Next 3-4 Weeks Will Be Explosive

The country is losing you stupid POS.
The country is fine. It’s you dishonest hyperbolic drama queens that push to live in a fantasy world of lies. You don’t even realize you’re being a puppet to the politicians pulling the strings. Wake up.
The country is fine. It’s you dishonest hyperbolic drama queens that push to live in a fantasy world of lies. You don’t even realize you’re being a puppet to the politicians pulling the strings. Wake up.
The country is not fine. The dollar is crashing, the borders are open and criminals are the new victims. You are a stone cold idiot. Please troll someone else.
Idiot. His "platform" was Fox News, a private company.

Censorship is when the government does not allow you to speak.

When will you ever learn that??
What do you think happened? This is all government intimidation plain and simple, just like you.
What do you think happened? This is all government intimidation plain and simple, just like you.

What I think happened was Fox is pissed that lies, like Carlson's, cost them ¾ of a billion dollars.

Fox, a private company, fired him. That is not the government and that is not censorship.

You're a fucking loon, FruitLoops. :cuckoo:
What I think happened was Fox is pissed that lies, like Carlson's, cost them ¾ of a billion dollars.

Fox, a private company, fired him. That is not the government and that is not censorship.

You're a fucking loon, FruitLoops. :cuckoo:
It sure is. Because the result is the same. You are so fucking stupid.
It sure is. Because the result is the same. You are so fucking stupid.


So if you were to be banned from this forum, that's really the same as the government censoring you??

You're batshit crazy, FruitLoops.

You're utterly insane. :cuckoo:

You go from posting some bizarre bullshit about how the Senate impeaches a president, even though they do no such thing -- to Trump's impeachment weren't so bad and the House was just corrupt anyway. :cuckoo:

And what about this question? Why won't you answer it?

YOU said there was no leak at the State Farm Arena. Question: Why would anyone lie about that? What would they benefit by counting being delayed by a couple of hours?
Never said that, my post is pretty clear, the word impeachment means nothing from a treasonous coup attempt from a illegitimate house, he has to be convicted for it to be perceived guilt.
You are in liken to making a narrative out of someone being indicted before charged, sort of like what the MSM did to the Atlanta bomber suspect. The word means nothing without conviction just like you didn't care that Bill Clinton was impeached but not convicted. The difference is Clinton actually did what he was accused and the Revenge payback was the dems impeaching Trump "only in the House" not the Senate.
IMPEACH is to charge, the house charged him, but the Senate did not find the charges valid....wah waah wah wahhhhh!

Calling people crazy, because of your own reading comprehension and need to censor speech, is the behavioral problem.

So if you were to be banned from this forum, that's really the same as the government censoring you??

You're batshit crazy, FruitLoops.


Yeah, the conspiracy theorists really need to read the 1st amendment. Hell, even its first word.

Spoiler Alert, its not 'message-board'.
I am sure the attacks on the source will be the most important thing to some, not what was said.

Bernie Kerik: Next 3-4 Weeks Will Be Explosive – Will Vindicate Everything We’ve Been Saying – Election Was Stolen​

You people keep asking when, now you know. Again, not a conspiracy theory, it is a factual report on what was said.

No one is giving up. Very cool.

So did it come true?

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