Next up on the Sexual Misconduct Parade - Al Franken!

"Hence my comment "you first". "

See, that's another lie. You only said 'you first", because the depth and breadth of your thought process on this board is to be an ankle-biting attack poodle. So you hoped I would type something that you could use as fodder... which you would no doubt do, even if you had to lie and misrepresent my comments to do it.

Like I said, you all share the same playbook.

What is wrong with you? You talk about "rational analysis of the differences and similarities between this particular case and others" and respond with this?

What can I say, it's fun to troll you trolls sometimes. Back on topic...

So, you speak of "They DO all share commonality".... what "all".

I literally answered that question in the same sentence.

I'm slow, hook a brother up, what are you comparing?

well, one commonality is the disregard for the humanity of the victim... i.e., objectification. Another is that it is not only usually immoral and unethical to do something ostensibly sexual to a person without their informed consent, but also illegal.
Franken's behaviors weren't as bad as others, so never mind.


what other ones, mac? touching a 14 year old? I'd say that's worse.

someone being banned from a mall because he was a creep who bothered teenage girls is worse

the president grabbed women's genitals when he felt like that's worse

the president admitting he likes watching 15 year old girls change is worse.
...and so, regarding Franken?

No to mention, nothing she said is accurate.
What is wrong with you? You talk about "rational analysis of the differences and similarities between this particular case and others" and respond with this?

What can I say, it's fun to troll you trolls sometimes. Back on topic...

So, you speak of "They DO all share commonality".... what "all".

I literally answered that question in the same sentence.

I'm slow, hook a brother up, what are you comparing?

well, one commonality is the disregard for the humanity of the victim... i.e., objectification. Another is that it is not only usually immoral and unethical to do something ostensibly sexual to a person without their informed consent, but also illegal.

Geeze, let me try this one more time, commonality between Franken and what?
Franken's behaviors weren't as bad as others, so never mind.


what other ones, mac? touching a 14 year old? I'd say that's worse.

someone being banned from a mall because he was a creep who bothered teenage girls is worse

the president grabbed women's genitals when he felt like that's worse

the president admitting he likes watching 15 year old girls change is worse.
...and so, regarding Franken?

again, the issue is roy moore right now. if you're trying to use this as a reason it's ok for someone who molested teenage girls into the senate you're barking up the wrong tree.

there also seems to be a culture of this in congress. you want to get them all out?

i'll also point out that congress has paid out $15 million in sexual harassment settlements.

Congress paid $15 million in settlements. Why we know so little about that money. - CNNPolitics

again, I'm not defending him. but it certainly isn't the same as roy moore. which makes it a deflection.
ok... and?

he apologized. he didn't lie about grabbing her.
your point, bubbalah?
You're hypocrisy is oozing out of every hole on your body... you pathetic wench.

did he touch a 14 year old, hack?
Going to double down on your HYPOCRISY aye, HACK?

PROVE to me Moore did me the PROOF, and explain WHY these women waited FORTY YEARS to come out with these fantastical STORIES just DAYS before an IMPORTANT ELECTION.


You make me sick.

who defended him, hack?

go finish another fifth of bourbon

Put the bong down, hippie.

I'm too young to have been a hippie.

and I don't get high.

control yourself, loon.
Franken's behaviors weren't as bad as others, so never mind.


what other ones, mac? touching a 14 year old? I'd say that's worse.

someone being banned from a mall because he was a creep who bothered teenage girls is worse

the president grabbed women's genitals when he felt like that's worse

the president admitting he likes watching 15 year old girls change is worse.
...and so, regarding Franken?

again, the issue is roy moore right now. if you're trying to use this as a reason it's ok for someone who molested teenage girls into the senate you're barking up the wrong tree.

there also seems to be a culture of this in congress. you want to get them all out?

i'll also point out that congress has paid out $15 million in sexual harassment settlements.

Congress paid $15 million in settlements. Why we know so little about that money. - CNNPolitics

again, I'm not defending him. but it certainly isn't the same as roy moore. which makes it a deflection.


What in the FUCK happened to INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty?

