Next up on the Sexual Misconduct Parade - Al Franken!

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Bandit Aléatoire @BanditRandom

When firsthand witnesses come forward & have a totally different recollection of the same events, you have to listen. Franken said he remembered the *scripted* kiss differently. Two witnesses say the photo was deliberate & staged as a joke that she was in on. Fish smell is DENSE.

2:06 AM - Nov 17, 2017

LMAO had he disputed the photo :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
They disputed the account by Tweeden ...the photo does not depict a sexual attack but rather an attempt at humor

Eight of Sen. Al Franken’s (D-MN) former female staffers issued a statement to the Minneapolis Star Tribune saying Franken treated them “with the utmost respect” and “was a champion for women both in the legislation he supported and in promoting women to leadership roles in our offices.”:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Spin and twist all you want, the photo speaks for itself and even Dem's have condemned perv Franken.
The photo does sp[eak for itself it just does not say what you are saying

This says it all though about Donald Trump:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Franken gropes a woman's breasts while she sleeps, shoves his creepy tongue in her mouth, liberals defend him.

nope I don't know the man or his history. neither do you or those women. sorry, it's all made up. 38 years time removes memories, so they must be fake cause there's no way they'd have remembered without documenting it. I don't care who you are.
And the one document, the lady doesn't want to prove it's authentic. well ain't that fking convenient?

Let's view some of his knoqn history. Moore at 32, hung around malls and high schools, he went out with teenagers as his normal behavior, he called up girls at school to set up dates.
where do you get that info from? from him? nope, so you got nothing.
No Dragon
When a man truly respects a woman he avoids all semblance of any impropriety or potential for such

Your definition would be fine if it ended after the word “impropriety”. If an man is incapable of being alone with a woman because of what he might do, that’s indicative of a lack of respect.

Where was that said by anyone?

It came from your dirty mind and is quite telling about your lack of thought.
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Bandit Aléatoire @BanditRandom

When firsthand witnesses come forward & have a totally different recollection of the same events, you have to listen. Franken said he remembered the *scripted* kiss differently. Two witnesses say the photo was deliberate & staged as a joke that she was in on. Fish smell is DENSE.

2:06 AM - Nov 17, 2017

LMAO had he disputed the photo :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
They disputed the account by Tweeden ...the photo does not depict a sexual attack but rather an attempt at humor

Eight of Sen. Al Franken’s (D-MN) former female staffers issued a statement to the Minneapolis Star Tribune saying Franken treated them “with the utmost respect” and “was a champion for women both in the legislation he supported and in promoting women to leadership roles in our offices.”:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Spin and twist all you want, the photo speaks for itself and even Dem's have condemned perv Franken.
The photo does sp[eak for itself it just does not say what you are saying

This says it all though about Donald Trump:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Franken gropes a woman's breasts while she sleeps, shoves his creepy tongue in her mouth, liberals defend him.

there is no explanation. they keep saying it was a joke. what the fk is the joke?
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Bandit Aléatoire @BanditRandom

When firsthand witnesses come forward & have a totally different recollection of the same events, you have to listen. Franken said he remembered the *scripted* kiss differently. Two witnesses say the photo was deliberate & staged as a joke that she was in on. Fish smell is DENSE.

2:06 AM - Nov 17, 2017

LMAO had he disputed the photo :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
They disputed the account by Tweeden ...the photo does not depict a sexual attack but rather an attempt at humor

Eight of Sen. Al Franken’s (D-MN) former female staffers issued a statement to the Minneapolis Star Tribune saying Franken treated them “with the utmost respect” and “was a champion for women both in the legislation he supported and in promoting women to leadership roles in our offices.”:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Spin and twist all you want, the photo speaks for itself and even Dem's have condemned perv Franken.
The photo does sp[eak for itself it just does not say what you are saying

This says it all though about Donald Trump:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Franken gropes a woman's breasts while she sleeps, shoves his creepy tongue in her mouth, liberals defend him.

But it's funny and liberals want to try and sell that makes it OK
LMAO had he disputed the photo :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
They disputed the account by Tweeden ...the photo does not depict a sexual attack but rather an attempt at humor

Eight of Sen. Al Franken’s (D-MN) former female staffers issued a statement to the Minneapolis Star Tribune saying Franken treated them “with the utmost respect” and “was a champion for women both in the legislation he supported and in promoting women to leadership roles in our offices.”:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Spin and twist all you want, the photo speaks for itself and even Dem's have condemned perv Franken.
The photo does sp[eak for itself it just does not say what you are saying

This says it all though about Donald Trump:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Franken gropes a woman's breasts while she sleeps, shoves his creepy tongue in her mouth, liberals defend him.

there is no explanation. they keep saying it was a joke. what the fk is the joke?

