Next, The United Nations

Fuck the UN, Fuck Globalism, if President Trump starts defunding that Communist inspired and Neo-Marxist infested organisation, then other Western nations can follow.

The UN needs to be dismantled, send it the way of The League of Nations and flush it down the toilet.

Trump's going to kick them out and turn it into a hotel....may as well the UN is useless

Fuck the UN, Fuck Globalism, if President Trump starts defunding that Communist inspired and Neo-Marxist infested organisation, then other Western nations can follow.

The UN needs to be dismantled, send it the way of The League of Nations and flush it down the toilet.

Trump's going to kick them out and turn it into a hotel....may as well the UN is useless

Exactly the UN is useless.
Throwing Israel under the bus? OK I guess, I thought you guys were all about Jesus' Landing Strip.

It's about time..... The UN has been a useless venture for the United States, the faster we can get out of it the better off we will be.
There is not one beneficial thing the US has gained by being a Member. Get out now and stop the bleeding.

The UN has been a useless venture for all Western nations and there's not one beneficial thing any Western nation has gained by being a Member.
I'd like to see us scale back our involvement with the UN. Especially, as far as Taxpayer-funding goes. I'm not a Globalist. I'm a a Nationalist. I don't feel all American Taxpayers should be forced to fund a foreign Globalist entity that doesn't always have Americans' best interests in mind. Our Founding Fathers would not approve of forcing American Citizens to fund a foreign entity like the UN.
Throwing Israel under the bus? OK I guess, I thought you guys were all about Jesus' Landing Strip.

How is de-funding the UN doing that, fool? It is a means of destroying the foundation of the scum attacking Israel, particularly the arab muslims and iran.
Throwing Israel under the bus? OK I guess, I thought you guys were all about Jesus' Landing Strip.
What are you talking about? See the link, does it look like it supports your off the wall stupid post?
The Trump administration has frozen Obama’s quiet attempt to send $221 million to Palestine

What do you think stands between pretty much the whole world sanctioning Israel? The US being on the UNSC.
The UN created Isreal .

Why do righties freak over the UN?
Nobody freaks kid. It is time to kick the U.N. out of here and cut all the funding also. Useless globalist organisation.

= Israel go bye bye.
It is nothing but fear mongering. You have no logical explanation why would that happen.

I'm not sure if you pay attention, but pretty much the entire Western world considers Israel a terrorist nation. So, so many times the US being on the UNSC is the only vote that can block economic sanctions against Israel. Assuming American conservatives get their wish and pull out of the UN/blow the UN up, you have to be comfortable with the decision that you're pretty much cutting Israel loose to twist in the wind. The US could prop up Israel to some degree, for awhile, but my best guess is there would be a lot of buyers remorse on the US end, and definitely from the Israeli end.
The UN created Isreal .

Why do righties freak over the UN?

The UN was the creation of Communists and those sympathetic to Communists, the UN from the beginning has been committed to a Borderless world, the elimination of Sovereign nations and the redistribution of the West's wealth to Third World Nations amongst other things. It's all in the UN Charter.

The UN is a Commie organisation and it's new Secretary-General António Guterres is a Neo-Marxist and from 1999-2005 was President of Socialist International.

Time now to finish the UN, bring it down, defund it, destroy it and good riddance.

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