Next time you hear someone criticizing socialism...

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A crappy country like Venezuela has no lessons for the greatest country in the world,a this is just another ridiculous GOP talking point that covers everything
Once again, the lowest IQ in the room defeats his own argument. Venezuela was the 14th wealthiest nation in the world with the #1 oil reserves in the world.

Then the people listened to nitwits like you, and the failed left-wing policies turned Venezuela into a “crappy country”.
Redfish and Sakinago graduated from Honey Boo Boo neocon college .
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Good job finding a meme online, you proven your skills as capable as any 10 year old with a smartphone. Now correct my apparent incorrect history lesson that I failed. Usually when people get things wrong online and someone says they got it wrong and know it, they point out how and where they got it wrong, and then if they’re creative and find a meme that relates, then they post the meme...for added effect. You skipped straight to posting the meme
If the Great Depression began in 1929, how the fuck did FDR start it when he wasn't even president until 3 years later ?
Because the Great Depression didn’t start in 1929 genius. There was a market crash in 1929 (just like there was on “Black Monday” under Ronald Reagan). It didn’t turn into the “Great Depression” until FDR burned the U.S. Constitution and instituted failed left-wing policy.
If the Great Depression began in 1929, how the fuck did FDR start it when he wasn't even president until 3 years later ?
Because the Great Depression didn’t start in 1929 genius. There was a market crash in 1929 (just like there was on “Black Monday” under Ronald Reagan). It didn’t turn into the “Great Depression” until FDR burned the U.S. Constitution and instituted failed left-wing policy.
That's the most twisted bullshit lie I've heard in a long time.
Calvin Coolidge gave up the power out of principle. Hoover was elected, and we get into the second half, and then a recession happened (like they do every 8 years or so), he added progressive policies that didn’t work. Then FDR took over, and turned the recession into the Great Depression.

If the Great Depression began in 1929, how the fuck did FDR start it when he wasn't even president until 3 years later ?
You literally just responded to a post where I said Hoover approved progressive policies...which were in stark contrast to Coolidge policies, that started the recession. A recession that was excacerbated into a Great Depression. FDR was elected to president 4 times, and the depression was present every single year he was in power. He didn’t finish out his last term. But that’s more time as president than any other in history...all of those years America was in the Great Depression...not necessarily the rest of the world, more specifically it was a Great Depression in America. Correlation doesn’t equal causation...but also this is a pretty good time to use the phrase where there is smoke there is fire.
Republicans seem to have the right to change historical dates, ideologies, history and most of the other Social Sciences so they might put forth their messages. Were I a teacher of the Social Sciences I would give students the overwhelming job of making corrections. I wonder if any teachers do now?
Republicans seem to have the right to change historical dates, ideologies, history and most of the other Social Sciences so they might put forth their messages. Were I a teacher of the Social Sciences I would give students the overwhelming job of making corrections. I wonder if any teachers do now?
Wikileaks 101. Sounds good to me.
Lots of people didn't have Healthcare before Obamacare that do now
You didn’t answer the question (as always). What was wrong with those people that they were incapable of obtaining healthcare like an adult? Three-hundred million Americans had healthcare before Obamacare. If three-hundred million people can do something, and you can’t, you’re clearly an idiot.
Just not that many jobs with Healthcare duh.
Then up your game to be in demand for one of those jobs with healthcare. One can also purchase their own damn insurance policy. Duh.
you will still have those jobs without healthcare. Especially in red states. Great job scumbag GOP.
... Then FDR took over, and turned the recession into the Great Depression...

Dude, FDR was the governor of New York in 1929.
Wasn't president until 1932.
No shit, did I say anywhere that Hoover was great? No, I said he tried progressive policies. Policies that fucked shit it up. FDR came into power in 1932, when did America come out of the Great Depression? Hint: he was dead and the rest of the modern world was fucked sideways by total war while America was spared.

