Newt: Obama Legacy ‘Is Going to Disappear Within a Year’


Because Obama had this habit of going around Congress, most of his legacy can be gone in no time.

Newt: Obama Legacy ‘Is Going to Disappear Within a Year’

by Jeff Poor21 Dec 2016835


Wednesday on Fox News Channel, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich predicted once President-elect Donald Trump is sworn in as president, he will undo much of President Barack Obama’s legacy, which he attributed to Obama’s reliance on executive orders.

“What you’re watching is a man who realizes all of a sudden that like 90 percent of his legacy is going to disappear because he didn’t do the hard work of passing legislation, he didn’t reach out to the other side,” Gingrich said. “[Y]ou watch — starting the opening day when Trump starts to repeal all these executive orders, it’s going to be like one of those balloons that deflates. The Obama legacy is going to this, down to a core to 10 or 15 percent of what he originally did. The rest is all going to disappear within a year.”​
Sorry can't bring back OBL, tho I know you'd like to.
Please provide a photo of his body.....or get stuffed.

OBL sleeps with the fishes...Thanks to Obama
Where's your proof of this????

Navy SEALS told me so
Maybe someday soon these people will realize that cramming your agenda down our throats isn't the best idea..
Yeah but ..... apparently that shit is a lot of fun if it's your lemming slice of choice that's doing the cramming.Think of it as the new national past time without the hot dogs and funny hats.
Yup, we just can't help ourselves.
Uh-Huh Mac, never fear though, this time it will be different...... :rolleyes:

"The definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" -- Albert Einstein
Well, we certainly have seen that this election cycle.

Because Obama had this habit of going around Congress, most of his legacy can be gone in no time.

Newt: Obama Legacy ‘Is Going to Disappear Within a Year’

by Jeff Poor21 Dec 2016835


Wednesday on Fox News Channel, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich predicted once President-elect Donald Trump is sworn in as president, he will undo much of President Barack Obama’s legacy, which he attributed to Obama’s reliance on executive orders.

“What you’re watching is a man who realizes all of a sudden that like 90 percent of his legacy is going to disappear because he didn’t do the hard work of passing legislation, he didn’t reach out to the other side,” Gingrich said. “[Y]ou watch — starting the opening day when Trump starts to repeal all these executive orders, it’s going to be like one of those balloons that deflates. The Obama legacy is going to this, down to a core to 10 or 15 percent of what he originally did. The rest is all going to disappear within a year.”​
Sorry can't bring back OBL, tho I know you'd like to.
Please provide a photo of his body.....or get stuffed.

OBL sleeps with the fishes...Thanks to Obama
Where's your proof of this????

Navy SEALS told me so
Sure they did....

Because Obama had this habit of going around Congress, most of his legacy can be gone in no time.

Newt: Obama Legacy ‘Is Going to Disappear Within a Year’

by Jeff Poor21 Dec 2016835


Wednesday on Fox News Channel, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich predicted once President-elect Donald Trump is sworn in as president, he will undo much of President Barack Obama’s legacy, which he attributed to Obama’s reliance on executive orders.

“What you’re watching is a man who realizes all of a sudden that like 90 percent of his legacy is going to disappear because he didn’t do the hard work of passing legislation, he didn’t reach out to the other side,” Gingrich said. “[Y]ou watch — starting the opening day when Trump starts to repeal all these executive orders, it’s going to be like one of those balloons that deflates. The Obama legacy is going to this, down to a core to 10 or 15 percent of what he originally did. The rest is all going to disappear within a year.”​

Go look at the Spanish Civil War and see what happens when both sides are basically at war..... It's not going to end well.
As a liberal you sure hope so.

People like you hate it when good things happen. The only time you're happy is when someone you hate suffers. You think that is beneficial to society as a whole. Bring down one group while propping up another.

Ah.... the old "you're in this box, therefore you think like this argument".
Until you break with stereotypes and prove betcha.
Poor Simpleton. In depth thinking is just too hard for you, isn't it?
Sorry can't bring back OBL, tho I know you'd like to.
Please provide a photo of his body.....or get stuffed.

