Next time you hear someone criticizing socialism...

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lol. it is political-science jargon.

No it's not

Dictionary result for jargon
  1. special words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group and are difficult for others to understand.
Socialism is not a word specific to any profession or group

Law has its own jargon as does engineering, computer science etc which consist of terms that people outside those fields are not familiar with.
Yes, it is. They teach that in political science.
Funny I never tool Poli Sci and I doubt you ever did.

We studied socialism in history class
The pilgrims practiced socialism.

More like communism.

As I see it communism can work on a small scale
Libertarian-ism cam also work on a small scale
Republics such as ours can work on a much larger scale

Socialism (the real definition not yours) can indeed be implemented on a large scale but the result is an immovable bureaucracy that grinds the people under the boot heels of big government and if you thin there won't be an ultra elite population under socialism you are wrong

BTW......the Bolsheviks learned this early on, as well.....Stakhanovite Revolution....individualism and hard work need be rewarded.
Stakhanovite movement - Wikipedia

They chucked "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."

Yet....morons still champion it.
Nobody talks about socialism being communism-- totalitarianism that owns all business and industry,
Bingo! Nobody talks about it. It’s the dirty little secret that they keep quiet to dupe dysfunctional morons such as yourself.
So you think Bernie Sanders is a communist? Doesn't matter go ahead whatever LOL
Bernie Sanders is a Menshevik! Which will lead to Bolsheviks.
Only when the Bolsheviks have a violent revolution. Mensheviks were socialists who still believed in some democracy. Nobody with any brain at all is for communism or Bolsheviks, brainwashed Cold War dinosaur dingbat. Just something to scare the dupes with...
The pilgrims practiced socialism.'re thinking of the Indians who fed them and helped them survive when they could not do so themselves. And as usual, Socialism turned out to be a disaster...the Indians were killed off or conquered, lost their land, and forced to live on desolate reservations.

lol. keep your story straight, right wingers.

Either socialism was invented in the 1800 or you guys are wrong about modern socialism.
lol. it is political-science jargon.

No it's not

Dictionary result for jargon
  1. special words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group and are difficult for others to understand.
Socialism is not a word specific to any profession or group

Law has its own jargon as does engineering, computer science etc which consist of terms that people outside those fields are not familiar with.
Yes, it is. They teach that in political science.
Funny I never tool Poli Sci and I doubt you ever did.

We studied socialism in history class
The pilgrims practiced socialism.

More like communism.

As I see it communism can work on a small scale
Libertarian-ism cam also work on a small scale
Republics such as ours can work on a much larger scale

Socialism (the real definition not yours) can indeed be implemented on a large scale but the result is an immovable bureaucracy that grinds the people under the boot heels of big government and if you think there won't be an ultra elite population under socialism you are wrong
political jargon is not a real definition.
Nobody talks about socialism being communism-- totalitarianism that owns all business and industry,
Bingo! Nobody talks about it. It’s the dirty little secret that they keep quiet to dupe dysfunctional morons such as yourself.
So you think Bernie Sanders is a communist? Doesn't matter go ahead whatever LOL
Bernie Sanders is a Menshevik! Which will lead to Bolsheviks.
Only when the Bolsheviks have a violent revolution. Mensheviks were socialists who still believed in some democracy. Nobody with any brain at all is for communism or Bolsheviks, brainwashed Cold War dinosaur dingbat. Just something to scare the dupes with...

There is the joke about 'a moderate Muslim is a jihadi who is out of ammunition.'

The same applies to socialists and communists.....they are the same except for ammunition/revolution:

1. The Communists and their Marxist cousins, the Socialists,

have worked for revolution since the advent of the New Deal

twenty-one years ago by infiltrating government offices, , labor

unions, schools and colleges, churches, radio and television,

the movies, the publishing business.

2. In an article on socialism in the Encyclopedia Britannica,

Prof. G. D. H. Cole, a leading theoretician and historian of

the British Labor Party, declares: The distinction between socialism as distinguished by various Labor and Socialist parties of Europe and the New World, and communism, as represented by the Russians and minority parties in other countries is one of tactics-and-strategy rather than one of objective. Communism is indeed only socialism pursued by revolutionary means and making its revolutionary method a canon of faith...."