You fucking progtard HACK.
Franken's behaviors weren't as bad as others, so never mind.


what other ones, mac? touching a 14 year old? I'd say that's worse.

someone being banned from a mall because he was a creep who bothered teenage girls is worse

the president grabbed women's genitals when he felt like that's worse

the president admitting he likes watching 15 year old girls change is worse.
...and so, regarding Franken?

again, the issue is roy moore right now. if you're trying to use this as a reason it's ok for someone who molested teenage girls into the senate you're barking up the wrong tree.

there also seems to be a culture of this in congress. you want to get them all out?

i'll also point out that congress has paid out $15 million in sexual harassment settlements.

Congress paid $15 million in settlements. Why we know so little about that money. - CNNPolitics

again, I'm not defending him. but it certainly isn't the same as roy moore. which makes it a deflection.

Even a fake lawyer should know this, as of now, Moore did no such thing. They are 4 decade old allegations that may or may not be true, hence, Moore did not do anything.
  • Thanks
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Franken's behaviors weren't as bad as others, so never mind.


what other ones, mac? touching a 14 year old? I'd say that's worse.

someone being banned from a mall because he was a creep who bothered teenage girls is worse

the president grabbed women's genitals when he felt like that's worse

the president admitting he likes watching 15 year old girls change is worse.
...and so, regarding Franken?

again, the issue is roy moore right now. if you're trying to use this as a reason it's ok for someone who molested teenage girls into the senate you're barking up the wrong tree.

there also seems to be a culture of this in congress. you want to get them all out?

i'll also point out that congress has paid out $15 million in sexual harassment settlements.

Congress paid $15 million in settlements. Why we know so little about that money. - CNNPolitics

again, I'm not defending him. but it certainly isn't the same as roy moore. which makes it a deflection.
The issue is not Moore.

You're posting on a thread about Franken.

This is about Franken, and secondarily, how the Left is deflecting to other things, like Moore.
You're hypocrisy is oozing out of every hole on your body... you pathetic wench.

did he touch a 14 year old, hack?
Going to double down on your HYPOCRISY aye, HACK?

PROVE to me Moore did me the PROOF, and explain WHY these women waited FORTY YEARS to come out with these fantastical STORIES just DAYS before an IMPORTANT ELECTION.


You make me sick.

who defended him, hack?

go finish another fifth of bourbon

Put the bong down, hippie.

I'm too young to have been a hippie.

and I don't get high.

control yourself, loon.

So, you're like this totally straight? Scary shit right there.
Nice spin... He insisted to practice a kiss for a skit they were doing and then he put his tongue down her throat, he was obviously trying to make a move on her and he got denied.
Talk about SPIN - 'Forcibly kissing a woman against her will and felling her up while she slept' is not practicing a skit. Nice attempt to justify 'sexual assault' by a Democrats.

Snowflakes never cease to amaze at how much hypocrisy and 'justification of Liberal crimes' they can pump out. :p
Franken's behaviors weren't as bad as others, so never mind.


what other ones, mac? touching a 14 year old? I'd say that's worse.

someone being banned from a mall because he was a creep who bothered teenage girls is worse

the president grabbed women's genitals when he felt like that's worse

the president admitting he likes watching 15 year old girls change is worse.
...and so, regarding Franken?

again, the issue is roy moore right now. if you're trying to use this as a reason it's ok for someone who molested teenage girls into the senate you're barking up the wrong tree.

there also seems to be a culture of this in congress. you want to get them all out?

i'll also point out that congress has paid out $15 million in sexual harassment settlements.

Congress paid $15 million in settlements. Why we know so little about that money. - CNNPolitics

again, I'm not defending him. but it certainly isn't the same as roy moore. which makes it a deflection.

Even a fake lawyer should know this, as of now, Moore did no such thing. They are 4 decade old allegations that may or may not be true, hence, Moore did not do anything.

it must make a loser like you feel good about himself to keep making that up in his head, huh?

I feel bad for you. you're pathetic
Unfortunately, we have a President who BRAGGED on the air, to millions of listeners and viewers, that he busted into women's dressing rooms to try to catch them naked.

This was not a fantasy. This was not locker room talk. This was not a hypothetical.

He actually did this, as was confirmed by some of those women, including one who was underaged.

He bragged about his predatory behavior. In an on-air broadcast with a fellow pervert.

He also bragged about abusing his celebrity and molesting women in the most vulgar way possible.

The pseudocons didn't care, and still don't.

