Next up for Jan 6 panel…….Mike Pence

Yep. And Pence was perhaps the most submissive lickspittle loyalist of a VP we've ever had. But he grew a spine when it counted most.

Thank God.

Where are all the Republicans defending Mike Pence?

Do you support Trump sending an angry mob against him?
Hang Mike Pence
Amazing the lengths Conservative posters will go to divert the thread

Why don’t you defend Mike Pence as strongly?

We sit back and laugh at you because we’re not programmed to forget inconvenient truths like how you leftist screamed Pence is a lying religious nut who will destroy America and he’s worse than Trump.
Now you’ll hang on every word he says. He’s just another in a long list of people you deemed the devil and now trust everything he says.

Romney Mcain Flynn ………..

You know what? You could save us all time by responding with a number.

1. B-b-b-b-b-b-but Democrats!

2. B-b-b-b-b-b-but Biden!

3. B-b-b-b-b-b-but Obama!

4. B-b-b-b-b-b-but Hillary!

5. B-b-b-b-b-b-but look! A squirrel!

I’ll just stick with my original response since the begging.
Laughing at you as your masters convince you a guy in a Viking hat and a bunch of people taking selfies were overthrowing the government of the United States.

We sit back and laugh at you because we’re not programmed to forget inconvenient truths like how you leftist screamed Pence is a lying religious nut who will destroy America and he’s worse than Trump.
Now you’ll hang on every word he says. He’s just another in a long list of people you deemed the devil and now trust everything he says.

Romney Mcain Flynn ………..

So where are you?

Do you support Mike Pence‘s actions on Jan 6 or Donald Trump?

Both are Republicans
Our country is in very serious trouble. When Americans say a coup attempt to overthrow the elected government is okay with them and put the party responsible back in power, we have a very serious problem.
The Times reports, "On the second day of the hearing, William P. Barr, the former attorney general, said in a recorded deposition that claims of widespread electoral fraud were nonsense.

"Former President Donald J. Trump’s attorney general testified that he believed the president had grown delusional as he insisted on pushing false claims of widespread election fraud that he was told repeatedly were groundless."

“He’s become detached from reality if he really believes this stuff,” Barr said, adding, “There was never an indication of interest in what the actual facts were.”

To this day, Trump is still preaching the Big Lie, i.e. he won the 2020 Presidential election. The reason lies in the make-up of the Republican Party, and the fact that grassroots Republicans believe him and they have donated millions to Trump. Trump remains today the head of the party, and Republicans seeking office desperately want his endorsement.

The Republican Party has captured the minds of those who live in the rural counties of America. Those voters are mostly farmers and rural shopkeepers. They lack education and they are not well-informed. Most of what they know about politics is by word of mouth, otherwise known as gossip.

For some reason they are unaware of and cannot explain, Donald Trump is their savior, thus explaining why they believe everything Trump says. This also explains their total silence on issues involving Trump or their party. Their communication skills are limited.

As mentioned, grassroots Republicans have donated millions to their savior. The Times continued, "The committee asserted that Mr. Trump used the lie of a stolen election to raise hundreds of millions of dollars, duping his donors and ultimately fooling his supporters into showing up at the Capitol to press his bogus claims of a massive election “steal.”

"The committee presented evidence that there was not, in fact, an “Election Defense Fund” for the Trump campaign, despite the campaign soliciting millions in donations for one."

Raising money based on false pretenses is the definition of fraud.

Republicans were duped, but they don't care. Reminder, Trump is the leader of the party, proving once again the naivete of his supporters.

Will we allow grassroots Republicans to choose our Congress in November?
The [Republican] Senate Intelligence Committee reaffirmed its support for the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the goal of putting Donald Trump in the Oval Office.
Senate Intel report confirms Russia aimed to help Trump in 2016
With all the turmoil in Washington, including a Congressional hearing to investigate a former President, a President Putin chose to support, the Russian autocrat could not be more pleased with his selection. Trump continues his attacks on America's free elections and a majority of Republicans in Congress support his efforts and seek his endorsement.

To Putin's everlasting pleasure his choice for President in 2016 is currently the Republican leader.

CNN reports, "The House committee investigating the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol detailed Monday how those around then-President Donald Trump told him he lost the 2020 election – but he refused to listen, turning instead to his attorney Rudy Giuliani to embrace false claims that the election was stolen.

"The Democratic-run committee has featured clips from William Barr’s deposition more than any other witness so far. These clips have established Barr as the highest-ranking Trump administration official to affirm the legitimacy of the election results and disavow Trump’s relentless effort to claim that the election was tainted by fraud.

"One of the primary areas of focus of Monday’s hearing was to underscore the idea that Trump and some of his allies continued to peddle false claims of election fraud after they were personally told those claims were not legitimate.

"The committee made the argument that Trump was repeatedly told by his own top officials, including Barr and Stepien, that the myriad of fraud claims he was pushing were groundless and were certainly not evidence that the election was stolen."

Why Trump continues to lie is explained in the previous post. One reason, because of Trump's gullible fans, it is profitable.

Here is the interesting part, beyond denouncing his own daughter and his attorney general, Trump is not offering any defense for his actions. He is silent.

No Republican has come forward to defend Trump. They are silent.

That says a lot.

Which explains why the forum's Republicans will continue their silence.

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