Next time you hear someone criticizing socialism...

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Only when the Bolsheviks have a violent revolution. Mensheviks were socialists who still believed in some democracy. Nobody with any brain at all is for communism or Bolsheviks, brainwashed Cold War dinosaur dingbat. Just something to scare the dupes with...

There is the joke about 'a moderate Muslim is a jihadi who is out of ammunition.'

The same applies to socialists and communists.....they are the same except for ammunition/revolution:

1. The Communists and their Marxist cousins, the Socialists,

have worked for revolution since the advent of the New Deal

twenty-one years ago by infiltrating government offices, , labor

unions, schools and colleges, churches, radio and television,

the movies, the publishing business.

2. In an article on socialism in the Encyclopedia Britannica,

Prof. G. D. H. Cole, a leading theoretician and historian of

the British Labor Party, declares: The distinction between socialism as distinguished by various Labor and Socialist parties of Europe and the New World, and communism, as represented by the Russians and minority parties in other countries is one of tactics-and-strategy rather than one of objective. Communism is indeed only socialism pursued by revolutionary means and making its revolutionary method a canon of faith...."

3. In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels stated that

communist ends can be attained "only by the forcible overthrow

of all existing social conditions."

I teach you something new ever day, don't I, blanko.
ask anyone who calls himself a socialist in the modern world and they will tell you what I tell you that you are a brainwashed cold war dinosaur. Do you also believe that Nazis are socialists LOL? That is brand new crap... The dupes will believe anything...

As I've said many times, the definition of socialism has moved on, your professor Cole died in 1959 all your arguments come from the 30s or before, like I've been trying to tell you LOL

"...ask anyone..."

This is why your posts are our best source of greenhouse gases, while mine shine with brilliance: education and research.

"Do you also believe that Nazis are socialists ..."

Not only do i believe it.....the Nazis....nationalsocialists ......believed it too.

And, those Nazis gave credit to the Democrat Party as their model.
The Nazi Nuremberg Laws were taken nearly wholly from the Jim Crow Laws of the Democrat controlled South.

In “Hitler's American Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law ,” by James Whitman, he shows how the Nazis took the Democrats’ Jim Crow Laws, simply changed the word ‘black’ and inserted the word ‘Jew.’

And, the Nazis endorsed all of the programs of the Democrats/Liberals
Workers Welfare Programs:

In the best passage of Government largess, the Nazi regime fostered a purified liberal concept to enhance the living standard of German citizens across all segments of society. In order to stimulate the spirit of integrity, comradeship and happiness, Adolf Hitler fanned numerous programs and instituted strict rules for officials to carry them in eternal way.

a) Highly Subsidized International vacation trips.

b) Between 1933-1938 Strength through Joy (KDF) movement Organized 134,000 theater and concert events for 32 million people. 2 million people went on cruises and weekend trips and 11 million went on theater trips.

c) Nazis ensured that every citizen had a Radio.

d) 5 day week.

e) Free Public Health.

f) Trade Unions were banned. All workers had to join German labor Front. Strikes for higher wages were banned. People who refused to work were imprisoned. With fall in Inflation, purchasing power increased and wages actually fell.

g) Large factories had to provide rest areas, cafeterias, dressing rooms, even playing fields and swimming pools

h) They also banned "lock outs" for industries. No "reverse strikes"for them either.

LIES YOUR TEACHER TAUGHT YOU: Nazi Hitler Economic Social and Political Policies

Wanna thank me for your education, blanko?????
And that is their entire pseudosocialist agenda, but in actual fact it was a house of cards that was just preparing for war. It was financed by Jewish confiscations and confiscations from opponents and huge debt. The Nazis loved aristocrats and business executives unlike socialists, and Loved corporations unless they were Jewish or in opposition. They had to go to war because of the huge debt.

Let's review:

Yes....Nazis were socialists.

Yes.....Nazis learned from the Democrat Party

Yes.....the Nazis stood for every program the Liberals stand for


American progressives, for the most part, did not disavow fascism until the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust became manifest during World War II. After the war, those progressives who had praised Mussolini and Hitler in the 1920s and 1930s had no choice but to dissociate themselves from fascism. “Accordingly,” writes Jonah Goldberg, “leftist intellectuals redefined fascism as 'right-wing' and projected their own sins onto conservatives, even as they continued to borrow heavily from fascist and pre-fascist thought.” This progressive campaign to recast fascism as the "right-wing" antithesis of communism was aided by Joseph Stalin, ....

