Next time you hear someone criticizing socialism...

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A tiger living in captivity has at least one meal a day, where he may go several days without food in the wild, but the second he sees an open gate...

he eats the first stoner he sees.....? ~S~

This doesn't bode well for danielpalos


"Underlying most arguments against the free market is a lack of belief in freedom itself." — Milton Friedman

Uncca Milt is a study, that said, free markets brought us globalism, rather slipper slope.....~S~

What's wrong with globalism?

What's wrong with globalism?

Take your paycheck and share it with your neighbors, and then when you can't pay your rent or mortgage, ask them to share their paycheck with you.

For that wisdom I have dispensed to you, you now owe me $10 Million Dollars.

That sounds more like socialism.
Ask them how well capitalism was doing in 1929.
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To the extent that capitalism’s problems – inequality, instability (cycles/crises), etc. – stem in part from its production relationships, reforms focused exclusively on regulating or supplanting markets will not succeed in solving them. For example, Keynesian monetary policies (focused on raising or lowering the quantity of money in circulation and, correspondingly, interest rates) do not touch the employer-employee relationship, however much their variations redistribute wealth, regulate markets, or displace markets in favor of state-administered investment decisions. Likewise, Keynesian fiscal policies (raising or lowering taxes and government spending) do not address the employer-employee relationship.

Keynesian policies also never ended the cyclical instability of capitalism. The New Deal and European social democracy left capitalism in place in both state and private units (enterprises) of production notwithstanding their massive reform agendas and programs. They thereby left capitalist employers facing the incentives and receiving the resources (profits) to evade, weaken and eventually dissolve most of those programs.

It is far better not to distribute wealth unequally in the first place than to re-distribute it after to undo the inequality. For example, FDR proposed in 1944 that the government establish a maximum income alongside a minimum wage; that is one among the various ways inequality could be limited and thereby redistribution avoided. Efforts to redistribute encounter evasions, oppositions, and failures that compound the effects of unequal distribution itself. Social peace and cohesion are the victims of redistribution sooner or later. Reforming markets while leaving the relations/organization of capitalist production unchanged is like redistribution. Just as redistribution schemes fail to solve the problems rooted in distribution, market-focused reforms fail to solve the problems rooted in production.

Since 2008, capitalism has showed us all yet again its deep and unsolved problems of cyclical instability, deepening inequality and the injustices they both entail. Their persistence mirrors that of the capitalist organization of production. To successfully confront and solve the problems of economic cycles, income and wealth inequality, and so on, we need to go beyond the capitalist employer-employee system of production. The democratization of enterprises – transitioning from employer-employee hierarchies to worker cooperatives – is a key way available here and now to realize the change we need.

Worker coops democratically decide the distribution of income (wages, bonuses, benefits, profit shares, etc.) among their members. No small group of owners and the boards of directors they choose would, as in capitalist corporations, make such decisions. Thus, for example, it would be far less likely that a few individuals in a worker coop would earn millions while most others could not afford to send children to college. A democratic worker coop decision on the distribution of enterprise income would be far less unequal than what typifies capitalist enterprises. A socialism for the 21st century could and should include the transition from a capitalist to a worker-coop-based economic system as central to its commitments to less inequality and less social conflict over redistribution.

Capitalism Is Not the “Market System”
Venezuela - 2019
the right wing still proclaims the "virtues" of tax cut economics in public venues.
You still proclaim the virtue of envy.
What is there to envy?

White people without a college degree ages 18 to 64 are the largest class of adults lifted out of poverty by such programs (social safety nets), according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. The think tank’s 2017 report stated that 6.2 million working-age whites were lifted above the poverty line in 2014 compared to 2.8 million blacks and 2.4 million Hispanics.
what modern democratic socialist do not understand is that their betters have them chasing the same stupid dream that failed during ww1

any of this sound familiar

the peasants and soldiers would throw down their arms and national borders would disappear

the issues is never the issue THE ISSUE is always the globalist revolution

All this new nationalist are evil nazi shit is not new. its is because nationalists of all different stripes "piss on their globalist aspirations"
HItler was only the different side of a left wing coin and in DIRECT competition with them
the right wing still proclaims the "virtues" of tax cut economics in public venues.
You still proclaim the virtue of envy.
What is there to envy?

White people without a college degree ages 18 to 64 are the largest class of adults lifted out of poverty by such programs (social safety nets), according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. The think tank’s 2017 report stated that 6.2 million working-age whites were lifted above the poverty line in 2014 compared to 2.8 million blacks and 2.4 million Hispanics.
Nobody is lifted out of poverty by the social safety sofa.
White people without a college degree ages 18 to 64 are the largest class of adults lifted out of poverty by such programs (social safety nets), according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. The think tank’s 2017 report stated that 6.2 million working-age whites were lifted above the poverty line in 2014 compared to 2.8 million blacks and 2.4 million Hispanics.
I never mentioned race, but what argument are you trying to make here, pal? There's no white privilege?
the right wing still proclaims the "virtues" of tax cut economics in public venues.
You still proclaim the virtue of envy.
What is there to envy?

White people without a college degree ages 18 to 64 are the largest class of adults lifted out of poverty by such programs (social safety nets), according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. The think tank’s 2017 report stated that 6.2 million working-age whites were lifted above the poverty line in 2014 compared to 2.8 million blacks and 2.4 million Hispanics.
Nobody is lifted out of poverty by the social safety sofa.
yes they were lifted,,,but that is not a good thing because its a false premise and seldom last long

where as capitalism has allowed more to climb out of poverty using their own powers, which is a more permanent thing

there is a big difference to a handout and a hand up
the fact is that someone must rule over private lives. One way is to allow government to hand out jobs and money and then control one's lives, or private people create businesses that pay them in return for a hard days effort. As such, the private citizen is relying on their own effort and no one elses. it's why everyone on the globe wishes to come here, our standard of capitalism actually works. And they all want a piece of it. now all you communist socialists can say whatever you want, due to this great nation. And yet, you wish to destroy it for lazy people. you all suck monkey dcks.

Oh and there is Venezuela that disproves all of the idiocy of socialism. bam country taken down. And the stupids in this country can't wait to repeat it here.
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