Next up on the Sexual Misconduct Parade - Al Franken!

I'm not seeing a lot of righteous indignation from the lefties here so far.

What's wrong?


What if the liberals here treat this exactly the way the RWnuts are treating the Moore accusations?

Wouldn't that be fair and balanced? You fucking moron...
Spin, pivot, attack.

That's a good and obedient little Regressive.

Franken statement: "I certainly don’t remember the rehearsal for the skit in the same way, but I send my sincerest apologies to Leeann. As to the photo, it was clearly intended to be funny but wasn't. I shouldn't have done it.”
Unfortunately, we have a President who BRAGGED on the air, to millions of listeners and viewers, that he busted into women's dressing rooms to try to catch them naked.

This was not a fantasy. This was not locker room talk. This was not a hypothetical.

He actually did this, as was confirmed by some of those women, including one who was underaged.

He bragged about his predatory behavior. In an on-air broadcast with a fellow pervert.

He also bragged about abusing his celebrity and molesting women in the most vulgar way possible.

The pseudocons didn't care, and still don't.

They have set the gold standard along with the creep they hired to run our country, hilariously claiming he will make America great again.
No president has ever done that. You know that makes you a liar right? A proven liar!
No, it's a fact.

Of the 11 (contestants) who said they don’t remember Trump coming into the changing room, some said it was possible that it happened while they weren’t in the room or that they didn’t notice. But most were dubious or dismissed the possibility out of hand.

Allison Bowman, former Miss Wisconsin Teen USA, cast doubt on whether it happened. "These were teenage girls," Bowman said. "If anything inappropriate had gone on, the gossip would have flown."

You need to move on, Hillary lost. It's over.
Franken needs to be held to the same standard we hold everyone else to. Same as Moore.
Here's what I don't get when it comes to celebrities and sexual misconduct.

All a celebrity has to do is go on Twitter and say, "I'm horny."

You would be able to read on the Richter Scale the stampede of women, men, hamsters (or whatever their particular kink is) as they rush to that celebrity's house and line up for miles.

There is absolutely no need for a powerful person to prey on people to get their sexual appetite slated. None.

I don't get why they do it. I just don't get it.

Power corrupts. It makes people feel they are invincible
1. The woman that Franken is grabbing is not a minor.
2. It's obvious that this was done as a joke, with witnesses right there. It was not sexual harassment, but a satire on sexual harassment.
3. It was still wildly inappropriate. Franken should apologize. Comedy does not have a free license to do anything in the name of humor.
Al Franken's unusual sense of humor: Tweeting support for a constitutional right to marry bacon is sacrilegious, but groping a USO performer in her sleep is hilarious.
Groping a woman while she is sleeping is wrong in the extreme.

I encountered a very similar situation when I was on active duty in Gitmo. A woman had wandered into a men's barracks room dead drunk. Her boyfriend was there partying with the occupants of the room.

He had already passed out in a sitting up position on the couch. She passed out on the couch next to him as soon as she arrived.

What a pair. A match made in heaven.

The occupants of the room unbuttoned the woman's shirt and exposed her breasts. Then they placed her hand down her boyfriend's pants. Then they began writing on the woman's chest with a marker.

In the meantime, someone was taking several photographs.

It was then that I arrived in the room. I exploded at these little creeps. Then I dressed the woman and carried her to her barracks room and deposited her on her bed.

This photo of Franken groping a sleeping woman thoroughly disgusts me.

Gosh that is awful

While putting myself through school I was the first woman server in a all male high end Marriott restaurant back when silicon valley was taking off in the 80's. I was told that a woman would never work in this all male restaurant, so I challenged them..

You can imagine what I went through and never showed them emotion ..At times the whole restaurant was just men customers drinking.

Back then women just laughed it off..and ignored bad behavior...

I was eventually excepted and the male waiters watched over me like brothers, even today we are friends..

It is good to see women finally fighting back for bad behavior.

Lyndon Johnson was probably the worst. He liked to wave his dick around and piss in public.

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