Next time you hear someone criticizing socialism...

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... Then FDR took over, and turned the recession into the Great Depression...

Dude, FDR was the governor of New York in 1929.
Wasn't president until 1932.
No shit, did I say anywhere that Hoover was great? No, I said he tried progressive policies. Policies that fucked shit it up. FDR came into power in 1932, when did America come out of the Great Depression? Hint: he was dead and the rest of the modern world was fucked sideways by total war while America was spared.

Bigger question, why did we come out of a much greater recession 9 years before hand and turn it into an economic boom within a year and a half vs the great depression lasting so long? Should we take a peak at the policies enacted during the time and compare and contrast? That sounds reasonable right? Seems like that’s the logical thing to do right?
You totally muffed your history lesson. D-

actually he aced it.
He said FDR caused the Great Depression !!
Some people probably shouldn't do drugs - mom ever tell you ?
Stock markets crash around every 8-10 years or so. Shit gets bad during those times, but then they usually recover, or least start to recover in 2-3 years, or so. Those are called recessions. When the markets crashed in one at the time said “oh my god, this is gonna last over a decade, and that the federal reserve and government are going to do shit to make it worse.” Because they don’t have technology to peer into the future. So after a couple years of the federal reserve pumping the breaks and making everything worse, it wasn’t until then that people said wow shit is bad and then eventually a recession became the Great Depression.
No it's not

Dictionary result for jargon
  1. special words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group and are difficult for others to understand.
Socialism is not a word specific to any profession or group

Law has its own jargon as does engineering, computer science etc which consist of terms that people outside those fields are not familiar with.
Yes, it is. They teach that in political science.
Funny I never tool Poli Sci and I doubt you ever did.

We studied socialism in history class
The pilgrims practiced socialism.

More like communism.

As I see it communism can work on a small scale
Libertarian-ism cam also work on a small scale
Republics such as ours can work on a much larger scale

Socialism (the real definition not yours) can indeed be implemented on a large scale but the result is an immovable bureaucracy that grinds the people under the boot heels of big government and if you think there won't be an ultra elite population under socialism you are wrong
political jargon is not a real definition.

So the definition n the dictionary is political jargon?

So tell me where do you get your information on what words mean if not from the dictionary?
Let's review:

Yes....Nazis were socialists.

Yes.....Nazis learned from the Democrat Party

Yes.....the Nazis stood for every program the Liberals stand for


American progressives, for the most part, did not disavow fascism until the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust became manifest during World War II. After the war, those progressives who had praised Mussolini and Hitler in the 1920s and 1930s had no choice but to dissociate themselves from fascism. “Accordingly,” writes Jonah Goldberg, “leftist intellectuals redefined fascism as 'right-wing' and projected their own sins onto conservatives, even as they continued to borrow heavily from fascist and pre-fascist thought.” This progressive campaign to recast fascism as the "right-wing" antithesis of communism was aided by Joseph Stalin, ....

Recognize yourself in that mirror, blanko?????
Conservatives that supported Mussolini and Hitler also had to change their tack LOL. Socialist are democratic. End of story. That's why marxists and Communists are not socialists. Nazis aren't even close you idiot. You people believe all right wing propaganda, even the Nazis'. Poor America.

"Socialist are democratic."

No it isn't.

Socialism is theft.

As the saying goes, you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig.

Socialists and Marxists have the very same aim for society.
Nazis are socialists.
I proved both of the above.
This is why you remain 'blanko.'
Super dupe that you are. not in any poli-sci course in the country....

I could TEACH any poli-sci course in the country......and you wouldn't pass.
They don't teach Republican propaganda, which is all you have...

Everything I post is documented, linked, and sourced.

Too bad you can't recognize the truth.
Or the Socialists who get elected in modern countries that are all totally for democracy fair capitalism and a good safety net
So tell me Franco...why are you incapable of being your own good "safety net"? Why are you incapable of purchasing health insurance, home insurance, auto insurance, etc. as a "safety net"? And why are you incapable of saving money as a "safety net"?

It's a fair question. Don't be dick. Stop with the snark. Tell us what makes you so helpless that you need government to perform the basic functions for you that every other fuck'n adult in the world has no problem doing on their own.

Its real simple. He's a lazy butt that wants other people to pay for his stuff. All left-wing people are like that. They want everyone else to carry them on their backs.
Every other fuck'n adult doesn't reject being taken care of. I'm pretty much taken care of and I'm grateful for the help, and I know there are a number of us that fit that description.

