Next time you hear someone criticizing socialism...

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Socialism and Islam combined murdered 270 Million Human Beings.

So I guess the thing you do if you hear someone criticizing Socialism is just kill them if you are a Socialist.
Anyone who spouts this socialist shit should be burned publicly.

They're manipulating the poor and stupid to get votes as always.
the right wing still proclaims the "virtues" of tax cut economics in public venues.
You still proclaim the virtue of envy.
What is there to envy?

White people without a college degree ages 18 to 64 are the largest class of adults lifted out of poverty by such programs (social safety nets), according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. The think tank’s 2017 report stated that 6.2 million working-age whites were lifted above the poverty line in 2014 compared to 2.8 million blacks and 2.4 million Hispanics.
Nobody is lifted out of poverty by the social safety sofa.
who gets lifted out of poverty with tax cut economics?
If America went Socialism, people who will make sure it doesn’t apply to them will be the very politician advocating it.

That's the thing. Socialists like to pretend that their system does away with greed and ambition. It doesn't. It just channels it into government.
Agree. Do you think AOC is going to quit advocating Socialism now that Capitalism rewarded her with $10 Million from Netflix for promoting Socialism?

She’ll be standing there with her hand out while telling her constituents to eat The Socialist Cake She Baked
We have a Mixed Market economy. Let's optimize it.

There is no optimization when socialists (wannabe communist) are involved.
If America went Socialism, people who will make sure it doesn’t apply to them will be the very politician advocating it.

That's the thing. Socialists like to pretend that their system does away with greed and ambition. It doesn't. It just channels it into government.
Agree. Do you think AOC is going to quit advocating Socialism now that Capitalism rewarded her with $10 Million from Netflix for promoting Socialism?

She’ll be standing there with her hand out while telling her constituents to eat The Socialist Cake She Baked
We have a Mixed Market economy. Let's optimize it.

There is no optimization when socialists (wannabe communist) are involved.
or tax cut economists.
A friend of mine just got back from Venezuela - he brought me back a T-Shirt that said:

"My Buddy went to Venezuela, and alI I got was this T-shirt...
...which is better than what he got: diarrhea, dysentery, fleas,
robbed, & questioned for 8hrs by Dictator Nicolas Maduro's secret
police accusing him of being a US spy"

....and the T-Shirt cost him $200 and a can of spam

Gotta love Socialism.... :p
capitalism dblack



Actually, capitalism depends on strict laws prohibiting violence. Try to keep up.
Government is Socialism, not Capitalism.

It's neither one. System is.

Is that, by the way, why you want more government?
Government is socialism. You can't have socialism without Government. We even have a Constitution.

Slow down, spergy.

It's not. Socialism involves public ownership of businesses and property through government action.

Our constitution ensure that doesn't happen. In socialist countries, systems, the socialism itself IS the constitution.
the fact is that someone must rule over private lives. One way is to allow government to hand out jobs and money and then control one's lives, or private people create businesses that pay them in return for a hard days effort. As such, the private citizen is relying on their own effort and no one elses. it's why everyone on the globe wishes to come here, our standard of capitalism actually works. And they all want a piece of it. now all you communist socialists can say whatever you want, due to this great nation. And yet, you wish to destroy it for lazy people. you all suck monkey dcks.

Oh and there is Venezuela that disproves all of the idiocy of socialism. bam country taken down. And the stupids in this country can't wait to repeat it here.
Oh, but I have been told that the Iroquois were a successful society of a bunch of commies.

Of course, they were able to achieve said "success" by conquest and forced labor....which is the ultimate communist result.
Slow down, spergy.

It's not. Socialism involves public ownership of businesses and property through government action.

Our constitution ensure that doesn't happen. In socialist countries, systems, the socialism itself IS the constitution.
Don't try to reason with danpalos. He will just hit you up with a bunch of platitudes and misidentified fallacies that he never explains.
capitalism dblack



Actually, capitalism depends on strict laws prohibiting violence. Try to keep up.
Government is Socialism, not Capitalism.

It's neither one. System is.

Is that, by the way, why you want more government?
Government is socialism. You can't have socialism without Government. We even have a Constitution.

Slow down, spergy.

It's not. Socialism involves public ownership of businesses and property through government action.

Our constitution ensure that doesn't happen. In socialist countries, systems, the socialism itself IS the constitution.
Only in the right wing special pleading of dictionary definition not an encyclopedic definition.
Slow down, spergy.

It's not. Socialism involves public ownership of businesses and property through government action.

Our constitution ensure that doesn't happen. In socialist countries, systems, the socialism itself IS the constitution.
Don't try to reason with danpalos. He will just hit you up with a bunch of platitudes and misidentified fallacies that he never explains.
i am still working on dumbing it down for the right wing.
Actually, capitalism depends on strict laws prohibiting violence. Try to keep up.
Government is Socialism, not Capitalism.

It's neither one. System is.

Is that, by the way, why you want more government?
Government is socialism. You can't have socialism without Government. We even have a Constitution.

Slow down, spergy.

It's not. Socialism involves public ownership of businesses and property through government action.

Our constitution ensure that doesn't happen. In socialist countries, systems, the socialism itself IS the constitution.
Only in the right wing special pleading of dictionary definition not an encyclopedic definition.

Why don't you post it, spergy?
Careful, Todster gonna come in and tell you that's all fake news! :auiqs.jpg:

Toddster isn't even any fun to kick around anymore. I've been tinkering with the other Bolshevik in the economics threads lately. Toro, I think is the name? Man, he got triggereed nice and good last week, too.

If we remember right, it was the Bolshevik government in Russia that was the first example of the state planning of the economy. This was long before Keynes, but Keynsianism on its face.

It's always funny when the Keynesians (aka socialists) around here pretend to be conservatives, isn't it? They get by with it, too, because not many of us on here know enough about monetary policy and economic theory to call em out on it. The reality is that they're actually true reflections of the Bosheviks in the Russian government of those days. They're trustees and defenders of the same kind of central economic planning by a central bank. lol. They just don't know they're Bosheviks. Tee Hee Hee.

Wait, lemme find a link, so people know what I'm talking about.

Here's a good one - Influence of WW2 in the implementation of Keynesian Demand Management
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Slow down, spergy.

It's not. Socialism involves public ownership of businesses and property through government action.

Our constitution ensure that doesn't happen. In socialist countries, systems, the socialism itself IS the constitution.
Don't try to reason with danpalos. He will just hit you up with a bunch of platitudes and misidentified fallacies that he never explains.

It's not just him, it's every single leftist here.

The Marxist-Leninists, Stalinists, Maoists, Khmer Rouge, Fidelista's, Sandanista's ad nauseam... they all promised wealth, fraternity, abolition of ownership, freedom, utopia.

The workers mother fucking paradise.

They delivered poverty, pestilence, slavery and hundreds of millions dead.

So. Let's talk again about this Marxist universal basic income...
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