OBL sleeps with the fishes...Thanks to Obama
Where's your proof of this????

Navy SEALS told me so
Sure they did....

Ummm...actually, they did

Want to tell me now about how Hitler is living in Argentina and Elvis has entered the building?
Obama legacy disappears in one year?

1. Stopped a depression....Nope
2. Killed bin Laden....Nope
3. Passed Obamacare....Republicans do not have the 60 Senate votes to repeal
4. Saved the auto companies....Do Republicans plan to bankrupt GM and Chrysler
5. More than doubled the stock market.....Republicans will do their best to throw us into another recession
6. Added over $50 trillion to nations wealth.......See Republican recession
7. $20 trillion in debt.....Republicans have no plans that will reduce debt
8. 4.6% unemployment rate.....Republicans will blow that
Well, #1 might be reversed soon. The Drumpfsters would like that, I'm sure.
Maybe someday soon these people will realize that cramming your agenda down our throats isn't the best idea..
Yeah but ..... apparently that shit is a lot of fun if it's your lemming slice of choice that's doing the cramming.Think of it as the new national past time without the hot dogs and funny hats.
Yup, we just can't help ourselves.
Uh-Huh Mac, never fear though, this time it will be different...... :rolleyes:

"The definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" -- Albert Einstein
Well, we certainly have seen that this election cycle.
Maybe someday soon these people will realize that cramming your agenda down our throats isn't the best idea..
Yeah but ..... apparently that shit is a lot of fun if it's your lemming slice of choice that's doing the cramming.Think of it as the new national past time without the hot dogs and funny hats.
Yup, we just can't help ourselves.
Uh-Huh Mac, never fear though, this time it will be different...... :rolleyes:

"The definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" -- Albert Einstein
Well, we certainly have seen that this election cycle.
On the guys pushed a shit candidate down our throats and we didnt buy it, your circular argument not withstanding.
Sorry can't bring back OBL, tho I know you'd like to.
Please provide a photo of his body.....or get stuffed.

OBL sleeps with the fishes...Thanks to Obama
Where's your proof of this????

Navy SEALS told me so
Sure they did....
Poor Simpleton....the Navy SEALS are in on this conspiracy too, right? They fit in your "liberal box".
Please provide a photo of his body.....or get stuffed.

OBL sleeps with the fishes...Thanks to Obama
Where's your proof of this????

Navy SEALS told me so
Sure they did....

Ummm...actually, they did

Want to tell me now about how Hitler is living in Argentina and Elvis has entered the building?
I think you're lying.

Did a group of SEALs break national security protocols and inform you of being personal witnesses to his death, or are you simply repeating reports from the propaganda arm of the Obama Administration, better known as the mainstream media? The only person that could possibly know for sure he was dead was the person who checked OBLs vitals or matched his DNA.
Please provide a photo of his body.....or get stuffed.

OBL sleeps with the fishes...Thanks to Obama
Where's your proof of this????

Navy SEALS told me so
Sure they did....
Poor Simpleton....the Navy SEALS are in on this conspiracy too, right? They fit in your "liberal box".
We called it "Phyops" when I was an operator. Misinformation. We did it all the time. It was one of our missions.
OBL sleeps with the fishes...Thanks to Obama
Where's your proof of this????

Navy SEALS told me so
Sure they did....

Ummm...actually, they did

Want to tell me now about how Hitler is living in Argentina and Elvis has entered the building?
I think you're lying.

Did a group of SEALs break national security protocols and inform you of being personal witnesses to his death, or are you simply repeating reports from the propaganda arm of the Obama Administration, better known as the mainstream media? The only person that could possibly know for sure he was dead was the person who checked OBLs vitals or matched his DNA.

Saw the Navy SEAL who pulled the trigger on 60 Minutes.
You calling him a liar?
does it bother any of you trump bots that obama signed less executive orders than almost any president including Clinton and both Bushes?


It's the content of the order,not the number.
yeah thats gotta be it right?