Well sure. Pretty easy to accept free money stolen from others.

Thankfully I had parents that taught me to work. Yeah, I could get government assistance. I choose not to. It's called being and adult, and taking responsibility for one's life.

I worked with a guy a few years back, who had no legs. He could have sat on his butt on SSI, and said stuff like this on a forum somewhere. The guy was rather inspiring because he refused to be a ward of the state, sucking down tax dollars from people who worked.

Without legs, he started working a job. Used the money to slowly pay his way through school. Now he has a degree in electrical engineering.

That guy without legs, was way more inspiring choosing to live off his own hard work, rather than some guy waiting for the rest of us to work to pay taxes so he can sit around collecting money from our tax dollars.
the right wing would be more credible, if they "worked hard" and came up with valid arguments instead of red herrings.
see my sig line
"There is no difference between communism and socialism, except in the means of achieving the same ultimate end: Communism proposes to enslave men by force, socialism-by vote. It is merely the difference between murder and suicide." Ayn Rand

She also never imagined we would go bankrupt from wars.
Capitalism is fundamentally opposed to war
Laissez-faire capitalism is the only social system based on the recognition of individual rights and, therefore, the only system that bans force from social relationships. By the nature of its basic principles and interests, it is the only system fundamentally opposed to war. Men who are free to produce, have no incentive to loot; they have nothing to gain from war and a great deal to lose. Economically, wars cost money, in a free economy, where wealth is privately owned, the costs of war come out of the income of private citizens. A citizen cannot hope to recoup his own financial losses by winning the war.
Ayn Rand
Any alleged war on (fill in the blank), is not Capitalism.

Capitalism is about voluntary social transactions that result in mutually beneficial trade.

Trade wars and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are not Capitalism.
If the Great Depression began in 1929, how the fuck did FDR start it when he wasn't even president until 3 years later ?
Because the Great Depression didn’t start in 1929 genius. There was a market crash in 1929 (just like there was on “Black Monday” under Ronald Reagan). It didn’t turn into the “Great Depression” until FDR burned the U.S. Constitution and instituted failed left-wing policy.
That's the most twisted bullshit lie I've heard in a long time.

It is dead on correct.

The stock market crash, was not the start of the depression. The start of the depression was 1930 when Smoot-hawley tariffs were imposed. Then the 1932 tax hikes to pay for Hoovers massive government spending programs. FDR continued all the bad policies of Hoover, which dragged out the depression for over a decade.
And of course I'm happily retired 67 years old. Maybe you should worry about the fact that our jobs that are available are so shity these days, our minimum wage is a joke and we have no benefits in comparison with other modern countries. Worst inequality and upward Mobility ever 35 years of GOP give away to the rich. Brainwashed functional morons only vote for the GOP...
I'm catching up fast at 57.
View attachment 247141

Not a single person who voted Republican ruined my life.

I've been more harmed by Democrats, than Republicans.
A crappy country like Venezuela has no lessons for the greatest country in the world,a this is just another ridiculous GOP talking point that covers everything
Once again, the lowest IQ in the room defeats his own argument. Venezuela was the 14th wealthiest nation in the world with the #1 oil reserves in the world.

Then the people listened to nitwits like you, and the failed left-wing policies turned Venezuela into a “crappy country”.
why so much socialism perpetrated against that country? drug wars, sanctions, and trade wars are not capitalism.
Redfish and Sakinago graduated from Honey Boo Boo neocon college .
View attachment 247128
Good job finding a meme online, you proven your skills as capable as any 10 year old with a smartphone. Now correct my apparent incorrect history lesson that I failed. Usually when people get things wrong online and someone says they got it wrong and know it, they point out how and where they got it wrong, and then if they’re creative and find a meme that relates, then they post the meme...for added effect. You skipped straight to posting the meme
The social policies put in place by FDR made our last recession relatively painless.
If the Great Depression began in 1929, how the fuck did FDR start it when he wasn't even president until 3 years later ?
Because the Great Depression didn’t start in 1929 genius. There was a market crash in 1929 (just like there was on “Black Monday” under Ronald Reagan). It didn’t turn into the “Great Depression” until FDR burned the U.S. Constitution and instituted failed left-wing policy.
the recession was happening anyway; the policies weren't optimal;


the relative communist wartime economy made sure we had full employment and ended the depression.
And of course I'm happily retired 67 years old. Maybe you should worry about the fact that our jobs that are available are so shity these days, our minimum wage is a joke and we have no benefits in comparison with other modern countries. Worst inequality and upward Mobility ever 35 years of GOP give away to the rich. Brainwashed functional morons only vote for the GOP...
I'm catching up fast at 57.
View attachment 247141

Not a single person who voted Republican ruined my life.