3. In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels stated that

communist ends can be attained "only by the forcible overthrow

of all existing social conditions."

I teach you something new ever day, don't I, blanko.
The right wing is clueless and Causeless regarding socialism.

Government is Socialism.

From the beginning of preparedness in 1939 through the peak of war production in 1944, American leaders recognized that the stakes were too high to permit the war economy to grow in an unfettered, laissez-faire manner.--

Only socialism can do that not Capitalism.
Nobody talks about socialism being communism-- totalitarianism that owns all business and industry,
Bingo! Nobody talks about it. It’s the dirty little secret that they keep quiet to dupe dysfunctional morons such as yourself.
So you think Bernie Sanders is a communist? Doesn't matter go ahead whatever LOL
Bernie Sanders is a Menshevik! Which will lead to Bolsheviks.
Only when the Bolsheviks have a violent revolution. Mensheviks were socialists who still believed in some democracy. Nobody with any brain at all is for communism or Bolsheviks, brainwashed Cold War dinosaur dingbat. Just something to scare the dupes with...

There is the joke about 'a moderate Muslim is a jihadi who is out of ammunition.'

The same applies to socialists and communists.....they are the same except for ammunition/revolution:

1. The Communists and their Marxist cousins, the Socialists,

have worked for revolution since the advent of the New Deal

twenty-one years ago by infiltrating government offices, , labor

unions, schools and colleges, churches, radio and television,

the movies, the publishing business.

2. In an article on socialism in the Encyclopedia Britannica,

Prof. G. D. H. Cole, a leading theoretician and historian of

the British Labor Party, declares: The distinction between socialism as distinguished by various Labor and Socialist parties of Europe and the New World, and communism, as represented by the Russians and minority parties in other countries is one of tactics-and-strategy rather than one of objective. Communism is indeed only socialism pursued by revolutionary means and making its revolutionary method a canon of faith...."

3. In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels stated that

communist ends can be attained "only by the forcible overthrow

of all existing social conditions."

I teach you something new ever day, don't I, blanko.
ask anyone who calls himself a socialist in the modern world and they will tell you what I tell you that you are a brainwashed cold war dinosaur. Do you also believe that Nazis are socialists LOL? That is brand new crap... The dupes will believe anything...

As I've said many times, the definition of socialism has moved on, your professor Cole died in 1959 all your arguments come from the 30s or before, like I've been trying to tell you LOL
Nobody talks about socialism being communism-- totalitarianism that owns all business and industry,
Bingo! Nobody talks about it. It’s the dirty little secret that they keep quiet to dupe dysfunctional morons such as yourself.
So you think Bernie Sanders is a communist? Doesn't matter go ahead whatever LOL
Bernie Sanders is a Menshevik! Which will lead to Bolsheviks.
Only when the Bolsheviks have a violent revolution. Mensheviks were socialists who still believed in some democracy. Nobody with any brain at all is for communism or Bolsheviks, brainwashed Cold War dinosaur dingbat. Just something to scare the dupes with...

There is the joke about 'a moderate Muslim is a jihadi who is out of ammunition.'

The same applies to socialists and communists.....they are the same except for ammunition/revolution:

1. The Communists and their Marxist cousins, the Socialists,

have worked for revolution since the advent of the New Deal

twenty-one years ago by infiltrating government offices, , labor

unions, schools and colleges, churches, radio and television,

the movies, the publishing business.

2. In an article on socialism in the Encyclopedia Britannica,

Prof. G. D. H. Cole, a leading theoretician and historian of

the British Labor Party, declares: The distinction between socialism as distinguished by various Labor and Socialist parties of Europe and the New World, and communism, as represented by the Russians and minority parties in other countries is one of tactics-and-strategy rather than one of objective. Communism is indeed only socialism pursued by revolutionary means and making its revolutionary method a canon of faith...."

3. In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels stated that

communist ends can be attained "only by the forcible overthrow

of all existing social conditions."

