Next time you hear someone criticizing socialism...

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Everything I post is documented, linked, and sourced.

Too bad you can't recognize the truth.
You stand by the credibility of your news like CNN ?

Everything I post is documented, linked, and sourced.
Yeah mine too.
View attachment 247162

Everything she posted is documented. If you can't argue with the documented evidence, then the only person lying is you.
I wasn't arguing with her one way or the other. Just pointing out that one person's 'source' is another person's misinformation. "Truth isn't the truth". Rudy Giuliani
Speaking of money. Time to go make some
but I'll be back.
I mean, how do you think they're voting against their best interests? I ask because I see this argument from Democrats regularly, and it's just dripping with hubris. Democrats seem to think they know the best interests of poor, blue collar, Christian conservatives better than poor, blue collar, Christian conservatives do. They point out that the policies Democrats are promoting would funnel more money to the poor - implying that any poor person opposed to such funneling is a fool. They completely discount the possibility that these voters are committed to principles that transcend personal benefit. It's insulting.
Democrats have no credibility anymore. In fact that that cartoon probably should read Republicans and Democrats .
Getting Big Money out of politics should be a major issue but we know Bernie gets marginalized as a "socialist" when he brings it up. That's not socialism --it's democracy.

Well, Bernie's solution to the problem would make it worse. You don't get money out of politics by giving politicians more power over who gets money. That's the problem in the first place.
I mean, how do you think they're voting against their best interests? I ask because I see this argument from Democrats regularly, and it's just dripping with hubris. Democrats seem to think they know the best interests of poor, blue collar, Christian conservatives better than poor, blue collar, Christian conservatives do. They point out that the policies Democrats are promoting would funnel more money to the poor - implying that any poor person opposed to such funneling is a fool. They completely discount the possibility that these voters are committed to principles that transcend personal benefit. It's insulting.
Democrats have no credibility anymore. In fact that that cartoon probably should read Republicans and Democrats .
Getting Big Money out of politics should be a major issue but we know Bernie gets marginalized as a "socialist" when he brings it up. That's not socialism --it's democracy.

Getting Big Money out of politics should be a major issue

How can you get money out of politics when the federal government spends 4+ trillion a year?
And of course I'm happily retired 67 years old. Maybe you should worry about the fact that our jobs that are available are so shity these days, our minimum wage is a joke and we have no benefits in comparison with other modern countries. Worst inequality and upward Mobility ever 35 years of GOP give away to the rich. Brainwashed functional morons only vote for the GOP...
I'm catching up fast at 57.
View attachment 247141

Not a single person who voted Republican ruined my life.

I've been more harmed by Democrats, than Republicans.
So you're saying that poor, blue collar, Christian conservatives are helping their own best interests by voting for Republicans ? And that Wall Street CEO's spend hundreds of millions every election to get Republicans elected so we can overpopulate our country with armed hamsters ?

Absolutely. The left-wing claims to support poor blue collar people... in reality they don't. They help only the people who want to not work. We know this because Obama directly removed the requirements to work, in order to get benefits.

Prior to last year, the most money I have ever made in a single year, was $20,000 a year. That was over the prior 15 years.

I can't think of a single time in my life, where there was even one example where a Democrap left-wing policy benefited me. Not once.

What have the Democraps done for me? Aside from trying to drive out good jobs, like they did in New York? They have jacked up my taxes, which for someone like me, earning as little as I do, to lose 20% of my income, is ridiculous. You keep saying "the rich will pay for it", and yet I look at my pay stub and see my money being sucked away.

Then you jack up my health insurance. In 2006, I had a full health insurance policy, that was only $67 a month. Today, the cheapest insurance I can get is over $300. Democraps have not done one beneficial thing for me, a man who got up this morning at 4 AM, as I have for the last 20 years, and worked for a living.

Yet I see people who don't get up in the morning at all, getting free health care, and Medicaid, Obama-phones and subsidized housing and food.... and what have you worthless bits of human trash done for the working people? Nothing. NOTHING. You are all garbage.

You claim to be for the working people, and then you belittle and insult them. Hypocrites and garbage people, ALL OF YOU.. All democraps are anti-american trash.

Even AOC in her "green new deal" said that everyone should have an income from the government... Even those who DO NOT WANT TO WORK.

Who is going to pay for that? The working people like me, who do work. (and what a joke... saving the planet, means a living wage even if you don't earn it. How does welfare save the planet again? Only a dumb as crap left-winger would make a connection there.)
Everything I post is documented, linked, and sourced.

Too bad you can't recognize the truth.
You stand by the credibility of your news like CNN ?

