Next time you hear someone criticizing socialism...

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"We can get at this in other words.

"Markets were mechanisms of distribution in societies with very different production systems.

"For example, in economies based on the enslavement of people, resulting in a production system involving masters and slaves, 'inputs' and 'outputs' — including enslaved people — were often bought and sold in markets. We might then speak of slave markets: when a slave production system coexisted with a market distribution system.

"If productive enterprises remain structured around the employer-employee relationship, they remain capitalist with or without a coexisting market system."

Episode 10 – Worker Self-Directed Enterprises and Socialism (w/ Dr. Richard Wolff)

Markets that distribute goods and service based on the ability to pay insure the hierarchies of owner and (wage) slave remain unchallenged.

Until we bring democracy to the place where most adults spend a majority of their waking hours, socialism will remain an untested alternative to slavery of all kinds.

Here's a good example of a very successful worker-co op in northern Spain.
Mondragon Corporation - Wikipedia

Move to Spain.
As I said before, your post regarding the beauty of Socialism is BULLSHIT.

The economy of Singapore is a highly developed free-market economy.[15][16] Singapore's economy has been ranked as the most open in the world,[17] 7th least corrupt,[18] most pro-business,[19] with low tax rates (14.2% of Gross Domestic Product, GDP)[20] and has the third highest per-capita GDP in the world in terms of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP). APEC is headquartered in Singapore.

Economy of Singapore - Wikipedia
Your link:

"Government-linked companies play a substantial role in Singapore's economy.

"Sovereign wealth fund Temasek Holdingsholds majority stakes in several of the nation's largest companies, such as Singapore Airlines, SingTel, ST Engineering and MediaCorp.

"The Singaporean economy is a major Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) outflow financier in the world.

"Singapore has also benefited from the inward flow of FDI from global investors and institutions due to its highly attractive investment climate and a stable political environment.[21]"

Singapore's "stable political environment" comes at a human cost:

"The government in Singapore has broad powers to limit citizens' rights and to inhibit political opposition.[1][2] In 2018, Singapore was ranked 151th out of 180 nations by Reporters Without Borders in the Worldwide Press Freedom Index."

Human rights in Singapore - Wikipedia
we can always muster a Corps or mathematical engineers to come up with mathematically optimal solutions for raising revenue.
As I said before, your post regarding the beauty of Socialism is BULLSHIT.

The economy of Singapore is a highly developed free-market economy.[15][16] Singapore's economy has been ranked as the most open in the world,[17] 7th least corrupt,[18] most pro-business,[19] with low tax rates (14.2% of Gross Domestic Product, GDP)[20] and has the third highest per-capita GDP in the world in terms of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP). APEC is headquartered in Singapore.

Economy of Singapore - Wikipedia
Your link:

"Government-linked companies play a substantial role in Singapore's economy.

"Sovereign wealth fund Temasek Holdingsholds majority stakes in several of the nation's largest companies, such as Singapore Airlines, SingTel, ST Engineering and MediaCorp.

"The Singaporean economy is a major Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) outflow financier in the world.

"Singapore has also benefited from the inward flow of FDI from global investors and institutions due to its highly attractive investment climate and a stable political environment.[21]"

Singapore's "stable political environment" comes at a human cost:

"The government in Singapore has broad powers to limit citizens' rights and to inhibit political opposition.[1][2] In 2018, Singapore was ranked 151th out of 180 nations by Reporters Without Borders in the Worldwide Press Freedom Index."

Human rights in Singapore - Wikipedia

Government Linked Companies exist in THE US.

Ever hear of Boeing?

General Dynamics?

In Singapore which is considered one of the most open economies in The World, 'Government Linked Companies" are given No Economic Advantages in the market place. No Tax Incentives, no protections, nothing. They have to compete against private industry, and they also receive NO Government funding. These "linked" companies are usually concerned with National Defense, or National Resources.

Their market is FREE, but their people are not. For Instance, if a bunch of Socialist Friends got together to complain about Singapore they would be Caned in Public for criticizing anything about Singapore, or worse yet, be thrown in jail for Lord knows how long.

I am all down for Public Caning of Leftist Idiots if we can get that when we let them impose Socialism on The US. The Right of course will want immunity from such punishments before we agree to anything.
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Careful, Todster gonna come in and tell you that's all fake news! :auiqs.jpg:

He's been following me around giving me a bunch of those funny emojis. lolol.

He's a hoot. Gosh love him. I kind of feel bad now. Bolsheviks are people, too, ya know?
simply posting any encyclopedic definition means you are merely special pleading with political jargon invented for the Cold War.
So, are you going to explain ONE GODDAMN THING IN YOUR FUCKING LIFE or are you going to continue the repeated bullshit you also spew.

"Right wing fantasy appeals to ignorance or the peoplitia being necessary for the security or a free income for simply breathing air."
simply posting any encyclopedic definition means you are merely special pleading with political jargon invented for the Cold War.
So, are you going to explain ONE GODDAMN THING IN YOUR FUCKING LIFE or are you going to continue the repeated bullshit you also spew.

"Right wing fantasy appeals to ignorance or the peoplitia being necessary for the security or a free income for simply breathing air."
why should i take any right winger seriously about any true understanding of socialism?
Cuba could look like Singapore, but it's big brother USA
wants a military prison and trade embargos that keep them poor.
And China is the fascist country.:nocknockHT:
"We can get at this in other words.

"Markets were mechanisms of distribution in societies with very different production systems.

"For example, in economies based on the enslavement of people, resulting in a production system involving masters and slaves, 'inputs' and 'outputs' — including enslaved people — were often bought and sold in markets. We might then speak of slave markets: when a slave production system coexisted with a market distribution system.

"If productive enterprises remain structured around the employer-employee relationship, they remain capitalist with or without a coexisting market system."

Episode 10 – Worker Self-Directed Enterprises and Socialism (w/ Dr. Richard Wolff)

Markets that distribute goods and service based on the ability to pay insure the hierarchies of owner and (wage) slave remain unchallenged.

Until we bring democracy to the place where most adults spend a majority of their waking hours, socialism will remain an untested alternative to slavery of all kinds.

Here's a good example of a very successful worker-co op in northern Spain.
Mondragon Corporation - Wikipedia

Move to Spain.

Move to Spain.
Take Trump with you

"The Singapore Constitution does not include a right to privacy and the data protection act does not protect citizens from government-sanctioned surveillance.[28]

"The government does not need prior judicial authorisation to conduct any surveillance interception,[29] and documents that restrict what officials can do with personal data are classified.[30]

"In a U.S State Department report in 2015, it is believed that law enforcement and government agencies have extensive networks for gathering information and conducting surveillance.

"Majority of Singaporeans are under the impression that authorities track telephone conversations and the use of the internet of civilians, and routine checks are done on some opposition politicians and other government critics.[31]"

Human rights in Singapore - Wikipedia
Cuba could look like Singapore, but it's big brother USA
wants a military prison and trade embargos that keep them poor.
And China is the fascist country.:nocknockHT:
trade wars are not Capitalism;


the right wing,

never gets it.
Cuba could look like Singapore, but it's big brother USA
wants a military prison and trade embargos that keep them poor.
And China is the fascist country.:nocknockHT:
There seems little doubt should China or Russia take over the US position of dominance in world affairs, there would not be even a token appreciation of democracy or human rights?
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