Recognize yourself in that mirror, blanko?????
Conservatives that supported Mussolini and Hitler also had to change their tack LOL. Socialist are democratic. End of story. That's why marxists and Communists are not socialists. Nazis aren't even close you idiot. You people believe all right wing propaganda, even the Nazis'. Poor America.
There is the joke about 'a moderate Muslim is a jihadi who is out of ammunition.'

The same applies to socialists and communists.....they are the same except for ammunition/revolution:

1. The Communists and their Marxist cousins, the Socialists,

have worked for revolution since the advent of the New Deal

twenty-one years ago by infiltrating government offices, , labor

unions, schools and colleges, churches, radio and television,

the movies, the publishing business.

2. In an article on socialism in the Encyclopedia Britannica,

Prof. G. D. H. Cole, a leading theoretician and historian of

the British Labor Party, declares: The distinction between socialism as distinguished by various Labor and Socialist parties of Europe and the New World, and communism, as represented by the Russians and minority parties in other countries is one of tactics-and-strategy rather than one of objective. Communism is indeed only socialism pursued by revolutionary means and making its revolutionary method a canon of faith...."

3. In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels stated that

communist ends can be attained "only by the forcible overthrow

of all existing social conditions."

I teach you something new ever day, don't I, blanko.
ask anyone who calls himself a socialist in the modern world and they will tell you what I tell you that you are a brainwashed cold war dinosaur. Do you also believe that Nazis are socialists LOL? That is brand new crap... The dupes will believe anything...

As I've said many times, the definition of socialism has moved on, your professor Cole died in 1959 all your arguments come from the 30s or before, like I've been trying to tell you LOL

"...ask anyone..."

This is why your posts are our best source of greenhouse gases, while mine shine with brilliance: education and research.

"Do you also believe that Nazis are socialists ..."

Not only do i believe it.....the Nazis....nationalsocialists ......believed it too.

And, those Nazis gave credit to the Democrat Party as their model.
The Nazi Nuremberg Laws were taken nearly wholly from the Jim Crow Laws of the Democrat controlled South.

In “Hitler's American Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law ,” by James Whitman, he shows how the Nazis took the Democrats’ Jim Crow Laws, simply changed the word ‘black’ and inserted the word ‘Jew.’

And, the Nazis endorsed all of the programs of the Democrats/Liberals
Workers Welfare Programs:

In the best passage of Government largess, the Nazi regime fostered a purified liberal concept to enhance the living standard of German citizens across all segments of society. In order to stimulate the spirit of integrity, comradeship and happiness, Adolf Hitler fanned numerous programs and instituted strict rules for officials to carry them in eternal way.

a) Highly Subsidized International vacation trips.

b) Between 1933-1938 Strength through Joy (KDF) movement Organized 134,000 theater and concert events for 32 million people. 2 million people went on cruises and weekend trips and 11 million went on theater trips.

c) Nazis ensured that every citizen had a Radio.

d) 5 day week.

e) Free Public Health.

f) Trade Unions were banned. All workers had to join German labor Front. Strikes for higher wages were banned. People who refused to work were imprisoned. With fall in Inflation, purchasing power increased and wages actually fell.

g) Large factories had to provide rest areas, cafeterias, dressing rooms, even playing fields and swimming pools

h) They also banned "lock outs" for industries. No "reverse strikes"for them either.

LIES YOUR TEACHER TAUGHT YOU: Nazi Hitler Economic Social and Political Policies

Wanna thank me for your education, blanko?????
And that is their entire pseudosocialist agenda, but in actual fact it was a house of cards that was just preparing for war. It was financed by Jewish confiscations and confiscations from opponents and huge debt. The Nazis loved aristocrats and business executives unlike socialists, and Loved corporations unless they were Jewish or in opposition. They had to go to war because of the huge debt.

Let's review:

Yes....Nazis were socialists.

Yes.....Nazis learned from the Democrat Party

Yes.....the Nazis stood for every program the Liberals stand for


American progressives, for the most part, did not disavow fascism until the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust became manifest during World War II. After the war, those progressives who had praised Mussolini and Hitler in the 1920s and 1930s had no choice but to dissociate themselves from fascism. “Accordingly,” writes Jonah Goldberg, “leftist intellectuals redefined fascism as 'right-wing' and projected their own sins onto conservatives, even as they continued to borrow heavily from fascist and pre-fascist thought.” This progressive campaign to recast fascism as the "right-wing" antithesis of communism was aided by Joseph Stalin, ....