Everything I post is documented, linked, and sourced.
Yeah mine too.
View attachment 247162

Everything she posted is documented. If you can't argue with the documented evidence, then the only person lying is you.
I wasn't arguing with her one way or the other. Just pointing out that one person's 'source' is another person's misinformation. "Truth isn't the truth". Rudy Giuliani

No. It is either true, or it is not. If you can credibly prove the source made a false statement, that is a valid argument that I will entertain.

But if you are going to tell me, that "this is misinformation, because I don't like the source"... bull crap.

Just because I don't like Obama, doesn't mean we didn't kill Osama Bin Laden, because "that source is misinformation to me!".

Now if I can provide credible evidence that contradicts Obama, then I have a valid argument.

But no, this "one person's source"... crap, is just that. The information is either true, or it is false. It is true, if it is true, no matter the source. It is false, if it is false, no matter the source.

What you said is not an argument.
... Then FDR took over, and turned the recession into the Great Depression...

Dude, FDR was the governor of New York in 1929.
Wasn't president until 1932.
No shit, did I say anywhere that Hoover was great? No, I said he tried progressive policies. Policies that fucked shit it up. FDR came into power in 1932, when did America come out of the Great Depression? Hint: he was dead and the rest of the modern world was fucked sideways by total war while America was spared.

Bigger question, why did we come out of a much greater recession 9 years before hand and turn it into an economic boom within a year and a half vs the great depression lasting so long? Should we take a peak at the policies enacted during the time and compare and contrast? That sounds reasonable right? Seems like that’s the logical thing to do right?
You totally muffed your history lesson. D-

actually he aced it.
He said FDR caused the Great Depression !!
Some people probably shouldn't do drugs - mom ever tell you ?

He made it last longer.
You stand by the credibility of your news like CNN ?

Everything I post is documented, linked, and sourced.
Yeah mine too.
View attachment 247162

Everything she posted is documented. If you can't argue with the documented evidence, then the only person lying is you.
I wasn't arguing with her one way or the other. Just pointing out that one person's 'source' is another person's misinformation. "Truth isn't the truth". Rudy Giuliani

No. It is either true, or it is not. If you can credibly prove the source made a false statement, that is a valid argument that I will entertain.

But if you are going to tell me, that "this is misinformation, because I don't like the source"... bull crap.

Just because I don't like Obama, doesn't mean we didn't kill Osama Bin Laden, because "that source is misinformation to me!".

Now if I can provide credible evidence that contradicts Obama, then I have a valid argument.

But no, this "one person's source"... crap, is just that. The information is either true, or it is false. It is true, if it is true, no matter the source. It is false, if it is false, no matter the source.

What you said is not an argument.
It is an argument, one that falls under the category of a logical fallacy. His particular fallacy is called an ad hominem, where one attacks the source of the info instead of the info itself. Example: “you shouldn’t smoke,” response: “You’re not a doctor, you don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Here’s the reply you’ll get : “that’s not socialism “. As much as Cons talk about the democrats socialism, none of them can you an example of it .
By definition it wasn't

do you know the definition of socialism?

I do . The real definition , not the bastardize version Cons use aka “anything the gov does that helps people”.
but nothing the government does ever helps people
So why do politicians spend billions to be part of it?
Dude, FDR was the governor of New York in 1929.
Wasn't president until 1932.
No shit, did I say anywhere that Hoover was great? No, I said he tried progressive policies. Policies that fucked shit it up. FDR came into power in 1932, when did America come out of the Great Depression? Hint: he was dead and the rest of the modern world was fucked sideways by total war while America was spared.

Bigger question, why did we come out of a much greater recession 9 years before hand and turn it into an economic boom within a year and a half vs the great depression lasting so long? Should we take a peak at the policies enacted during the time and compare and contrast? That sounds reasonable right? Seems like that’s the logical thing to do right?
You totally muffed your history lesson. D-

actually he aced it.
He said FDR caused the Great Depression !!
Some people probably shouldn't do drugs - mom ever tell you ?

He made it last longer.
Most economists and historians say he prevented it from being worse.
No shit, did I say anywhere that Hoover was great? No, I said he tried progressive policies. Policies that fucked shit it up. FDR came into power in 1932, when did America come out of the Great Depression? Hint: he was dead and the rest of the modern world was fucked sideways by total war while America was spared.

Bigger question, why did we come out of a much greater recession 9 years before hand and turn it into an economic boom within a year and a half vs the great depression lasting so long? Should we take a peak at the policies enacted during the time and compare and contrast? That sounds reasonable right? Seems like that’s the logical thing to do right?
You totally muffed your history lesson. D-

actually he aced it.
He said FDR caused the Great Depression !!
Some people probably shouldn't do drugs - mom ever tell you ?