I teach you something new ever day, don't I, blanko.
I'll tell you a little story Franco in my name is from Francophile and the French know what they're talking about and they have had separate socialist and communist parties forever, and they define them as I do and the modern world does at this point, except for GOP dupe world.
Bingo! Nobody talks about it. It’s the dirty little secret that they keep quiet to dupe dysfunctional morons such as yourself.
So you think Bernie Sanders is a communist? Doesn't matter go ahead whatever LOL
Bernie Sanders is a Menshevik! Which will lead to Bolsheviks.
Only when the Bolsheviks have a violent revolution. Mensheviks were socialists who still believed in some democracy. Nobody with any brain at all is for communism or Bolsheviks, brainwashed Cold War dinosaur dingbat. Just something to scare the dupes with...

There is the joke about 'a moderate Muslim is a jihadi who is out of ammunition.'

The same applies to socialists and communists.....they are the same except for ammunition/revolution:

1. The Communists and their Marxist cousins, the Socialists,

have worked for revolution since the advent of the New Deal

twenty-one years ago by infiltrating government offices, , labor

unions, schools and colleges, churches, radio and television,

the movies, the publishing business.

2. In an article on socialism in the Encyclopedia Britannica,

Prof. G. D. H. Cole, a leading theoretician and historian of

the British Labor Party, declares: The distinction between socialism as distinguished by various Labor and Socialist parties of Europe and the New World, and communism, as represented by the Russians and minority parties in other countries is one of tactics-and-strategy rather than one of objective. Communism is indeed only socialism pursued by revolutionary means and making its revolutionary method a canon of faith...."

3. In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels stated that

communist ends can be attained "only by the forcible overthrow

of all existing social conditions."

I teach you something new ever day, don't I, blanko.
I'll tell you a little story Franco in my name is from Francophile and the French know what they're talking about and they have had separate socialist and communist parties forever, and they define them as I do and the modern world does at this point, except for GOP dupe world.
Meanwhile as Charles de Gaulle would say, the anglo-american reactionaries have kept this confused on purpose in their imperialist egocentric propaganda.
Bingo! Nobody talks about it. It’s the dirty little secret that they keep quiet to dupe dysfunctional morons such as yourself.
So you think Bernie Sanders is a communist? Doesn't matter go ahead whatever LOL
Bernie Sanders is a Menshevik! Which will lead to Bolsheviks.
Only when the Bolsheviks have a violent revolution. Mensheviks were socialists who still believed in some democracy. Nobody with any brain at all is for communism or Bolsheviks, brainwashed Cold War dinosaur dingbat. Just something to scare the dupes with...

There is the joke about 'a moderate Muslim is a jihadi who is out of ammunition.'

The same applies to socialists and communists.....they are the same except for ammunition/revolution:

1. The Communists and their Marxist cousins, the Socialists,

have worked for revolution since the advent of the New Deal

twenty-one years ago by infiltrating government offices, , labor

unions, schools and colleges, churches, radio and television,

the movies, the publishing business.

2. In an article on socialism in the Encyclopedia Britannica,

Prof. G. D. H. Cole, a leading theoretician and historian of

the British Labor Party, declares: The distinction between socialism as distinguished by various Labor and Socialist parties of Europe and the New World, and communism, as represented by the Russians and minority parties in other countries is one of tactics-and-strategy rather than one of objective. Communism is indeed only socialism pursued by revolutionary means and making its revolutionary method a canon of faith...."

3. In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels stated that

communist ends can be attained "only by the forcible overthrow

of all existing social conditions."

I teach you something new ever day, don't I, blanko.
ask anyone who calls himself a socialist in the modern world and they will tell you what I tell you that you are a brainwashed cold war dinosaur. Do you also believe that Nazis are socialists LOL? That is brand new crap... The dupes will believe anything...

As I've said many times, the definition of socialism has moved on, your professor Cole died in 1959 all your arguments come from the 30s or before, like I've been trying to tell you LOL

"...ask anyone..."

This is why your posts are our best source of greenhouse gases, while mine shine with brilliance: education and research.

"Do you also believe that Nazis are socialists ..."

Not only do i believe it.....the Nazis....nationalsocialists ......believed it too.

And, those Nazis gave credit to the Democrat Party as their model.
The Nazi Nuremberg Laws were taken nearly wholly from the Jim Crow Laws of the Democrat controlled South.

In “Hitler's American Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law ,” by James Whitman, he shows how the Nazis took the Democrats’ Jim Crow Laws, simply changed the word ‘black’ and inserted the word ‘Jew.’