Recognize yourself in that mirror, blanko?????
Conservatives that supported Mussolini and Hitler also had to change their tack LOL. Socialist are democratic. End of story. That's why marxists and Communists are not socialists. Nazis aren't even close you idiot. You people believe all right wing propaganda, even the Nazis'. Poor America.

"Socialist are democratic."

No it isn't.

Socialism is theft.

As the saying goes, you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig.

Socialists and Marxists have the very same aim for society.
Nazis are socialists.
I proved both of the above.
This is why you remain 'blanko.'
ask anyone who calls himself a socialist in the modern world and they will tell you what I tell you that you are a brainwashed cold war dinosaur. Do you also believe that Nazis are socialists LOL? That is brand new crap... The dupes will believe anything...

As I've said many times, the definition of socialism has moved on, your professor Cole died in 1959 all your arguments come from the 30s or before, like I've been trying to tell you LOL

"...ask anyone..."

This is why your posts are our best source of greenhouse gases, while mine shine with brilliance: education and research.

"Do you also believe that Nazis are socialists ..."

Not only do i believe it.....the Nazis....nationalsocialists ......believed it too.

And, those Nazis gave credit to the Democrat Party as their model.
The Nazi Nuremberg Laws were taken nearly wholly from the Jim Crow Laws of the Democrat controlled South.

In “Hitler's American Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law ,” by James Whitman, he shows how the Nazis took the Democrats’ Jim Crow Laws, simply changed the word ‘black’ and inserted the word ‘Jew.’

And, the Nazis endorsed all of the programs of the Democrats/Liberals
Workers Welfare Programs:

In the best passage of Government largess, the Nazi regime fostered a purified liberal concept to enhance the living standard of German citizens across all segments of society. In order to stimulate the spirit of integrity, comradeship and happiness, Adolf Hitler fanned numerous programs and instituted strict rules for officials to carry them in eternal way.

a) Highly Subsidized International vacation trips.

b) Between 1933-1938 Strength through Joy (KDF) movement Organized 134,000 theater and concert events for 32 million people. 2 million people went on cruises and weekend trips and 11 million went on theater trips.

c) Nazis ensured that every citizen had a Radio.

d) 5 day week.

e) Free Public Health.

f) Trade Unions were banned. All workers had to join German labor Front. Strikes for higher wages were banned. People who refused to work were imprisoned. With fall in Inflation, purchasing power increased and wages actually fell.

g) Large factories had to provide rest areas, cafeterias, dressing rooms, even playing fields and swimming pools

h) They also banned "lock outs" for industries. No "reverse strikes"for them either.

LIES YOUR TEACHER TAUGHT YOU: Nazi Hitler Economic Social and Political Policies

Wanna thank me for your education, blanko?????
And that is their entire pseudosocialist agenda, but in actual fact it was a house of cards that was just preparing for war. It was financed by Jewish confiscations and confiscations from opponents and huge debt. The Nazis loved aristocrats and business executives unlike socialists, and Loved corporations unless they were Jewish or in opposition. They had to go to war because of the huge debt.

Let's review:

Yes....Nazis were socialists.

Yes.....Nazis learned from the Democrat Party

Yes.....the Nazis stood for every program the Liberals stand for


American progressives, for the most part, did not disavow fascism until the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust became manifest during World War II. After the war, those progressives who had praised Mussolini and Hitler in the 1920s and 1930s had no choice but to dissociate themselves from fascism. “Accordingly,” writes Jonah Goldberg, “leftist intellectuals redefined fascism as 'right-wing' and projected their own sins onto conservatives, even as they continued to borrow heavily from fascist and pre-fascist thought.” This progressive campaign to recast fascism as the "right-wing" antithesis of communism was aided by Joseph Stalin, ....

Recognize yourself in that mirror, blanko?????
Conservatives that supported Mussolini and Hitler also had to change their tack LOL. Socialist are democratic. End of story. That's why marxists and Communists are not socialists. Nazis aren't even close you idiot. You people believe all right wing propaganda, even the Nazis'. Poor America.

