial to society as a whole. Bring down one group while propping up another.

Ah.... the old "you're in this box, therefore you think like this argument".
Until you break with stereotypes and prove betcha.

I'm sorry, but you're the one with the stereotypes "my argument is whatever I decide I know what you are, because I know you better than you know yourself".

Do you know how many fucking times I come across people like you on this board every day?
Actually, right now you're doing exactly what you claim I'm doing.

You can't help yourself....thou HYPOCRITE!!!!
Obama legacy disappears in one year?

1. Stopped a depression....Nope
2. Killed bin Laden....Nope
3. Passed Obamacare....Republicans do not have the 60 Senate votes to repeal
4. Saved the auto companies....Do Republicans plan to bankrupt GM and Chrysler
5. More than doubled the stock market.....Republicans will do their best to throw us into another recession
6. Added over $50 trillion to nations wealth.......See Republican recession
7. $20 trillion in debt.....Republicans have no plans that will reduce debt
8. 4.6% unemployment rate.....Republicans will blow that
Liberal propaganda based totally on Fake News generated to help Obama look like he isn't the racist fuckup he really is......

Because Obama had this habit of going around Congress, most of his legacy can be gone in no time.

Newt: Obama Legacy ‘Is Going to Disappear Within a Year’

by Jeff Poor21 Dec 2016835


Wednesday on Fox News Channel, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich predicted once President-elect Donald Trump is sworn in as president, he will undo much of President Barack Obama’s legacy, which he attributed to Obama’s reliance on executive orders.

“What you’re watching is a man who realizes all of a sudden that like 90 percent of his legacy is going to disappear because he didn’t do the hard work of passing legislation, he didn’t reach out to the other side,” Gingrich said. “[Y]ou watch — starting the opening day when Trump starts to repeal all these executive orders, it’s going to be like one of those balloons that deflates. The Obama legacy is going to this, down to a core to 10 or 15 percent of what he originally did. The rest is all going to disappear within a year.”​
Sorry can't bring back OBL, tho I know you'd like to.
Obama quoted Trump saying that Obama will go down in history as one of the worst presidents. Then, he said that at least he - Obama - will be remembered as "PRESIDENT" implying that Trump would never be.

Nothing in life is sweeter than the humiliation of useless waste of oxygen.
President Obama hits it out of the park again with that one.

Because Obama had this habit of going around Congress, most of his legacy can be gone in no time.

Newt: Obama Legacy ‘Is Going to Disappear Within a Year’

by Jeff Poor21 Dec 2016835


Wednesday on Fox News Channel, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich predicted once President-elect Donald Trump is sworn in as president, he will undo much of President Barack Obama’s legacy, which he attributed to Obama’s reliance on executive orders.

“What you’re watching is a man who realizes all of a sudden that like 90 percent of his legacy is going to disappear because he didn’t do the hard work of passing legislation, he didn’t reach out to the other side,” Gingrich said. “[Y]ou watch — starting the opening day when Trump starts to repeal all these executive orders, it’s going to be like one of those balloons that deflates. The Obama legacy is going to this, down to a core to 10 or 15 percent of what he originally did. The rest is all going to disappear within a year.”​

Really? Gays are going to be kicked out of the military?

You're safe for now......

Because Obama had this habit of going around Congress, most of his legacy can be gone in no time.

Newt: Obama Legacy ‘Is Going to Disappear Within a Year’

by Jeff Poor21 Dec 2016835


Wednesday on Fox News Channel, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich predicted once President-elect Donald Trump is sworn in as president, he will undo much of President Barack Obama’s legacy, which he attributed to Obama’s reliance on executive orders.

“What you’re watching is a man who realizes all of a sudden that like 90 percent of his legacy is going to disappear because he didn’t do the hard work of passing legislation, he didn’t reach out to the other side,” Gingrich said. “[Y]ou watch — starting the opening day when Trump starts to repeal all these executive orders, it’s going to be like one of those balloons that deflates. The Obama legacy is going to this, down to a core to 10 or 15 percent of what he originally did. The rest is all going to disappear within a year.”​
Sorry can't bring back OBL, tho I know you'd like to.
Please provide a photo of his body.....or get stuffed.
does it bother any of you trump bots that obama signed less executive orders than almost any president including Clinton and both Bushes?


It's the content of the order,not the number.
yeah thats gotta be it right?

So in your mind the guy with 20 parking tickets is a bigger criminal than a guy with one murder conviction?
"Murder conviction"........:lol: were those "convictions", eh?
Obama legacy disappears in one year?