Its okay to grope women's breasts if the man thinks its funny to grope women's breasts? I know liberals are retarded but come on.
They disputed the account by Tweeden ...the photo does not depict a sexual attack but rather an attempt at humor

Eight of Sen. Al Franken’s (D-MN) former female staffers issued a statement to the Minneapolis Star Tribune saying Franken treated them “with the utmost respect” and “was a champion for women both in the legislation he supported and in promoting women to leadership roles in our offices.”:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Spin and twist all you want, the photo speaks for itself and even Dem's have condemned perv Franken.
The photo does sp[eak for itself it just does not say what you are saying

This says it all though about Donald Trump:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Franken gropes a woman's breasts while she sleeps, shoves his creepy tongue in her mouth, liberals defend him.

there is no explanation. they keep saying it was a joke. what the fk is the joke?

Its okay to grope women's breasts if the man thinks its funny to grope women's breasts? I know liberals are retarded but come on.
Pretty amazing isn't it ?
Let's view some of his knoqn history. Moore at 32, hung around malls and high schools, he went out with teenagers as his normal behavior, he called up girls at school to set up dates.
where do you get that info from? from him? nope, so you got nothing.
I got it from the over 30 witnesses to Roy Moores behavior. Actually the number of witnesses if over 40 by now.
Leeann Tweeden describes the assault by Al "Fish Lips" Franken.

I want to vomit just thinking about that creep touching anyone. Ewww!

The entire left is hypocritical. Trump will never hear the end of his comment yet the likes of Roman Polanski, who raped and sodomized a young girl, got a standing ovation from the Hollywood liberals. Shame he couldn't be there in person to thank them since he doesn't dare set foot back in the states or he'll have to face the consequences of his crime.

So many liberals have treated women, and young boys, like dirt and an apology makes them good again. So sickening the way a liberal will be forgiven for anything as long as they are willing to continue to support the left's ideology.

Franken, like countless other libs, will apologize and pretend he didn't mean anything by his actions. It will be good enough for the left.

What would you like to see happen to him?

For him to resign so we don't have to listen to his stupid comments anymore. He is an idiot. What do you think should happen to someone who forced himself on a woman and then grabbed her breasts while she slept? Or is that just liberal boys being boys?

Colin Kaepernick is in good company I guess. They all obviously harass women for ___________, and he is the biggest one I know!
They disputed the account by Tweeden ...the photo does not depict a sexual attack but rather an attempt at humor

Eight of Sen. Al Franken’s (D-MN) former female staffers issued a statement to the Minneapolis Star Tribune saying Franken treated them “with the utmost respect” and “was a champion for women both in the legislation he supported and in promoting women to leadership roles in our offices.”:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Spin and twist all you want, the photo speaks for itself and even Dem's have condemned perv Franken.
The photo does sp[eak for itself it just does not say what you are saying

This says it all though about Donald Trump:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Franken gropes a woman's breasts while she sleeps, shoves his creepy tongue in her mouth, liberals defend him.

there is no explanation. they keep saying it was a joke. what the fk is the joke?

Its okay to grope women's breasts if the man thinks its funny to grope women's breasts? I know liberals are retarded but come on.
I know, I find no comic relief in that photo at all. so I keep trying to get an answer into what i'm missing there. he's a comic? so it must be a joke? wow, can't make this shit up. I think the defense of him and this photo are actually more sick than what he did. And that was sick.
Let's view some of his knoqn history. Moore at 32, hung around malls and high schools, he went out with teenagers as his normal behavior, he called up girls at school to set up dates.
where do you get that info from? from him? nope, so you got nothing.
I got it from the over 30 witnesses to Roy Moores behavior. Actually the number of witnesses if over 40 by now.

They were there? Why did they wait until the primaries were over to speak up?
Anyone checking some interviews and "book" Creepy Al "Fish Lips" Franken did? What total garbage! He definitely has a mental disorder and he is stupid as fuck!
Franken gropes a woman's breasts while she sleeps, shoves his creepy tongue in her mouth, liberals defend him.


The photo was staged. You can see from the shadow under his fingers, he wasn't even making contact.
you can't tell anything from that. you don't know if it was snapped on the way to them or coming off them. you don't know shit and to defend him is sicker than the photo itself. it is incriminating. and you defend it.

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