"Socialist are democratic."

No it isn't.

Socialism is theft.

As the saying goes, you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig.

Socialists and Marxists have the very same aim for society.
Nazis are socialists.
I proved both of the above.
This is why you remain 'blanko.'
Super dupe that you are. not in any poli-sci course in the country....
"...ask anyone..."

This is why your posts are our best source of greenhouse gases, while mine shine with brilliance: education and research.

"Do you also believe that Nazis are socialists ..."

Not only do i believe it.....the Nazis....nationalsocialists ......believed it too.

And, those Nazis gave credit to the Democrat Party as their model.
The Nazi Nuremberg Laws were taken nearly wholly from the Jim Crow Laws of the Democrat controlled South.

In “Hitler's American Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law ,” by James Whitman, he shows how the Nazis took the Democrats’ Jim Crow Laws, simply changed the word ‘black’ and inserted the word ‘Jew.’

And, the Nazis endorsed all of the programs of the Democrats/Liberals
Workers Welfare Programs:

In the best passage of Government largess, the Nazi regime fostered a purified liberal concept to enhance the living standard of German citizens across all segments of society. In order to stimulate the spirit of integrity, comradeship and happiness, Adolf Hitler fanned numerous programs and instituted strict rules for officials to carry them in eternal way.

a) Highly Subsidized International vacation trips.

b) Between 1933-1938 Strength through Joy (KDF) movement Organized 134,000 theater and concert events for 32 million people. 2 million people went on cruises and weekend trips and 11 million went on theater trips.

c) Nazis ensured that every citizen had a Radio.

d) 5 day week.

e) Free Public Health.

f) Trade Unions were banned. All workers had to join German labor Front. Strikes for higher wages were banned. People who refused to work were imprisoned. With fall in Inflation, purchasing power increased and wages actually fell.

g) Large factories had to provide rest areas, cafeterias, dressing rooms, even playing fields and swimming pools

h) They also banned "lock outs" for industries. No "reverse strikes"for them either.

LIES YOUR TEACHER TAUGHT YOU: Nazi Hitler Economic Social and Political Policies

Wanna thank me for your education, blanko?????
And that is their entire pseudosocialist agenda, but in actual fact it was a house of cards that was just preparing for war. It was financed by Jewish confiscations and confiscations from opponents and huge debt. The Nazis loved aristocrats and business executives unlike socialists, and Loved corporations unless they were Jewish or in opposition. They had to go to war because of the huge debt.

Let's review:

Yes....Nazis were socialists.

Yes.....Nazis learned from the Democrat Party

Yes.....the Nazis stood for every program the Liberals stand for


American progressives, for the most part, did not disavow fascism until the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust became manifest during World War II. After the war, those progressives who had praised Mussolini and Hitler in the 1920s and 1930s had no choice but to dissociate themselves from fascism. “Accordingly,” writes Jonah Goldberg, “leftist intellectuals redefined fascism as 'right-wing' and projected their own sins onto conservatives, even as they continued to borrow heavily from fascist and pre-fascist thought.” This progressive campaign to recast fascism as the "right-wing" antithesis of communism was aided by Joseph Stalin, ....

Recognize yourself in that mirror, blanko?????
Conservatives that supported Mussolini and Hitler also had to change their tack LOL. Socialist are democratic. End of story. That's why marxists and Communists are not socialists. Nazis aren't even close you idiot. You people believe all right wing propaganda, even the Nazis'. Poor America.

"Socialist are democratic."

No it isn't.

Socialism is theft.

As the saying goes, you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig.

Socialists and Marxists have the very same aim for society.
Nazis are socialists.
I proved both of the above.
This is why you remain 'blanko.'
Super dupe that you are. not in any poli-sci course in the country....

I could TEACH any poli-sci course in the country......and you wouldn't pass.
And that is their entire pseudosocialist agenda, but in actual fact it was a house of cards that was just preparing for war. It was financed by Jewish confiscations and confiscations from opponents and huge debt. The Nazis loved aristocrats and business executives unlike socialists, and Loved corporations unless they were Jewish or in opposition. They had to go to war because of the huge debt.

Let's review:

Yes....Nazis were socialists.