I've been more harmed by Democrats, than Republicans.
So you're saying that poor, blue collar, Christian conservatives are helping their own best interests by voting for Republicans ? And that Wall Street CEO's spend hundreds of millions every election to get Republicans elected so we can overpopulate our country with armed hamsters ?
And of course I'm happily retired 67 years old. Maybe you should worry about the fact that our jobs that are available are so shity these days, our minimum wage is a joke and we have no benefits in comparison with other modern countries. Worst inequality and upward Mobility ever 35 years of GOP give away to the rich. Brainwashed functional morons only vote for the GOP...
I'm catching up fast at 57.
View attachment 247141

Not a single person who voted Republican ruined my life.

I've been more harmed by Democrats, than Republicans.
So you're saying that poor, blue collar, Christian conservatives are helping their own best interests by voting for Republicans ?

And what are their "best interests", in your view?
Everything I post is documented, linked, and sourced.

Too bad you can't recognize the truth.
You stand by the credibility of your news like CNN ?

Everything I post is documented, linked, and sourced.
Yeah mine too.
And of course I'm happily retired 67 years old. Maybe you should worry about the fact that our jobs that are available are so shity these days, our minimum wage is a joke and we have no benefits in comparison with other modern countries. Worst inequality and upward Mobility ever 35 years of GOP give away to the rich. Brainwashed functional morons only vote for the GOP...
I'm catching up fast at 57.
View attachment 247141

Not a single person who voted Republican ruined my life.

I've been more harmed by Democrats, than Republicans.
So you're saying that poor, blue collar, Christian conservatives are helping their own best interests by voting for Republicans ?

And what are their "best interests", in your view?
Let me just say I've been voting Independent and Green Party ( and Reform if you include Perot in 92 )
-- I did vote for Carter in 1980 when I was 18. I'm a Constitutionalist for the most part, and beyond that I usually don't wear a name-tag or a party-pin.
And of course I'm happily retired 67 years old. Maybe you should worry about the fact that our jobs that are available are so shity these days, our minimum wage is a joke and we have no benefits in comparison with other modern countries. Worst inequality and upward Mobility ever 35 years of GOP give away to the rich. Brainwashed functional morons only vote for the GOP...
I'm catching up fast at 57.
View attachment 247141

Not a single person who voted Republican ruined my life.

I've been more harmed by Democrats, than Republicans.
So you're saying that poor, blue collar, Christian conservatives are helping their own best interests by voting for Republicans ?

And what are their "best interests", in your view?
Let me just say I've been voting Independent and Green Party ( and Reform if you include Perot in 92 )
-- I did vote for Carter in 1980 when I was 18. I'm a Constitutionalist for the most part, and beyond that I usually don't wear a name-tag or a party-pin.

I just wonder what we presume their best interests are. I ask because I see this argument from Democrats regularly, and it's just dripping with hubris. Democrats seem to think they know the best interests of poor, blue collar, Christian conservatives better than poor, blue collar, Christian conservatives do. They point out that the policies Democrats are promoting would funnel more money to the poor - implying that any poor person opposed to such funneling is a fool. They completely discount the possibility that these voters are committed to principles that transcend personal benefit. It's insulting.
Everything I post is documented, linked, and sourced.

Too bad you can't recognize the truth.
You stand by the credibility of your news like CNN ?

Everything I post is documented, linked, and sourced.
Yeah mine too.
View attachment 247162

Everything she posted is documented. If you can't argue with the documented evidence, then the only person lying is you.
I mean, how do you think they're voting against their best interests? I ask because I see this argument from Democrats regularly, and it's just dripping with hubris. Democrats seem to think they know the best interests of poor, blue collar, Christian conservatives better than poor, blue collar, Christian conservatives do. They point out that the policies Democrats are promoting would funnel more money to the poor - implying that any poor person opposed to such funneling is a fool. They completely discount the possibility that these voters are committed to principles that transcend personal benefit. It's insulting.
Democrats have no credibility anymore. In fact that that cartoon probably should read Republicans and Democrats .
Getting Big Money out of politics should be a major issue but we know Bernie gets marginalized as a "socialist" when he brings it up. That's not socialism --it's democracy.
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