And, the Nazis endorsed all of the programs of the Democrats/Liberals
Workers Welfare Programs:

In the best passage of Government largess, the Nazi regime fostered a purified liberal concept to enhance the living standard of German citizens across all segments of society. In order to stimulate the spirit of integrity, comradeship and happiness, Adolf Hitler fanned numerous programs and instituted strict rules for officials to carry them in eternal way.

a) Highly Subsidized International vacation trips.

b) Between 1933-1938 Strength through Joy (KDF) movement Organized 134,000 theater and concert events for 32 million people. 2 million people went on cruises and weekend trips and 11 million went on theater trips.

c) Nazis ensured that every citizen had a Radio.

d) 5 day week.

e) Free Public Health.

f) Trade Unions were banned. All workers had to join German labor Front. Strikes for higher wages were banned. People who refused to work were imprisoned. With fall in Inflation, purchasing power increased and wages actually fell.

g) Large factories had to provide rest areas, cafeterias, dressing rooms, even playing fields and swimming pools

h) They also banned "lock outs" for industries. No "reverse strikes"for them either.

LIES YOUR TEACHER TAUGHT YOU: Nazi Hitler Economic Social and Political Policies

Wanna thank me for your education, blanko?????
So you think Bernie Sanders is a communist? Doesn't matter go ahead whatever LOL
Bernie Sanders is a Menshevik! Which will lead to Bolsheviks.
Only when the Bolsheviks have a violent revolution. Mensheviks were socialists who still believed in some democracy. Nobody with any brain at all is for communism or Bolsheviks, brainwashed Cold War dinosaur dingbat. Just something to scare the dupes with...

There is the joke about 'a moderate Muslim is a jihadi who is out of ammunition.'

The same applies to socialists and communists.....they are the same except for ammunition/revolution:

1. The Communists and their Marxist cousins, the Socialists,

have worked for revolution since the advent of the New Deal

twenty-one years ago by infiltrating government offices, , labor

unions, schools and colleges, churches, radio and television,

the movies, the publishing business.

2. In an article on socialism in the Encyclopedia Britannica,

Prof. G. D. H. Cole, a leading theoretician and historian of

the British Labor Party, declares: The distinction between socialism as distinguished by various Labor and Socialist parties of Europe and the New World, and communism, as represented by the Russians and minority parties in other countries is one of tactics-and-strategy rather than one of objective. Communism is indeed only socialism pursued by revolutionary means and making its revolutionary method a canon of faith...."

3. In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels stated that

communist ends can be attained "only by the forcible overthrow

of all existing social conditions."

I teach you something new ever day, don't I, blanko.
ask anyone who calls himself a socialist in the modern world and they will tell you what I tell you that you are a brainwashed cold war dinosaur. Do you also believe that Nazis are socialists LOL? That is brand new crap... The dupes will believe anything...

As I've said many times, the definition of socialism has moved on, your professor Cole died in 1959 all your arguments come from the 30s or before, like I've been trying to tell you LOL

"...ask anyone..."

This is why your posts are our best source of greenhouse gases, while mine shine with brilliance: education and research.

"Do you also believe that Nazis are socialists ..."

Not only do i believe it.....the Nazis....nationalsocialists ......believed it too.

And, those Nazis gave credit to the Democrat Party as their model.
The Nazi Nuremberg Laws were taken nearly wholly from the Jim Crow Laws of the Democrat controlled South.

In “Hitler's American Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law ,” by James Whitman, he shows how the Nazis took the Democrats’ Jim Crow Laws, simply changed the word ‘black’ and inserted the word ‘Jew.’

And, the Nazis endorsed all of the programs of the Democrats/Liberals
Workers Welfare Programs:

In the best passage of Government largess, the Nazi regime fostered a purified liberal concept to enhance the living standard of German citizens across all segments of society. In order to stimulate the spirit of integrity, comradeship and happiness, Adolf Hitler fanned numerous programs and instituted strict rules for officials to carry them in eternal way.

a) Highly Subsidized International vacation trips.

b) Between 1933-1938 Strength through Joy (KDF) movement Organized 134,000 theater and concert events for 32 million people. 2 million people went on cruises and weekend trips and 11 million went on theater trips.

c) Nazis ensured that every citizen had a Radio.

d) 5 day week.

e) Free Public Health.

f) Trade Unions were banned. All workers had to join German labor Front. Strikes for higher wages were banned. People who refused to work were imprisoned. With fall in Inflation, purchasing power increased and wages actually fell.

g) Large factories had to provide rest areas, cafeterias, dressing rooms, even playing fields and swimming pools

h) They also banned "lock outs" for industries. No "reverse strikes"for them either.

