Next time you hear someone criticizing socialism...

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Do you know you can't copy and paste an English to Russian translation on here ?
I was going to as a joke and it literally wouldn't let me.

I wouldn't exactly call it censorship but it seems
kinda like censorship.
we should insist on better market rates.
The national debt which we can never repay ourselves is over $22 trillion now, but there's also been a $20 trillion dollar shift in private wealth from the middle class to the top 1/10th of 1 % over four decades. That money could be gone, but what's worse will be if hyperinflation sets in....nobody knows what will happen .
let's raise the minimum wage until the Poor pay their share of taxes.
Our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror fit that description.
No, they don't, unless you are arguing that government is controlling the means of production on drugs. Then, yes. I will agree with you on that. It is socialism and it needs to end.

End all of those wars. I am with you on that. No disagreement.

Our welfare clause is General, not limited to right wing bigotry.
More Deep Thoughts, by Dan Palos:
"I bet for an Indian, shooting an old, fat pioneer woman in the back with an arrow, and she fires her shotgun into the ground as she falls over, is like the top thing you can do."

Deep Thoughts: Being an Indian
Law enforcement enforces our social laws not our capital laws.
Law enforcement enforces our social laws not our capital laws.
You're just making shit up, dude.

There is no distinction between "social" laws and "capital" laws. They are just laws.

Law enforcement enforces the laws. It is the executive branch of government. There is no government ownership over the means of production.
in right wing fantasy, any special pleading works.

the general welfare is not the general warfare and the common defense is not the common offense.
What the fuck does that nonsense mean?

If general welfare means everything, the constitutional limits on power means nothing. What is the limit on "general welfare"? How far can government go in the name of "general welfare"?

They were right that the proletariat was getting screwed over, but that's about it. And yes I have read quite a bit of it too goddamn much actually.... What Karl Marx and Lenin called socialism, that is communism, has never been put in except through violent revolution and has never been a success, but what everyone in the world but Republicans and Communists, and Nazis I suppose now, refer to as socialism now, has never been a failure. Look at every Socialist Party in the modern world, that is France Germany Sweden Canada Japan New Zealand and Australia. Or what Bernie and ocasio Cortez are talking about...

"We are all socialists now!"-- Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed.

Stop falling for GOP propaganda, which is everywhere and really brilliant, but total garbage. everywhere but dupe World, communism is always totalitarian and socialism is always democratic, so socialism is just fair capitalism with a good safety net. Like every Rich modern country but us. Great job scumbag idiot Rich GOP and silly doops.
in right wing fantasy, any special pleading works.

the general welfare is not the general warfare and the common defense is not the common offense.
What the fuck does that nonsense mean?

If general welfare means everything, the constitutional limits on power means nothing. What is the limit on "general welfare"? How far can government go in the name of "general welfare"?


It's a gibberish generator.
Don't expect it to make sense.
in right wing fantasy, any special pleading works.

the general welfare is not the general warfare and the common defense is not the common offense.
What the fuck does that nonsense mean?

If general welfare means everything, the constitutional limits on power means nothing. What is the limit on "general welfare"? How far can government go in the name of "general welfare"?


It's a gibberish generator.
Don't expect it to make sense.
It means;

Everybody knows that.
Law enforcement enforces our social laws not our capital laws.
You're just making shit up, dude.

There is no distinction between "social" laws and "capital" laws. They are just laws.

Law enforcement enforces the laws. It is the executive branch of government. There is no government ownership over the means of production.
We have a First Amendment. There is no reason to put up with right wing alleged morality in modern times. Laws are not capitalism but socialism.
in right wing fantasy, any special pleading works.

the general welfare is not the general warfare and the common defense is not the common offense.
What the fuck does that nonsense mean?

If general welfare means everything, the constitutional limits on power means nothing. What is the limit on "general welfare"? How far can government go in the name of "general welfare"?

it means you prefer to make up stories and rely on right wing bigotry to "win the day".

"We have a Bill of Rights", what are you worried about.
We have a First Amendment. There is no reason to put up with right wing alleged morality in modern times. Laws are not capitalism but socialism.
Complete nonsensical bullshit. That is absolutely unintelligible and irrelevant to our discussion. Learn English, dude. This is impossible.
As I said before, your post regarding the beauty of Socialism is BULLSHIT.

The economy of Singapore is a highly developed free-market economy.[15][16] Singapore's economy has been ranked as the most open in the world,[17] 7th least corrupt,[18] most pro-business,[19] with low tax rates (14.2% of Gross Domestic Product, GDP)[20] and has the third highest per-capita GDP in the world in terms of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP). APEC is headquartered in Singapore.

Economy of Singapore - Wikipedia
Your link:

"Government-linked companies play a substantial role in Singapore's economy.

"Sovereign wealth fund Temasek Holdingsholds majority stakes in several of the nation's largest companies, such as Singapore Airlines, SingTel, ST Engineering and MediaCorp.

"The Singaporean economy is a major Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) outflow financier in the world.

"Singapore has also benefited from the inward flow of FDI from global investors and institutions due to its highly attractive investment climate and a stable political environment.[21]"

Singapore's "stable political environment" comes at a human cost:

"The government in Singapore has broad powers to limit citizens' rights and to inhibit political opposition.[1][2] In 2018, Singapore was ranked 151th out of 180 nations by Reporters Without Borders in the Worldwide Press Freedom Index."

Human rights in Singapore - Wikipedia

You get a warning over there then you lose a finger.
You get a warning over there then you lose a finger
Human rights in Singapore - Wikipedia

"The government has restricted freedom of speech and freedom of the press and has limited other civil and political rights.[18]

"The right to freedom of speech and association guaranteed by Article 14(1) of the Constitution of Singapore is restricted by the subsequent subsection (2) of the same Article.

"The only place in Singapore where outdoor public assemblies do not require police permits (for citizens) is at the Speakers' Corner which is loosely modelled on Hyde Park, London.

"However, foreigners still require a permit to speak at the park, and one must still register one's personal details with the National Parks Board online before speaking or protesting at the Speakers' corner, and there are also many surveillance cameras in the park, a situation that some Singaporeans and Singaporean MPs have commented on."
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