Next time you hear someone criticizing socialism...

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still nothing but fallacy, right wingers. red herrings require more effort and learning how to "fish"
Simply identifying the fallacy does not discredit the opposition, you tool. All fallacy identification does is help identify weaknesses in arguments and help develop counter-arguments. I have explained this to your uneducated ass before.

It's like a doctor identifying a symptom of a disease, without actually identifying the disease...then declaring the patient cured solely because he identified the symptom.

Newsflash: ALL ARGUMENTS ARE FALLACIOUS!!!! Otherwise, they would not be called "arguments." They would be called "truths."
Socialism saved capitalism after WW2.

For a host of different reasons, the purchasing power of money has fallen by 99% in the past 100 years. That’s an average decline of 5% a year. Wages have not risen by the same amount. Those who rely on their salaries to get by have suffered an inexorable erosion of their wealth. Those who own assets have made good.

Wealth inequality is soaring – here are the 10 reasons why it’s happening | Dominic Frisby
You forgot about the early 20s.
still nothing but fallacy, right wingers. red herrings require more effort and learning how to "fish"
Simply identifying the fallacy does not discredit the opposition, you tool. All fallacy identification does is help identify weaknesses in arguments and help develop counter-arguments. I have explained this to your uneducated ass before.

It's like a doctor identifying a symptom of a disease, without actually identifying the disease...then declaring the patient cured solely because he identified the symptom.

Newsflash: ALL ARGUMENTS ARE FALLACIOUS!!!! Otherwise, they would not be called "arguments." They would be called "truths."
Government is socialism; there can be no Socialism without Government.
still nothing but fallacy, right wingers. red herrings require more effort and learning how to "fish"
Simply identifying the fallacy does not discredit the opposition, you tool. All fallacy identification does is help identify weaknesses in arguments and help develop counter-arguments. I have explained this to your uneducated ass before.

It's like a doctor identifying a symptom of a disease, without actually identifying the disease...then declaring the patient cured solely because he identified the symptom.

Newsflash: ALL ARGUMENTS ARE FALLACIOUS!!!! Otherwise, they would not be called "arguments." They would be called "truths."
Government is socialism; there can be no Socialism without Government.

Fuck you troll. Government isn't socialism. That's why they are different words.
still nothing but fallacy, right wingers. red herrings require more effort and learning how to "fish"
Simply identifying the fallacy does not discredit the opposition, you tool. All fallacy identification does is help identify weaknesses in arguments and help develop counter-arguments. I have explained this to your uneducated ass before.

It's like a doctor identifying a symptom of a disease, without actually identifying the disease...then declaring the patient cured solely because he identified the symptom.

Newsflash: ALL ARGUMENTS ARE FALLACIOUS!!!! Otherwise, they would not be called "arguments." They would be called "truths."
Government is socialism; there can be no Socialism without Government.

Fuck you troll. Government isn't socialism. That's why they are different words.
Government requires the Use of Socialism not Capitalism.
Government is socialism; there can be no Socialism without Government.
Marx didn't like politics. He only cared about equality and workers rights when it came to the government.
Karl Marx ( May 5th, 1818 – March 14th, 1883 ) was a German philosopher, economist, historian, sociologist, political theorist, journalist and socialist revolutionary.
Karl Marx - Wikipedia
we need to quibble applied socialism for Government purposes.

we are new worlders and need to quibble, sometimes.
Capitalism didn't cause the Great Depression. Socialism in the form of the Federal Reserve did. It implemented an incredibly expansionist monetary policy (increasing money supply by over 60%) that created the bubble which burst in 1929. That created money was largely wasted, i.e., it didn't result in any investments that would have accelerated ending the Great Depression. Also, FDR's Socialist New Deal policies prolonged the Great Depression via excessive taxation and inflated government spending. WWII gave temporary relief. Fortunately, the Dems in Congress ignored Truman's call to increase taxes after the war. They cut them instead and economic growth ignited.

Are you making it up as you go along ?

We know that all the reforms and regulations imposed in the wake of the Great Depression of the 1930s failed to prevent both smaller downturns between 1941 and 2008 and then another big crash in 2008. Capitalism’s instability has, for centuries, resisted all efforts to overcome it with or without government interventions.

The Narrowness of Mainstream Economics Is About to Unravel
I am so proud of you comrade for your undying devotion to Communism and for your never ceasing attacks on the excesses of Decadent Western Capitalism.

Government is socialism; there can be no Socialism without Government.
Marx didn't like politics. He only cared about equality and workers rights when it came to the government.
Karl Marx ( May 5th, 1818 – March 14th, 1883 ) was a German philosopher, economist, historian, sociologist, political theorist, journalist and socialist revolutionary.
Karl Marx - Wikipedia
So how in the fuck do you implement Marxist policies without taking over Politics?

Well, according to Stalin, you just start killing 70 Million People who oppose you and Problem Solved.

No need to involve politics, because everyone agrees with you after that.
Government is socialism;
How so? Don't just declare it to be so. Make the argument. I call bullshit. Government existed LONG before socialism.

there can be no Socialism without Government.
I agree with you on this. There can be no socialism without government taking over the ownership of the means of production and distribution. Socialism without government is called communism (which is impossible to achieve). That's why Marx was a mothefucking dumb ass. He believed that Socialism would lead to Communism, when in fact, it is the reverse. Revolution leads to communism (no government) which leads to the people needing a system to control their newly pilfered means - which is Socialism.
Government is socialism;
How so? Don't just declare it to be so. Make the argument. I call bullshit. Government existed LONG before socialism.

there can be no Socialism without Government.
I agree with you on this. There can be no socialism without government taking over the ownership of the means of production and distribution. Socialism without government is called communism (which is impossible to achieve). That's why Marx was a mothefucking dumb ass. He believed that Socialism would lead to Communism, when in fact, it is the reverse. Revolution leads to communism (no government) which leads to the people needing a system to control their newly pilfered means - which is Socialism.
Socialism is like Palmolive if it is merely a matter of degree.
Government requires the Use of Socialism not Capitalism.
Explain this bullshit. Give me some examples.
Social-ism is what we are quibbling.

Nothing is more certain than the indispensable necessity of government; and it is equally undeniable that whenever and however it is instituted, the people must cede to it some of their natural rights, in order to vest it with requisite powers.

Capitalism has no provision for that.
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