Yes.....Nazis learned from the Democrat Party

Yes.....the Nazis stood for every program the Liberals stand for


American progressives, for the most part, did not disavow fascism until the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust became manifest during World War II. After the war, those progressives who had praised Mussolini and Hitler in the 1920s and 1930s had no choice but to dissociate themselves from fascism. “Accordingly,” writes Jonah Goldberg, “leftist intellectuals redefined fascism as 'right-wing' and projected their own sins onto conservatives, even as they continued to borrow heavily from fascist and pre-fascist thought.” This progressive campaign to recast fascism as the "right-wing" antithesis of communism was aided by Joseph Stalin, ....

Recognize yourself in that mirror, blanko?????
Conservatives that supported Mussolini and Hitler also had to change their tack LOL. Socialist are democratic. End of story. That's why marxists and Communists are not socialists. Nazis aren't even close you idiot. You people believe all right wing propaganda, even the Nazis'. Poor America.

"Socialist are democratic."

No it isn't.

Socialism is theft.

As the saying goes, you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig.

Socialists and Marxists have the very same aim for society.
Nazis are socialists.
I proved both of the above.
This is why you remain 'blanko.'
Super dupe that you are. not in any poli-sci course in the country....

I could TEACH any poli-sci course in the country......and you wouldn't pass.
They don't teach Republican propaganda, which is all you have...
' "Only if we are capable of seeing Stalinism's degenerations, and how they registered in the transformation of Soviet politics and the role of the Comintern over the course of the 1920s," Palmer argues, "can we appreciate what was the foundational premise of the American revolutionary left." (Palmer, Rethinking the Historiography, p. 171)....Of course, Stalinism (did [italics]) matter to the American Communist movement; Communists followed the Marxist-Leninist hierarchical style of organization , and they required members to follow party policy....These lines and policies that leaders in Moscow and New York sent down damaged the party (when it went on purging campaigns against its own members) and the Left more generally (when Communists taught that all non-Communist leftists were the enemies of working people everywhere). Such other lines as class revolution and racial equality brought on the wrath of the state and its police force but were more in line with a leftist movement and revolutionary thought. And yet, Red Chicago argues that to fully understand American communism, one must move beyond these Stalinist polices to more concrete questions. Who were Chicago's Communists? HOw, when, and why did they implement Third Period policy? What did they actually do in the city's neighborhoods and industries? How did they understand the party linie? When and why did they reinterpret it? Many in Chicago's party were proud Communists. They believed in the Soviet Union, the Comintern, and party policy. But they did not always follow the rules.

Some of these rule breakers were newcomers, others were longtime party leaders, and still others --ethnic leaders, African Americans, professional lawyers, elected union officials, and student activists -- had their own bases of power that party leaders had to share. Each had their own reasons for stepping out of line: outright defiance, willful ignorance, traditions of their radical past, sensitivity to the particular people they organized, or the politics of party subcultures. Even though some were not compliant, they (were [italics]) party members. American Communism embraced Stalinist stalwarts (and [it.]) their less-disciplined troops. This mix best explains the experience of Communism in the United States.'
(Storch, Red Chicago, pp. 3-4)
Or the Socialists who get elected in modern countries that are all totally for democracy fair capitalism and a good safety net
So tell me Franco...why are you incapable of being your own good "safety net"? Why are you incapable of purchasing health insurance, home insurance, auto insurance, etc. as a "safety net"? And why are you incapable of saving money as a "safety net"?

It's a fair question. Don't be dick. Stop with the snark. Tell us what makes you so helpless that you need government to perform the basic functions for you that every other fuck'n adult in the world has no problem doing on their own.

Its real simple. He's a lazy butt that wants other people to pay for his stuff. All left-wing people are like that. They want everyone else to carry them on their backs.
Ask them how well capitalism was doing in 1929.
View attachment 245504 View attachment 245506 View attachment 245505

To the extent that capitalism’s problems – inequality, instability (cycles/crises), etc. – stem in part from its production relationships, reforms focused exclusively on regulating or supplanting markets will not succeed in solving them. For example, Keynesian monetary policies (focused on raising or lowering the quantity of money in circulation and, correspondingly, interest rates) do not touch the employer-employee relationship, however much their variations redistribute wealth, regulate markets, or displace markets in favor of state-administered investment decisions. Likewise, Keynesian fiscal policies (raising or lowering taxes and government spending) do not address the employer-employee relationship.