1. Stopped a depression....Nope
2. Killed bin Laden....Nope
3. Passed Obamacare....Republicans do not have the 60 Senate votes to repeal
4. Saved the auto companies....Do Republicans plan to bankrupt GM and Chrysler
5. More than doubled the stock market.....Republicans will do their best to throw us into another recession
6. Added over $50 trillion to nations wealth.......See Republican recession
7. $20 trillion in debt.....Republicans have no plans that will reduce debt
8. 4.6% unemployment rate.....Republicans will blow that
Liberal propaganda based totally on Fake News generated to help Obama look like he isn't the racist fuckup he really is......

Name something that is fake

Because Obama had this habit of going around Congress, most of his legacy can be gone in no time.

Newt: Obama Legacy ‘Is Going to Disappear Within a Year’

by Jeff Poor21 Dec 2016835


Wednesday on Fox News Channel, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich predicted once President-elect Donald Trump is sworn in as president, he will undo much of President Barack Obama’s legacy, which he attributed to Obama’s reliance on executive orders.

“What you’re watching is a man who realizes all of a sudden that like 90 percent of his legacy is going to disappear because he didn’t do the hard work of passing legislation, he didn’t reach out to the other side,” Gingrich said. “[Y]ou watch — starting the opening day when Trump starts to repeal all these executive orders, it’s going to be like one of those balloons that deflates. The Obama legacy is going to this, down to a core to 10 or 15 percent of what he originally did. The rest is all going to disappear within a year.”​
Sorry can't bring back OBL, tho I know you'd like to.
Please provide a photo of his body.....or get stuffed.

OBL sleeps with the fishes...Thanks to Obama

Because Obama had this habit of going around Congress, most of his legacy can be gone in no time.

Newt: Obama Legacy ‘Is Going to Disappear Within a Year’

by Jeff Poor21 Dec 2016835


Wednesday on Fox News Channel, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich predicted once President-elect Donald Trump is sworn in as president, he will undo much of President Barack Obama’s legacy, which he attributed to Obama’s reliance on executive orders.

“What you’re watching is a man who realizes all of a sudden that like 90 percent of his legacy is going to disappear because he didn’t do the hard work of passing legislation, he didn’t reach out to the other side,” Gingrich said. “[Y]ou watch — starting the opening day when Trump starts to repeal all these executive orders, it’s going to be like one of those balloons that deflates. The Obama legacy is going to this, down to a core to 10 or 15 percent of what he originally did. The rest is all going to disappear within a year.”​
Sorry can't bring back OBL, tho I know you'd like to.
Yes.....Obama's single foreign policy success.....

Meanwhile, Europe is being flooded with refugees from another of his failures.
Obama legacy disappears in one year?

1. Stopped a depression....Nope
2. Killed bin Laden....Nope
3. Passed Obamacare....Republicans do not have the 60 Senate votes to repeal
4. Saved the auto companies....Do Republicans plan to bankrupt GM and Chrysler
5. More than doubled the stock market.....Republicans will do their best to throw us into another recession
6. Added over $50 trillion to nations wealth.......See Republican recession
7. $20 trillion in debt.....Republicans have no plans that will reduce debt
8. 4.6% unemployment rate.....Republicans will blow that
Liberal propaganda based totally on Fake News generated to help Obama look like he isn't the racist fuckup he really is......

Name something that is fake
Stopped a Depression for starters.

Because Obama had this habit of going around Congress, most of his legacy can be gone in no time.

Newt: Obama Legacy ‘Is Going to Disappear Within a Year’

by Jeff Poor21 Dec 2016835


Wednesday on Fox News Channel, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich predicted once President-elect Donald Trump is sworn in as president, he will undo much of President Barack Obama’s legacy, which he attributed to Obama’s reliance on executive orders.

“What you’re watching is a man who realizes all of a sudden that like 90 percent of his legacy is going to disappear because he didn’t do the hard work of passing legislation, he didn’t reach out to the other side,” Gingrich said. “[Y]ou watch — starting the opening day when Trump starts to repeal all these executive orders, it’s going to be like one of those balloons that deflates. The Obama legacy is going to this, down to a core to 10 or 15 percent of what he originally did. The rest is all going to disappear within a year.”​

Really? Gays are going to be kicked out of the military?

Is Trump going to rescind same sex marriages and go back to kicking "fags" out of the military?
Neither of which were executive orders. You might see the military not so accommodating to gays as they were.

Because Obama had this habit of going around Congress, most of his legacy can be gone in no time.