LIES YOUR TEACHER TAUGHT YOU: Nazi Hitler Economic Social and Political Policies

Wanna thank me for your education, blanko?????
Government is socialism is the Only explanation.
So you think Bernie Sanders is a communist? Doesn't matter go ahead whatever LOL
Bernie Sanders is a Menshevik! Which will lead to Bolsheviks.
Only when the Bolsheviks have a violent revolution. Mensheviks were socialists who still believed in some democracy. Nobody with any brain at all is for communism or Bolsheviks, brainwashed Cold War dinosaur dingbat. Just something to scare the dupes with...

There is the joke about 'a moderate Muslim is a jihadi who is out of ammunition.'

The same applies to socialists and communists.....they are the same except for ammunition/revolution:

1. The Communists and their Marxist cousins, the Socialists,

have worked for revolution since the advent of the New Deal

twenty-one years ago by infiltrating government offices, , labor

unions, schools and colleges, churches, radio and television,

the movies, the publishing business.

2. In an article on socialism in the Encyclopedia Britannica,

Prof. G. D. H. Cole, a leading theoretician and historian of

the British Labor Party, declares: The distinction between socialism as distinguished by various Labor and Socialist parties of Europe and the New World, and communism, as represented by the Russians and minority parties in other countries is one of tactics-and-strategy rather than one of objective. Communism is indeed only socialism pursued by revolutionary means and making its revolutionary method a canon of faith...."

3. In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels stated that

communist ends can be attained "only by the forcible overthrow

of all existing social conditions."

I teach you something new ever day, don't I, blanko.
ask anyone who calls himself a socialist in the modern world and they will tell you what I tell you that you are a brainwashed cold war dinosaur. Do you also believe that Nazis are socialists LOL? That is brand new crap... The dupes will believe anything...

As I've said many times, the definition of socialism has moved on, your professor Cole died in 1959 all your arguments come from the 30s or before, like I've been trying to tell you LOL

"...ask anyone..."

This is why your posts are our best source of greenhouse gases, while mine shine with brilliance: education and research.

"Do you also believe that Nazis are socialists ..."

Not only do i believe it.....the Nazis....nationalsocialists ......believed it too.

And, those Nazis gave credit to the Democrat Party as their model.
The Nazi Nuremberg Laws were taken nearly wholly from the Jim Crow Laws of the Democrat controlled South.

In “Hitler's American Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law ,” by James Whitman, he shows how the Nazis took the Democrats’ Jim Crow Laws, simply changed the word ‘black’ and inserted the word ‘Jew.’

And, the Nazis endorsed all of the programs of the Democrats/Liberals
Workers Welfare Programs:

In the best passage of Government largess, the Nazi regime fostered a purified liberal concept to enhance the living standard of German citizens across all segments of society. In order to stimulate the spirit of integrity, comradeship and happiness, Adolf Hitler fanned numerous programs and instituted strict rules for officials to carry them in eternal way.

a) Highly Subsidized International vacation trips.

b) Between 1933-1938 Strength through Joy (KDF) movement Organized 134,000 theater and concert events for 32 million people. 2 million people went on cruises and weekend trips and 11 million went on theater trips.

c) Nazis ensured that every citizen had a Radio.

d) 5 day week.

e) Free Public Health.

f) Trade Unions were banned. All workers had to join German labor Front. Strikes for higher wages were banned. People who refused to work were imprisoned. With fall in Inflation, purchasing power increased and wages actually fell.

g) Large factories had to provide rest areas, cafeterias, dressing rooms, even playing fields and swimming pools

h) They also banned "lock outs" for industries. No "reverse strikes"for them either.

