Next time you hear someone criticizing socialism...

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These days there is so much turnover you start over every few years at 8 to $10 it seems like to me.
Bingo!!! Ding! Ding! Ding! And there it is folks. The left is completely and totally devoid of facts. Everything they do is based on slanted and absurd views which just seems to actually exist to them.
These days there is so much turnover you start over every few years at 8 to $10 it seems like to me.
Well that is an indictment on you lazy left-wing parasites. Stop quitting jobs and starting over. Dig you heels in for once in your miserable lives. Act like an adult for once in your miserable lives. Work and earn your way for once in your miserable lives.
Your ideas are bunk.
Except that studies from the left-wing University of Washington in the left-wing city of Seattle are not "my ideas". They are indisputable facts that expose you for the brainwashed nitwit that you are. You refuse to accept any information that proves the ideology you were duped into buying into is a failed ideology.
There needs to be a living wage for everyone who's not a teenager, like they have in Australia. their minimum wage is $19 and you are a brainwashed functional moron Dupe of the greedy idiot GOP brainwash.
Australian Minimum Wage Failing
once again super dupe no matter where you put minimum wage at its still trickle up poor.
That's not by mistake, Bear. Frankie there is pissed off at the world. He wants the right to mooch off of others because it servers two huge purposes for him:

1. Absolves him of the personal responsibility of having to work to provide for himself
2. Drags down those more successful than him to his level
There needs to be a living wage for everyone who's not a teenager, like they have in Australia. their minimum wage is $19 and you are a brainwashed functional moron Dupe of the greedy idiot GOP brainwash.
Australian Minimum Wage Failing
once again super dupe no matter where you put minimum wage at its still trickle up poor.
That's because of the basic economics that the left doesn't understand. Minimum wage hikes cause price increase hikes (businesses don't eat cost - especially labor costs). Set the minimum wage at $15, and over night a $15 an hour salary is the equivalent of a $4 an hour salary today. Prices will all skyrocket and the minimum wage worker will be no further ahead than they are now.

It's such a shame that the left doesn't understand basic economics.
only Lousy capitalists Lose money on border policy with a Commerce Clause.
Only lousy left-wing lunatics keep copying and pasting the same phrases after they've been so thoroughly defeated on the battlefield of debate that they can't come up with a single new response.
we wouldn't have a problem if the GOP would stop blocking a national ID card like every smart country has with this problem.
So you don't want voter ID cards but you do want "national ID cards"? Uh? WTF? And how would that help anyway?!? You think Mexicans would stop coming over the border because they fear a credit card-sized piece of national identification? WTF?!?

You're about as bright as a black hole.
There needs to be a living wage for everyone who's not a teenager, like they have in Australia. their minimum wage is $19 and you are a brainwashed functional moron Dupe of the greedy idiot GOP brainwash.
Australian Minimum Wage Failing
once again super dupe no matter where you put minimum wage at its still trickle up poor.
That's because of the basic economics that the left doesn't understand. Minimum wage hikes cause price increase hikes (businesses don't eat cost - especially labor costs). Set the minimum wage at $15, and over night a $15 an hour salary is the equivalent of a $4 an hour salary today. Prices will all skyrocket and the minimum wage worker will be no further ahead than they are now.

It's such a shame that the left doesn't understand basic economics.
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

Labor is not that much of a cost factor of any business.
only Lousy capitalists Lose money on border policy with a Commerce Clause.
Only lousy left-wing lunatics keep copying and pasting the same phrases after they've been so thoroughly defeated on the battlefield of debate that they can't come up with a single new response.
there is no express immigration or wall building clause; money wasting, illegal slackers.
These days there is so much turnover you start over every few years at 8 to $10 it seems like to me.
Bingo!!! Ding! Ding! Ding! And there it is folks. The left is completely and totally devoid of facts. Everything they do is based on slanted and absurd views which just seems to actually exist to them.
so you haven't heard that people have to change their jobs much more often these days? Idiot.
we wouldn't have a problem if the GOP would stop blocking a national ID card like every smart country has with this problem.
So you don't want voter ID cards but you do want "national ID cards"? Uh? WTF? And how would that help anyway?!? You think Mexicans would stop coming over the border because they fear a credit card-sized piece of national identification? WTF?!?