He made it last longer.
Most economists and historians say he prevented it from being worse.
Mmm no they don’t. He started programs that may have partially assuaged the symptoms of the GD. What continued the GD (better yet what made it the GD vs a recession everywhere else), was top down manipulation of very very complex systems that made things worse.
And of course I'm happily retired 67 years old. Maybe you should worry about the fact that our jobs that are available are so shity these days, our minimum wage is a joke and we have no benefits in comparison with other modern countries. Worst inequality and upward Mobility ever 35 years of GOP give away to the rich. Brainwashed functional morons only vote for the GOP...
I'm catching up fast at 57.
View attachment 247141

Not a single person who voted Republican ruined my life.

I've been more harmed by Democrats, than Republicans.
Of course, like all New BS GOP voters, you are totally misinformed with a million phony scandals and character assassinations and who is paying taxes...
If the Great Depression began in 1929, how the fuck did FDR start it when he wasn't even president until 3 years later ?
Because the Great Depression didn’t start in 1929 genius. There was a market crash in 1929 (just like there was on “Black Monday” under Ronald Reagan). It didn’t turn into the “Great Depression” until FDR burned the U.S. Constitution and instituted failed left-wing policy.
That's the most twisted bullshit lie I've heard in a long time.

It is dead on correct.

The stock market crash, was not the start of the depression. The start of the depression was 1930 when Smoot-hawley tariffs were imposed. Then the 1932 tax hikes to pay for Hoovers massive government spending programs. FDR continued all the bad policies of Hoover, which dragged out the depression for over a decade.
A stock market crash was the beginning of the depression and then stupid Republicans made it even worse with their trade Wars and tariffs. Sound familiar? luckily this time the Democrats got in quickly before all the money was gone. Only cost twice the national GDP or something to avert another GOP Great Depression.... But if anybody can get the meltdown going again it'll be ridiculous greedy idiot GOP mega rich scumbags like Trump... And incredible ignoramus dupes like you...
Last edited:
Everything I post is documented, linked, and sourced.

Too bad you can't recognize the truth.
You stand by the credibility of your news like CNN ?

Everything I post is documented, linked, and sourced.
And over 70 years old LOL... Back when socialism was USSR communism, or before that Marxist ideology... Now it is always Democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net, like every modern country except us.... Thank you scumbag new bs GOP and its silly dupes like you...
I mean, how do you think they're voting against their best interests? I ask because I see this argument from Democrats regularly, and it's just dripping with hubris. Democrats seem to think they know the best interests of poor, blue collar, Christian conservatives better than poor, blue collar, Christian conservatives do. They point out that the policies Democrats are promoting would funnel more money to the poor - implying that any poor person opposed to such funneling is a fool. They completely discount the possibility that these voters are committed to principles that transcend personal benefit. It's insulting.
Democrats have no credibility anymore. In fact that that cartoon probably should read Republicans and Democrats .
Getting Big Money out of politics should be a major issue but we know Bernie gets marginalized as a "socialist" when he brings it up. That's not socialism --it's democracy.
Of course the Democrats have been blocked by the GOP the last 50 years except for a few weeks and ACA, it's not hard to do with their GOP filibuster rule... They also have their GOP reconciliation rule that allows them to do the only thing they care about, cutting taxes on the rich and services on everyone else...
And of course I'm happily retired 67 years old. Maybe you should worry about the fact that our jobs that are available are so shity these days, our minimum wage is a joke and we have no benefits in comparison with other modern countries. Worst inequality and upward Mobility ever 35 years of GOP give away to the rich. Brainwashed functional morons only vote for the GOP...
I'm catching up fast at 57.
View attachment 247141

Not a single person who voted Republican ruined my life.

I've been more harmed by Democrats, than Republicans.
So you're saying that poor, blue collar, Christian conservatives are helping their own best interests by voting for Republicans ? And that Wall Street CEO's spend hundreds of millions every election to get Republicans elected so we can overpopulate our country with armed hamsters ?

Absolutely. The left-wing claims to support poor blue collar people... in reality they don't. They help only the people who want to not work. We know this because Obama directly removed the requirements to work, in order to get benefits.

Prior to last year, the most money I have ever made in a single year, was $20,000 a year. That was over the prior 15 years.

I can't think of a single time in my life, where there was even one example where a Democrap left-wing policy benefited me. Not once.

What have the Democraps done for me? Aside from trying to drive out good jobs, like they did in New York? They have jacked up my taxes, which for someone like me, earning as little as I do, to lose 20% of my income, is ridiculous. You keep saying "the rich will pay for it", and yet I look at my pay stub and see my money being sucked away.