LIES YOUR TEACHER TAUGHT YOU: Nazi Hitler Economic Social and Political Policies

Wanna thank me for your education, blanko?????
You can "break me in on Thursdays".
Bingo! Nobody talks about it. It’s the dirty little secret that they keep quiet to dupe dysfunctional morons such as yourself.
So you think Bernie Sanders is a communist? Doesn't matter go ahead whatever LOL
Bernie Sanders is a Menshevik! Which will lead to Bolsheviks.
Only when the Bolsheviks have a violent revolution. Mensheviks were socialists who still believed in some democracy. Nobody with any brain at all is for communism or Bolsheviks, brainwashed Cold War dinosaur dingbat. Just something to scare the dupes with...

There is the joke about 'a moderate Muslim is a jihadi who is out of ammunition.'

The same applies to socialists and communists.....they are the same except for ammunition/revolution:

1. The Communists and their Marxist cousins, the Socialists,

have worked for revolution since the advent of the New Deal

twenty-one years ago by infiltrating government offices, , labor

unions, schools and colleges, churches, radio and television,

the movies, the publishing business.

2. In an article on socialism in the Encyclopedia Britannica,

Prof. G. D. H. Cole, a leading theoretician and historian of

the British Labor Party, declares: The distinction between socialism as distinguished by various Labor and Socialist parties of Europe and the New World, and communism, as represented by the Russians and minority parties in other countries is one of tactics-and-strategy rather than one of objective. Communism is indeed only socialism pursued by revolutionary means and making its revolutionary method a canon of faith...."

3. In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels stated that

communist ends can be attained "only by the forcible overthrow

of all existing social conditions."

I teach you something new ever day, don't I, blanko.
I'll tell you a little story Franco in my name is from Francophile and the French know what they're talking about and they have had separate socialist and communist parties forever, and they define them as I do and the modern world does at this point, except for GOP dupe world.

You name is either 'mud', for obvious reasons, or 'blanko' based on your knowledge.

And, this is something else you don't know....the French Revolution:
1. "If the French revolution was the end of monarchy and aristocratic privilege and the emergence of the common man and democratic rights, it was also the beginnings of modern totalitarian government and large-scale executions of "enemies of the People" by impersonal government entities (Robespierre's "Committee of Public Safety").

This legacy would not reach its fullest bloom until the tragic arrival of the German Nazis and Soviet and Chinese communists of the 20th century."

French Revolution - Robespierre, and the Legacy of the Reign of Terror

2. 'In ‘The Social Contract’ Rousseau advocated death for anyone who did not uphold the common values of the community: the totalitarian view of reshaping of humanity, echoed in communism, Nazism, progressivism. Robespierre: “the necessity of bringing about a complete regeneration and, if I may express myself so, of creating a new people.”
Himmefarb, , “The Roads to Modernity,” p. 167-68.

BTW.....Hillary Clinton wrote something very similar to that in her college thesis.

So, once ‘truth’ is determined, anyone who doesn’t accept it was “either insane or wicked and morally evil" and should be dealt with as a wild beast.

Sounds very much like the dictum of our modern Liberal, doesn't it.
So you think Bernie Sanders is a communist? Doesn't matter go ahead whatever LOL
Bernie Sanders is a Menshevik! Which will lead to Bolsheviks.
Only when the Bolsheviks have a violent revolution. Mensheviks were socialists who still believed in some democracy. Nobody with any brain at all is for communism or Bolsheviks, brainwashed Cold War dinosaur dingbat. Just something to scare the dupes with...

There is the joke about 'a moderate Muslim is a jihadi who is out of ammunition.'

The same applies to socialists and communists.....they are the same except for ammunition/revolution:

1. The Communists and their Marxist cousins, the Socialists,

have worked for revolution since the advent of the New Deal

twenty-one years ago by infiltrating government offices, , labor

unions, schools and colleges, churches, radio and television,

the movies, the publishing business.

2. In an article on socialism in the Encyclopedia Britannica,

Prof. G. D. H. Cole, a leading theoretician and historian of

the British Labor Party, declares: The distinction between socialism as distinguished by various Labor and Socialist parties of Europe and the New World, and communism, as represented by the Russians and minority parties in other countries is one of tactics-and-strategy rather than one of objective. Communism is indeed only socialism pursued by revolutionary means and making its revolutionary method a canon of faith...."

3. In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels stated that

communist ends can be attained "only by the forcible overthrow

of all existing social conditions."