Newt: Obama Legacy ‘Is Going to Disappear Within a Year’

by Jeff Poor21 Dec 2016835


Wednesday on Fox News Channel, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich predicted once President-elect Donald Trump is sworn in as president, he will undo much of President Barack Obama’s legacy, which he attributed to Obama’s reliance on executive orders.

“What you’re watching is a man who realizes all of a sudden that like 90 percent of his legacy is going to disappear because he didn’t do the hard work of passing legislation, he didn’t reach out to the other side,” Gingrich said. “[Y]ou watch — starting the opening day when Trump starts to repeal all these executive orders, it’s going to be like one of those balloons that deflates. The Obama legacy is going to this, down to a core to 10 or 15 percent of what he originally did. The rest is all going to disappear within a year.”​
Sorry can't bring back OBL, tho I know you'd like to.
Please provide a photo of his body.....or get stuffed.

OBL sleeps with the fishes...Thanks to Obama
Where's your proof of this????

Because Obama had this habit of going around Congress, most of his legacy can be gone in no time.

Newt: Obama Legacy ‘Is Going to Disappear Within a Year’

by Jeff Poor21 Dec 2016835


Wednesday on Fox News Channel, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich predicted once President-elect Donald Trump is sworn in as president, he will undo much of President Barack Obama’s legacy, which he attributed to Obama’s reliance on executive orders.

“What you’re watching is a man who realizes all of a sudden that like 90 percent of his legacy is going to disappear because he didn’t do the hard work of passing legislation, he didn’t reach out to the other side,” Gingrich said. “[Y]ou watch — starting the opening day when Trump starts to repeal all these executive orders, it’s going to be like one of those balloons that deflates. The Obama legacy is going to this, down to a core to 10 or 15 percent of what he originally did. The rest is all going to disappear within a year.”​
Sorry can't bring back OBL, tho I know you'd like to.
Please provide a photo of his body.....or get stuffed.
I know you mourn OBL and are in the denial stage of mourning........
Obama quoted Trump saying that Obama will go down in history as one of the worst presidents. Then, he said that at least he - Obama - will be remembered as "PRESIDENT" implying that Trump would never be.

Nothing in life is sweeter than the humiliation of useless waste of oxygen.

Thank you for the proper use of the quotation marks.

"PRESIDENT" He never was.

Presidents (sans quotation marks) have to be legally qualified to hold office.
His legacy is division and hate.
I say we all take a moment to reflect on the last 8 years and honestly come up with at least one executive order that he signed that we personally for whatever reason agree with.
with as many as he did sign, there is no way that every single one of them were bad. I spend a good deal of time trying to find the good in bad situations, most of the time there is something good to be said about even the most offensive things, its just a matter of looking at things honestly without having your mind made up before you start.
Yeah. Let's do that.
Hitler murdered 6 million Jews but he built the Autoban. So he did something good after all.
Because this is just like killing 6 million you.
Obama quoted Trump saying that Obama will go down in history as one of the worst presidents. Then, he said that at least he - Obama - will be remembered as "PRESIDENT" implying that Trump would never be.

Nothing in life is sweeter than the humiliation of useless waste of oxygen.

Thank you for the proper use of the quotation marks.

"PRESIDENT" He never was.

Presidents (sans quotation marks) have to be legally qualified to hold office.
Wrong color, eh?
Obama legacy disappears in one year?

1. Stopped a depression....Nope
2. Killed bin Laden....Nope
3. Passed Obamacare....Republicans do not have the 60 Senate votes to repeal
4. Saved the auto companies....Do Republicans plan to bankrupt GM and Chrysler
5. More than doubled the stock market.....Republicans will do their best to throw us into another recession
6. Added over $50 trillion to nations wealth.......See Republican recession
7. $20 trillion in debt.....Republicans have no plans that will reduce debt
8. 4.6% unemployment rate.....Republicans will blow that
Liberal propaganda based totally on Fake News generated to help Obama look like he isn't the racist fuckup he really is......

Name something that is fake
Stopped a Depression for starters.

Good place to start....One of our Presidents greatest accomplishments

What economic indicators from the Great Bush Recession of 2008 made us look like we were headed for a depression?
Losing 770,000jobs a month, Stock Market losing half its value, major banks failing one after another, our auto companies bordering collapse, 5 quarters of negative GDP

Those indicators are not necessarily depression, but the downward spiral was headed there

So what if Obama listened to Republicans?
Let the banks fail, let the auto companies fail, don't put any government money into the economy, don't assume more debt

We would have ended up in a full scale Depression and Obama would have been a one term President

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