So in your mind the guy with 20 parking tickets is a bigger criminal than a guy with one murder conviction?
Right. He did it less often than his predecessors, but what he did was pretty damned bad in comparison.
such as?.... being black while doing it?

Why so racist?
does it bother any of you trump bots that obama signed less executive orders than almost any president including Clinton and both Bushes?


It's the content of the order,not the number.
yeah thats gotta be it right?

So in your mind the guy with 20 parking tickets is a bigger criminal than a guy with one murder conviction?
"Murder conviction"........:lol: were those "convictions", eh?

Are you trying to make a point?

Because Obama had this habit of going around Congress, most of his legacy can be gone in no time.

Newt: Obama Legacy ‘Is Going to Disappear Within a Year’

by Jeff Poor21 Dec 2016835


Wednesday on Fox News Channel, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich predicted once President-elect Donald Trump is sworn in as president, he will undo much of President Barack Obama’s legacy, which he attributed to Obama’s reliance on executive orders.

“What you’re watching is a man who realizes all of a sudden that like 90 percent of his legacy is going to disappear because he didn’t do the hard work of passing legislation, he didn’t reach out to the other side,” Gingrich said. “[Y]ou watch — starting the opening day when Trump starts to repeal all these executive orders, it’s going to be like one of those balloons that deflates. The Obama legacy is going to this, down to a core to 10 or 15 percent of what he originally did. The rest is all going to disappear within a year.”​

The far left will fight hard to try and support the legacy that destroyed their party!
does it bother any of you trump bots that obama signed less executive orders than almost any president including Clinton and both Bushes?


The far left debunked religious narrative being run!

It is not the number it is the content and the fact that Obama has tried to legislate from the Oval Office..
There is one aspect of the Obama Legacy which will endure: In the living memory of those of us who endured The Worse Recovery Ever, it will serve as a red flashing light of what happens when Progs have free reign to inflict that Authoritarian Agenda on the rest of us.
does it bother any of you trump bots that obama signed less executive orders than almost any president including Clinton and both Bushes?

This stupid shit again? How many times do we have to teach liberals the same thing?

Forever. It's a Sisyphean Task, but it must be done in order to teach non-Liberals.
There is one aspect of the Obama Legacy which will endure: In the living memory of those of us who endured The Worse Recovery Ever, it will serve as a red flashing light of what happens when Progs have free reign to inflict that Authoritarian Agenda on the rest of us.

The worst recovery ever? In case you haven't noticed, this recovery isn't over. It won't be over until we get the Trump Recession.

Because Obama had this habit of going around Congress, most of his legacy can be gone in no time.

Newt: Obama Legacy ‘Is Going to Disappear Within a Year’

by Jeff Poor21 Dec 2016835


Wednesday on Fox News Channel, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich predicted once President-elect Donald Trump is sworn in as president, he will undo much of President Barack Obama’s legacy, which he attributed to Obama’s reliance on executive orders.

“What you’re watching is a man who realizes all of a sudden that like 90 percent of his legacy is going to disappear because he didn’t do the hard work of passing legislation, he didn’t reach out to the other side,” Gingrich said. “[Y]ou watch — starting the opening day when Trump starts to repeal all these executive orders, it’s going to be like one of those balloons that deflates. The Obama legacy is going to this, down to a core to 10 or 15 percent of what he originally did. The rest is all going to disappear within a year.”​

Really? Gays are going to be kicked out of the military?

You're safe for now......

Homophobe. Is homophobia big in your country?
There is one aspect of the Obama Legacy which will endure: In the living memory of those of us who endured The Worse Recovery Ever, it will serve as a red flashing light of what happens when Progs have free reign to inflict that Authoritarian Agenda on the rest of us.

The worst recovery ever? In case you haven't noticed, this recovery isn't over. It won't be over until we get the Trump Recession.

We had the worst recovery in modern times. I've presented several times the difference between job creation and labor force participation for Reagan vs. Obama. Obama's Reign of Economic Illiteracy has been an EPIC FAIL, as recognized by people who don't live in major metros sucking off the DC teat.

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