Keynesian policies also never ended the cyclical instability of capitalism. The New Deal and European social democracy left capitalism in place in both state and private units (enterprises) of production notwithstanding their massive reform agendas and programs. They thereby left capitalist employers facing the incentives and receiving the resources (profits) to evade, weaken and eventually dissolve most of those programs.

It is far better not to distribute wealth unequally in the first place than to re-distribute it after to undo the inequality. For example, FDR proposed in 1944 that the government establish a maximum income alongside a minimum wage; that is one among the various ways inequality could be limited and thereby redistribution avoided. Efforts to redistribute encounter evasions, oppositions, and failures that compound the effects of unequal distribution itself. Social peace and cohesion are the victims of redistribution sooner or later. Reforming markets while leaving the relations/organization of capitalist production unchanged is like redistribution. Just as redistribution schemes fail to solve the problems rooted in distribution, market-focused reforms fail to solve the problems rooted in production.

Since 2008, capitalism has showed us all yet again its deep and unsolved problems of cyclical instability, deepening inequality and the injustices they both entail. Their persistence mirrors that of the capitalist organization of production. To successfully confront and solve the problems of economic cycles, income and wealth inequality, and so on, we need to go beyond the capitalist employer-employee system of production. The democratization of enterprises – transitioning from employer-employee hierarchies to worker cooperatives – is a key way available here and now to realize the change we need.

Worker coops democratically decide the distribution of income (wages, bonuses, benefits, profit shares, etc.) among their members. No small group of owners and the boards of directors they choose would, as in capitalist corporations, make such decisions. Thus, for example, it would be far less likely that a few individuals in a worker coop would earn millions while most others could not afford to send children to college. A democratic worker coop decision on the distribution of enterprise income would be far less unequal than what typifies capitalist enterprises. A socialism for the 21st century could and should include the transition from a capitalist to a worker-coop-based economic system as central to its commitments to less inequality and less social conflict over redistribution.

Capitalism Is Not the “Market System”
Next you'll want our guns. Just like these others


Our Founding Fathers limited our Use of Socialism and declared we should be constitutional with our Constitution!

We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States; don't grab guns, grab gun lovers and regulate them well!
Lots of people didn't have Healthcare before Obamacare that do now
You didn’t answer the question (as always). What was wrong with those people that they were incapable of obtaining healthcare like an adult? Three-hundred million Americans had healthcare before Obamacare. If three-hundred million people can do something, and you can’t, you’re clearly an idiot.
ask anyone who calls himself a socialist in the modern world and they will tell you what I tell you that you are a brainwashed cold war dinosaur. Do you also believe that Nazis are socialists LOL? That is brand new crap... The dupes will believe anything...

As I've said many times, the definition of socialism has moved on, your professor Cole died in 1959 all your arguments come from the 30s or before, like I've been trying to tell you LOL

"...ask anyone..."

This is why your posts are our best source of greenhouse gases, while mine shine with brilliance: education and research.

"Do you also believe that Nazis are socialists ..."

Not only do i believe it.....the Nazis....nationalsocialists ......believed it too.

And, those Nazis gave credit to the Democrat Party as their model.
The Nazi Nuremberg Laws were taken nearly wholly from the Jim Crow Laws of the Democrat controlled South.

In “Hitler's American Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law ,” by James Whitman, he shows how the Nazis took the Democrats’ Jim Crow Laws, simply changed the word ‘black’ and inserted the word ‘Jew.’

And, the Nazis endorsed all of the programs of the Democrats/Liberals
Workers Welfare Programs:

In the best passage of Government largess, the Nazi regime fostered a purified liberal concept to enhance the living standard of German citizens across all segments of society. In order to stimulate the spirit of integrity, comradeship and happiness, Adolf Hitler fanned numerous programs and instituted strict rules for officials to carry them in eternal way.

a) Highly Subsidized International vacation trips.

b) Between 1933-1938 Strength through Joy (KDF) movement Organized 134,000 theater and concert events for 32 million people. 2 million people went on cruises and weekend trips and 11 million went on theater trips.

c) Nazis ensured that every citizen had a Radio.

d) 5 day week.

e) Free Public Health.

f) Trade Unions were banned. All workers had to join German labor Front. Strikes for higher wages were banned. People who refused to work were imprisoned. With fall in Inflation, purchasing power increased and wages actually fell.

g) Large factories had to provide rest areas, cafeterias, dressing rooms, even playing fields and swimming pools

h) They also banned "lock outs" for industries. No "reverse strikes"for them either.

