Newt on his Royal Virginia Ballot screw up: It's Like Pearl Harbor !


Life is Good
Jul 27, 2009
Just when you thought Fig Newton couldn't get any more megalomaniacal -- he does it again. Yup.
The "smartest man in the room" can't get his shit together enough to gather the needed signatures to get on the Va primary ballot - thinks it was like one of the most horrific tragedies in American history, where thousands of American soldiers were killed and led to World War.

Newt: Virginia Ballot Disaster Is Like Our Pearl Harbor

Newt Gingrich’s campaign director likened the candidate’s failure to meet ballot requirements in VIrginia to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in an effort to rally dispirited supporters.

Signatures That Will Leave in Infamy!

Stung by his failure to get on the ballot in Virginia, Newt (through his campaign manager) has taken to Facebook likening his set back to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor ...

How many more peeks inside the twisted mind of Newt do you need to see just how unbalanced this reptilian creature is?
Just when you thought Fig Newton couldn't get any more megalomaniacal -- he does it again. Yup.
The "smartest man in the room" can't get his shit together enough to gather the needed signatures to get on the Va primary ballot - thinks it was like one of the most horrific tragedies in American history, where thousands of American soldiers were killed and led to World War.

Newt: Virginia Ballot Disaster Is Like Our Pearl Harbor

Newt Gingrich’s campaign director likened the candidate’s failure to meet ballot requirements in VIrginia to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in an effort to rally dispirited supporters.

Signatures That Will Leave in Infamy!

Stung by his failure to get on the ballot in Virginia, Newt (through his campaign manager) has taken to Facebook likening his set back to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor ...

How many more peeks inside the twisted mind of Newt do you need to see just how unbalanced this reptilian creature is?

It is like Pearl Harbor when you're getting attacked from all sides--especially when this happens in the state of Virginia--that the GOP state committee just proclaimed that the only candidate that will be seen on their ballot is Romney and possibly Ron Paul if they don't disqualify him too---:badgrin::badgrin:

Republican presidential candidates Michele Bachmann, Jon Huntsman and Rick Santorum failed to qualify for the Virginia ballot, according to state GOP officials.

Four candidates — former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, former House speaker Newt Gingrich, Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Rep. Ron Paul (Texas) — turned in thousands of signatures by the deadline.

Candidates had until 5 p.m. to collect 10,000 signatures from across the state, including 400 from each congressional district.

Virginia, an increasingly important swing state, will hold its primary on Super Tuesday, March

The signatures still must be certified by Republican Party of Virginia. Garren Shipley, a party spokesman, said he expects that to be completed by Friday.

Bachmann, Huntsman, Santorum not on Va. primary ballot | Richmond Times-Dispatch
You're actually going along with the Pearl Harbor analogy?

Wow. How sick.
Newt followed up with...

And you can by my book


at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and many other fine book stores for only 19.995
Newt followed up with...

And you can by my book


at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and many other fine book stores for only 19.995

This bunch of clowns is the gift that just keeps on giving.

When Newt loses, he'll compare it to 9/11. And then there's ...

Mitt Romney 2012: Presidential Candidate Maintains Puzzling Record Of Changing Positions

Rick Perry's Taxpayer-Funded Security Costs Rise — 2012 Presidential Election | The Texas Tribune

And plenty more where those came from. Every day brings another story of stupidity, corruption and inadequacy from the Repub Clown Car of Candidates.

And, if that's not enough, look at the total and complete chaos from the elected Repubs and the pathetic bags. Poor Boehner - we knew he's incompetent but last week really showed him for the puppet he is.

The whole damn party is run by Lush Rimbaugh. That's reason enough to throw the pubs out of office. We don't need a fat drug addict running a political party but that's what Boehner is giving us. Even died in the wool pubs won't put up with that.
Newt followed up with...

And you can by my book


at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and many other fine book stores for only 19.995

This bunch of clowns is the gift that just keeps on giving.

When Newt loses, he'll compare it to 9/11. And then there's ...