Then you jack up my health insurance. In 2006, I had a full health insurance policy, that was only $67 a month. Today, the cheapest insurance I can get is over $300. Democraps have not done one beneficial thing for me, a man who got up this morning at 4 AM, as I have for the last 20 years, and worked for a living.

Yet I see people who don't get up in the morning at all, getting free health care, and Medicaid, Obama-phones and subsidized housing and food.... and what have you worthless bits of human trash done for the working people? Nothing. NOTHING. You are all garbage.

You claim to be for the working people, and then you belittle and insult them. Hypocrites and garbage people, ALL OF YOU.. All democraps are anti-american trash.

Even AOC in her "green new deal" said that everyone should have an income from the government... Even those who DO NOT WANT TO WORK.

Who is going to pay for that? The working people like me, who do work. (and what a joke... saving the planet, means a living wage even if you don't earn it. How does welfare save the planet again? Only a dumb as crap left-winger would make a connection there.)
Of course the Democrats have said for years that they would never raise taxes on the non-rich, please. At this point if you count all taxes we have a flat tax system, a giveaway to the rich for 35 years now.
The problem is GOP
I mean, how do you think they're voting against their best interests? I ask because I see this argument from Democrats regularly, and it's just dripping with hubris. Democrats seem to think they know the best interests of poor, blue collar, Christian conservatives better than poor, blue collar, Christian conservatives do. They point out that the policies Democrats are promoting would funnel more money to the poor - implying that any poor person opposed to such funneling is a fool. They completely discount the possibility that these voters are committed to principles that transcend personal benefit. It's insulting.
Democrats have no credibility anymore. In fact that that cartoon probably should read Republicans and Democrats .
Getting Big Money out of politics should be a major issue but we know Bernie gets marginalized as a "socialist" when he brings it up. That's not socialism --it's democracy.

Well, Bernie's solution to the problem would make it worse. You don't get money out of politics by giving politicians more power over who gets money. That's the problem in the first place.
That has nothing to do with it, the problem is GOP lobbyist rules and GOP dark money duh.... Which Democrats and Bernie would scrap if they ever got the chance...
If the Great Depression began in 1929, how the fuck did FDR start it when he wasn't even president until 3 years later ?
Because the Great Depression didn’t start in 1929 genius. There was a market crash in 1929 (just like there was on “Black Monday” under Ronald Reagan). It didn’t turn into the “Great Depression” until FDR burned the U.S. Constitution and instituted failed left-wing policy.
That's the most twisted bullshit lie I've heard in a long time.

It is dead on correct.

The stock market crash, was not the start of the depression. The start of the depression was 1930 when Smoot-hawley tariffs were imposed. Then the 1932 tax hikes to pay for Hoovers massive government spending programs. FDR continued all the bad policies of Hoover, which dragged out the depression for over a decade.
A stock market crash was the beginning of the depression and then stupid Republicans made it even worse with their trade Wars and tariffs. Sound familiar? luckily this time the Democrats got in quickly before all the money was gone. Only cost twice the national GDP or something to avert another GOP Great Depression.... But if anybody can get the meltdown going again it'll be ridiculous greedy idiot GOP mega rich scumbags like Trump... And incredible ignoramus dupes like you...

Only cost twice the national GDP or something to avert another GOP Great Depression...

What the fuck are you babbling about now?
If the Great Depression began in 1929, how the fuck did FDR start it when he wasn't even president until 3 years later ?
Because the Great Depression didn’t start in 1929 genius. There was a market crash in 1929 (just like there was on “Black Monday” under Ronald Reagan). It didn’t turn into the “Great Depression” until FDR burned the U.S. Constitution and instituted failed left-wing policy.
That's the most twisted bullshit lie I've heard in a long time.

It is dead on correct.

The stock market crash, was not the start of the depression. The start of the depression was 1930 when Smoot-hawley tariffs were imposed. Then the 1932 tax hikes to pay for Hoovers massive government spending programs. FDR continued all the bad policies of Hoover, which dragged out the depression for over a decade.
A stock market crash was the beginning of the depression and then stupid Republicans made it even worse with their trade Wars and tariffs. Sound familiar? luckily this time the Democrats got in quickly before all the money was gone. Only cost twice the national GDP or something to avert another GOP Great Depression.... But if anybody can get the meltdown going again it'll be ridiculous greedy idiot GOP mega rich scumbags like Trump... And incredible ignoramus dupes like you...

Only cost twice the national GDP or something to avert another GOP Great Depression...

What the fuck are you babbling about now?
The debt that Obama incurred was at least 80% the stimulus and unemployment and welfare for victims of the GOP corrupt meltdown. For two years it was 800 billion a year for unemployment and welfare for the victims and it is still a couple of hundred billion a year... Look it up, I'm not going to again for you dupes..

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