LIES YOUR TEACHER TAUGHT YOU: Nazi Hitler Economic Social and Political Policies

Wanna thank me for your education, blanko?????
And that is their entire pseudosocialist agenda, but in actual fact it was a house of cards that was just preparing for war. It was financed by Jewish confiscations and confiscations from opponents and huge debt. The Nazis loved aristocrats and business executives unlike socialists, and Loved corporations unless they were Jewish or in opposition. They had to go to war because of the huge debt.

Let's review:

Yes....Nazis were socialists.

Yes.....Nazis learned from the Democrat Party

Yes.....the Nazis stood for every program the Liberals stand for


American progressives, for the most part, did not disavow fascism until the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust became manifest during World War II. After the war, those progressives who had praised Mussolini and Hitler in the 1920s and 1930s had no choice but to dissociate themselves from fascism. “Accordingly,” writes Jonah Goldberg, “leftist intellectuals redefined fascism as 'right-wing' and projected their own sins onto conservatives, even as they continued to borrow heavily from fascist and pre-fascist thought.” This progressive campaign to recast fascism as the "right-wing" antithesis of communism was aided by Joseph Stalin, ....

Recognize yourself in that mirror, blanko?????
Conservatives that supported Mussolini and Hitler also had to change their tack LOL. Socialist are democratic. End of story. That's why marxists and Communists are not socialists. Nazis aren't even close you idiot. You people believe all right wing propaganda, even the Nazis'. Poor America.

"Socialist are democratic."

No it isn't.

Socialism is theft.

As the saying goes, you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig.

Socialists and Marxists have the very same aim for society.
Nazis are socialists.
I proved both of the above.
This is why you remain 'blanko.'
fake news. wikileaks doesn't support your contention.
Or the Socialists who get elected in modern countries that are all totally for democracy fair capitalism and a good safety net
So tell me Franco...why are you incapable of being your own good "safety net"? Why are you incapable of purchasing health insurance, home insurance, auto insurance, etc. as a "safety net"? And why are you incapable of saving money as a "safety net"?

It's a fair question. Don't be dick. Stop with the snark. Tell us what makes you so helpless that you need government to perform the basic functions for you that every other fuck'n adult in the world has no problem doing on their own.

Its real simple. He's a lazy butt that wants other people to pay for his stuff. All left-wing people are like that. They want everyone else to carry them on their backs.
Every other fuck'n adult doesn't reject being taken care of. I'm pretty much taken care of and I'm grateful for the help, and I know there are a number of us that fit that description.
Its real simple. He's a lazy butt that wants other people to pay for his stuff. All left-wing people are like that. They want everyone else to carry them on their backs.

What happened andy pandy ? Did the gay nazi atheist forum ban you again
so you're back trolling here ? Still mad about those bad gold investments ?
Or the Socialists who get elected in modern countries that are all totally for democracy fair capitalism and a good safety net
So tell me Franco...why are you incapable of being your own good "safety net"? Why are you incapable of purchasing health insurance, home insurance, auto insurance, etc. as a "safety net"? And why are you incapable of saving money as a "safety net"?

It's a fair question. Don't be dick. Stop with the snark. Tell us what makes you so helpless that you need government to perform the basic functions for you that every other fuck'n adult in the world has no problem doing on their own.

Its real simple. He's a lazy butt that wants other people to pay for his stuff. All left-wing people are like that. They want everyone else to carry them on their backs.
Every other fuck'n adult doesn't reject being taken care of. I'm pretty much taken care of and I'm grateful for the help, and I know there are a number of us that fit that description.

Well sure. Pretty easy to accept free money stolen from others.

Thankfully I had parents that taught me to work. Yeah, I could get government assistance. I choose not to. It's called being and adult, and taking responsibility for one's life.

I worked with a guy a few years back, who had no legs. He could have sat on his butt on SSI, and said stuff like this on a forum somewhere. The guy was rather inspiring because he refused to be a ward of the state, sucking down tax dollars from people who worked.

Without legs, he started working a job. Used the money to slowly pay his way through school. Now he has a degree in electrical engineering.

That guy without legs, was way more inspiring choosing to live off his own hard work, rather than some guy waiting for the rest of us to work to pay taxes so he can sit around collecting money from our tax dollars.
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