Mitt Romney 2012: Presidential Candidate Maintains Puzzling Record Of Changing Positions

Rick Perry's Taxpayer-Funded Security Costs Rise — 2012 Presidential Election | The Texas Tribune

And plenty more where those came from. Every day brings another story of stupidity, corruption and inadequacy from the Repub Clown Car of Candidates.

And, if that's not enough, look at the total and complete chaos from the elected Repubs and the pathetic bags. Poor Boehner - we knew he's incompetent but last week really showed him for the puppet he is.

The whole damn party is run by Lush Rimbaugh. That's reason enough to throw the pubs out of office. We don't need a fat drug addict running a political party but that's what Boehner is giving us. Even died in the wool pubs won't put up with that.
You're actually going along with the Pearl Harbor analogy?

Wow. How sick.

You're dam right I am. How is it that 6 candidates out of 8--including Perry--get booted out of the Virginia primary--if it's not GOP establishment PEARL HARBOR?
Last edited:
If you're going to MOCK someone you should at least get the damn tittle right.

Peal Harbor...

and calling others CLOWNS.:lol:
If you're going to MOCK someone you should at least get the damn tittle right.

Peal Harbor...

and calling others CLOWNS.:lol:
It's good to know the spelling Nazi is here to remind us only stupid people make typos.
Newt is so funny. I'd have thought that someone so used to dishonesty in his personal and professional lives could have faked the signatures well before the deadline.
Newt is so funny. I'd have thought that someone so used to dishonesty in his personal and professional lives could have faked the signatures well before the deadline.
lol. Good point. Once a cheater, always a cheater.
Stung by his failure to get on the ballot in Virginia, Newt (through his campaign manager) has taken to Facebook likening his set back to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor ...

How many more peeks inside the twisted mind of Newt do you need to see just how unbalanced this reptilian creature is?

“Newt and I agreed that the analogy is December 1941....and he stated that this is not catastrophic."

This is the kind of stuff that proves that he's an idiot.
Just when you thought Fig Newton couldn't get any more megalomaniacal -- he does it again. Yup.
The "smartest man in the room" can't get his shit together enough to gather the needed signatures to get on the Va primary ballot - thinks it was like one of the most horrific tragedies in American history, where thousands of American soldiers were killed and led to World War.

Newt: Virginia Ballot Disaster Is Like Our Pearl Harbor

Newt Gingrich’s campaign director likened the candidate’s failure to meet ballot requirements in VIrginia to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in an effort to rally dispirited supporters.

Signatures That Will Leave in Infamy!

Stung by his failure to get on the ballot in Virginia, Newt (through his campaign manager) has taken to Facebook likening his set back to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor ...

How many more peeks inside the twisted mind of Newt do you need to see just how unbalanced this reptilian creature is?

All those potential votes go somewhere, and being a Ron Paul supporter I'm happy..
You're dam right I am. How is it that 6 candidates out of 8--including Perry--get booted out of the Virginia primary--if it's not GOP establishment PEARL HARBOR?

Here's an idea --and I know you'll think I'm crazy-- but it just might be that 6 candidates failed on their own. Perhaps there was nobody attacking them. It might be a good idea to identify something called evidence. In other words, look for facts that provide information from which reasonable conclusions can be deduced and inferred. The evidence indicates that the state law has been there for a long time. The evidence shows no sign of an conspiracy. The evidence indicates that the 6 candidates failed to satisfy the requirements of the law.

Now it's time to introduce another idea, and I know you'll think I'm crazy for it too. It's called personal responsibility. This means that it was each candidates' job to collect enough of their own signatures. This means that if they fail to do that, they suffer the consequences and they take the blame for it themselves. It means that they abandon the silly notion that they are entitled to be on the ballot just because they want it, and they have to actually work to make it happen. And if their efforts are insufficient, then it is their own fault.

Now, I know these concepts are all very unusual to you. But they are in fact very important and necessary concepts. And once we apply them, we realize that this isn't Pearl Harbor. This is 6 candidates who failed to accomplish a routine chore in the campaigning process. They failed on their merits. They weren't good enough to complete the task. They are lesser of candidates than Romney. Or Paul. Or Obama.

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