I teach you something new ever day, don't I, blanko.
I'll tell you a little story Franco in my name is from Francophile and the French know what they're talking about and they have had separate socialist and communist parties forever, and they define them as I do and the modern world does at this point, except for GOP dupe world.
Meanwhile as Charles de Gaulle would say, the anglo-american reactionaries have kept this confused on purpose in their imperialist egocentric propaganda.

Why are you wasting time, blanko???

Take notes of my posts.....they are brilliant!!!
So you think Bernie Sanders is a communist? Doesn't matter go ahead whatever LOL
Bernie Sanders is a Menshevik! Which will lead to Bolsheviks.
Only when the Bolsheviks have a violent revolution. Mensheviks were socialists who still believed in some democracy. Nobody with any brain at all is for communism or Bolsheviks, brainwashed Cold War dinosaur dingbat. Just something to scare the dupes with...

There is the joke about 'a moderate Muslim is a jihadi who is out of ammunition.'

The same applies to socialists and communists.....they are the same except for ammunition/revolution:

1. The Communists and their Marxist cousins, the Socialists,

have worked for revolution since the advent of the New Deal

twenty-one years ago by infiltrating government offices, , labor

unions, schools and colleges, churches, radio and television,

the movies, the publishing business.

2. In an article on socialism in the Encyclopedia Britannica,

Prof. G. D. H. Cole, a leading theoretician and historian of

the British Labor Party, declares: The distinction between socialism as distinguished by various Labor and Socialist parties of Europe and the New World, and communism, as represented by the Russians and minority parties in other countries is one of tactics-and-strategy rather than one of objective. Communism is indeed only socialism pursued by revolutionary means and making its revolutionary method a canon of faith...."

3. In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels stated that

communist ends can be attained "only by the forcible overthrow

of all existing social conditions."

I teach you something new ever day, don't I, blanko.
ask anyone who calls himself a socialist in the modern world and they will tell you what I tell you that you are a brainwashed cold war dinosaur. Do you also believe that Nazis are socialists LOL? That is brand new crap... The dupes will believe anything...

As I've said many times, the definition of socialism has moved on, your professor Cole died in 1959 all your arguments come from the 30s or before, like I've been trying to tell you LOL

"...ask anyone..."

This is why your posts are our best source of greenhouse gases, while mine shine with brilliance: education and research.

"Do you also believe that Nazis are socialists ..."

Not only do i believe it.....the Nazis....nationalsocialists ......believed it too.

And, those Nazis gave credit to the Democrat Party as their model.
The Nazi Nuremberg Laws were taken nearly wholly from the Jim Crow Laws of the Democrat controlled South.

In “Hitler's American Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law ,” by James Whitman, he shows how the Nazis took the Democrats’ Jim Crow Laws, simply changed the word ‘black’ and inserted the word ‘Jew.’

And, the Nazis endorsed all of the programs of the Democrats/Liberals
Workers Welfare Programs:

In the best passage of Government largess, the Nazi regime fostered a purified liberal concept to enhance the living standard of German citizens across all segments of society. In order to stimulate the spirit of integrity, comradeship and happiness, Adolf Hitler fanned numerous programs and instituted strict rules for officials to carry them in eternal way.

a) Highly Subsidized International vacation trips.

b) Between 1933-1938 Strength through Joy (KDF) movement Organized 134,000 theater and concert events for 32 million people. 2 million people went on cruises and weekend trips and 11 million went on theater trips.

c) Nazis ensured that every citizen had a Radio.

d) 5 day week.

e) Free Public Health.

f) Trade Unions were banned. All workers had to join German labor Front. Strikes for higher wages were banned. People who refused to work were imprisoned. With fall in Inflation, purchasing power increased and wages actually fell.

g) Large factories had to provide rest areas, cafeterias, dressing rooms, even playing fields and swimming pools

h) They also banned "lock outs" for industries. No "reverse strikes"for them either.

LIES YOUR TEACHER TAUGHT YOU: Nazi Hitler Economic Social and Political Policies

Wanna thank me for your education, blanko?????
And that is their entire pseudosocialist agenda, but in actual fact it was a house of cards that was just preparing for war. It was financed by Jewish confiscations and confiscations from opponents and huge debt. The Nazis loved aristocrats and business executives unlike socialists, and Loved corporations unless they were Jewish or in opposition. They had to go to war because of the huge debt.
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