They have set the gold standard along with the creep they hired to run our country, hilariously claiming he will make America great again.
No president has ever done that. You know that makes you a liar right? A proven liar!
Former teen beauty queens: Trump barged in on us changing
LOL, this is about Al Frankenstein

G's response to everything is "Trump!" And then he accuses everyone else of engaging in Tu Quoque fallacies.
Enjoy the karma, baby!
Franken's behaviors weren't as bad as others, so never mind.


what other ones, mac? touching a 14 year old? I'd say that's worse.

someone being banned from a mall because he was a creep who bothered teenage girls is worse

the president grabbed women's genitals when he felt like that's worse

the president admitting he likes watching 15 year old girls change is worse.
...and so, regarding Franken?

and what regarding franken?

did I say it's ok? I don't think so.

is it the same as manhandling 14 year olds?
Unfortunately, we have a President who BRAGGED on the air, to millions of listeners and viewers, that he busted into women's dressing rooms to try to catch them naked.

This was not a fantasy. This was not locker room talk. This was not a hypothetical.

He actually did this, as was confirmed by some of those women, including one who was underaged.

He bragged about his predatory behavior. In an on-air broadcast with a fellow pervert.

He also bragged about abusing his celebrity and molesting women in the most vulgar way possible.

The pseudocons didn't care, and still don't.

They have set the gold standard along with the creep they hired to run our country, hilariously claiming he will make America great again.
No president has ever done that. You know that makes you a liar right? A proven liar!
Former teen beauty queens: Trump barged in on us changing
LOL, this is about Al Frankenstein

G's response to everything is "Trump!" And then he accuses everyone else of engaging in Tu Quoque fallacies.
Enjoy the karma, baby!

Karma my fat hairy ass.
Franken's behaviors weren't as bad as others, so never mind.


what other ones, mac? touching a 14 year old? I'd say that's worse.

someone being banned from a mall because he was a creep who bothered teenage girls is worse

the president grabbed women's genitals when he felt like that's worse

the president admitting he likes watching 15 year old girls change is worse.
...and so, regarding Franken?

and what regarding franken?

did I say it's ok? I don't think so.

is it the same as manhandling 14 year olds?
You just keep doing it.
Franken's behaviors weren't as bad as others, so never mind.


what other ones, mac? touching a 14 year old? I'd say that's worse.

someone being banned from a mall because he was a creep who bothered teenage girls is worse

the president grabbed women's genitals when he felt like that's worse

the president admitting he likes watching 15 year old girls change is worse.
...and so, regarding Franken?

and what regarding franken?

did I say it's ok? I don't think so.

is it the same as manhandling 14 year olds?

Who's manhandling 14 year-olds?
This is the kind of news that must make quite a few RWnuts wish they hadn't gone all in defending Trump or Moore.
Franken's behaviors weren't as bad as others, so never mind.


what other ones, mac? touching a 14 year old? I'd say that's worse.

someone being banned from a mall because he was a creep who bothered teenage girls is worse

the president grabbed women's genitals when he felt like that's worse

the president admitting he likes watching 15 year old girls change is worse.
...and so, regarding Franken?

again, the issue is roy moore right now. if you're trying to use this as a reason it's ok for someone who molested teenage girls into the senate you're barking up the wrong tree.

there also seems to be a culture of this in congress. you want to get them all out?

i'll also point out that congress has paid out $15 million in sexual harassment settlements.

Congress paid $15 million in settlements. Why we know so little about that money. - CNNPolitics

again, I'm not defending him. but it certainly isn't the same as roy moore. which makes it a deflection.

Even a fake lawyer should know this, as of now, Moore did no such thing. They are 4 decade old allegations that may or may not be true, hence, Moore did not do anything.

it must make a loser like you feel good about himself to keep making that up in his head, huh?

I feel bad for you. you're pathetic
You're so caught up in being a blind ultra partisan prog hack that you've lost any semblance of credibility as being impartial or fair that you might have once had.

You are a joke.
Franken's behaviors weren't as bad as others, so never mind.


what other ones, mac? touching a 14 year old? I'd say that's worse.

someone being banned from a mall because he was a creep who bothered teenage girls is worse

the president grabbed women's genitals when he felt like that's worse

the president admitting he likes watching 15 year old girls change is worse.
...and so, regarding Franken?

and what regarding franken?

did I say it's ok? I don't think so.

is it the same as manhandling 14 year olds?
You just keep doing it.

I think Jillian and G5000 must be married.

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