Bigger question, why did we come out of a much greater recession 9 years before hand and turn it into an economic boom within a year and a half vs the great depression lasting so long? Should we take a peak at the policies enacted during the time and compare and contrast? That sounds reasonable right? Seems like that’s the logical thing to do right?
You totally muffed your history lesson. D-

actually he aced it.
He said FDR caused the Great Depression !!
Some people probably shouldn't do drugs - mom ever tell you ?
Half of the dupes believe Obama started the Great recession or it never happened LOL, they live on an imaginary planet totally when you think about it.
Every other fuck'n adult doesn't reject being taken care of. I'm pretty much taken care of and I'm grateful for the help, and I know there are a number of us that fit that description.
Well that’s sad. Personally, I’m grateful for liberty. Fuck being “taken care of”.
there are so many crap GOP jobs that pay 8 to $10 an hour and have no benefits, so crappy that people qualify for food stamps Medicaid etc. Great job GOP! Go Bernie and the $15 minimum wage... And no I'm not talkin about a job for me dip s***.
Half of the dupes believe Obama started the Great recession or it never happened LOL, they live on an imaginary planet totally when you think about it.
One of my aunts in California is very conservative -- long story short-- her 37 year old daughter was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's disease in 2010 and died a year the meantime my aunt who was retired from AT&T went bankrupt and almost lost her house from all the medical bills and she totally blames it on Obamacare. She also believes Obama brought racism back to America.
We got into it once and she stopped talking to me for about a year....but we're cool now. She's on the Trump koolaid now though.
Half of the dupes believe Obama started the Great recession or it never happened LOL, they live on an imaginary planet totally when you think about it.
One of my aunts in California is very conservative -- long story short-- her 37 year old daughter was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's disease in 2010 and died a year the meantime my aunt who was retired from AT&T went bankrupt and almost lost her house from all the medical bills and she totally blames it on Obamacare. She also believes Obama brought racism back to America.
We got into it once and she stopped talking to me for about a year....but we're cool now. She's on the Trump koolaid now though.
I hate those us Healthcare tragedy stories. There is plenty of racism still of course
Or the Socialists who get elected in modern countries that are all totally for democracy fair capitalism and a good safety net
So tell me Franco...why are you incapable of being your own good "safety net"? Why are you incapable of purchasing health insurance, home insurance, auto insurance, etc. as a "safety net"? And why are you incapable of saving money as a "safety net"?

It's a fair question. Don't be dick. Stop with the snark. Tell us what makes you so helpless that you need government to perform the basic functions for you that every other fuck'n adult in the world has no problem doing on their own.

Its real simple. He's a lazy butt that wants other people to pay for his stuff. All left-wing people are like that. They want everyone else to carry them on their backs.
Every other fuck'n adult doesn't reject being taken care of. I'm pretty much taken care of and I'm grateful for the help, and I know there are a number of us that fit that description.

Well sure. Pretty easy to accept free money stolen from others.

Thankfully I had parents that taught me to work. Yeah, I could get government assistance. I choose not to. It's called being and adult, and taking responsibility for one's life.

I worked with a guy a few years back, who had no legs. He could have sat on his butt on SSI, and said stuff like this on a forum somewhere. The guy was rather inspiring because he refused to be a ward of the state, sucking down tax dollars from people who worked.

Without legs, he started working a job. Used the money to slowly pay his way through school. Now he has a degree in electrical engineering.

That guy without legs, was way more inspiring choosing to live off his own hard work, rather than some guy waiting for the rest of us to work to pay taxes so he can sit around collecting money from our tax dollars.
And of course I'm happily retired 67 years old. Maybe you should worry about the fact that our jobs that are available are so shity these days, our minimum wage is a joke and we have no benefits in comparison with other modern countries. Worst inequality and upward Mobility ever 35 years of GOP give away to the rich. Brainwashed functional morons only vote for the GOP...
And of course I'm happily retired 67 years old. Maybe you should worry about the fact that our jobs that are available are so shity these days, our minimum wage is a joke and we have no benefits in comparison with other modern countries. Worst inequality and upward Mobility ever 35 years of GOP give away to the rich. Brainwashed functional morons only vote for the GOP...
I'm catching up fast at 57.
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