You're about as bright as a black hole.
Every other modern country with illegal immigrationproblems ends the problem with a national ID card and solid enforcement. You morons on the right can use it for your illegal voter problem that doesn't exist in reality. For new voters only.
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These days there is so much turnover you start over every few years at 8 to $10 it seems like to me.
Bingo!!! Ding! Ding! Ding! And there it is folks. The left is completely and totally devoid of facts. Everything they do is based on slanted and absurd views which just seems to actually exist to them.
so you haven't heard that people have to change their jobs much more often these days? Idiot.

so you haven't heard that people have to change their jobs much more often these days?

After 8 years of Obama and 8 years of Clinton?
Why are Dems such useless bastards?
These days there is so much turnover you start over every few years at 8 to $10 it seems like to me.
Bingo!!! Ding! Ding! Ding! And there it is folks. The left is completely and totally devoid of facts. Everything they do is based on slanted and absurd views which just seems to actually exist to them.
so you haven't heard that people have to change their jobs much more often these days? Idiot.

so you haven't heard that people have to change their jobs much more often these days?

After 8 years of Obama and 8 years of Clinton?
Why are Dems such useless bastards?
We are living in the new vs GOP United States, stupid. For 35 years now, we've had a giveaway to the rich, screw the rest, Reagan dream, idiot. Everything Clinton and Obama wanted to do except ACA was obstructed. You brainwashed fool GOP voters have no clue what Democrats want.
These days there is so much turnover you start over every few years at 8 to $10 it seems like to me.
Bingo!!! Ding! Ding! Ding! And there it is folks. The left is completely and totally devoid of facts. Everything they do is based on slanted and absurd views which just seems to actually exist to them.
so you haven't heard that people have to change their jobs much more often these days? Idiot.

so you haven't heard that people have to change their jobs much more often these days?

After 8 years of Obama and 8 years of Clinton?
Why are Dems such useless bastards?
We are living in the new vs GOP United States, stupid. For 35 years now, we've had a giveaway to the rich, screw the rest, Reagan dream, idiot. Everything Clinton and Obama wanted to do except ACA was obstructed. You brainwashed fool GOP voters have no clue what Democrats want.
lol Be real, the only thing Clinton or Obama wanted to do was be President.
These days there is so much turnover you start over every few years at 8 to $10 it seems like to me.
Bingo!!! Ding! Ding! Ding! And there it is folks. The left is completely and totally devoid of facts. Everything they do is based on slanted and absurd views which just seems to actually exist to them.
so you haven't heard that people have to change their jobs much more often these days? Idiot.

so you haven't heard that people have to change their jobs much more often these days?

After 8 years of Obama and 8 years of Clinton?
Why are Dems such useless bastards?
We are living in the new vs GOP United States, stupid. For 35 years now, we've had a giveaway to the rich, screw the rest, Reagan dream, idiot. Everything Clinton and Obama wanted to do except ACA was obstructed. You brainwashed fool GOP voters have no clue what Democrats want.

We are living in the new vs GOP United States, stupid.

16 years of Obama and Clinton and you twats couldn't get anything done?
No reason to ever elect any Democrats to national office then......
These days there is so much turnover you start over every few years at 8 to $10 it seems like to me.
Bingo!!! Ding! Ding! Ding! And there it is folks. The left is completely and totally devoid of facts. Everything they do is based on slanted and absurd views which just seems to actually exist to them.
so you haven't heard that people have to change their jobs much more often these days? Idiot.

so you haven't heard that people have to change their jobs much more often these days?

After 8 years of Obama and 8 years of Clinton?
Why are Dems such useless bastards?
We are living in the new vs GOP United States, stupid. For 35 years now, we've had a giveaway to the rich, screw the rest, Reagan dream, idiot. Everything Clinton and Obama wanted to do except ACA was obstructed. You brainwashed fool GOP voters have no clue what Democrats want.

We are living in the new vs GOP United States, stupid.

16 years of Obama and Clinton and you twats couldn't get anything done?
No reason to ever elect any Democrats to national office then......
Democrats need 60 votes to pass reform, thanks to GOP filibuster rule which is putrid. The GOP with GOP reconciliation crap rule only need 51 votes to cut taxes on the rich and screw everyone else with cuts in services. And you idiots thinks that is just wonderful- morons.
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